Posted by | Halfblooded RP Thread |
![]() Jacques CP Faircross (#47535) King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2015-08-02 06:49:59 |
Halfblooded~ Some human's were just born this way, others were forced, some were accepted. These human's aren't completely human. They are part animal. The animal they turn into is their INNER ANIMAL. Some human's are part bird, part bear, part wolf, part horse. These 'humans' are shape-shifters. Not everyone started like that, though. Some people are trialed to be one, some people steal a serum that makes them halfblooded. Some people are forced to take the serum. But they all have one thing in common. They were all sick. It all started when mad scientist Dr. Corvelis mixed up blood and a toxin. He gave the toxin to a patient with cancer and the next morning, she was fine. They thought it was a break through, so they gave it to as many people that could afford this pricey drug. What they didn't know, was that the toxin changes the person into an animal. They start to blend with a certain animals' thoughts, they get their senses. Sometimes, they turn into the animal and never return. Over years, a school has been formed to tame these beasts inside of people. The school is called "The Academy" by the students. The original name has been lost in time. Halfblooded people from all over the world come here to unlock their beast side and tame it. After you school here, you should be able to become your inner animal whenever you choose to. You get the animal's senses, looks, and thoughts. You can be a student, a teacher, someone going through the process, or a thief. If your parents were Half&Human, you most likely didn't find your ability until late teens(15+) If parents were Half&Half, you probably first turned when you were between 5-10. If you took the serum, you turned a few days later. There are rules, but not too hard to follow. 1- Follow Lioden Rules 2-On the top of every post put Name-Gender-Animal, except with your names. (Ex- Miley-32-Cat) 3- 3+ sentences please. 4- If rules are not followed you get a strike 3 total strikes. 5-In other, type Following Footsteps so I know you read the rules. 6- If you do not respond in four days, you get a PM asking if you are still in. If you don't respond in a WEEK and have not INFORMED me of it, you get a strike. If you do not respond in TWO WEEKS you are kicked out. 7- You must tell me if you are dropping/won't be able to reply for a certain number of days. 8- 3 characters MAX 9- Keep cursing to the minimum. 10-Try to stay updated with this thread, I may add new rules, new people may join, and stuff of the sorts. Chat Thread Sign-Ups Map Have fun!! Character SheetsNo thread generated. The original poster of this RP thread will be able to generate one for this feature.![]() Edited on 04/08/15 by Jacques CP Faircross (#47535) |
Kamay (#37519)
Heavenly View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2015-09-23 09:44:09 |
Alec - Male - Blakiston's Fish Owl Alec woke up in his bed, and looked at the clock. "How did I even manage to sleep in this late?" he muttered to himself. Quickly, he got up and got into the shower. He got out of the shower and put on blue shorts and a grey shirt. He walked out of his dorm, down the stairs, and into the cafeteria. Jeeze, I'm starving... he thought as he grabbed just about any food infront of him. He sat down with his packed tray and started digging into his meal. Halfway through his massive array of foods, he remembered that they didn't have classes for the next week. Oh, well, at least I'm not late... Bea - Female - Moon Bear Bea woke up and changed into this outfit. Then she left her dorm and went to the cafe. She ate some eggs and milk, then left the cafe. She walked outside into the courtyard. She said down on the soft grass, enjoying the feeling of being free. Well, at least not having to go to classes. ![]() |
Jacques CP Faircross (#47535)
King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2015-09-27 21:05:58 |
Conner-Male-Grizzly-Pro Conner woke up groggly. He had slept all vacation, and Grizzly was still tired. It was cold. It was very cold. He changed into jeans and a large orange sweatshirt. He was semi warm in that. It was a school day now. They barely got any time off for the anniversary of the serum. Not that they really needed any time off, but if they were going to take it, it might as well be for a week or two. Not two days. Conner entered the Cafe and grabbed a coffee and three donuts that he didn't bother checking the flavors. He took a sip of coffee feeling his body warm up. He then ate the whole first donut. It was a glaze. His favorite donut, he Haas to say, was the Boston cream donuts. ![]() |
Jacques CP Faircross (#47535)
King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2015-09-28 12:44:41 |
((It's class time.)) Kaileh~Female~Teacher~Swan Kaileh walked into her empty classroom. It had been untouched since the last she had left it. Her meeting went well. People are getting a hang of their shifting and it is becoming a less common thing. Doctors around the world are trying to figure out a way to reverse the serum and/or to stop it from forming in your body. She sat down at her desk, and waited for the students to come rolling in. Her hopes weren't up, though. She hadn't seen a single student since her return. ![]() |
Kamay (#37519)
Heavenly View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2015-09-28 13:00:23 |
