Posted by Halfblooded RP Thread

Jacques CP Faircross (#47535)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-08-02 06:49:59
Halfblooded~ Some human's were just born this way, others were forced, some were accepted. These human's aren't completely human. They are part animal. The animal they turn into is their INNER ANIMAL. Some human's are part bird, part bear, part wolf, part horse. These 'humans' are shape-shifters. Not everyone started like that, though. Some people are trialed to be one, some people steal a serum that makes them halfblooded. Some people are forced to take the serum. But they all have one thing in common. They were all sick. It all started when mad scientist Dr. Corvelis mixed up blood and a toxin. He gave the toxin to a patient with cancer and the next morning, she was fine. They thought it was a break through, so they gave it to as many people that could afford this pricey drug. What they didn't know, was that the toxin changes the person into an animal. They start to blend with a certain animals' thoughts, they get their senses. Sometimes, they turn into the animal and never return. Over years, a school has been formed to tame these beasts inside of people. The school is called "The Academy" by the students. The original name has been lost in time. Halfblooded people from all over the world come here to unlock their beast side and tame it. After you school here, you should be able to become your inner animal whenever you choose to. You get the animal's senses, looks, and thoughts. You can be a student, a teacher, someone going through the process, or a thief.
If your parents were Half&Human, you most likely didn't find your ability until late teens(15+) If parents were Half&Half, you probably first turned when you were between 5-10.
If you took the serum, you turned a few days later.

There are rules, but not too hard to follow.
1- Follow Lioden Rules
2-On the top of every post put Name-Gender-Animal, except with your names. (Ex- Miley-32-Cat)
3- 3+ sentences please.
4- If rules are not followed you get a strike 3 total strikes.
5-In other, type Following Footsteps so I know you read the rules.
6- If you do not respond in four days, you get a PM asking if you are still in. If you don't respond in a WEEK and have not INFORMED me of it, you get a strike. If you do not respond in TWO WEEKS you are kicked out.
7- You must tell me if you are dropping/won't be able to reply for a certain number of days.
8- 3 characters MAX
9- Keep cursing to the minimum.
10-Try to stay updated with this thread, I may add new rules, new people may join, and stuff of the sorts.

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Have fun!!

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Edited on 04/08/15 by Jacques CP Faircross (#47535)

Shy (#51494)

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Posted on
2015-11-10 22:37:38
Delta & Vincent | Male | Pro Teacher | Jaguar

"Connor you have to fight back. Griz cannot win! Do not allow him to bully you. You must show him that you are the one in control. You decide when Griz can take over" Vincents voice was much deeper than Delta's. Knowing he could not hurt the student he simply blocked his path.

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Kamay (#37519)

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Posted on
2015-11-10 22:39:22
Sid - Male - Patagonian Mara
Sid looked up as Kaileh came into his room carrying one of his students. The poor kid was bloody and muddy. "Crap, what happened...." Sid looked over the kid, then at Kaileh, and then at Bea. "Bea, go into the back closet and pull out the med kit." Sid looked back down at Zatanna, looking at what he had to deal with. I suppose it's a good thing my mother was a nurse...otherwise we'd be screwed. The girl's hands were bloody and she had healing wounds on her cheeks. There's a reason we don't let Beginners shift... Sid thought as he looked over the wounds. He looked up at the back of the room - Bea was struggling to get the med kit open. "Bea! Just bring it here!" Bea scrambled over to Sid, gave him the med kit, and moved away from the desk. Sid opened the med kit and took out cotton swabs and a bottle of antiseptic. He poured some of the antiseptic on the cotton swab, and started to dab Zatanna's wounds.

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Jacques CP Faircross (#47535)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-11-10 22:53:48
Kaileh held Zatanna's a hands, and the crouched down to her level so her head was just above the desk. "It's gonna sting a little," she whispered to the girl. "But it's going to get better." She said. She sighed in relief. 'Thank God Sid knows how to deal with these things...' She thought to herself. She looked up at Sid. "Thanks," she said to him, a slight smile on her face.
Mentions-Sid, Bea, Zatanna

Griz shook his head and snarled at the jaguar. Conner kept pushing to get out. Didn't he understand that Griz wanted freedom? He hated being fouled up all day inside the teenagers mind. He wished he wasn't part of Conner, but he couldn't do anything about that now. 'Griz!' He said, still pushing on the bears mind. He had clearly grown stronger... Or maybe desire blocked any path out. Griz growled, and kept walking he found a streem, small, but is still brought buckets of joy to the bear. Conner found a weak spot, and pushed on it. He was almost there... Griz let out a cry of pain, but it wasn't physical. It was grief. Conner kept pushing, and Griz kept crying out.

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Avanche (#70461)

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Posted on
2015-11-10 23:19:39
Zatanna|Female|Student|Melanistic Jackal

Zatanna tightened her grip on Kaileh's hand as the medicine was applied.Yet the wounds on her cheeks did not come from shifting.Zatanna hid her face in order to hide it when she first arrived.She slowly whispered,"Thanks..My head hurts."Zatanna looked over at Sid and smiled."Sorry!"

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🍁 Canadian-Eh?
🍁 (#70478)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-11-10 23:25:34
Katrina/Lua|Female|Pro|Snow leo

She walked down to the cafe, she had read some signs that lead her here, 'gosh this place is a maze' she said to herself. Lua scoffed at her, 'you could just follow your nose' the snow leo suggested. Katrina shrugged mentally. then she promised the snow leopard time out side her body today from a long time if she behaved. Lua agreed to the terms, and then retreated back into her body. Katrina reached the cafe and decided to get some waffles and some hot chocolate, unaware of the hurt t hat her little friend was going through.

