Posted by | Falling Embers Pack (Wolf RP) (Sign-ups) (OPEN) | |||||
![]() FoolsgoldFenrir (#27778) Unholy View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2015-08-23 12:50:25 |
![]() (Logo by Crypika) ![]()
Welcome to the Falling Embers pack. You are a wolf, but how much dominance do you have? Are you maybe an alpha, or a beta? Maybe a wise and old Gamma. Or maybe a low-ranking omega? No matter what, a wolf is a noble creature, what you are. How will your life in a pack unfold? (RP Thread: http://www.lioden.com/topic.php?id=304429198344) A wolf can live a maximum of 13 RP years, but may die earlier than that. Pack Rules(Can be broken if you want to get your character in trouble in the roleplay) -If an alpha catches you drinking the water at the back of their den, they will punish your wolf harshly. -If a higher-ranked wolf decides to spar with an omega, that omega is not allowed to fight back, no matter the pain. -During dominance fights, wolves with active powers may not, under any circumstances, use their powers against a fellow pack member. The breaking of this rule could lead to banishment, or death, depending on the severity of the offence. -High ranks such as alphas, betas, gammas, and deltas, are to be respected at all times. -Females can go hunting, but, cannot take on larger prey such as deer and elk due to risk of injury. They may not hunt at all if pregnant or nursing pups. RP Rules(Cannot be broken) -Be respectful to everyone when out-of-character. Your character can be mean in-character however. Hate the character, not the player. -Any wolf can breed for pups, but if a lower-ranked wolf like an omega gives birth, due to not being able to gain enough weight, the pups will most likely not make it. - You can have as many characters as you want, as long as you can handle them. If it is clear you cannot handle the amount of characters you are controlling, I will ask you to get rid of your inactive ones. -If not taken the role of being roleplayed as, pups will be chased from the pack when they become a Psi. -Both players must agree to breed, if one of you says no do not message me. Ask them first, and if you both agree, both of you will message me, and if I have proof you both agree, I will allow it. You must fade to black in the roleplay if breeding, or use a simple phrase to end it, like "And then they mated/bred." If it will be very graphical, take it to PMs. -No godmodding or powerplaying. Both are extremely annoying. No autohitting either. -Minimum 3 sentences per post. NO exceptions. Breaking this rule will result in a warning each time, I will PM you about it instead of positing it publicly. -Also, please try not to use too much wolfspeak. A little here and there (Like "She lifted her cranium and opened her orbs", but if there's wolfspeak for EVERY piece of anatomy, that's too much. You can use auds for ears, but not every time.) -If you break these rules, it will be a warning if minor, or if major, a strike. 3 warnings = 1 strike, 3 strikes = Get out. I will be keeping track of your warnings and strikes here so the both of us know. It's not to name and shame, it's just so we can both keep track. Believe me, I don't like to point fingers, but will do so if needed, and in this case, it's needed. -Please try to make your wolf look realistic (not including the powers, I mean like, no sparkledogs unless it's a power for your wolf (in which case should be inactive for now)) -Yes, you ARE allowed to have two of your characters as mates, however it has to be under one of more of these circumstances: -No other characters belonging to other people are interested in having their character as a mate for your wolf. -You ask me about it first and I approve. -It will eventually go downhill somehow, making either your wolf or wolves open to others again or being mateless again. Not all have to fit with the characters in question, but at least one must. ![]()
PowersIn the back of the alphas' den (The two alphas share a den) there is some sacred water with flowers. These flowers never die, and glow in the dark. You must ask permission to the alphas to drink it, and it's to keep your power(s). Alpha, Healers and betas get two powers. The first is from random and the second from giving birth to pups (if female) or siring them (if male). All other wolves get one power, including omegas. The power can be almost anything, such as glowing eyes (You don't have to have pupils if that's the case unless you want them), flaming paws, icicles sprouting from your back, tail, head, and neck, ect. Your power(s) can be used as an advantage, however, cannot be too godmodded, like say, being able to summon lightning bolts that always hit and always cause death upon impact. If the water is drank before you earn a power it will act as a poison, killing you. It won't be a poison if drank when you get a power, though. ![]()
