Posted by If #53663 has bought art from you, read

Ashiya (#53663)

Love Muffin
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Posted on
2015-10-19 10:10:09
No, I'm not alerting you about a scammer. I, Cloutier (#53663) am looking for art I have lost.

If I have bought art from you and it is not on my den page, it is gone.

My computer broke and the near $300 worth of art that was on it was unable to be recovered. I'm avidly searching my history for any traces of these pieces - the only things I have managed to collect are my AVI and everything on my den page.

I'm not looking for pity art, no no. I am looking to get back what's gone - so if I bought art from you, please PM me a link to it.

That's all - remember to back up your computer, kids.

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🍹 Tilted Scene (#57576)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-10-19 10:21:33
Bumping, I hope you find it!

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Ashiya (#53663)

Love Muffin
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Posted on
2015-10-19 10:29:40
Thank you! I hope I find it, too ;-;

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Neofelis (#9172)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2015-10-19 10:50:31
Might I ask what happened to your computer? If the files were deleted by a wipe or reinstall, there are programs out there that might be able to recover some of them, like Recuva.

If the computer physically broke, you might still be able to remove the harddisk and access the files on a different computer. Though it depends on whether it was a laptop or desktop, as laptops tend to make it much more difficult to get to the harddisk.

If the harddisk itself was damaged, you might be out of luck unless you get a profession to deal with it, which probably isn't worth the cost.

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Ashiya (#53663)

Love Muffin
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Posted on
2015-10-20 04:52:12
@Neofelis > I used the thing so much that the hinges (laptop) snapped and the display was gone. Took it to Best Buy (I had a warranty) and they told me they'd do what they could : either fix the display, or get me a new computer.

They were supposed to call to ask if it was okay to transfer the value of my computer into store credit for a new computer. They didn't. By the time we found out that my computer couldn't be repaired, it was gone.

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Kyacia (#9532)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-10-20 05:01:14
If the only thing wrong was that the screen broke off then all you have to do is remove the harddrive and use a usb connector to load the data off it...but you need a specific connecotr and i'm not sure how much is would could also try connecting the ;aptop to a monitor using a hdmi cable.

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Ashiya (#53663)

Love Muffin
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Posted on
2015-10-20 05:34:39
@Kyacia > Like I said, it wasn't in my power. Had I gotten the call I was supposed to have gotten, I would have collected my computer and connected a new monitor to get the data - but I didn't. So Best Buy pretty much threw my computer away without telling me.

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