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Sáracen (#52208)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-11-11 00:07:23
Arya || Female || Student || Bengal Tiger || Beginner

She woke slowly, instantly feeling weariness drag her limbs down. Even after a full night of sleep, she was exhausted from yesterday. She sat up and looked around, spotting Synthi still laying in bed. She seemed to be sleeping deeply. didn't class start like.. ages ago? she wasn't all too worried, though- Sid hadn't showed up in ages, and she doubted he would show up today either. Letting out a large yawn, she pulled the comfy sweater over her head, once again glad that she no longer needed glasses after taking the serum. Well, there was one good thing, at least.
She briefly considered waking her roommate, but decided she should let her sleep instead and headed out.
The cafe smelled heavenly after what felt like ages on an empty stomach, and again she wondered just how long she and Kaileh had been at the building. It felt like days. Her hands got hold of a big cup of fruit and juice, and dumped a couple of sausages onto a plate when her tiger complained about her planned diet. At least she would not be hungry.

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🍁 Canadian-Eh?
🍁 (#70478)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-11-11 00:14:05
Katrina|Female|Pro|Snow leo

Katrina waved at Arya, she looked friendly, and she needed all the friends she could get. she looked around for Zatanna, who was gone when she woke up, she didn't seem to be anywhere. 'Let me out and i'll take you to her' Lua offered, Katrina smiled outwardly, but wasn't so sure if she should take Lua up on that offer. She thought about it, they needed to build trust,' Ok, but then i get control back,' Katrina agreed, and lua agreed on the terms. Katrina finished eating and then she left, looking for a place to change forms.

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Sáracen (#52208)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-11-11 02:33:14
Arya || Female || Student || Bengal Tiger || Beginner

She looked up from her tray of food and smiled back to the girl waving at her from one of the tables. She remembered seeing her yesterday when she and Kaileh came back to the school, but she hadn't stopped to chat and didn't know her name. She briefly considered joining her at her table, but then she got up and walked determinedly through the door, probably heading to class.
Sid probably isn't even in class, she thought as she settled down on the closest tabe, starting to fork in on the food she brought.
Let me decide that. Arya blinked and frowned at the sudden suggestion.
What do you mean?
I could easily smell if he's around or not, it rumbled back, and she immediately closed every possible opening in her mind.
You wish! i'll go to Sid's classroom once i finish eating, she responded, and went on by ignoring it until she finished her meal.

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Avanche (#70461)

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Posted on
2015-11-11 09:01:13
Zatanna|Female|Student|Melanistic Jackal

Zatanna grabbed her head with her open arm and groaned."My head hurts...It hurts"She whined as she rubbed her temple."The jackal,she wants to come out...what do I do?"Her hands were shaking as her other hand was in the hands of Kaileh."Don't look at the stuff on my cheeks..Please"

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Jacques CP Faircross (#47535)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-11-11 10:29:33
Kaileh looked worriedly at the girl. "Zatanna, just stay calm. Breath in," and with that, she took a deept breath in. "And out." She said, following her own instructions. "You are in control of your body. Breath." She said calmly. She looked up at Sid. "How much longer?" She mouthed without saying anything vocally.
Mentions-Sid, Zatanna

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Avanche (#70461)

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Posted on
2015-11-11 10:41:30
Zatanna|Female|Student|Melanistic Jackal

Zatanna steadied her breathe as she tried to control the Jackal in her."Its fighting!"Zatanna screamed as her body ached."Her legs stiffened as she tried to control it."I usually let it go out..Or else it hurts me."She whispered as she was starting to get tired.

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Jacques CP Faircross (#47535)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-11-11 10:45:24
"If you control it, it won't be able to hurt you!" Kaileh said back to the girl calmly. "Breath." She said. She breathed in and out, keeping a beat and a steady pattern. "Come on Zatanna," She encouraged. "You came here for a reason, didn't you?" She asked the child. "Fulfill it, gain control. I believe you can." Kaileh said. She continued with her steady breathing, hoping Zatanna would catch on.
Mentions~ Sid, Zatanna

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Avanche (#70461)

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Posted on
2015-11-11 10:52:17
Zatanna|Female|Student|Melanistic Jackal

Zatanna steadied her breathe once again and whispered, "No,It's my turn.You cant come out now."Zatanna opened her eyes sharply and stood upright onto the table."It said it will leave me alone until I want it to take control."Zatanna refered the Jackal as "it" because she didnt know why she even had the power to begin with.Her aunt never shifted infront of her yet Zatanna saw her shift into a snake once.

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Jacques CP Faircross (#47535)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-11-11 11:01:08
Kaileh smiled. "That's good." She said. She lightly squeezed the little girls hand and let go. She grabbed her under her arms and brought her down onto the ground. "This is my closest friend, Sid." She said, pointing at the man. "He's a great teacher, and I know you'll love him," She said, glancing up at him with a smile. She stood up, and hugged. Sid. "Thanks," She whispered into his ear. She let go and then went back to Zatanna. "I have a class to teach right now, I need you to stay here with Sid so that he can help you and teach you." She patted the girl on the head and left. At the doorway she turned back and looked at Bea. "Comming?" She asked, and then walked out of the classroom and into her own.
Mentions~ Sid, Bea, Zatanna

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Avanche (#70461)

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Posted on
2015-11-11 11:05:41
Zatanna|Female|Student|Melanistic Jackal

Zatanna smiled and looked at Sid."So...I guess this wasn't the best way to meet."She held her breathe and hid her scars on her cheeks with her hair."Thanks for helping me."She sat down properly in the desk and took out a pen from her pocket and spun it between her fingers."Just saying,I'm just a kid with the brain of an adult.Otherwise,gifted in actual studies.So I guess Im just here to learn how to control..It"

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Edited on 11/11/15 @ 18:16:57 by Avanche (#70461)

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