Posted by Name Reservations for Sub-Males

Frostfire (#6934)

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Posted on
2015-09-12 08:00:53

I do apologise in advance if this has already been suggested but I did try to look and I couldn't find anything

As the title suggests, I would like to be able to reserve a name for the sub-male that is due to become the next king, obviously this would come with a fee, right now I'm not sure how much it should cost, maybe 100SB roughly??
-- This can only be done to sub-males
-- May be available as soon as the cub is born, or perhaps only after it hits 2years old??

The reason I suggest this is because awhile ago I had a king take over whose name I had gotten from my local park however when I went through the process of setting him as the new king it told me there was already a king with that name so I had to change two of the letters around in order to keep it. The thing was though, this other king with the same name, the user had not be online since like the beginning of 2013 I think it was.

Therefore, I think that if you know the name you want for your next king is not taken you should be able to reserve that name as sometimes you'll name it quite early on and get used to it and when it finally takes over the pride like 4 months later, the names already gone and then you have to try and think of a new one on the spot.

I would appreciate any comments on this, positive or negative; however if you don't like the idea don't just comment "no support", actually tell me why you don't like it.
Thank you for reading :)

This suggestion has 10 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Edited on 12/09/15 @ 15:46:32 by Frostfire (#6934)

Zevruu (#2603)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-09-12 08:10:26
I had this exact thought earlier today. Support!

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Raina Chiaki (#54236)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-09-12 08:10:58
This would be REALLY nice. I am in no way creative at naming, so would really like to be able to keep the name given to my designated heir even after he takes over. I have not yet had this problem, but I'm also only on my 3rd king ever, so I'm sure those of us who haven't will

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(Frozen!) Micah
🌈✨ (#58378)

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Posted on
2015-09-12 08:12:27
I like it but.. ;; I think then even more names wouldn't be usable, because the users never get on any more/never plan to make the lion king.. So I'm a little torn..

*Fixed spelling

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Edited on 12/09/15 @ 15:12:40 by Danny (#58378)

‡¸ (#59350)

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Posted on
2015-09-12 08:13:48
Suppoooooort.....I like the idea of paying because maybe you have multiple males in the Pride but there is that one special one you KNOW will be the next King, and you want to save his name before someone else takes it...(I have this right now...I know who my heir is, and I think there is already a King with his name, so I either need to re-spell his name or change his name altogether....)

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Frostfire (#6934)

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Posted on
2015-09-12 08:18:53

@You Obviously Lack Originality, clearly great minds think alike ;)
@Narcissa, same that's why I like to name them early and keep it :)

Also, I have to admit it was really annoying when I found out someone had the name I wanted even though my sub had been named it for like 4 or 5 months prior to him takeing over. In my local park there's part of it called the Kyhber Pass (may or my not have a connection with the real one that connects Pakistan and Afghanistan) but in the end I had to switch the K and the H around but everywhere I wrote his name I would spell it the right way then have to go back and change it. Whereas if this was to be implemented it would stop all that from happening and I'm guessing lots of other people have had the same problem too

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Frostfire (#6934)

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Posted on
2015-09-12 08:24:17

@Danny, if it was a service that had to be paid for, I think people would give it some thought before just clicking the button. I understand what you mean though.

@Raven, I've had to do that with my last king /and/ my current king, although the users with my kings names are everyday users so I can't fault them there but I had to add and extra I into my previous kings name and an extra N into my current kings name XD

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Edited on 12/09/15 @ 15:25:04 by Frostfire (#6934)

Dipper (#28104)

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Posted on
2015-09-12 08:59:01
This would be good, or maybe if after about 6 months inactive your king's name was wiped and changed to Unnamed King or something and when you logged on next you would have to rename him, so that would free up names used by inactive people? I wanted to call my side king Samba but it was already taken by someone who hadn't logged on for years so now he is Samba Star...

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Meso (#49519)

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Posted on
2015-09-12 20:41:20
No support at the moment. I may support if you changed the possible fee to something like 2000SB.
If you like a name so much claim if for your current King with the 1GB name change service otherwise it will lock up so many names.

with your example, registering heir names wouldn't have changed the situation for you. The issue of names locked on inactive accounts is a different issue.

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X I O [divine
trip.rosette] (#34167)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-09-12 22:25:10
No support as Meso stated. If you love the name so much, you'd pay 1 GB to reserve it (name changer)

This would also narrow down the availibility of a lot names as now 2x the LD amounts are now unavailible. My brother had a hard time coming up with his king name and eventually stuck with kibitz due to most of tried names being closed off.

GB is actually really easy to earn if you know your way around the market.
I personally just vote that they turn off the individual names in general as the kings are account bound :/

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Edited on 13/09/15 @ 05:26:06 by :||W H I T E O U T||: I.R.I.S. (#34167)

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