Posted by Shipwrecked- A Superhero Roleplay! ONE SPOT OPEN!

Kailani (#18301)

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Posted on
2015-09-09 09:15:02


The large and extravagant ocean liner was virtually indestructible. Or at least that is what everyone was told. The newly built ship, if that's what you could call something that large, (it looked more like a man-made whale) was impenetrable. This ship was made to stay afloat, no outside force could cause enough damage to bring her down. Sadly what the makers failed to factor in was destruction from the inside. An independent research facility paid a hefty sum to transport a new, experimental, highly radioactive substance to the destination. The crew members were given explicit instructions to not let the substance be exposed to temperatures exceeding 22 degrees Celsius. All was well until they hit the tropics, the storage air conditioning unit failed and at exactly 1:06 a.m. there was an explosion so powerful it left no trace of the once magnificent ship. The lucky ones that survived the explosion drifted about in the ocean until they reached a small island. Now their top priority is to either try and make a life for themselves on the island or try and find a way home but soon, that will be the least of their problems. Some of the travelers started developing strange…abilities due to the radiation that will make the whole surviving plan about ten times harder.


☢ All Lioden rules apply
☢ This is a LITERATE role-play. Meaning I'm looking for at least 2-3 paragraphs per post.
☢ No power playing, god-modding, etc.
☢ You are allowed ONE character to start with (If you simply must have another PM me and we will work something out)
☢ Your character may only have ONE 'gift', be it be power of flight, telepathy, teleportation, etc. And only one person may have each gift (meaning there can't be two mind readers on the island, let's keep it interesting) .
☢ Mary Sues, and Gary Stus, while comical, are not appropriate for this particular role play, your character must have flaws
☢ Your character does not have to have powers, but they can't have walked away from the explosion unscathed (meaning your character can't just spring up from the sand all hunky dory ready for an adventure )
☢ They will eventually attempt an escape and from there we can discuss as a group where we would like the role-play to go from there.
☢ At this point there are limited slots available, I do not take 'reservations'. There are only six spots available, three males, three females. The role-play won't officially start until there are at least four characters.
☢ The actual role-play will take place on a different board, this board is only for sign-ups and chatting.


Character Form!
Reason For Attending the Cruise:
Power Developed from Exposure:

Roleplay Sample: Can be from a past/current role-play. Does not have to be written on the spot.

Roleplay Board is here!!

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Edited on 14/12/15 @ 19:51:37 by Kailani (#18301)

Kailani (#18301)

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Posted on
2015-09-11 09:29:07
I won't accept partially done forms, sorry Carcin! C:

Dr. Bones, this starts right after the explosion. But I'm sure there will be plenty of flashbacks throughout the role play. ^^

And I'm so sorry I'm such a stickler when it comes to set up but I'm set in my ways and this is (in my experience) the best way to avoid flaky folks. I promise I'm not this picky when it comes to the actual role-play! <3

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Edited on 11/09/15 @ 16:31:37 by Kailani (#18301)

Carcin (#32695)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-09-11 09:38:33

Model: Tara Lynn

Name: Euphemia Louise “Eppie” Moore
Age: 22, born July 11, 1993
Gender: Female
Appearance: {Model is Tara Lynn} Eppie has never been a tiny, wisp of a thing. She shot up young to a height of five feet and nine inches, and never budged afterwards, though she was already much taller than her petite mother. As a child, she always managed to maintain a layer of chubbiness, but it was never a source of a problem for her. She carried it well, and it eventually morphed into a more than pleasant thickness when she hit her teens. Despite this, she must not be underestimated. She is strong with endurance and flexibility to boot, though she is not bulky or overtly anything. The way she stands, relaxed yet at the ready, seems to reflect this natural sturdiness.

