Posted by Private messages and post ideas

X I O [divine
trip.rosette] (#34167)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-09-01 13:55:13

So lately I've started a family called I.R.I.S. (invert rosette institute and study) and we're throwing promotional events, such as raffles and whatnot in hopes to gain members, but mostly keep my little family happy.

Yes, I have mods on there to monitor them in their own catagories
Should something go wrong. But I realized something when I began sending out invites and trying to come up with ideas with them.
They can't see each other's ideas
Its a pain, especially if all members of the 'party' needs to share their opinion to disagree or agree. I don't want to copy and paste the same thing to 4 people wt different times while the first 2 may have already went further ahead. I was hoping of a sort of making a post private (e.g. At the bottom, there could be options to public and private and you'd have to enter their IDs for them to enter/veiw the chat then a save button)

For PM we can have multiple slots for multiple ID. Or we just kinda seperate them with commas. And if you reply to a group message, it would show as " sent to: player ID 1, player ID2, "ect. If you were to reply, you'd reply to the entire group

" Why not just say it on the thread" you ask? Well, threads are something not a lot of people check on, so players might recieve news a tad bit too late and fall behind. I personally plan to give out rosettes my Napoleon sires every month via. Raffle to help the players in my family a bit. I posted the notification on the family post, but no one really picked up anything until I messaged them

It would save a load of work for people with big families that rarely check the main thread for news, or if the thread underwent changes and they are unaware. I mean, rummaging through the entire post for sign ups to send PMs to wasn't fun and science has proven our brain hates numbers and tends to forget them easily.

Save it for the ones with main pages with 100+ pages, it would be a pain to try and find the players (not everyone updates their front page a lot you know >.> sometimes we need breaks as well)

The cons of this include mass advertising, but that could be treated the same as offensive messages, you can report them. Pms are never to be used as a form of mass advertising. Thats for the sales chat.

Most of the cons I can think of for this is all reportable (dragging others into fights, group threats, ect. They can be reported to admins and mods.) and can be deleted.

Maybe the 'from' section is the name of the person that said something or started it?

Can we also have a contact list? Basically your friends, but you choose who goes on there and you can sort them. And maybe around the bottom there could be a 'contact all' button so you call the folder's/group's members simultaneously. I personally want this because I can add I.R.I.S.'s members on there and pm all of them to make things more efficient.
This is completely optional. I can still slave aboout and send PMs to everyone, but there will be people that might be skipped over and I don't want them feeling leftout/forgotten. It just really gets to me with the guilt and everything
Open to opinions and suggestions
Also, please don't say it is "too much work" for Kitty and the admins. They decide if its too much work. Thanks!

Suggestions and thoughts
-To prevent flooding of inboxes, the use might have to reply to recieve further notifications about that pm. If they just veiwed it/skimmed it without reply, they would not recieve any notifications (You got mail) from that chat.

-As an extra. Can we please have block/ban buttons on our posts? I mean, some of us don't want to shut our posts down because of 1 troll/bully and because not getting provoked really is difficult and mods generally can't respond to the situation right away. So I think we need a button on posts that allows you to block the players from the post ("error, post not found") to prevent the feels getting hurt. I mean in the time that the mods recieve and actually respond, a lot of players can get hurt emotionally. For example, if there was a thread about a person being depressed and ACTUALLY considering something bad and a troll pops up saying " do it *insert insult name here* not like the world would care" and a plenty more harmful things
- reply all and reply to sender button (#57143)

Shameless advertising
Felidaes, a in works interactive/genetics adoptable! Give us your suggestion to get entry on the test drive!<---a small lioden cat game on LD :P--

This suggestion has 44 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Edited on 12/09/15 @ 10:54:34 by :||W H I T E O U T||: I.R.I.S. (#34167)

Kamme [HM/Side] (#57143)

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Posted on
2015-09-01 15:34:30
I like this idea! I would super help with working in teams on other projects as well.

It does sound a lot like email, so maybe it could work the same way for replying? You could have a "Reply to All" Button, and a "Reply to Sender" button, respectively. If you want to reply to everyone the message was sent to, you click the "reply to all" button, and it replies it to everyone who the previous message was sent to. You would show up in the "From" bar for that message. If you just want to reply to the sender for that message but not everyone else, you just click the "reply to sender" button.

To help with the spam issue, a limit could be set. I'm not sure what a good number for that would be, but I was thinking ~10ish.

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X I O [divine
trip.rosette] (#34167)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-09-01 15:36:59
Thank you~Adding your suggestions

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Midnighteh {Tree
Guardian} (#31869)

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Posted on
2015-09-05 17:44:42

I definitely want this. I know that when I created the (now retired) R.O.M group it was extremely frustrating to PM everyone separately, and that was the main reason why I no longer have the group active/have it at all. Considering that I want to start another group soon, this would be very helpful ^^ (I especially love the idea of adding to a list)

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X I O [divine
trip.rosette] (#34167)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-09-05 18:14:15
Yes. I feel you >.>
I'm starting a new breedable/adoptables called Felidaes and those who give suggestions gets free entry for testing the alpha test and I would really like it if I didn't have to pm every one of them one by one. It would make the explanation for ideas/sales/updates for families quicker and more efficient and probably less stressful :)

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Seiden (#31503)

True King
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Posted on
2015-09-12 03:50:11
Why is the font so small? I can't even read your post...

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X I O [divine
trip.rosette] (#34167)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-09-12 03:54:12
Ahhhhh- sorry, will change font size

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Meso (#49519)

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Posted on
2015-09-12 17:30:35
definitely support the sending PMs to multiple players!!!!!

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