Posted by Burned||Dog RP||Sign Ups

almond (roch's side) (#33718)

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Posted on
2015-07-01 12:59:31
Signups are officially closed.

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The city burned.
Sparks flew up into the air as the once-gleaming city fell to the flames. Humans scrambled around, racing to get away from the ever-approaching wall of fire. But you stayed.
At last, the great fire died down, leaving the city charred and burned. You, along with dozens of other dogs, emerged from hiding to look at the place you now called home.
The packs are beginning to form. Two dogs have already declared themselves ruler, and each has a string of followers. Will you join a pack? Or wander alone in this scorched new world?

The Scorched
The Scorched have already made a name for themselves, taking over what remains of the city's downtown.
The downtown consists of a long street of 2-story buildings, and the mayor's estate. At the end of the long street, there is the city hall, which the Scorched have taken as their camp. The door has been burned away, leaving a nice entrance for the dogs. Many of the interior walls are gone as well, leaving a nice brick shell. All of the dogs sleep upstairs, and meetings are held downstairs. Two guards are also posted downstairs at all times. The estate has nice grounds that are mildly burned.
1/1-Alpha-leader of pack
2/2-Betas-mated pair, second in command
2/X-Gammas-hunters and fighters
0/1-Omega-medicinal work, keeps camp clean
Becquerel playing Noir
Nephthys playing Banshee
Destiny playing Daemon
FantasyDragone playing Amalie
Lia-Lin playing Avalon
Cinder Blaze playing Lyra
Shiro playing Ajax

The Pyros
The Pyros have taken the Park, a stretch of grassy area not as badly burned as the rest of the city. With their leader, a savage, clever she-dog, they seek to rid the city of all who oppose them.
The Park is their dwelling, consisting of a large grassy field that contains a metal playground. The Park also has a thin strip of forest that remains mostly uncharred, and contains a number of small animals.
Their camp is within the playground, which has a castle-like structure practically untouched by the fire. The Pyros have covered most entrances with piles of branches, creating a cave on the ground floor and an upper level that can serve as a stage or a lookout.
1/1-Captain-main leader of the pack
1/1-Lieutenant-enforcer under the Captain
4/X-Subordinates-hunters and fighters
Lori|Female|2yr 5m
1/2-Scouts-lookouts, guards, explorers, outrank subordinates
reserved for me
1/1-Omega-medicinal work, keeps the camp neat
Algea|Female|4 m
Becquerel playing Belle
Nephthys playing Neptune
Cinder Blaze playing Tundra
West playing Lori
Plague playing Algea
Shiro playing Kitty
Exodus playing Ayries
The Roleplayer playing Angel

Lone Dogs
The dogs that haven't chosen to take sides with either pack.
The loners have the run of the city, which is technically no-man's-land. Of course, the packs can venture here, which they do often. Loners often make dens in the abandoned and burned-out buildings.
spot reserved for 17200
Cedar|female|9 months
Fang |Male|4
Navarre playing Sullivan
Destiny playing Lucifer
Exodus playing Mortimer
Becquerel playing Cedar
Plague playing Hades & Athena
Cinder Blaze playing Fang & Sadie
xXBlackPantherXx playing Spinee
BlazeRed playing Snaga & Oglorth
Dawn77 playing North

Sign Up
To sign up, fill out this form. Not everything needs to be filled out, if it doesn't apply leave it blank.


Setting and Info
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Pyros are in blue, Scorched is in red. Major landmarks outside of territories have been labeled as well.
Season| Summer
Weather| Grey skies of ash, it is also hot

Ranks within packs can be challenged, but the Omega cannot be challenged in either pack, because they receive medical training.
Alpha, Captain, and Lieutenant challenges may all be to the death, unless the dog shows mercy and lets the other live.

-Please post at least 4 good sentences per post. Yes, I understand writers' block.
-No talking liek dis or Like This, or any other non-correct way of speaking when roleplaying. Minor grammatical mistakes are ok, but please use proper English.
-Please play realistically. No super powers or magic healing.
-No power playing.
-When talking OOC, use ((...)) or {...}
-At the top of posts, please put
It makes things easier. I understand completely if you forget.
-Fade To Black when mating or birthing.
-*whispers* violence/gore is allowed. This is a 16+ site, but if someone asks you to tone it down, please do so.
-These rules can and will change as the RP progresses. Please be aware of changes as they are enacted immediately.
-Also, it may be cliché, but have fun.

