Posted by LF a small group for a warriors roleplay.

Courier Six (#21000)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2015-07-01 01:52:54
I found a prompt that I wrote but never used for a Warriors roleplay. I would love to get a small group of people (four max) together to play it out.

"The golden age of the clans is over. Firestar and the other cats of his time have passed into legend. Their heroism and great deeds seem to have gone with them. The warrior clans have decayed into greed and selfishness, abandoning the Code that set them apart from other cats. They are in a near-constant state of, fighting breaking out at the slightest of offences. To find a clan mate dead on the border was a common occurrence for morning patrols. Kits were regularly stolen from nurseries, either killed or taken to be raised in another clan. Medicine cats began taking sides, breaking their own rule of impartiality. Disgusted, StarClan has turned its back on its descendants... until now.

The winter had been unusually harsh. Snow had accumulated so deeply that it reached the warriors' chins. Prey had all but disappeared. The only thing that the clans' had in abundance were the bodies of cats killed by cold and starvation. Many thought that this was StarClan's way of punishing them for turning their backs on them. The few that had kept their faith in the celestial cats lost it that season.

When spring came, popular opinion was that things would get better. This was, of course, incorrect. Snowmelt flooded the lakes and creeks. Anyone who attempted to cross or get a drink either fell in or was swept away by the force of the currents. Freakishly heavy rainfall helped to keep everything saturated. Such a moist environment was perfect for breeding disease. An illness unknown to the medicine cats set in. Though not a particularly quick killer, it could not be shaken and spread like wildfire. Medicine cats tried every herb and trick they knew, but nothing could so much as make a dent. Within three moons of the epidemic's beginning, over three-quarters of the clan's total population had died.

Desperate, the last of the medicine cats, a WindClan tom named Breezewalker, went to the MoonPool. He thought that he could entreat StarClan to stop this madness if only they'd speak to him. His prayers were answered. One of his ancestors came to him. He told Breezewalker that to stay in the lake territories was to ensure that the clans' demise. He was to gather all survivors and travel south, toward the sea. There they would find a place where they could reestablish the clans.

The roleplay starts on the gathering island, where Breezewalker has gathered the remaining cats."

Is anyone interested?

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Shortiry (#4953)

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Posted on
2015-07-01 01:56:33
Ohh, sounds fun! I'm interested!

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Cervicorn [G1 Maroon
Ennedi] (#33365)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2015-07-01 02:51:30
Sounds fun. Count me in. :D

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Courier Six (#21000)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2015-07-01 03:38:19
Awesome! Would you guys like to go ahead and get started assembling character info? It would give a fourth person time to find this, and we'd be able to start up faster.

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Cervicorn [G1 Maroon
Ennedi] (#33365)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2015-07-01 04:40:03
Sure, that sounds fine to me.

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Shortiry (#4953)

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Posted on
2015-07-01 05:17:09
(Sorry, just now saw this!)

Sure! What info do you need? I know name, rank, gender, appearance, and Clan, most likely. Anything else? Personality, a picture, etc? I just wanna make sure I get everything!

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Courier Six (#21000)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2015-07-01 06:14:06
I'd say just basic, need to know stuff, like you said. I personally have more fun revealing history and personality as things move along.

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