Posted by Halfblooded RP Thread

Jacques CP Faircross (#47535)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-08-02 06:49:59
Halfblooded~ Some human's were just born this way, others were forced, some were accepted. These human's aren't completely human. They are part animal. The animal they turn into is their INNER ANIMAL. Some human's are part bird, part bear, part wolf, part horse. These 'humans' are shape-shifters. Not everyone started like that, though. Some people are trialed to be one, some people steal a serum that makes them halfblooded. Some people are forced to take the serum. But they all have one thing in common. They were all sick. It all started when mad scientist Dr. Corvelis mixed up blood and a toxin. He gave the toxin to a patient with cancer and the next morning, she was fine. They thought it was a break through, so they gave it to as many people that could afford this pricey drug. What they didn't know, was that the toxin changes the person into an animal. They start to blend with a certain animals' thoughts, they get their senses. Sometimes, they turn into the animal and never return. Over years, a school has been formed to tame these beasts inside of people. The school is called "The Academy" by the students. The original name has been lost in time. Halfblooded people from all over the world come here to unlock their beast side and tame it. After you school here, you should be able to become your inner animal whenever you choose to. You get the animal's senses, looks, and thoughts. You can be a student, a teacher, someone going through the process, or a thief.
If your parents were Half&Human, you most likely didn't find your ability until late teens(15+) If parents were Half&Half, you probably first turned when you were between 5-10.
If you took the serum, you turned a few days later.

There are rules, but not too hard to follow.
1- Follow Lioden Rules
2-On the top of every post put Name-Gender-Animal, except with your names. (Ex- Miley-32-Cat)
3- 3+ sentences please.
4- If rules are not followed you get a strike 3 total strikes.
5-In other, type Following Footsteps so I know you read the rules.
6- If you do not respond in four days, you get a PM asking if you are still in. If you don't respond in a WEEK and have not INFORMED me of it, you get a strike. If you do not respond in TWO WEEKS you are kicked out.
7- You must tell me if you are dropping/won't be able to reply for a certain number of days.
8- 3 characters MAX
9- Keep cursing to the minimum.
10-Try to stay updated with this thread, I may add new rules, new people may join, and stuff of the sorts.

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Have fun!!

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Edited on 04/08/15 by Jacques CP Faircross (#47535)

Jacques CP Faircross (#47535)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-08-25 00:14:43
Conner looked to see a man come in. He looked to be in his early/mid twenties or so. "I guess you are my teacher," Conner replied. He looked around to see it was only him and his new teacher. He sat in his chair, awkwardly in the silence.
Mentions~ Delta
Actions~ Talking

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Sáracen (#52208)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-08-25 00:19:44
Arn || Student || Male || Expert

"Deal," he said, giving a short laugh. It was evident whow as the most forgiving of them.
You wanna have some fun? he asked the leopard, suddenly ithcing to shift.
I'm always up for fun.
I know. Since the slipup happened, his leopard hadn't set as much as half a toe above the line, and so he was feeling very much more confident. He even felt better about shifting- now he truly enjoyed the feeling of letting the leopard out. None of them resisted it after the hours he had spent outside shifitng and shifting back, more intensely than ever. He let himself transform slowly, enjoying the prickling feeling that rapidly spread from to all his body. He felt his very body change, and when you thought of it, it was a actually a veyr peculiar feeling; no wonder beginners freaked out so often. A few seconds later he was on all fours, yellow with black spots and purring on the floor.

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Jacques CP Faircross (#47535)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-08-25 00:37:09
Doka~Female~Expert~Black Cat
Doka smiled as she saw Arn shift. "Kitty want out?" Doka and X asked Arn and his leopard. Doka debated shifting herself, but ended one waiting for Arn. She stood by the chair, hip popped and hand on it.
Mentions~ Arn
Actions~ Talking

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Sáracen (#52208)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-08-25 00:41:45
Arn || Student || Male || Expert || Leopard

"Very much so," Arn and the leopard replied. He sat up and licked his paws, an instinct from his Leopard after touching it to the dirty floor. It was silly, but he did it anyway. It was cofmorting. His eopard also sensed doka's cat's presence in their mind, and was suddenly very eager for other feline company. "You're not scared to shift, are you?" Arn taunted Doka, partly on behalf of his leopard.