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Edited on 22/07/15 by Becquerel (KokoZuzu's side) (#33718)

almond (roch's side) (#33718)

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Posted on
2015-07-02 01:36:10
Double post

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Edited on 02/07/15 by Becquerel (KokoZuzu's side) (#33718)

navarre (#32090)

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Posted on
2015-07-02 02:32:41
Just out of curiosity, when will the roleplay start? :o

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almond (roch's side) (#33718)

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Posted on
2015-07-02 02:49:29
I still have to make my dogs, and I'd like to have one or two more Pyro dogs to help balance it out. But after that, I'll open up a Roleplay thread :)

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almond (roch's side) (#33718)

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Posted on
2015-07-02 03:07:54
Name: Belle
Aliases: Captain
Gender: she-dog
Age: 4 years
Kin: Belle has one brother, who may not have survived the fire.
Looks: Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Belle is a large brown Doberman Pinscher, matching the picture almost exactly. Her right eye has been clawed out; in its place is a long scar. Her eye is a warm caramel brown. She is large for a Doberman.
Bio: Belle and her brother are purebreds, and were pets for the first year of their lives.They traveled far, learning basic survival skills on the way, until they reached the peninsula where the city was built. They've been here for about a year now.
Belle has always been quick and clever. She was always the leader, and is very protective of her pack-mates. She is headstrong, arrogant, and sometimes harsh with the Pyros, but she does what she believes is good for the pack and necessary for survival in the burned city.
Pack: The Pyros
Rank: Captain
Crush/Mate: Impress her, and we'll see.
Pups: none yet

Name: Noir
Aliases: None
Gender: male
Age: 3 years
Kin: They remain unknown to his packmates, probably still participating in dog shows across Europe
Looks: Image and video hosting by TinyPic
2.1 ft, 62 lbs
A purebred Groenendaal, Noir is about average size for his breed. He has long, dark, silky fur and pointed ears, with brown eyes.
Bio: Noir was brought over from France to participate in an International Dog Show in the city, right before the fire. He is new to the city and unfamiliar with American wildlife, though he can tell basic prey from predator. Because of his European birth, he has a slight lilting accent similar to French.
Noir tries his best to be friendly, but he isn't a 'people person.' He is loyal to his packmates, and a natural leader. Noir approaches every situation calmly, and he is intelligent and knows how to work and manipulate other dog dogs. Despite being a show dog, he is a bit of a natural at fighting, though he learns a bit every passing day.
Pack: Scorched
Rank: Delta
Crush/Mate: None yet
Pups: None yet

Name: Cedar
Aliases: Cece
Gender: she-dog
Age: 9 months
Kin: Probably all burned in the fire
Looks: Cedar is a large I.G. mix, about 19 inches at the shoulder. She weighs about 22 lbs. Her fur is longer than an average IG's, and is grey with light brindling. Her eyes are a misty blue. The fur on her ears is long like a saluki's, and is a cream color.
Bio: Cedar is the tiny product of a prize-winning Italian Greyhound and a sighthound mix, most likely with Saluki and husky blood of some kind. Obviously, the litter was not intentional and the puppies were sent to a shelter as soon as they were weaned. After many months in the shelter, it burned down in the fire. Cedar was used to being a leader of her siblings, so when they joined the many dogs that were killed in the fire, she had nowhere to turn to. Cedar learned to survive on the streets by hanging around larger dogs in a type of symbiotic relationship. She'd often eat their scraps, maybe lure in a few big rats for the bigger dogs to kill and eat, then disappear.
Pack: Loner
Rank: none
Crush/Mate: none
Pups: Is one herself

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Edited on 22/07/15 by Becquerel (KokoZuzu's side) (#33718)