ChallengingYou may challenge a higher-ranked wolf for their rank in a fight. It takes place in the Arena, surrounded by stones. Wolves not fighting can watch on the boulders, they prove to be very comfortable, layered with soft moss. Be aware that fights often get bloody. If you give up, you lose your rank. If you win, you get the rank. Neither wolf should die, but you may kill the other wolf if needed (and they must approve) If your character dies, you may make another one. ANY wolf challenge another wolf (even omegas can) but the challenger must challenge a higher-ranking wolf. However, you must go to the next higher rank. Like, an omega has to go to hunter (only adols are Psi) and higher if they wish to go on. You cannot just jump from a hunter to a Delta, of example. You also cannot challenge for a Gamma rank, only old wolves become Gammas. If a wolf is challenged, they must say yes no matter what. Otherwise, they are not worthy of their rank. ![]()
Form:Wolf name: Gender: Age: Species (Grey wolf, timber wolf, cross, ect.): Image/Description: Personality: Rank: Pack (Either the main one or the rival pack: Power (Put active if your wolf has a power already, put inactive if not. Only put one here, if you get a second power, you may edit your form and tell me): Crush/Mate/Pups: Other: Elemental Wolves: This is an idea to make the wolves somewhat superstitious somehow. Maybe elemental wolves, kinda like wolf gods. Read WOTB (Wolves of the Beyond) so I was thinking about introducing something like Skaarsgaard. They'll be like a normal character except have powers of their own, and control the weather. There'll be five. I'll give one to each admin. If some admins of this roleplay do not want one, I will give regular players an oppurtunity to have one if they want one. You can only own one, so choose carefully. I'll take the one nobody else takes. The ones that are there are: Ice, Fire, Wind, Lightning, Earth, and Water. People that own them: Wolf of Fire: Piper Wolf of Ice: Simba (Garmi) Wolf of Lightning: Hetchi (Var) Wolf of Wind: (None) Wolf of Water: (None) Wolf of Earth: (None) Falling Embers pack Ranks:Alpha Male (0/1): Alpha Female (1/1): Makeera Beta Male (0/1): Zetas (0/5): Beta Female (1/1): Iah Cehka Gammas (1/5): Bascules, Kharma Healer Male (1/1): River Healer Female (1/1): Nova Assistant Healer Male (0/1): Assistant Healer Female (0/1): Delta Male (0/1): Delta Female (1/1): Cybelle Lead Warriors (2/2, 1 male 1 female): Rahese (Male), Emiko (Female) Warriors (Unlimited): Kiba, Saran, Kopa, Aiko, Camaria Lead Hunter (1/1): Ravnilo Lead Huntress (0/1): Hunters/Huntresses (Unlimited) Kashi, Aika, Solar, Tihanii, Darius Psi (Unlimited): Arkose, Areni Pups (Unlimited) Tundra, Belle, Calyx, Pup Omega Male (1/1): Serkahri Omega Female (1/1): Snowy Setting Suns pack Ranks:Alpha Male (1/1): Rajat Alpha Female (1/1): Daphne Beta Male (1/1): Jarisol Beta Female (1/1): Renair Zetas (0/5): Gammas (0/5): Healer Male (0/1): Healer Female (0/1): Assistant Healer Male (0/1): Assistant Healer Female (0/1): Delta Male (1/1): Sigi Delta Female (1/1): Chess Lead Warriors (2/2, 1 male 1 female): Sulferia (Female), Kiba (Male) Warriors (Unlimited): Fangor Lead Hunter (0/1): Lead Huntress (1/1): Raven Hunters/Huntresses (Unlimited): Sevie, Gale Psi (Unlimited): Shujaa Pups (Unlimited): Omega Male (0/1): Omega Female (0/1): Known lone wolves: -Ava -Ignis Fatuus -Kina Known outpackers: -Bevan -Madjaster Known Star pack wolves: -Rags -Kaito Rank InformationAlphas: Are the leaders of the pack. Betas: Heirs to the alphas, basically the future alphas. Gammas: Elder wolves, get lots of respect and have a very high rank. A wolf becomes a Gamma at 8 years old if they don't die before then. Deltas: Are basically the messengers of the pack, give information on what's going on, like any intruders, shortages, herds, ect. Lead warrior: Lead fighter. Warriors: Fighters. Lead hunter/huntress: Title speaks for itself. Hunters: Title speaks for itself. Psi: Adolesent wolves, become one at 1 year, an adult at 2 years. Pups: Basically baby wolves, I think you all know that. Omegas: I think you all know what an omega is. If not, google it. Other:If you have any more suggestions to improve the roleplay, you may post them here. We would love to hear your suggestions! Strikes(Not to name and shame, but rather for both of us to keep track) Roleplayer: 1 warning Victoria: 1 warning Current season and month(For the RP) Season: Winter Month: December Current Events in the roleplay![]() Merry Christmas! The mating season is stronger than ever, and for the entire month of December, more females will be more likely to go into heat; since this will be a harsh winter, those pups will most likely be big and strong! If your wolf is looking for a mate, now's the best time to act! Credit to Xilo for creating the code. Main Admin: Simba (Me) Co-admins: Astral, Piper, Hetchi, and Xilo ![]() Edited on 12/03/16 @ 17:23:52 by ~Simba the Fluffy Lion~ (Rats) (#27778) |
Piper (#21479)
