Posted by Certain lions having hard times hunting

caters (#65239)

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Posted on
2015-10-21 04:34:43
I know that white lions usually have more trouble hunting than their tawny cousins because they are so visible. Even at night prey will be able to spot a white lion before the lion is close enough.

Black lions would have no trouble at all in the jungle or at night but during the day in most habitats like white lions they are very visible.

Special lions that aren't in the black group like maltese and lilac would be visible in any habitat at any time of day just like the white lions

So I think that the really pale lions like cream lighter, white, and achromia and special lions that aren't in the black group should have more trouble hunting in any habitat during day or night than their tawny cousins(which includes the golden lions).

Likewise the really dark lions like all the ones in the black group should have more trouble hunting in most habitats during the day but have less trouble hunting at any time of day in the jungle and at night in all habitats than their tawny cousins.

This suggestion has 15 supports and 26 NO supports.

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Edited on 21/10/15 @ 11:36:31 by caters (#65239)

Authoria (#66131)

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Posted on
2015-10-21 04:41:08

I would love to see hunting have more depth to it.

Also bringing back some gold love is a nice touch

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Edited on 21/10/15 @ 11:52:51 by Authoria (#66131)

((Side)) Momma Floof (#43325)

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Posted on
2015-10-21 04:43:39
I don't support this.

It would skew the market on cub colors and make it even harder to be able to make your ladies better. Especially if you're fond of light-colored ladies. This would ALSO have to take into account a good deal of markings and the overall LOOK of the lion. Just because a lion might have a light colored base doesn't mean its overall appearance is light. I'd imagine that would require a good deal of coding.

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Howlite (#72916)

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Posted on
2015-10-21 04:44:53
Yeah I kinda agree with Nayely

It is just to early to try this kinda thing anyways (as well)

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caters (#65239)

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Posted on
2015-10-21 04:50:37
I understand but the cub market is already skewed towards light and specials so this would make the cub market more fair for the dark. And yes it would have to take into consideration the markings as well as the base but I know that a lot of coding will have to be done once lioden is past the beta phase so this is relatively little compared to that.

And some ideas that take a lot of coding are getting lots of supports like the eye color groups for example.

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Howlite (#72916)

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Posted on
2015-10-21 04:54:07
I don't think screwing it up farther would be a good idea though

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Jordan (#1891)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-10-21 04:56:39
No support. This would screw up the cub market and hurt both those who breed for stats and looks. I don't really see the positive side to this, but it would hurt many.

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caters (#65239)

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Posted on
2015-10-21 05:09:52
How would making things more fair for the dark be screwing it up if the cub market is already very skewed towards light and specials as well as high stats?

I mean for example if someone has a white lioness hunting and she doesn't often bring anything back, maybe when she does she gets slightly more stats than she normally would. And maybe the same thing is true for a black lioness hunting during the day in any habitat except for the jungle.

And for more than 1 lioness hunting, what if having a white lioness and/or a black lioness in the group influences the success of the whole pride due to their high or low visibility?

So this would not hurt people that breed for stats and muties but not looks like me since they would still breed with their high stat lionesses to get high stat cubs.

And this hunting would only affect the lionesses directly. It will affect the sub males, adolescents, cubs, and main male indirectly via more or less food from hunts.

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Edited on 21/10/15 @ 12:56:25 by caters (#65239)

X I O [divine
trip.rosette] (#34167)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-10-21 11:11:03
Nope nope nope >.>
Sorry, I'm with everyone else on this.
Yes, it would screw up the market, not to mention tip it to the dark specials so what you're doing here isn't going to help but rather teeter totter it back and forth.

I'm also against the idea of it influencing results :/ if if players find out about the disadvantage, white wouldn't be really be there anymore.

All on the same, the black/white spectrum are under the black genetics, so if you're gonna pick on light, you're picking on dark as well, meaning breeding isn't always gonna go well, I mean, a white lioness could have a onyx cub if you bred it to the right king and had enough luck.

Also, the market is NOT geared towards the light pelts.
There are light lovers
And then the dark lovers
And it IS fair right now, it just depends on the person

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Edited on 21/10/15 @ 18:28:22 by :||W H I T E O U T||: I.R.I.S. (#34167)

Kyk (#3178)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-10-21 11:13:54
Yeah, the cub market is already a bit hectic, and adding in another thing would just ruin it even more. I think it's better just to let lioness hunt whenever and come back with the same results whether it be day or night.

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Sobie (#33695)

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Posted on
2015-10-21 11:31:50
For the sim perspective of the game I support. It's one of the few things that we could do to make hunting more realistic than lackadaisically throwing a lioness somewhere for her to drag back a buffalo on her own. It could also take advantage of the day/night and wet/dry mechanic already in game, varying which time of day/month there would be a buff to what lion. I'd imagine a dark base lion would do well in wet seasons and at night when its darker/more coverage, and lighter bases having an advantage in day/dry seasons when its bright and dead-colored dry.

Nayely does have a point though with the problem of bases not showing through the marks. I'd imagine marks may either be ignored and just the base count, or marks count for something, just less than the base. ( ex. say white lion base= -10 huntbuff, but 1 mark=+1 huntbuff. 10 marks over a white base=0, so no debuff or buff. something like that).

Honestly a buff/debuff for bringing in food that is already readily available (lionesses can't fail hunts anymore -_- there is always food, even if it is a smaller carcass) I do not see affecting gameplay all that much. Would people want more bang for their buck with a fantastic stat, pretty marked, suped up hunter? Sure, but who wouldn't? It'd bring more things to breed for.

And not everyone would necessarily care about that perspective anyway. There are plenty of people who breed only for stats or only for looks as is. I'd like to see the concept more fleshed out,

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J (#20272)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-10-21 11:31:52
I don't see any overall beneficial things from targeting a specific shade (Light shades vs dark shades) other than making the market more muddy than it already is.

For example: I don't want Evil/Snarky lions. So I will be more willing to pay for Neutral or Kind personalities. That is already a new aspect that changed the market. One I actually like, since it gives people more of a selection when choosing. It has a function.

Hunting troubles - there are a lot better ways for a lioness to have trouble hunting. Being pregnant was added. Instead of making it color based, since that would really upset a lot of people trying to work on lionesses that "look" a certain way... make it injury/experience/age based. Maybe after the lioness hits 12 their hunting really hits the wall.. or their best hunting is done between ages 4 - 12, they gain more stats/more experience per hunt in that age range than in others. Or introduce injuries.. etc.

I would be more willing to accept and agree to those changes than one that will upset player goals for color/markings/bases.. etc. That is messing with a BIG aspect of the game.

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