Confident +/- | Sarcastic + | Resourceful + | Independent + | Stubborn - | Proud -

Ever since she was young, Eppie has been very independent. When her mother first bought the parsonage, a young Eppie would spend long days exploring the derelict and often dangerous church beside it. She cleared most of the sanctuary of debris before her mother had even bought work gloves. She has always acted with an innate optimism and confidence and has broken bones and needed stitches in the process. These have never stopped her from taking initiative in her life, whether in her mother’s church or elsewhere. Rarely does she meet problems that can’t be solved with quick thinking and some duct tape. On the other hand, she is used to acting rashly and taking matters into her own hands. She tends to be a control freak and is very stubborn. She oozes pride and is very unlikely to change her mind or stance on a situation, even if she realizes she is wrong about it. She does not like being wrong, at all, but she is not caustic or incredibly prone to going rouge. She’s not dumb enough to cut ties every time she does something wrong or doesn’t agree with something, but she tends to remember things for a really long time. That said, she never dislikes a person just for breathing, but she can be a little underhanded. Especially now, with everyone trying to survive, her first loyalty is to herself and those she more or less makes immediate friends with, and she will survive by whatever means necessary. She was the type of girl to make a lot of acquaintances, a few true friends, and even the odd frienemy or two.


In the fall 92', a young girl walked onto campus for her second year of college. Bright-eyed, innocent, and devout, she ran into a young TA older and wiser than herself. Sparks flew, and they were married before their three-month anniversary. She became with child a shockingly short time later and was abandoned before the first ultrasound. Stalwartly, she refused to quit college and come home, much to the disdain of her overtly devout and faithful parents. She instead threw herself into her schoolwork and readying the apartment left to her by her wayward husband. She managed to finish out her second year of college and brought her daughter into the world on July 11th, in the summer of 1993. She named the child after a saint whose miracle was celebrated that day.

She found continuing school with a baby was a lot harder than she imagined. It took a lot of pinching and late nights, but she managed to get through it with the help of an elderly woman a floor below her. Eppie, as she called her daughter, was raised with love angels would content of, but hardships were frequent in their little apartment until her mother got set up working at a private Catholic school. This delighted her, as it meant she could send her daughter there for school, and Eppie could be taught right, by proper nuns and everything.

Eventually, in 1999, they could afford enough to move out of the apartment and into a little pastor's house beside an abandoned church. Eppie's mother had dreams of fixing the place up and refitting it into some sort of house for the less fortunate, mainly women who were in the same place she had been in nine years before. Eppie, however, was reverent to her mother's faith, but that was all. She did not share her mother's staunch piety; Eppie was more…indifferent. All she wanted was to be a school teacher, like her mother, and write a bestseller. Maybe something about far off kingdoms and adventures.

Eppie stayed in private school the entire duration of gradeschool and got relatively well marks on her final tests. In 2010, she went to a private college in a quaint college town, but she was never far from her mother in spirit. They communicated constantly, her mother giving her constant updates on her project that Eppie was sure would never happen. After she graduated in the spring, her mother surprised her with a cruise trip before she started her first year of teaching. She and two of her good education cohort buddies boarded the ship, expecting the best summer sendoff they could hope for.

Reason For Attending the Cruise: A gift from her mother upon finishing her last year of college. She went on it with a few of her friends, but none of the others seemed to have survived.
Power Developed from Exposure: Kinetic energy manipulation (think Gambit from X-Men)
Other: I will gradually make the form prettier, but it's all here.
Sample here!

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Edited on 11/09/15 @ 17:03:34 by Carcin (#32695)

[Side]winder (#71221)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2015-09-11 10:15:23
Daniel_Bruehl.jpegName: Gero Amsell
Age: 23
Gender: Male
His hair is brownish blonde, slightly short and in need of some grooming. He's around six foot five, with a medium-muscular build. His eye color is a hazel-brown, and his weight is around 195 pounds. He is somewhat gangly, as he is getting used to his height (due to a growth spurt in his 20s). he does have a bit of facial hair around his jaw and below his nose.
Gero is somewhat confused about himself. He knows he's supposed to do things one way or act a certain way, but innately he wants to do something almost completely different. He tends to shove such thoughts out of his head, or at least tries to, but he most often ends up thinking about his problems if he isn't constantly being bothered. He is able to make friends, but he tends to whine to them about his problems ever once in a while. He's very quick to trust, and doesn't seem to notice if he's being used if the "friend" listens to him frequently. He gets very offended when someone doesn't agree with him, but also very confused, thinking everyone now hates him. He's pretty much very naive. He's developed into a more conniving route over the past few months, but like everything Gero does, His emotions are kept on his sleeve. You'd have to be really bad at reading people to not catch wind of his plots.
Gero is an average middle-class man, maybe with very bad luck. He was a below-average student in high school, and dropped out of college due to him failing and generally not doing well (unknown to his parents, his difficulty was more because he loved sneaking in on the greek life parties). His parents are a bit exasperated, but they have tried to find their son work. Since the age of 19, Gero has held a few jobs, but he usually lasted a few weeks to a few months. Reason? Multiple. In one he managed to work for a year, getting promoted to right below manager, but a coworker managed to find out he was trying to blame an incident on the boss, when it was his, and was promptly fired. He barely escaped legal harm.
Exasperated by his parents and by the world, Gero decided to take a job where he wouldn't see them: on a cruise ship. As his luck would have it, it would be a cruise liner. And luck would not have it, the cruise liner exploded.
Reason For Attending the Cruise:
He was working as a crewman on board! He mostly was working below decks, cleaning and doing other janitorial work.
Power Developed from Exposure:
Rapid Healing Factor
[a la Deadpool: practically impossible to kill him due to how quick it is. A boon and a curse. Mostly a curse.]
How many times can I hurt this poor man? Many. I am gonna take full advantage of that power.