Sinister View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2015-11-09 09:12:43 |
Hmm... well, what are the different elemental wolves you're bringing in? Ice, Fire, Wind and Water? ![]() |
FoolsgoldFenrir (#27778)
Unholy View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2015-11-09 09:14:41 |
Ice, Fire, Wind, and Lightning. I'll add a Water one too, so yeah. Ice, Fire, Wind, Lightning, and Water. ![]() |
Piper (#21479)
Sinister View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2015-11-09 09:17:39 |
Ah, I see. So many questions. xD Would these wolves be rped like any other wolf? Would they have personalities, names, etc.? Sorry, haha. I'm trying to figure out whether my character would work as one of these, or if I should keep them separate. :) ![]() |
FoolsgoldFenrir (#27778)
Unholy View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2015-11-09 09:25:57 |
It'd be a wolf god that yes, has a name: Wolf of (whatever element it possesses). They'd give omens, show signs of existence, have constellations, change the weather, ect. It's not like any normal wolf, but can still be played as in the RP. They can interact with other characters but not directly like walking up to them. ![]() |
Piper (#21479)
Sinister View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2015-11-09 09:42:16 |
Ah, I see. :) I'll likely keep them as separate characters, then. Thanks for explaining! I think I'm most interested in the fire element, myself, but I don't mind any of the others, just in case someone else is interested in that particular element. Especially since my new character will already be dealing with fire. ![]() |
FoolsgoldFenrir (#27778)
Unholy View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2015-11-09 09:46:31 |
Alright, fire it is! Make a form for it and you'll have it in no time :) ![]() |
Piper (#21479)
Sinister View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2015-11-09 11:50:21 |
Name | Wolf of Fire Species | Elemental Wolf Age | Unknown Gender | Unknown. Generally acknowledged using "he, him" pronouns. Physical Description | A blazing wolf with fur of naked flame. His eyes are pinpricks of pale light in the haze of flickering fire. Personality | Unknown Rank | Elemental Wolf Power | Imparts prophecies alongside the other elemental wolves. Has a hand both in destruction, and the flourish of new found life. Ashen paw prints trail his path, threading around those he has bestowed knowledge upon. He can also control the weather in regards to warmth. Other | Just let me know if I should change anything, since I still may not be totally clear on how these elemental wolves work. xD ---- Name | Ignis Fatuus Species | Red wolf Age | 3yrs, 2mnths Gender | Male Physical Description | ![]() Though about the typical size for his species, in comparison to the wolves of FEP and SSP, he is relatively small. Personality | Ignis is a wolf that is neither hyper-active, nor laidback. Rather, he is a quiet wolf with a gaze set with stoic determination, having little interest in those around him unless it serves his purpose. He is respectful toward other wolves, but otherwise he tends to give them somewhat of a berth, preferring his solitude over the company of others. Quite a traveller, he has trekked a long ways from his home land, leaving the fate of his slowly dying pack -- and species -- at his back. Skittish in some respects, it's apparent that the wolf is no stranger to trauma. Thunderstorms, darkness, and the scent of smoke seem to be the things he is wary of, though overall he's a pretty cautious fellow, calculating during hunts or other situations in which he could get hurt. As a lone male, he would have no companion to turn to in the face of an injury, and he finds that avoiding conflict or injury altogether is beneficial. Associating with other wolves falls into this strategy, as well, though he will hesitantly acknowledge wolves willing to speak without violence. Familial Relationships | Unknown. Likely deceased. He prefers not to speak of his past experiences. Crush | He isn't particularly interested in any females at the moment Mate | Refer to "crush." :3 Rank | N/A (Currently a lone wolf) Power | Ignis has the ability to engulf his entire form in flames. It is mostly under his control, though patches of flames will sometimes flare up without his consent. The presence of strong emotions also tends to set him burning. Ironically, the wolf is terrified of fire and smoke, and it tends to send him into a panic whenever the power activates of its own accord. Other than the activation of the power, the male can control every flicker of flame that coats his body, restricting it from catching foliage and other biomaterial aflame, including those of his own species. When he so chooses to, the flames can inflict damage to his surroundings -- though there can be no specific distinction between those he wishes to hurt and those he does not. And, since this intention leads to biomaterial being burned, the fire will similarly turn upon him, hurting him as he hurts others. When he engulfs his entire body, his fur turns as black as soot afterwards, changing his appearance to that of a different wolf for either a matter of hours, or days. (Active) Others | Photo Resource (pre-edit): Clicky | He may join SSP eventually, if Rajat'll have him. :) ![]() Edited on 03/12/15 @ 19:22:56 by Piper [SC][MP] (#21479) |
