Posted by Falling Embers Pack (Wolf RP) (Sign-ups) (OPEN)

FoolsgoldFenrir (#27778)

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Posted on
2015-08-23 12:50:25
(Logo by Crypika)

The Pack*Image Source*

Welcome to the Falling Embers pack. You are a wolf, but how much dominance do you have? Are you maybe an alpha, or a beta? Maybe a wise and old Gamma. Or maybe a low-ranking omega? No matter what, a wolf is a noble creature, what you are. How will your life in a pack unfold?
(RP Thread:
A wolf can live a maximum of 13 RP years, but may die earlier than that.

Pack Rules

(Can be broken if you want to get your character in trouble in the roleplay)

-If an alpha catches you drinking the water at the back of their den, they will punish your wolf harshly.
-If a higher-ranked wolf decides to spar with an omega, that omega is not allowed to fight back, no matter the pain.
-During dominance fights, wolves with active powers may not, under any circumstances, use their powers against a fellow pack member. The breaking of this rule could lead to banishment, or death, depending on the severity of the offence.
-High ranks such as alphas, betas, gammas, and deltas, are to be respected at all times.
-Females can go hunting, but, cannot take on larger prey such as deer and elk due to risk of injury. They may not hunt at all if pregnant or nursing pups.

RP Rules

(Cannot be broken)

-Be respectful to everyone when out-of-character. Your character can be mean in-character however. Hate the character, not the player.
-Any wolf can breed for pups, but if a lower-ranked wolf like an omega gives birth, due to not being able to gain enough weight, the pups will most likely not make it.
- You can have as many characters as you want, as long as you can handle them. If it is clear you cannot handle the amount of characters you are controlling, I will ask you to get rid of your inactive ones.
-If not taken the role of being roleplayed as, pups will be chased from the pack when they become a Psi.
-Both players must agree to breed, if one of you says no do not message me. Ask them first, and if you both agree, both of you will message me, and if I have proof you both agree, I will allow it. You must fade to black in the roleplay if breeding, or use a simple phrase to end it, like "And then they mated/bred." If it will be very graphical, take it to PMs.
-No godmodding or powerplaying. Both are extremely annoying. No autohitting either.
-Minimum 3 sentences per post. NO exceptions. Breaking this rule will result in a warning each time, I will PM you about it instead of positing it publicly.
-Also, please try not to use too much wolfspeak. A little here and there (Like "She lifted her cranium and opened her orbs", but if there's wolfspeak for EVERY piece of anatomy, that's too much. You can use auds for ears, but not every time.)
-If you break these rules, it will be a warning if minor, or if major, a strike. 3 warnings = 1 strike, 3 strikes = Get out. I will be keeping track of your warnings and strikes here so the both of us know. It's not to name and shame, it's just so we can both keep track. Believe me, I don't like to point fingers, but will do so if needed, and in this case, it's needed.
-Please try to make your wolf look realistic (not including the powers, I mean like, no sparkledogs unless it's a power for your wolf (in which case should be inactive for now))
-Yes, you ARE allowed to have two of your characters as mates, however it has to be under one of more of these circumstances:
-No other characters belonging to other people are interested in having their character as a mate for your wolf.
-You ask me about it first and I approve.
-It will eventually go downhill somehow, making either your wolf or wolves open to others again or being mateless again.

Not all have to fit with the characters in question, but at least one must.

Power Pool*Image Source*


In the back of the alphas' den (The two alphas share a den) there is some sacred water with flowers. These flowers never die, and glow in the dark. You must ask permission to the alphas to drink it, and it's to keep your power(s).

Alpha, Healers and betas get two powers. The first is from random and the second from giving birth to pups (if female) or siring them (if male). All other wolves get one power, including omegas.

The power can be almost anything, such as glowing eyes (You don't have to have pupils if that's the case unless you want them), flaming paws, icicles sprouting from your back, tail, head, and neck, ect. Your power(s) can be used as an advantage, however, cannot be too godmodded, like say, being able to summon lightning bolts that always hit and always cause death upon impact.

If the water is drank before you earn a power it will act as a poison, killing you. It won't be a poison if drank when you get a power, though.

Challenging Arena*Image Source*


You may challenge a higher-ranked wolf for their rank in a fight. It takes place in the Arena, surrounded by stones. Wolves not fighting can watch on the boulders, they prove to be very comfortable, layered with soft moss. Be aware that fights often get bloody. If you give up, you lose your rank. If you win, you get the rank. Neither wolf should die, but you may kill the other wolf if needed (and they must approve) If your character dies, you may make another one. ANY wolf challenge another wolf (even omegas can) but the challenger must challenge a higher-ranking wolf. However, you must go to the next higher rank. Like, an omega has to go to hunter (only adols are Psi) and higher if they wish to go on. You cannot just jump from a hunter to a Delta, of example. You also cannot challenge for a Gamma rank, only old wolves become Gammas. If a wolf is challenged, they must say yes no matter what. Otherwise, they are not worthy of their rank.

