Posted by New rule about 'sale' threads?

Nyanunix (#11487)

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Posted on
2015-09-07 07:17:20
Well, it's like this: since the Wardrobe has been added, and you can upload lions and lionesses and edit things with relative ease, a lot of people will put a picture of the original lion(ess) and a picture with a few edits, such as marking opacities raised or something.

It isn't much of a problem. But in a thread I was bidding on a few hours ago, there was nothing stating that the pictures shown weren't how the lionesses looked. It was a mistake; the HTML had cut it out, but eventually someone realized that it wasn't the same lioness that was being sold.

Luckily, it was just an accident and it was discovered before anyone lost any SB/GB over it. But I realized that there aren't rules about this sort of thing, to my knowledge.

So what I suggest is to add something to the ToS something along these lines: "In the event of a thread being made in which the original poster is selling, raffling, or otherwise giving lions or lionesses for any form of currency or in-game item, the picture shown, if any, must show the lion or lioness being sold with no edits to the appearance of the lion or lioness. In the event of an edited image being shown, there must be a disclaimer of some sort saying that it is not the actual appearance of the lion or lioness in question."

This suggestion has 13 supports and 1 NO support.

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Robin {Elysian} (#52813)

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Posted on
2015-09-07 07:23:18
No support. It takes literally one click to look at a cub for sale if it's linked in the thread, or you can go to the OP's den and find it there to check the opacity/markings. Your spending is your responsibility. If you are spending without double checking what you're buying then it's your fault if you don't get what you expected. I don't really see why we need a new rule for this.

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Nyanunix (#11487)

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Posted on
2015-09-07 07:27:57
I consider it to be in the same category as scamming, really.

And I did go check. I do that with every lioness that I buy; I look at the number of markings and stuff. But it was in the first cub stage. I did notice that it didn't exactly look the same, but I attributed it to it being different art and not showing up the same.

Not everyone is going to go scry a cub to make sure it looks exactly like the picture, and we shouldn't have to.

Anyways, it's your opinion.

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FoolsgoldFenrir (#27778)

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Posted on
2015-09-07 07:48:20

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Robin {Elysian} (#52813)

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Posted on
2015-09-07 08:40:36
You don't have to scry the cub to see the opacities. You can just check in the profile. Most of the time it's pretty easy to tell if a mark is at 100% or whatever. I agree that people should be honest in sales threads but there doesn't need to be another rule that has to be policed.

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Nyanunix (#11487)

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Posted on
2015-09-07 08:52:00
Robin, I'm not trying to start an argument about it.

I do think it would be useful for newbies that may not know what the opacity for a marking means.

And it doesn't apply to just opacities, either! Say, for instance, someone went in and added a marking or something, and even when you checked the link, you didn't notice anything different because it was a cub and the picture was an adult, or you didn't know what the marking looked like so you didn't know that the lion or lioness didn't have it.

I used the opacities as an example.

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ambers. 🍊 (#15417)

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Posted on
2015-09-07 09:51:57
I'm on the fence about it really. There were several times were I almost brought cubs thinking they looked STUNNING. Only to click on the profile and go like "oh...well then". I feel as if as long as there is a disclaimer OR an edited photo as long with the original, the OP should be good to go.

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Nyanunix (#11487)

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2015-09-07 09:53:26
Yeah. XD I think I mentioned disclaimers/an actual picture being needed if you post an edited picture.

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