FoolsgoldFenrir (#27778)
Unholy View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2015-11-09 11:55:13 |
Both accepted! Also, the Wolf of Fire makes the weather warmer, so there's that. ![]() Edited on 09/11/15 @ 19:02:06 by ~Simba the Fluffy Lion~ (Lich) (#27778) |
MoeMoe (#65000)
Sweetheart View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2015-11-09 12:01:20 |
At the moment Rahese would love to have him....if he passes the test. (which he definitely will if he shows his fire powers...) Should't there be a Nature or Earth wolf?? Perhaps earth which would include plants, animals and earthen materials, such as rock, metal etc? What do the other elements include?? So piper what kind of powers are you looking for with Rahese...give me a hint on what you are looking for when your trying to match character with power. ![]() |
FoolsgoldFenrir (#27778)
Unholy View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2015-11-09 12:11:20 |
I'll include a nature/earth wolf too, yes. A for other elements... not sure. Maybe a Wolf of Darkness, which is kind of like a Devil Wolf, basically the wolf version of Satan to the wolves in the RP? ![]() |
Piper (#21479)
Sinister View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2015-11-09 12:17:26 |
@Simba | Thank you. x3 And ah, I see. I can add that, as well. @Astral | Hmm... as for powers... well, I am strongly considering keeping his at this point, because I hadn't realized that it suited him pretty well until different suggestions were made. I still like the idea of a physically-based power, but not something that simply enhances stamina and stuff like that. My problem with telekinesis is simply that it feels physically based, as well, in some regard. Though he's not doing it with his body, per se, he is still swinging something "physical" around, if you know what I mean? Powers that are totally ethereal are what I had in mind, on the complete opposite end of the spectrum of physically-based powers -- such as "reading minds" or "psychic abilities," though obviously not those specifically. Almost in relation to Nova's, with her ability to look into an objects/animals past. Does that clear things up at all? @Simba (again xD) Though just is my opinion, I would personally prefer that we stick to the elements we have now -- "darkness" isn't really an element, in most regards, and with a wolf of darkness must also come a wolf of light. I just don't like the idea myself, though obviously if others enjoy it, I won't protest. I just think it would be nice to keep the elements nature-based. Victoria may have an opinion on that, though, since Raven is a child of shadow. ![]() |
MoeMoe (#65000)
Sweetheart View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2015-11-09 12:23:00 |
Hmm so you want something that is either totally physical or totally ethereal??? ~I like your current power a lot...though I am worried if others will take it into account. Physical powers I looked up: Okay lets be honest...I suck at looking up physical stuff~Should probably find someone else to help you with this one. Ethereal Power Ideas: *The power to make illusions whether it be smell, sight, hearing, touch or all at the same time...your choice. *The ability to influence another's dreams to possibly influence their emotions or gain information about their past and their possible future. *The ability to influence another emotion intensity...so if they are feeling sad he could make them fall into a depression or if they had a spark of happiness within a ton of sadness he could make the happiness grow. *A promoter for all powers making them stronger then they normally would be... *Blerg...I'll add more when my brain starts working... ![]() Edited on 09/11/15 @ 19:35:58 by Astral (#65000) |
Piper (#21479)
Sinister View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2015-11-09 12:27:11 |
Yep. :) Or at least suggestions of such. Elemental wolves made by yuumei of DeviantArt... ooo... http://yuumei.deviantart.com/art/Element-Wolves-87274429 She also has individual depictions of each. ^^ ![]() Edited on 09/11/15 @ 19:29:59 by Piper [SC][MP] (#21479) |
MoeMoe (#65000)
Sweetheart View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2015-11-09 12:36:46 |
FoolsgoldFenrir (#27778)
Unholy View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2015-11-10 06:21:46 |
Oh and Astral, should I keep the character limit or get rid of it and let people have as many characters as they want as long as they can handle them? ![]() |