Pack Dens*Image Source*
Healing Den*Image Source*


Wolf name:
Species (Grey wolf, timber wolf, cross, ect.):
Pack (Either the main one or the rival pack:
Power (Put active if your wolf has a power already, put inactive if not. Only put one here, if you get a second power, you may edit your form and tell me):

Elemental Wolves:

This is an idea to make the wolves somewhat superstitious somehow. Maybe elemental wolves, kinda like wolf gods. Read WOTB (Wolves of the Beyond) so I was thinking about introducing something like Skaarsgaard. They'll be like a normal character except have powers of their own, and control the weather. There'll be five. I'll give one to each admin. If some admins of this roleplay do not want one, I will give regular players an oppurtunity to have one if they want one. You can only own one, so choose carefully. I'll take the one nobody else takes. The ones that are there are: Ice, Fire, Wind, Lightning, Earth, and Water.

People that own them:

Wolf of Fire: Piper
Wolf of Ice: Simba (Garmi)
Wolf of Lightning: Hetchi (Var)
Wolf of Wind: (None)
Wolf of Water: (None)
Wolf of Earth: (None)

Falling Embers pack Ranks:

Alpha Male (0/1):
Alpha Female (1/1): Makeera
Beta Male (0/1):
Zetas (0/5):
Beta Female (1/1): Iah Cehka
Gammas (1/5): Bascules, Kharma
Healer Male (1/1): River
Healer Female (1/1): Nova
Assistant Healer Male (0/1):
Assistant Healer Female (0/1):
Delta Male (0/1):
Delta Female (1/1): Cybelle
Lead Warriors (2/2, 1 male 1 female): Rahese (Male), Emiko (Female)
Warriors (Unlimited): Kiba, Saran, Kopa, Aiko, Camaria
Lead Hunter (1/1): Ravnilo
Lead Huntress (0/1):
Hunters/Huntresses (Unlimited) Kashi, Aika, Solar, Tihanii, Darius
Psi (Unlimited): Arkose, Areni
Pups (Unlimited) Tundra, Belle, Calyx, Pup
Omega Male (1/1): Serkahri
Omega Female (1/1): Snowy

Setting Suns pack Ranks:

Alpha Male (1/1): Rajat
Alpha Female (1/1): Daphne
Beta Male (1/1): Jarisol
Beta Female (1/1): Renair
Zetas (0/5):
Gammas (0/5):
Healer Male (0/1):
Healer Female (0/1):
Assistant Healer Male (0/1):
Assistant Healer Female (0/1):
Delta Male (1/1): Sigi
Delta Female (1/1): Chess
Lead Warriors (2/2, 1 male 1 female): Sulferia (Female), Kiba (Male)
Warriors (Unlimited): Fangor
Lead Hunter (0/1):
Lead Huntress (1/1): Raven
Hunters/Huntresses (Unlimited): Sevie, Gale
Psi (Unlimited): Shujaa
Pups (Unlimited):
Omega Male (0/1):
Omega Female (0/1):

Known lone wolves:
-Ignis Fatuus

Known outpackers:

Known Star pack wolves:

Rank Information

Alphas: Are the leaders of the pack.
Betas: Heirs to the alphas, basically the future alphas.
Gammas: Elder wolves, get lots of respect and have a very high rank. A wolf becomes a Gamma at 8 years old if they don't die before then.
Deltas: Are basically the messengers of the pack, give information on what's going on, like any intruders, shortages, herds, ect.
Lead warrior: Lead fighter.
Warriors: Fighters.
Lead hunter/huntress: Title speaks for itself.
Hunters: Title speaks for itself.
Psi: Adolesent wolves, become one at 1 year, an adult at 2 years.
Pups: Basically baby wolves, I think you all know that.
Omegas: I think you all know what an omega is. If not, google it.


If you have any more suggestions to improve the roleplay, you may post them here. We would love to hear your suggestions!


(Not to name and shame, but rather for both of us to keep track)

Roleplayer: 1 warning
Victoria: 1 warning

Current season and month

(For the RP)

Season: Winter
Month: December

Current Events in the roleplay

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Merry Christmas! The mating season is stronger than ever, and for the entire month of December, more females will be more likely to go into heat; since this will be a harsh winter, those pups will most likely be big and strong! If your wolf is looking for a mate, now's the best time to act!

Credit to Xilo for creating the code.