Aaaand if possible, I half want to blame the explosion on him, if that would be a-ok. He'd definitely manage to make an AC fail somehow. If not, well, for once Gero wasn't the one who did something wrong!

Roleplay Sample:
Just a single post, pretty dang long

:| Give me... a bit to figure out what the heck the code is on this forum. I can't mooch off quoted ports, unfortunately.

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Edited on 11/09/15 @ 17:27:04 by [Side]winder (#71221)

Kailani (#18301)

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Posted on
2015-09-11 10:46:09
Eppie is accepted!

Sidewinder I'm supper iffy on the whole 'rapid healing' power, as I've rarely seen it role-played without the writer getting into god modding. I'll give you some leeway and accept Gero but I'll be watching you like a nitpicky hawk. X3 And I actually already have someone to blame for the explosion (every good superhero story's gotta have a villain, HINT HINT EVERYONE <3).

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Tirrathee 🐋🌌 (#58785)

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Posted on
2015-09-11 10:54:59

Name: Samuel Birch
Age: 27
Gender: male

Appearance: A rather underwhelming man in his late twenties, of an average build and height. The mixed blood of his Mulatto mother and white father give him a pleasant enough set of features, but he has never considered himself truly attractive. His hair is a very dark shade of brown, his skin has a healthy tan and his dark eyes look at the world with a sort of wry amusement that makes people judge him as cynical at first. His muscles, while not impressive, are well enough toned that he appears well suited for his job under the deck.
[borrowing the likeness of one Thomas Chatterton Williams for visual reference]

Personality: Samuel is a kind person. He's more observant than people give him credit for, and uses their misconceptions about him remorselessly for personal gain, but refrains from harming another without good reason. He prefers actions to words, and often has trouble socializing due to his terseness. He is a skilled technician and loves tinkering, often showing more fondness for machines than people.

Background: Sam is the son of a young barmaid and her jolly sailor bold. The boy first met his father at the age of eight and immediately took a liking to his profession: ship enigneering. He and his mother lived in a port city, moving from one hovel to another, fending off poverty. His father supported them financially however he could, feeling guilty for leaving his shore-leave paramour pregnant with nothing but a few basic belongings to her name. It was mainly thanks to him that Sam could go to school, and mainly thanks to Sam's own persistence and hard work that he could learn for and get his dream job. The post on the huge cruiser is his greatest achievement so far - and he feels shattered that it will be his last. In the blast, he got trapped in between two metal boilers, sustaining severe burns and losing his right leg, with only half of his thigh left for a stump.

Reason For Attending the Cruise: works for the company chartering the ship.

Power Developed from Exposure: metal manipulation on atomic level - can control even the barest traces of any metal around him, shaping and moving it at will. This comes with a high awareness of all magnetic fields within a certain radius of him.

