Posted by Chat Track

Echo [Neko] (#70417)

Deathlord of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2015-09-02 02:30:47
I'm not sure how it would go down, but I think Lioden needs something to keep track of YOUR messages, or maybe even messages of people you can "follow".

It could be something simple - A client-side badge next to your name. However, this wouldn't work with mods/helpers.

Another idea could maybe be change the colour of the line of your message, to a custom colour that you will notice. The customization is to make sure everyone can see it and it won't hurt their eyes.

A final idea would probably be the simplest - Change your name colour. Even if it was just dark blue, it would have a lot of definition among red names.

Suggestions in comments are very welcome!!

This suggestion has 10 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Sáracen (#52208)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-09-02 02:33:51
It could be a slightly darker colour that only you can see, like some light brownish on your own comments :)

Something like this?

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Edited on 02/09/15 by Sheba (Inferno King) (#52208)

scout ➴ (#28482)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2015-09-02 02:34:31
Support ^^ I think you should be able to choose the colour yourself, as some people are more inclined to see yellow where others see, say, green.

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