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Edited on 25/08/15 by Sheba (Inferno King) (#52208)

Jacques CP Faircross (#47535)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-08-25 00:45:53
Doka~Female~Expert~Black Cat
Doka flashed her fangs as she felt the shift come on. She shifted into her cat form, being smaller than the leopard didn't deter her or X, though. Doka felt the familiar shift and shrink pf bones. She felt as her clothes slipped to the floor around her. She jumped out of the mound of black clothes and onto the chair, her amber eyes looking at the leopard. If anyone should be scared, it's you, X said, not meaning anything by it, except that a leopard is harder to control then a cat.
Mentions~ Arn

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Shy (#51494)

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Posted on
2015-08-25 00:56:20
Delta Vincent | Male | Pro Teacher | Jaguar

"You would be correct" He looked around the room and than back at his student. "Mind me asking what your name is?" He tried to break the awkward silence that had fallen in the room. He always tried to make friends with his students and to learn as much about them as he could. He found it helped him teach better.

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Jacques CP Faircross (#47535)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-08-25 01:00:14
"Conner," He said, glad to break the silence. "And you are...?" He asked, not knowing the teachers name or how he should name the teacher. What happened to all of the students at this school? He wondered. There used to be so many more... And now they just disappeared into thin air.
Mentions~ Delta
Actions~ Talking

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Sáracen (#52208)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-08-25 02:18:19
Arn || Student || Male || Expert || Leopard

Kitties aren't all that intimidating, you know, he replied as he jumped onto one of the desks gracefully. He liked having a clear overlook, or maybe it was his leopard. He purred and looked down at Doka at the chair- she looked tiny from his spot here. Why would I be afraid? He jumped to another table, letting his tail swish down to sweep above her.

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Edited on 25/08/15 by Sheba (Inferno King) (#52208)

Jacques CP Faircross (#47535)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-08-25 02:22:32
(Doka is on a chair... >.<)
Doka~Female~Expert~Black Cat
Large kitties are very scary, X said, as she shifted again into her human sized animal form. She was just about as big as the leopard, her black coat shining at different angles. Her eyes were slits as she watched the leopard jump from table to table. Doka stepped off of the cair, front feet first, then a short jump with her back paws. Be careful, we don't think tables are meant for your size, Doka and X said together.
Mentions~ Arn
Actions~ Playing

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Sáracen (#52208)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-08-25 02:44:59
Arn || Student || Male || Expert || Leopard

intimidating. He measured her new size; she was now almost as big as him. Well that's just bad customization for pupils, don't you think? He jumped down and landed in front of her, scattering a few chairs on his way. Eyes like slits and a sly smile on his lips, he slid the tip of his tail under her chin as he crept past her with all the grace of a leopard, towards the door.

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Jacques CP Faircross (#47535)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-08-25 02:55:30
Doka~Female~Expert~Black Cat
Wouldn't you know? X said as he spoke of her eyes. Doka staying on the surface, letting X have her fun. She wondered who was in control of the leopard, Arn, or his inner animal. Doka felt as X let out a quiet purring noise. Doka followed Arn out of the classroom. It was clear Mackenzie wasn't going to be there, and X never got to play with kitties anymore.
Mentions~ Arn
Actions~ Leaving class

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Ithrindír ☄ (#53337)

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Posted on
2015-08-25 03:00:04
Arn || Student || Male || Expert || Leopard

He purred as Doka followed him out of the classroom. He was feeling up for some mischief... And here was so much to choose from, that he wasn't sure where to begin. Wanna have fun? he asked as he thought. They could go to the teachers' dorms and make a mess... Or interupt lessons...

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Jacques CP Faircross (#47535)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-08-25 03:16:26
Doka~Female~Expert~Black Cat
Doka felt the shift again as she followed Arn. She was her small cat again, not tall, but still fierce. We've been waiting since the moment we got here, Doka and X said together. She finally happy she could do something. There was no fun boys around here, Doka pouted. They were nice and all, but nice isn't fun.
Mentions~ Arn
Actions~ Plotting

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Ithrindír ☄ (#53337)

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Posted on
2015-08-25 03:31:06
Arn || Student || Male || Expert || Leopard

He smirked. You get the honor of choosing where we'll go first. He stopped and waited for her, sitting down. It had been a long time since he actually had fun.

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Jacques CP Faircross (#47535)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-08-25 03:33:58
Doka~Female~Expert~Black Cat
X purred as she thought of what to do. I hear there is a new teacher, Doka said, and X purred a bit louder at that. She waited for Arn's agreement, but then thought different as she walked down the hallway to the classroom in which used to be Caiden's. She looked back, flicking her tail, waiting for Arn to follow.
Mentions~ Arn
Actions~ Waiting for Arn outside of Delta's classroom.

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