Cervicorn [G1 Maroon
Ennedi] (#33365)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2015-07-02 14:16:14
Name: Ross.
Aliases: None.
Gender: Male.
Age: 2 years old.
Kin: He doesn't talk about them anymore.
Looks: Here you go.
Bio: A somewhat smaller than usual Czechoslovakian Wolfdog. He was the runt of his litter and doesn't seem interested in talking about his early life or former family. Originally a breeder's dog who was quickly deemed 'unbreedable' at an early age due to his short temper and apparent lack of interest in females. He was thus sold off, but proved to be too irritable to be a proper pet and was quickly dropped of at an animal shelter where he remained until the fire destroyed the city, barely escaping his cage. He is firm with a no nonsense sort of personality, but he takes his duties as the pack omega quite seriously.
Pack: Scorched.
Rank: Omega.
Crush/Mate: None atm.
Pups: None atm. He would probably be a pretty bad dad actually. Not enough patience.
Other: I'll probably make a character for the Pyros and a loner as well if that's alright? Figured I'd see if this character gets accepted first.

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almond (roch's side) (#33718)

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Posted on
2015-07-03 03:18:27
Accepted, updating ranks now :)

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almond (roch's side) (#33718)

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Posted on
2015-07-03 03:23:13
Alright, I'm going to go ahead and open up the RP, because I'm about to go on a trip and may not have wifi.
You can click the link at the bottom of the main post to head over to the roleplay thread and begin.

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Cervicorn [G1 Maroon
Ennedi] (#33365)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2015-07-03 05:51:31
Thank you! Adding two more characters then as stated before. :D

Name: Silver
Aliases: None.
Gender: Female.
Age: 1 year old.
Kin: None.
Looks: Clicky here.
Bio: A young pitbull who was originally a well loved pet before the fire. She was trained as a search and rescue dog, but proved too excitable for the work and was dropped out of the program. She still has some pretty extraordinary tracking skills, but tends to be easily distracted.
Pack: Pyros.
Rank: Scout.
Crush/Mate: None atm.
Pups: None.
Other: Nothing else to add atm.

Name: Maverick.
Aliases: Mav for short. Or Rick. Or whatever really. He's not picky.
Gender: Male.
Age: 3 years old.
Kin: None.
Looks: Clicky here. He's a harlequin Beauceron.
Bio: A sneaky and sly dog with a long-running manipulative streak. He will generally only team up with or help others if he knows it will benefit him in some way and probably wouldn't think twice about betraying others once they prove not useful anymore or are to risky to be around any longer. At first appearance he likely comes across as charming and charismatic.
Pack: None.
Rank: Loner.
Crush/Mate: None atm.
Pups: Probably, but he doesn't know them.
Other: This will be my first time trying to play a character on the more manipulative and selfish side. Hopefully I'll be decent at it. :P

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Edited on 03/07/15 by Topaz (Side) (#33365)

Exodus~Path (#61524)

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Posted on
2015-07-03 11:49:32
Gonna join shortly ^^

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Exodus~Path (#61524)

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Posted on
2015-07-03 12:16:14
Age:4.2 years
Looks:ClickerzMortimer is a large brute, standing 4 foot at the shoulder and between 5-6 feet in length, he weighs in at 200 pounds of muscle mass.He is a crossbreed of a Shiloh Shepherd and Siberian Husky.He has dark brown eyes that have a thick black liner to shape them.His pelt consist of a darker greyish black with silver stripes flowing throughout his pt.
Bio:Mortimer was born a stray, quickly succombing to the rough lifestyle and growing a custom to its rules.He spend his young years striving in the streets, stealing food, and managing to find a den for himself and himself only.Given this harsh lifestyle, Mortimer is considered a submissive fellow, when in reality, he's the total opposite.Mortimer is a harsh brute, consulting his issues with violence, seeing that as his only choice. He is a highly intelligent being from his years on the city's now empty terrain,making him all the more intimidating despite his enormous figure.He likes to inflict fear on anyone who crosses him, unless he takes a liking to you and you have comparisons.Mortimer still isn't a fan of groups consisting of more than. 3-5 followers.He isn't one to give in to ones orders but his own which is why he remains a loner to this day.

