Posted by Highly experimental

Kanaya (#71750)

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Posted on
2015-09-14 09:33:26
In a local lab, there were voulenteers taken to particiapte in a HIGHLY EXPERIMENTAL project.

The people taken were not told, or voulenteered under false pretences, and they don't know what is about to happen to them.

These people are now part of the labs sick experiment to make it so that people, can be like animals. How do they do this? You may ask. They inject the people with the DNA of their chosen animal, iether by injection, or a chemical bath.

This RP will take place while the people are at the lab, being changed into animal hybrids, and will start with the people arriving at the lab. If you join about half way through or somthing like that, your person can have already have been there, or just showing up late.

The labs motto: You may not be perfect, but we love you anyways

The projects name: Highly Experimental.....because that's what it is.... highly experimental

Welcome to your local lab
Would you care to sign up?

Chosen animal:
Sign up or were taken by force:
Do they like the experiment or not:
Needle or bath:

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BONNIE086 (#70537)

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Posted on
2015-09-18 10:54:36
" awe that sucks maybe i can help you next time hehe" he sad handing her a peach " look your friend is here, angel why not say hi?" iurden paused and looked around once again. " im going to go rest my feet... i mean hooves.. whatever! but i want to cool my hooves sooooo..." he trailed off at the end as he started walking towards a willow tree that shaded half of the Small pond and he rested his hooves in the water. laying back onto this elbows he remembered that angel was on his antlers and he let her down gently so he could lay flat on the lake side with his hands behind his head soaking up the rays of fake sunlight.

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Sinner (0/5GB) (#45108)

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Posted on
2015-09-18 11:02:42
Angel smiled " maybe later " she sai dnad ate the peach before putting juice on his head and chuckled. The girl smiled and dived into the lake " wow it's so giant" she said

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BONNIE086 (#70537)

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Posted on
2015-09-18 11:05:19
" awe you silly bird!" he laughed while wiping his face. he used his hoof to splash water at her ' ha! that's what you get for putting juice on me" he said while laughing some more

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Sinner (0/5GB) (#45108)

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Posted on
2015-09-18 11:06:04
Angel got out of the water somewhat dry. " well here you go" she said and shook her drenched wings on him

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BONNIE086 (#70537)

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Posted on
2015-09-18 11:23:47
"ahhhh!" he cried pretending to melt from the water. "oooohhh nooo iiimmmmm mmmmeeeellltttttttiiinnnngggggg!!" he shrunk lower into the soft dirt and proceeded to act dead . with a big goofy grin spread across his face.

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Edited on 18/09/15 @ 18:24:30 by BONNIE086 (#70537)

Sinner (0/5GB) (#45108)

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Posted on
2015-09-18 11:30:24
Angel covered her out hands shook him " get up"s he said nearly crying until she saw the grin " what the ****" she said and dropped him onto harder dirt

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Em1Lee (Work/School) (#70535)

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Posted on
2015-09-18 11:34:13
Alexus: Female: Grizzly Bear: 17:
I watched as I saw a deer and a bird talking to each other when suddenly the bird ate the fruit from which my stomach growled out did I realize I was probably starving. I rose my head and sniffed the air for any game, hey a girl's gotta eat when a girl's gotta eat. I picked up a smell towards North and ran down there before it leaves, hopefully it is something I can actually eat and not whatever 'thing' I am.

Finally I made it to the scent where it was strongest and found a dead rabbit with bite marks already sunk in it. I decided to eat it raw with the amount of how useless I am without the right tools. "At least its not bad..." I grumbled out of my breath happy that it will maintain my hunger for now. My ears perked up to a sudden movement and I turned my head rapidly to the direction to see an animal human thing staring at me and kinda looked a little spooked, I suddenly realized with claws and sharp teeth and already my intimidating look probably scared them a little, not to mention I probably have the rabbits blood all on my face and teeth. 'There goes to making good friends and a good first impression' I deadpanned.

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Bumblebeee {frozen} (#66753)

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Posted on
2015-09-18 11:38:16
Chinga Tu Monda | Female | King Cheetah | Straight| 23 |Single|

Chinga was watching a bear eat her food while she was still in cheetah form "that's my dinner..." she growled as she turned into a king cheetah neko an slashed her tail rapidly. Chinga wasn't the sharing type now she wanted to be dominant since nobody gave her a chance to be normal she was gonna show them how she worked with idiots "i suggest you don't eat any more of my food" Chinga hissed aggressively then turned back into a cheetah and ran off into the bushes where a cave was and laid down.

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BONNIE086 (#70537)

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Posted on
2015-09-18 11:40:16
" ow!" he said opening his eyes and staring at her with the grin still on his face. h e leaned forward until his mid section was off of the ground and sniffed the air. his eyes grew wide and his ears twitched . eh quickly got up not saying anything, " angel get on my horns.... now please" iurden said worry in his eyes. " there's a new person here but i don't know what they are." he said scanning the woods surrounding the lake wearily.

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Em1Lee (Work/School) (#70535)

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Posted on
2015-09-18 11:45:32
Alexus: Female: Grizzly Bear: 17:
I watched as the cheetah growled out to me "Yeah thanks, so kind! I'm going to have so much fun here!" I said sarcastically and glared at her running figure. Okay maybe I shouldn't have took someone's kill but come on I was starving and how would I know that I took her kill yeah I saw the teeth marks but how should I know it someone was going to eat. Still partially angry I ran to a tree and used my claws and strength to climb.

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Sinner (0/5GB) (#45108)

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Posted on
2015-09-18 11:54:57
Angel heard them fighting so she immditly jumped onto his antlers " let's go now" she said spreading her wings and holding onto his antlers as she made them fly over the lake then folded her wings

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BONNIE086 (#70537)

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Posted on
2015-09-18 11:59:33
"i really hope we can get along.... last time..... never mind where should we go?" he said keeping an eye on the forest around them.

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Sinner (0/5GB) (#45108)

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Posted on
2015-09-18 12:01:28
" there"s he said pointing to a clean soft bright cave.

Short sorry DX busy

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Em1Lee (Work/School) (#70535)

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Posted on
2015-09-18 12:04:51
(( Hello guys! I am new here and I just wanted to know if it is okay with what I am writing so far...? And if you suggest anything let me know))

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Bumblebeee {frozen} (#66753)

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Posted on
2015-09-18 12:07:13
(your doing great!)

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