Main Admin: Simba (Me)
Co-admins: Astral, Piper, Hetchi, and Xilo

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Edited on 12/03/16 @ 17:23:52 by ~Simba the Fluffy Lion~ (Rats) (#27778)

FoolsgoldFenrir (#27778)

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Posted on
2015-10-03 15:38:05
Oh, same here! Nobody replied to me yet, so things are starting to look north for the challenge. (Not that I don't like Kaito, I just don't want any inactive characters lying around collecting dust.) And hmm, maybe the pup could be the pup of Nova (or some other wolf? Maybe one of Makeera's or Madjaster's, or even Serkahri's if you want, or anyone else if they provide consent.) that was long lost and managed to find his/her way back to the pack (which pack, Falling Embers or Setting Suns?) and somehow gets caught up in the other pack? Though it's your character, you can do what you want with it c:

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MoeMoe (#65000)

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Posted on
2015-10-03 15:52:46
Hmmm well I would prefer this pup to be in Falling Ember since the Setting Suns pack doesn't look like the best place for a pup at the moment....The pup is going to be pretty young and Nova wouldn't have overlooked any of her pups...Iza don't know hmm maybe a stray? I don't know how Makeera would suddenly have a pup...and as for Madjaster he is in the other pack...Serkahri already has two pups and I think this little guy will be a little to bold for that kind of ranking...I will think this over.

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Piper (#21479)

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Posted on
2015-10-03 15:59:56
Well, whatever his background may turn out to be, I'm sure Iah Cehka would love to serve as an adoptive mother. Though depending on how old he is, such as if he's already been weaned (though jeez I hope so, I don't think he'd live even one day on his own) perhaps Angel could take him in with her pups, if she's willing. Shrug.

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FoolsgoldFenrir (#27778)

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Posted on
2015-10-03 16:10:07
Hmm, yeah. And that could be possible, and a wolf takes him/her in as his/her own pup, and then said pup gets taken by the Setting Suns pack (if you want that to happen, I'd gladly have Madjaster swoop in and cause some more drama.)

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🍁 Canadian-Eh?
🍁 (#70478)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-10-03 22:22:41
Plot twist!!! Hey i was thinking that maybe Raven could have connections with the setting suns pack, because of her she was born out side the pack maybe that was the pack that she was born into. Another Twist!!! Rainar would be her sister, and still loved Raven, and because her mother drove her out she killed her own mother for revenge, and that would be why she is kinda half crazy sometimes and was a BIG soft spot for pups.

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HetchiπŸ¦‚πŸ‘‘ (#39590)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-10-04 00:04:16
Ok I want to start by thanking Astral for remembering that I wanted to have the Alpha roll in the rival pack. I do still want that role but I love the idea of the tyrant wolf you came up with Astral so I can settle for alpha female if no one minds to much. I have a form ready for either spot anyway.

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FoolsgoldFenrir (#27778)

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Posted on
2015-10-04 02:18:51
Victoria: Those sound good.

Hetchi: Alright, that's fine.

And Nazako and Espen are automatically going to be killed off because their owners said it was okay to kill them off. I'll be posting their death scenes now.

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🍁 Canadian-Eh?
🍁 (#70478)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-10-04 02:20:37
Ok, well now its going to be much easier for her to be persuaded to go to the other pack, she may even bring some wolves with her *cough kiba cough*

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HetchiπŸ¦‚πŸ‘‘ (#39590)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-10-04 03:33:52

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Edited on 23/03/16 @ 15:28:58 by Hetchi *Romano* (#39590)

HetchiπŸ¦‚πŸ‘‘ (#39590)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-10-04 03:37:07
Please let me know what you guys think of her........ She is my pride and joy

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🍁 Canadian-Eh?
🍁 (#70478)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-10-04 03:38:56
* Bows* Greetings alpha
(I love her so much!! I cant wait for her to be in the RP. She is very worthy to be alpha)

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MoeMoe (#65000)

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Posted on
2015-10-04 07:17:38
It was actually piper who reminded me you wanted to have an alpha memmory is not the most active thing lol. Hmm well it looks like I'm going to have two new characters unless someone else would like to have the alpha male??

If no one does I just want to say that this guy is going to be MEAN...and unfortunately for your character Hetchi he is going to be not so loyal to his mate though he would would value Daphne above all others probably only because he is fascinated by her poison. I'm thinking of actually making his power the mesmerism power like Nova's old "mate" had though I have not nailed that down yet. He would be a huge wolf probably a dire wolf.....hmmm. He would hate pups, etc just an all around evil guy. Maybe the pup I would be making could actually be his son of by another wolf who he got tired of and destroyed and he does not feel like raising this pup so he tries to kill it. Pup runs and perhaps bumps into Iah? Tell me what you guys think or if someone else wants the alpha male in the other pack...

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Piper (#21479)

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Posted on
2015-10-04 07:23:09
I think your character would make an excellent alpha male, Astral! In the worst kind of way, of course. ;)

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MoeMoe (#65000)

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Posted on
2015-10-04 07:25:21
Is it okay if Nova is actually 5 Years, 7 months....she is supposed to be an experienced wolf and I based her age on the original gamma age of 6 which is now 10 I was thinking of adding that year and pretending that was her original age. Tell me what you guys think...

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🍁 Canadian-Eh?
🍁 (#70478)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-10-04 07:28:01
I think all your ideas are very good!! :D go for it

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