Other: n/a

Roleplay Sample:
Muttering to himself, Sam inspected the control panel of the boiler for the seventh time. The heating and air conditioning systems were not connected, but he had a hunch that the mysterious malfunction of the machinery keeping the cargo bay cool might have something to do with the passengers' complaints about the lack of hot water that started pouring in sometime around three a.m. that day. The boilers were hot, indicating there must be something wrong in the piping.
"Hey Sammy, need a hand there?" asked a bright, cheerful voice behind him. Samuel flinched.
"No, thanks for asking. I'm fine," he answered. He'd have to squeeze himself behind the massive canisters to examine the valves placed irresponsibly so far from convenient access; he would receive no help from the bulky assistant, despite his eagerness. "Carry on, Donnie."
The boy looked only slightly disappointed; this wasn't the first time Sam rejected him. For some reason, the boy made it his goal to befriend his superior, but accepted his defeats in that field with an easy dignity and cheerfulness that has already won him more sympathy from Sam than any other coworker could hope for.
It was hot between the boilers; Sam wiped his brow. He was on edge because of the air conditioning's malfunction; he did not know whether it was the heat or the stress that made him sweat more. He carefully slid between the metal walls, trying to avoid getting burned.


I hope this is sufficient; is an image necessary? If yes, I'll add it later, and might need to alter the appearance slightly, I need sleep now... ^^' as I haven't roleplayed in ages, I needed to type something up on the spot.

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Edited on 13/09/15 @ 13:37:23 by Tirrathee [pfm] (#58785)

Kailani (#18301)

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Posted on
2015-09-11 11:05:40
Sam's been accepted as well!

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(Sunset|4xCimm|G2) (#36246)

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Posted on
2015-09-11 11:07:26

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Avalon Cornwell

16 Yrs. 7 M.


He is relatively short for his age but has a thin, lean build. His face is in-between long and round and his shoulders are anything but broad. Avon has short, black hair that sits flatly on his head, spiking out in odd directions. His eyes are a crystal-like, emerald green. It's really easy to tell who he is from behind because he always wears his signature grey hoodie. Often times you'll see him wearing black, cotton shorts; even if the air around him is freezing. Aside from that he looks relatively normal apart from the fingerless gloves that he never takes off.

Avalon has never been one for the indoors, preferring to spend most of, if not all of his time outside. This shy kid keeps to himself most of the time, usually speaking only when necessary. His silence doesn't portray the fact that he is witty and clever. He won't hesitate to question the decisions of others if they seem too bold or rash. Avalon is levelheaded and although he is smart, doesn't like to be the leader.
"Silence is an answer too."

Before the cruise Avalon worked on a farm with his family. In fact, he's been around animals all his life. His family wasn't particularly rich, homeschooling him until he reached the age of 13. Avalon has a sort of gentleness about him that has come from his life with animals. When his father grew ill with an unknown disease, they were forced to sell their home to try and find a cure. He lost everything he loved. His house, his animals, and his father. They were too late to find a cure, but with the money they had raised in trying to find one, his mother decided to move on and take the family on a relaxing cruise.

Reason For Attending the Cruise:
He was travelling with his family on a vacation.

Power Developed from Exposure:

[Don't think so...?]

Roleplay Sample:
Alran's starry paws carried her soundlessly across the ground. She stared through the trees at the wolves and anger bubbled inside her. These killers had her blood on their paws. Turning away, she headed through the forest until she reached the pack wolves. She wound her way through her old friends, and although they couldn't see her, she was sure they could tell she was there. Finally she found the wolf she was searching for. Midnight. Trotting up the the healer Alran took a deep breath, pressed her head against Midnights' and plunged both the wolves into dream.

They were standing on a cliff, the dawn sun casting red glows over the grassy hills below. She turned her head and stared into her friend's eyes. Then the land changed and they were surrounded by darkness. Alran moved her muzzle close to Midnights'. So close that they almost touched. A small flame seemed to flicker from the tip of the Fallen wolves' nose. Then she began. "Even if the sun shines, shadows hide the earth. Darkness will never stop until the fire burns out." With that, the small flame danced, as if stirred by a breath, and flickered out. The vision was over.

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Edited on 11/09/15 @ 19:37:00 by Lia-Lin - {We All Still Die} (#36246)

Kailani (#18301)

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Posted on
2015-09-11 11:14:54
Lia-Lin, I can't read your post at all. Please have mercy on my poor eyes and use a darker font? :D

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(Sunset|4xCimm|G2) (#36246)

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Posted on
2015-09-11 11:16:02
Kailani - Sorry! I'll get a different one.

EDIT: How's this?
Also, is the writing too small? I can make it larger if need be.

