Posted by Clan "Membership Fees"

Littlespoon (#30223)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-10-31 08:53:18
MANY clans have started charging a "Membership Fee" or "Clan Dues" now, in order to "cover costs" of having a clan. They boot members who have not paid them, even if this amount changes or is repeated more than monthly.

Former clans/families before the new system did not have this money-making behavior happening- and the cost of running a new-system clan is very low, and completely transparent (visible to all) on looking at the clan system's info page.

Please create a way in which REQUIRED "membership fees" or "Clan Dues" which will be demanded by clan leaders can be automated, transparent, and changeable only once per month.

Fraud is rampant at the moment, and it's really simple to stop.

1) Create an automated system of "Membership Fees" or "Clan Dues" which keeps track of any fees which MUST be paid or you will be booted from the clan- so that fee is up front, and stated in an exact amount, which also cannot be changed or charged more often than 1 time per month.

Transparency will help people not to get scammed, or unfairly bullied into paying more than one "Clan Dues"/"Fees" amount per month, and to know EXACTLY how much that will be BEFORE they join a clan.

This suggestion has 153 supports and 27 NO supports.

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Edited on 25/06/16 @ 01:19:27 by RottAndArtistII [S2D] {OC} (#30223)

Whargoul (#49270)

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Posted on
2015-10-31 08:56:23
It doesnt cost that much to have a clan :/. I could see if it cost 20gb a month or 20,000sb but it doesnt. If you cannot afford it then dont make one. Do not support.

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☄️ - C r u x -
☄️ (#54575)

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Posted on
2015-10-31 08:58:40
I don't support, same reasons that Whargoul stated. It's extremely easy to make 1k SB a month, whether or not you're investing in raffles for the clan.

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Micah 🌈 (#29140)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2015-10-31 08:59:46
I support - I personally don't join clans, but this is an easy to quick way to prove there are no scams. I'm been scammed on this game and well.. Its no fun since nothing can be done about it.
And its optional, no? So if the owner doesn't want member fees, none have to be set.

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Nny (#257)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2015-10-31 09:01:05
I can't say I support simply for the fact that people are allowed to ask for membership fees and if you don't want to pay then don't join that clan~

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Alabai (#28971)

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Posted on
2015-10-31 14:35:17
I don't understand- don't support because you don'[t think they should charge a fee? All this is asking is that they be /required/ to state UP FRONT what a fee is, IF they do so.

The same goes for the argument they're "allowed to charge a fee" sure they are! As much as they want! WHY isn't it up front, transparent, and obvious tho? What stops them from sending messages to ask one fee of one person and a different one of another? What stops them outright lying about how much they get or if someone paid?

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NegCol (#71390)

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Posted on
2015-10-31 14:41:38
Support. I can't imagine it's easy for the clan owner to track these, an automated system would be great for everyone.

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Katavi [Mhenga
Usafi] (#21119)

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Posted on
2015-10-31 14:43:03
I support.

Having an automated system so you can see when you paid and when you're due would be extremely helpful.

There could also be a "clan bank" so that the owner/admins can just click the button to renew the clan, etc.

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🐾 (#77493)

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Posted on
2016-04-15 14:14:45
I support- Buuutt i do think this idea is a little silly -_- dont make a clan if you cant pay 1,000 a month, its just that simple! However, This is only MY opinion :)
p.s, dont reply to me because i am not subscribing to this thread.

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Laszlo (#10825)

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Posted on
2016-04-15 22:31:16
Maybe I am the one who misunderstands the suggestion or the others are?

I understand this idea as a failsafe for the members who have paid their membership and not for clan leaders to insert a mandatory clan membership fee.

As in, there seems to be a problem with members paying their clan membership to clans that require it and the clan leader does not know or does not remember or doesnt want to remember that the monthly payment was already made by the members, thus they would ask for a repeated payment. This would make the clan membership fees -if the clan leader chooses to have one- automatic with careful administration of data and date of the one who made the payment, so the clan leader cannot go around claiming that members did not pay when they did.

Additional payments for raffles can be either covered in the membership fees already or people can just choose to pay.

