Posted by Auto-Hunt [Paid Feature]

Spotty Cat (#40843)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2015-10-07 02:24:08
I propose an Auto-Hunt [paid] feature.

The Auto-Hunt feature would select a number between 1 and 5 lionesses from your pride (possibly a pre-selected hunting group) and hunt them up to ten times daily. They would be placed randomly on the map, and bring back whatever they happen to find - two warthogs, two Walia ibex, a human leg, or even nothing in that particular hunt. It would be akin to hunting your girls yourself each day, however, they do not gain stats or skill.

The reason I suggest this is: we all need to feed our lions, but often times we aren't around to utilize the ten hunts per day. Yes, we can buy food from others or transfer from our side accounts, but it would be nice to have the option to do this as well.

If you want your females to gain skills, and stats - hunt them manually. If you're only after the food, you could purchase the Auto-Hunt option.

Additionally, it should run on set hours - if you click the Auto Hunt button right after the site's roll over, it will hunt once every thirty minutes automatically, until it reaches the ten hunt limit. If you click it right before roll over, it would only hunt once. This would prevent someone from gaining ten complete hunts in a short period of time.

As far as pricing goes, I would tentatively suggest between 10GB and 15GB for a month's worth of Auto Hunts. It is a luxury item, not a necessity, so it shouldn't be priced too low, or too high for what it's worth.

Any other suggestions, feedback, disagreements? :) I'd love to flesh this out a bit, and bat some items around!

Added Suggestions
"Also, maybe there could be an option to pick two or three "preferred terrains" for it to put your lionesses in?" - WolvesRock7 (#36674)

This suggestion has 28 supports and 8 NO supports.

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Edited on 07/10/15 @ 16:59:05 by SpottyCat [1303 BB/105 Shards] (#40843)

LEAVING (#66178)

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Posted on
2015-10-07 02:26:06
Ooh, support. ouo

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Spotty Cat (#40843)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2015-10-07 02:32:50
<3 Thank you, Karim! :)

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Ivy (Main) (#2473)

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Posted on
2015-10-07 02:52:44

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Aldwyn (#55660)

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Posted on
2015-10-07 09:05:50
Full support. ;;v;; All forty of my lionesses recently ran because I didn't have enough food. This would help so much.

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Art3mis, DVM 2026 |
G1Hib2xRos (#49378)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-10-07 09:11:47
This thread actually just reminded me that I need to go bring my ladies in from their hunt (about 2 hours late) so yes! Absolute support from me!

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Spotty Cat (#40843)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2015-10-07 09:36:14
Thank you guys! :) I know, I get kinda spacey and forget that they're out there waiting for me to call them in, haha. Poor girls!

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WolvesRock7🌈 (#36674)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-10-07 09:39:52
Also, maybe there could be an option to pick two or three "preferred terrains" for it to put your lionesses in?

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Edited on 07/10/15 @ 16:40:21 by WolvesRock7 (#36674)

Art3mis, DVM 2026 |
G1Hib2xRos (#49378)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-10-07 10:11:06
Sometimes I completely forget and don't bring them in until like 3 days later haha

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Katavi [Mhenga
Usafi] (#21119)

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Posted on
2015-10-07 22:19:07
I'm iffy myself....

I sort of like the idea, but I also wonder what harm it'll do to the economy? A lot of people make money selling their extra food. I know they can still sell it to the Monkey, of course, but it's still a large part of the community.

Still, if it's not too cheap, I could see it being a good thing.

Tentative support then!

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aeter ❧ side ✨ (#57822)

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Posted on
2015-10-07 22:23:50
I'm not too sure about this.

I don't see the point in implementing something for quite a hefty price that doesn't benefit the lionesses stat-wise.. Food, great.. but you can get that manually. Also, what about quests where lionesses are required to bring back an item? Is that just luck of the draw?

I may have missed the point entirely but I'll say I'm on the fence and will be stalking this thread to see what people say. ^^

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Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2015-10-07 22:32:38
No support.
Hunting is a part of gameplay, if not one of the very base of it. Aside of explore, of course. The success and the amount of food you get depends on your determination and your activity. Which is as fair as it can be.

Imagine how hard it would be on the food prices if everyone could just pay for the auto ten hunts and get back about 20 carcasses. Then they try to sell it... To survive, you dont need 20 carcasses a day. Most of the gained excess would go to the market anyway.

Food is already all too easy to get with 99% of the hunts being successful. You do not need more. have as many lions as you can feed or struggle or pay money to others who had the time to hunt and are selling food, providing them with income.

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Spotty Cat (#40843)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2015-10-08 05:51:20
OK, home, and ready to respond. :3

Willow - the reason I suggested no skill or stat increase is because you can "click it and forget it". Using the auto hunt option would be for someone who isn't actively trying to gain stats or skills, usually. Maybe there could be an option to "pause" the auto hunt, so that you could place the lionesses manually in the setting where quest-prey would most likely be found - that's a tough one. You would essentially "lose" a hunt for the day in auto hunt mode. I'll think on this one, and would love for anyone to chime in regarding this conundrum. XD

Axel - I've never actively bought food from someone for my lionesses (just dealt with the hunger until I could catch up the following day, or powered through the rest of the hunts as needed) - so I'm unsure personally how it would affect the food selling/trading economy. That is a great point. I would like to point out that while some hunts are successful with high use carcasses, others are not. I've gotten plenty of human legs and warthogs from even my high level girls. As far as it being an essential element to gameplay, I had also not considered this. It is important to hunt, to feed the pride, but it's just as important to interact with your lions and there's an auto-option for that. As far as "you do not need more" - perhaps there is a "lock" on hunting other parties simultaneously, and you are only able to hunt other parties once the auto has run through its 10 hunts. Hunting other lionesses after the 10x auto hunt would be similar to starting on the 11th hunt with a new group. Very valid points, Axel, thank you for adding to the discussion. :)

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Isabella Lena (#49545)

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Posted on
2015-10-15 03:51:01
no support. I am a food seller. With this future, My food will be less sold..

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Spotty Cat (#40843)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2015-10-15 08:35:08
Isabella - this would not be the case 100% of the time, as there would still be people who either choose not to purchase the feature but may still need food. :) The auto-hunt wouldn't be accessible for free, and there are those who do not have access to GB, or would rather not use it personally. There would still be a large portion of players relying on others for food.

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