Crush/mate:Its very unlikely for him to gain either one of these pairs unless he really, really likes you.
Pups:None, he doesn't take a liking to annoying mongruels constantly needing one to give them their main attention.
Other:He might eventually decide to take sides for one of the packs, probably The Pyros because of his crude personality.^^

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Edited on 03/07/15 by Exodus~Path (#61524)

Morr 🔥
9BOx2Mottx2RoS (#26583)

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Posted on
2015-07-03 14:33:25
MEEP, i knew that, sorry koko i meant lieutenant (i really did, jeez i messed up badly right there >_< i didnt want a leader spot, but a 2nd in command spot >_> honestly, i guess im used to "leader --> captain"? XD)

On a totally unrelated note, i think ill sign up at least the lieutenant and delta tonight....MOST LIKELY. If i dont, ill make sure to get it tomorrow before the fireworks start :3

to any Americans, happy day before 4th of July :P hehe

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(Sunset|4xCimm|G2) (#36246)

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Posted on
2015-07-03 16:30:03

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3 Years 4 Months

None worth mentioning.

This Australian Cattle Dog Border Collie cross is a beautiful male dog with broad shoulders and a thick pelt rippling with muscles. He has light brown eyes surrounded by sleek, black fur. His face is split, half black and half white dappled with black spots. He has a scar on his left shoulder.

Avalon was born in the wild but was soon found by a group of animal rescuers. They brought him to a shelter and in no time, probably due to his beautiful appearance and sought after breed, was bought. The man that bought him seemed nice enough at first, he had a wife, two kids, everything a family could want. The kids called him Patch, how could they have known Avalon was the name his mother game him. They lived in a small apartment building that allowed pets but the family still tried to hide him as best they could. One day, the wife went off to work, the kids to their school, but they never came back. Avalon had never really liked living with humans but some small part of him wished they'd return. The following days were hell for him. The man always seemed distant, stumbling about the house like he had forgotten how to use his feet. Often times, he did and would go falling to the ground and wouldn't get up until the sun rose the next day. Most of the time, he forgot Avalon was there and didn't feed him until the dog barked until his throat was sore. Then, about a week after the mother and kids departure, the man really turned cold. He put Avalon on the small balcony outside the apartment. They were on the top floor and no one ever bothered to look up. The man put him in chains and bolted the dog to the ground. The chains were the heaviest thing Avalon had ever felt. He could barely lift his head for fear of breaking his neck. He stopped getting fed altogether, no matter how much he howled and barked. When he was truly on the brink of death, the same people who had 'rescued' him from the wild found him and took him to safety. Avalon was done with humans. As they were loading him into the truck he ran, as fast as a nearly dead dog could, towards him home. It was at that moment that the fire reached this part of the city, engulfing his mother and two siblings in a flaming inferno. Every muscle in his body screamed for him to run but he couldn't; instead, he stood frozen to the ground in shock, in horror, in fear. The flamed raced towards him and only when the fiery tongues licked at his pelt did he move. All he could do now was run.
To this day, Avalon has a scar on his left shoulder, reminding him of how close he came to joining his family in death.

The Scorched

Beta Male

Banshee - Beta Female


Forgive me for my terribly long Bio. I got in a groove and it was too deep for me to climb back out of.
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Edited on 04/07/15 by Lia-Lin - {We All Still Die} (#36246)

Tide (#65016)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2015-07-03 16:39:05
Name:Tide Water
Kin:Mother dead-Sister and Brother No clue
Looks:A red husky and german shepard mix has white face and red spots on her cheek and has normal german coat every where else.Has a scar on her left hind leg.
Bio:Was her moms first and only litter and her mom was unexperienced and ran away and I was in tow.WE got into a fight and i was at the age of 1 so i could fight and we won but i had a battle wound and it was bad.Luckly we were found bloody ,scarred ,and happy to be alive.Well in the first year of being alive i learned to track which i was really good at it and i was just as good at hunting too.After we got rescued we got adpted by a wonderful family the the burn happened. She was trying to help her family including her mom out of the house the people and her mom died.
Personality:Quick thinker Fast sarastic Headstrong Smart Strong Loyal To Death Flirty Goof ball Playful
Pack:The Scorched
Crush/Mate:Flatter me I may Be yours
Pups:Wants pups

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Morr 🔥
9BOx2Mottx2RoS (#26583)

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Posted on
2015-07-03 17:08:15
(it doesnt look like i can sign up tonight, its midnight and i still have to feed and play after replying to my rps and signing up to another that i meant to sign up a few days ago as well. goodnight, signing up tomorrow :))

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。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)

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Posted on
2015-07-03 17:11:43

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Edited on 04/07/15 by BlazeRed <3Loki's Gal<3 (#27478)

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