The idea doesnt seem to be about mandatory clan membership fees but more about an automatic system and an administration of data to avoid misunderstandings in clan payments and to protect members from involuntary/voluntary scams.

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Littlespoon (#30223)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-06-24 18:24:14
Yup, exactly, Laszlo! I am not saying the fees/dues are any of my business, except that we should KNOW about them and have a failsafe to prove we paid or did not pay the /upfront/ stated amount.

The system is working great except for this strange proliferation of Clan Owners charging sometimes large clans "Dues" just by mailing them a demand to pay- it's totally impossible to tell if you join a clan, what fees you may be /required/ to pay or be booted, and I want that automated and transparent.

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Nightfurypizza (#193891)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2020-02-08 10:18:24
support-paying 1000 a month isnt terribly hard but if its multiple times a month and the leaders are messing with the price its unfair

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Moon-Soul Pastel G3
Corrupted (#205430)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2020-05-10 20:45:47
Support. OP isn't talking about mandatory fees or restricting abilities of clan leaders to require fees.

It's about an automated, transparent system that lets clan leaders keep track of who paid and who didn't(as well as setting their own fees or not creating any), letting new members know what they are expected to pay when they join and letting everyone know they are being required to pay the same amount. In addition, this keeps someone from DMing a user for the clan fee, having that user pay, and then kicking the user out after they pay claiming that they hadn't because (depending how you want the system implemented) everyone can see whether they actually paid or not.
(sorry to OP if I misinterpreted)

This doesn't change the ability of clan leaders to charge fees or the amount they charge, just adds transparency and organization.

Edit: OP, you may wish to make the thread topic more specific, as I think that might be causing confusion. How about "automated system for collecting clan membership fees" or something?

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Edited on 10/05/20 @ 20:48:22 by Moon (#205430)

Jond, Bames Jond. (#94184)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2022-01-04 18:45:40
I know this is old, but I support. If a clan wants to charge a fee, go for it! This way it’ll make it easier for paid clans to get their membership dues without having to keep track of individual payments.

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Ricky/Infinightive (#177615)

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Posted on
2022-02-22 18:03:39
Aware this is old.

I cannot say I do, or do not support as at this time I do not want to vote for either option.

Firstly, if your clan does not get donations, but has an abundant amount of members, a membership fee is obviously the way to go.
However, if you get a LOT of voluntary donations then I don't see the need to do membership fees, but of course people will to stock up on the money.

I personally own a clan myself, it costs a very small amount to get it started [ONLY 2GB, which no, is not a lot if you know your prices and how to grind an easy 3Ksb in a day]. However, we run a LOT of raffles, even if we only started maybe 5 or 6 days ago. We do *huge* raffles as well, and as an example;
we have 7 muties and 3 divine based lions in our current raffle, and it got us an easy 4kSb, if not more in a day from it.
Logically speaking, membership fees are good, and having a new system that first of all keeps track, and doesn't make/bully people into paying more than they need to; and not allowing it to change more than once a month; is a smart idea, however, this is why I can't support:

It can EASILY be abused.

Firstly, if you set the membership fee to the wrong amount, let's say 10000SB because you weren't paying attention or pressed enter instead of delete by complete accident; the members are then FORCED to pay that.
Secondly, you could do that scenario, but do it on purpose so it's maybe 1000SB per person; some will pay it, some won't. This amount will slowly be raised up until it could possibly be 100GB worth for some absurd reason because I do genuinely believe that there are people out there who have been bullied into paying an absurd membership fee. This could be from blackmail, threats, and/or psychological matters that make the member over-work themselves to get enough money spare to pay a ludicrous amount per month.

Yes, I am aware that doesn't sound realistic, and seems a bit absurd, but it *can* and *has* happened in the past.

What I'm proposing is a MAX amount of SB you can charge your clan members; this could be decided per how many members you have in the clan.

Such as, for 10 members it could be maybe 200SB max
Then for let's say 1000, it could be as low as 1SB.

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🧋Blue🧋 (#248397)

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Posted on
2022-02-22 18:12:31
No support as many clans hold clan raffles and it’s only 1000sb per month it’s not that hard to cover

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