Sid - Male - Patagonian Mara Sid entered his classroom and sighed. He couldn't even remember the last time he had a student. He sat down in his chair, and looked around the classroom. The desks were covered in dust, and the text books lay un-used in the corner of the room. It's almost as though it were summer... Sid thought to himself. I wonder if Kaileh has any students.. With that thought in his mind, Sid got up and walked next door to Kaileh's classroom. He entered the empty classroom, and sat down on Kaileh's desk. "Wow, huge class you got here," Sid joked with a smile on his face. "I bet mine's even bigger though." Bea - Female - Moon Bear Bea rolled over in bed, groaning. It was the first day back to classes. No one even shows up anymore, anyway. I highly doubt Kaileh will miss me.. Bea thought as she rolled over onto her stomach, and covered er head with the blanket. She soon fell back asleep. ![]() |
Jacques CP Faircross (#47535)
King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2015-09-28 13:03:29 |
Kaileh~Female~Swan Kaileh laughed. "I don't know how I can handle all of mine. I bet youre having a tough time with yours!" Kaileh replied, smiling. She leaned back in her chair. "What are we doing wrong?" She asked Sid. Why did none of the students go to class? The other teachers were missing most of the time, too. At first, the academy was thriving, so it's like a dessert. ![]() |
Kamay (#37519)
Heavenly View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2015-09-28 13:17:50 |
Sid - Male - Patagonian Mara Sid sighed and scratched his head. "I don't know, Kaileh. I really don't know...Almost no one is here...maybe a total of three students...almost all the other teachers have disappeared...I just don't get it. Did we miss a memo to leave?" Sid looked at Kaileh, his eyes sad. "I just don't get it..." Sid repeated himself. ![]() |
Jacques CP Faircross (#47535)
King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2015-09-28 14:00:46 |
Kaileh~Female~Swan "At my meeting, I heard that there are less people with the serum running through them." She said softly. If this was so, Kaileh, Sid, and all teachers would be out of jobs. A memory of eating ice cream with Sid and Caiden painfully jolted her mind, and she closed her eyes for a moment before looking outside. ![]() |
Kamay (#37519)
Heavenly View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2015-09-28 14:09:50 |
Sid - Male - Patagonian Mara Sid sighed. "Why? Isn't the serum supposed to help us? Don't they know that we make our lives based around this? This isn't something they can toy around with. It's actual peoples lives they're messing with..." Sid stopped talking for a moment. He was getting worked up and the words were coming out of his mouth in a jumble. ![]() |
Jacques CP Faircross (#47535)
King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2015-09-28 14:13:46 |
Kaileh~Female~Swan "No, less people are being born with it, needing it, or stealing it. People can be normal. You wouldn't want to push this onto someone who didn't want it, would you?" Kaileh asked, looking up at Sid. ![]() |
Kamay (#37519)
Heavenly View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2015-09-28 14:16:11 |
Sid - Male - Patagonian Mara Sid shook his head. "That's not what I mean. There will always be people getting sick, being on the brink of death. Did they find another way to cure them? If so why isn't it something that's been made public? A break through like that should be known." ![]() |
KittiBaybee (#49878)
![]() King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2015-09-28 18:44:48 |
Synthi-Female-Student-Spiny Bush Viper Syn quickly jolted up out of bed and grabbed her phone. "Crud, we are gunna be late." Syn jumped down from her bed and grabbed clean clothes and changed. She brushed her hair and other essentials before grabbing her bag and walked fast to her class. Syn opened the door to see Kaileh and Sid talking. "Sorry I'm late.." She paused as she looked up and saw no students. "Am I late?" She asked and looked at them. ![]() |
Jacques CP Faircross (#47535)
King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2015-09-28 19:52:35 |
Kaileh-Female-Swan "We-" Kaileh was about to start when Synthi walked is. "Depends on what late is now-a-days" She replied to the girl. "One down, however many more to go" She whispered under her breath to Sid. ![]() |
Jacques CP Faircross (#47535)
King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2015-09-30 10:53:57 |
Conner-Male-Pro-Grizzly Conner saw that his teacher wasn't there so he decided to spend done quality time outside. He was slapped in the face with the chilly air, one he hadn't been expected. He hadn't been outside since... Since Cajden had been his teacher. It seemed like eons ago, but it wasn't, really. He found a nice tree and sat under it, feeling the chilly air flow across him. ![]() |
KittiBaybee (#49878)
![]() King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2015-09-30 11:22:30 |
Synthi-Female-Student-Spiny Bush Viper Syn walked all the way into class and sat down. She looked at Kaileh then Sid and shrugged. Sssso you were late again? Her snake hissed at her. Syn shook her head and sighed. "Is there anything planned for today?" She looked up and asked Kaileh. ![]() Edited on 30/09/15 @ 18:55:41 by KittiKatti (OnyxStud) (#49878) |
Jacques CP Faircross (#47535)
King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2015-09-30 11:54:15 |
Kaileh-Female-Swan Kaileh shrugged her shoulders. "I want to stay away from shifting. We never went over how your inner animal reacted to your quick shift." Kaileh said. Her inner animal hadn't seemed to put up a fight or anything, but that could have just been hidden from her. ![]() |