Posted by Patrol Cool down Remover

(they/them/theirs) (#44784)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-05-19 13:31:29
I'd like to see where you can removed the patrol cool down. This would be 2 GB for a removal and could only be done ONCE a day to prevent extreme high stat subs.

The reason I want this: Sometimes I don't time my patrols correctly to correlate with my bedtime. I want to be able to put my sub out before sleeping so he can come back with stats in the morning. I'd use 2 GB if I biffed lol.

That is all.

This suggestion has 27 supports and 0 NO supports.

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chromehorse (#60270)

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Posted on
2015-05-20 07:42:35
Useful, I suppose. Support.

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Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2015-06-25 01:41:13
It is too expensive, people wouldnt use it.
Besides, such an item -if given more uses to it- could potentially yield super statted submales.

No support.

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(they/them/theirs) (#44784)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-06-25 07:21:13
Why do you think I made a 1-use-per-day limitation? I KNOW that it could cause super lions. That's why there's a limit.

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Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2015-06-25 07:57:45
I know. But in its current form and price nobody will buy it. It is too expensive. So people would suggest to give it more uses, which will end up giving super stats. Just trying to explain it before someone goes and suggests it.

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Sootsprite (#28010)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2015-08-06 02:03:50

No support . Even as is with that limitation this could possibly still cause issues . There are people on here with tons and tons of GB and I'm sure that if this was implemented they would use this every day . One day of one more patrol than you would normally manage doesn't hurt but think about if someone started patrolling a boy at 2 years even and continued to patrol until they were 15 years old doing this every single day ?

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shenanigans -
[semi-hiatus] (#23653)

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Posted on
2015-08-06 08:20:11
I agree with Axel's statements, however I don't think it would hurt to ask around and see if some users would actually such a function with those limitations, or maybe some slightly different ones! I'd personally happily see a cheaper option, as I'm quite sure many others would, but there are definitely many issues that would raise.

Based on the 1 GB/1,000 SB skip hunt option that already exists [ which should be switched to only one type of currency, maybe the more common SB one or just GB for more site revenue and prevention of "set" price for GB which probably causes issues itself ] it would be a pretty fair price, however

Many users with leaderboard stat and hunt count lionesses hunt their lionesses more than ten times a day, paying 10 SB for every extra hunt and waiting as usual instead of skipping a hunt - the more costly option. These users often put a lot of time and effort into the game and the extra hunts allow users who need to get in a few more hunts for some food or are keen on some extra stats an affordable option with a time limit and budget limit to prevent overuse. This function is also a good SB sink, which helps cut down on users having ridiculous amounts of SB which in turn causes those with less to suffer. However, so many leaderboard studs are fed stat and exp-boosting items as well as amused with other booster items and such as both submales and kings that one can easily make up for all of those

Take this, for example: one egg yolk is worth one hunger point and can add anything from 0-15 stats per and usually sells for approximately 1 GB each when fairly fresh on average. One successful hunt can add 1-2 stats to a lioness plus some exp. If a dedicated user is somehow able to gather a good amount of boosting items they would be able
giant tortoises are fed to them as kings which can bring in maybe something around 40 stats, perhaps more stats per level-up and there is no stat limit.

Leaderboard stats are a luxury and no one is obligated to get them. With enough hard work, though, even without booster items, an average submale can easily reach the leaderboards. It takes a lot of time and commitment, though. While a patrol can be unsuccessful, it can also bring in a large amount of stats and there is no daily limit to patrols. I'm kind of on the fence about this idea due to the reasons stated above, but if there is some way it could be implemented with some tweaks I do think it would be a great idea.

One patrol can bring in from zero stats to fifteen or so, so even a small boost can be a lot.

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