Posted by Color Buff?

the Scy (#18822)

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Posted on
2015-09-11 09:24:58
Hi, I was wondering if perhaps there was a way we could have even a slight buff to the Lilac, Celestial, Sepia, Pearl and Hallowed pass rates? Lilac's my favorite base, and I had 3-4 lionesses in my pride with it that were all related in what I call my 'Lilac bloodline', and now they've all died off except one, and she'll die soon. I haven't been able to breed any lilacs from them since the genetics was implemented, and I've been breeding them to lilac studs even. It's crushing, and frustrating, to see my prized lilac line die off because the pass rate was nerfed so bad. I can't be the only one to feel this way about it...


Nomusa has made a similar suggestion involving an item to buff the chances of a certain base passing on! Check it out and support it too! <3


Expanded my request to the other ultra difficult bases!

This suggestion has 44 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Edited on 15/09/15 @ 16:50:53 by the Scy (#18822)

Nomusa (#12537)

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Posted on
2015-09-11 09:46:44
Hmm, I don't think it'll be buffed. Lilac IS supposed to be hard to breed and I think you just had bad luck on your side there. And luck plays a big part in breeding Specials anyway.
Other Special bases are similar hard to breed, you can just keep trying.

I've made this suggestion, by the way. Maybe you'd like to support it. ^^

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the Scy (#18822)

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Posted on
2015-09-11 09:52:42
You're probably right Nomusa, but it doesn't hurt to try. But I'll add a link to your suggestion in my post, so maybe we can get something to happen at least. :)

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Tasha (#39574)

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Posted on
2015-09-11 09:55:59
I agree with you though it's really hard. I used to get lilac after 3-7 breedings and I breed my king to my girls all the time and he's only passed it on twice. That seems like less than a 15% chance to me.

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Qetzel (#36420)

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Posted on
2015-09-11 09:57:45
No support, its supposed to be rare

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the Scy (#18822)

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Posted on
2015-09-11 09:58:34
@ Tasha: I know, I feel the same way. My pride is large because it harbors 'bloodlines' from lions I have owned and adore, including my Original Royal Line, which is still alive, well, and viable. So, as important as bloodlines are in my pride, it's just heartbreaking to lose one to a technical difficulty. I think even if they bump it to 20% per parent, it could still make a world of difference. Thanks for the support! <3

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the Scy (#18822)

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Posted on
2015-09-11 10:01:08
@ Qetzel: I Know it is. I'm not asking for them to make it super common like vanilla. Even just a slight increase, say from 15% chance to 20% per parent, could make it more user friendly without completely breaking/overpowering it. Thank you for looking, however. Maybe you can check out Nomusa's thread. she has a different solution to the problem, and what will be a more likely alternative if something is done about it.

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Qetzel (#36420)

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Posted on
2015-09-11 10:05:38
Yes, and I have supported that one, it makes more sense to release an item rather than an overall buff. 30% chance if you have 2 parents with it isn't terribly low, I think it seems fair enough for a rare base.

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Dawnstar. 🔥G1 Tov
Gilded DR (#51049)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-09-11 10:45:45
It's not only lilac that has gotten almost impossible to inherit, this also applies to celestial, hallowed, sepia and infernal. :)
I'd support if this was for all special bases since the chance to get one is really insane right now.. especially breeding projects have gotten impossiböe with this.. I can't even enjoy this base anymore because all I get is one single cub every 2 months or so with barely any markings. :/

It's not worth it to have a special based king like this because for all the hard work it takes you really don't get anything from it.. You can't even make his fee more expensive because he never passes it on..

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Edited on 11/09/15 @ 17:50:37 by Dawnstar. [Lilac] (#51049)

Qetzel (#36420)

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Posted on
2015-09-11 11:20:27
Well I find it hard to argue cause I guess I'm just a lucky person, I get all the bases I want for the most part on the first try so I wasn't even aware the passing rates were so low.

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Nomusa (#12537)

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Posted on
2015-09-12 04:07:47
@the Scy Thank you very much! I hope it gets a lot of support. Pretty much all games have buffing items, we even have Mutation buff items so I don't see why a Colour buff would be out of question. :)

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MacabreRoses (#42251)

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Posted on
2015-09-13 04:11:57
No support, sorry. I personally like the fact they're so rare, it makes them more valuable and more special to me.

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Zia (#60468)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-09-13 10:59:35
since we have a special item for a marking and a special item for a mane, it makes sense to have a special item for a base to increase (not guarantee like the marking one) the odds

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the Scy (#18822)

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Posted on
2015-09-15 09:52:04
I have expanded the request to the other ultra difficult bases! Thanks to Dawnstar for her suggestion!

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Dawnstar. 🔥G1 Tov
Gilded DR (#51049)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-09-17 07:02:16
@The Scy: thank you, you got my full support now! :)

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