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Edited on 11/09/15 @ 19:10:53 by Lia-Lin - {We All Still Die} (#36246)

Kailani (#18301)

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Posted on
2015-09-11 11:23:21
Lia- Font's fine (size and color)! ^^

Alright y'all I'm going to go ahead and get this show on the road! I'm going to post a 'prelude' that will further clarify exactly what happened to the Zenith and will introduce our 'villain'. He will be a sort of NPC character that will mostly be there to establish a camaraderie between our characters. I'd like for everyone to have some connection to him (even if it's a 'Six Degrees of Separation' type of thing), to establish a 'bigger picture' here. Feel free to include flashbacks with interactions to our villain at your own discretion, as I said he's kind of an NPC character that anyone can 'control'.

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Edited on 11/09/15 @ 18:23:57 by Kailani (#18301)

(Sunset|4xCimm|G2) (#36246)

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Posted on
2015-09-11 11:25:30
Finished my form! So, I'm assuming Avalon was accepted?

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Kailani (#18301)

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Posted on
2015-09-11 11:45:47


Name: William Shepard ‘Shep’ Powell
Age: 44 years
Gender: Male
Personality: Sharp as a tack and void of most emotions he is the poster boy for a good CEO. Quite smug and confident in his abilities most would say he comes off as ‘cocky’. In reality Shep is far too clever to think he is always right, he knows he is only human and capable of mistakes. He doesn’t strive for perfection (as he knows that is a futile goal) but he wants to get as close as possible. His teachers and peers slapped him with a ‘Type A Personality” title from a young age and Shep’s never really disputed that label, while he never strives for perfection he expects nothing less from his employees. He believes that if you don’t keep the gangline taut then that leaves room for errors.

Shep has trouble with the most basic of human emotions. Empathy is the hardest for him, though he can usually fake it. In fact any excessive display of emotions makes him quite uncomfortable and he just can’t stand tears. The first sign of watery eyes sets his teeth on edge, he feels that if you let your emotions control you then you’re wasting time. Shep is all about the bottom line and he’ll do just about anything to make sure his company stays at the top. His moral compass is twisted beyond repair, he builds and burns bridges so fast it’ll make your head spin. He’s constantly making connections to aid his current project along and once it’s complete he’ll turn around and strike the very hand that aided him.

Background: Shep was a trust fund baby and his life followed the typical path that one with privileges similar to Shep. He went to prep school, then on to an ivy league school (for business of course), then started working in his father’s Fortune 500 company. At 24 he was hailed as a prodigy, rising through the ranks at an incredible speed. Though once he reached CEO his career seemed to come to a stand still, growth in the company was stagnant and he was facing tremendous pressure from the board to produce some results. When an old collge buddy contacted him about a revolutionary substance that could change the energy industry and make history Shep was intrigued. The researchers referred to the substance as ‘TKO-098” and it was highly radioactive, extremely volatile, and very unstable. The team was still several years from launching their product, Shep on the other hand had a few tricks up his sleeve to help them cut a few minor corners and speed up the process.


Other: Shep is the ‘NPC’ type character. BEWARE THE CORPORATE YUPPIE! He won’t have direct contact with any of the survivors on the island but he is essentially the reason they are in this predicament.

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Edited on 11/09/15 @ 18:52:33 by Kailani (#18301)

[Side]winder (#71221)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2015-09-11 11:47:08

I'm actually going to outline what rapid healing would entail, so you can hold it against me if I stray outta it or knock it into something more appropriate:
Small cuts that break skin heal in about 5 minutes. Bruises within a single minute.
Broken bones take a day or two.
Deeper cuts may take 5-25 minutes, depending on how large of a blood vessel is cut. Bleeding will stop after 10 minutes.
Loss of a limb or more will result in him falling into an unconscious "dead" phase for a day or more, depending on severity. Regeneration will occur during this time, though at a slow pace, much like the motion of the sun in the sky.

ETA: Lia-Lin, I have the feeling I'm gonna need to paste your posts into word to be able to read them ;<; If you could make it at least 12 pt font, I'd be so happy, thank you!

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Edited on 11/09/15 @ 18:48:41 by [Side]winder (#71221)

Fossil {Duna's Side
Account} (#43917)

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Posted on
2015-09-11 12:08:34
I finished my app :)

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(Sunset|4xCimm|G2) (#36246)

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Posted on
2015-09-11 12:11:33
Winder - This fine? ^^

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