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Posted by | Make Broodmother Levels useful |
![]() 🐶 FlipicusPup main [S2D] (#22800) Punisher View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2015-11-03 22:10:07 |
So I was inspired by another thread to come up with an idea which takes the concept they thought of and finds a slightly more user-friendly way to implement it, whilst being in keeping with game features that already exist. Please scroll down and make sure to check out my example of how easy it is to level up a lioness and reach level 7-10. **This thread is being updated all the time, so please check back for future updates, I'm trying to collect all the ideas and opinions I can to make this work for players of every level** First of all, unprotected cubs should drop in survival by 15-20% per rollover, this gives you far more incentive to actually use broodmothers for you pride. Protected cub's survival rate drops based on your lionesses level, and higher level lionesses can protect more cubs. Secondly, the feed all/play all tool should work differently for cubs, I don't think the price should be changed, its affordable but still makes you think twice about if you can really afford (in time or money) a larger pride. Instead of being able to boost your cubs up to 20% numerous times until they get to 100%, it only boosts them 10% one time, so broodmother cubs automatically get the benefit and will survive, but it leaves the unprotected cubs still dropping by 5-10% each day, meaning that without intervention in the form of the bird from the monkey shop, those cubs will definitely die before they reach one year. It'll only delay the inevitable to give you some more time to think really. This is because unprotected or neglected cubs in the wild would never make it to their first birthday. Nurturing broodmothers should start off being able to protect 2 cubs, and always have +1 cub slot compared to other lionesses of the same level. Other natures could affect it too, although I expect they're being implemented and discussed even as I type. (For instance, perhaps wary natured broodmothers are more alert and their protected cubs lose 1-2% less than other natures). LIonesses can be levelled up through either hunting or the experience they usually gain just by looking after cubs, Hunting them a few times before making the a broodmother would obviously be quicker, but I think that it makes sense that the more effort you put in, the more rewards you get back :) Here's my proposed levels and the bonuses you get from them Level 1- one cub, loses 10% survival daily. Level 3- two cubs, 10% lost level 5- two cubs, 9% lost level 7- three cubs 9% lost level 10- three cubs 8% lost level 11- four cubs 8% lost level 12- four cubs 7% lost level 13- five cubs 7% lost level 14- five, 6% lost level 15- five, 5% lost This is fairly reasonable, whilst still giving you the incentive to level up your lionesses past level 10 for the extra bonuses. Level 5-7 is achievable for even the most casual of players, so with three broodmother slots they still get 6-12 cubs protected depending on the broodmother's personality, which is a decent amount of cubs under 1yr for your average player. I also think that having only one cub able to be protected when you start out will encourage new players to first work on improving their lion a little before starting to breed, and give them some time to save up sb to support them. What are the benefits to this? -More uses for lionesses levels, and more incentive to hunt them, plus a good use for the experience they gain from actually being broodmothers. -Less mass-breeding of bad quality cubs to sell, because it takes a little extra effort to get your broodmothers protecting all those cubs. They still live to 6-11 months regardless, so there will still be the option to sell them as karma fodder, meaning it doesn't really ruin your game-play if thats how you like to breed. -A potential boost to the game's player market, making you put in some effort for those special babies you're proud of, and giving you some more things to do on the game -Beloved lionesses who can no longer be bred can be kept around as broodmothers for your pride, meaning that you won't have to retire them early to save space/food, because they'll actually have a purpose! i think that's a lovely idea because i get very attached to my older lionesses. -A new market opens up for older levelled lionesses, meaning the effort you've put into them isn't wasted if you no longer want them when they reach 8-12yrs -if you find it difficult to get levelled lionesses, you can either buy them or purchase additional territory slots. Purchasing them for gold beetles helps support lioden and keep the site going. That's all I can think of for now, and I'd like to take the opportunity to encourage discussion, good or bad, because I think that right now its incredibly easy to get your cubs survival up, and the broodmother feature doesn't really add much to the game. I feel like it could be a far more fun and useful tool. If you'd like to take the time to quickly explain why you like/dislike the idea, or give suggestions, that'd be greatly appreaciated. EDIT- The extra effort you put in would be minimal. getting ahold of two ugly nurturing personality lionesses who wouldn't be used for anything else, whilst you level up some prettier ones (through hunting) that could also be used for breeding. Something most players would already be doing is trying to add some stats to their favourite lionesses, and my broodmothers got to level 3 and 4 quite quickly with me just leaving them in that role, so you'd have 4-6 cubs with 100% survival rate just by interacting with them. 2nd EDIT- assigning a broodmother would still boost their survival by 30-40%. That would make it easier on everyone. -Survival rate shouldn't go down unless you send their mother out to hunt when they're still under 5 months (say 1% drop per hunt if they aren't protected by a broodmother) -Broodmothers should gain more experience for looking after cubs to make this a useful feature. -Exp gained should be random, but in a higher range than it is now. I also think that the more cubs your broodmother is protecting (which would mean she had to be a higher level) the more experience she should gain. This makes it more achievable to get those high levels needed. Thanks for reading! Flip x ---------------------------------------------------------------------- How Easy Is It To Level My Lioness? I just so happen to have a broodmother aging up to adulthood tomorrow, so to give you an example of how much effort it takes to level one up, I'm going to use her. Remember, already levelled older lionesses can take on broodmother duty for a few days whilst you do this. This is Joker. Joker is a very funny looking lioness who nobody would ever want, but because she's a little unique I'm keeping her as broodmother. In the next few days I'll send her out on some hunts, screenshot what she gets and let you know how much hunting it takes to get her up to level 5. Then I'll leave her in the broodmother role and tell you what exp she gains every day. Hopefully this will give myself and others an idea of how challenging it actually is to get a good broodmother. Remember, if you did this with a nurturing lioness, you'd be able to protect three cubs at level 5 and four cubs at level 7 according to my model. I'll be adding a log for how fast it takes just through hunting for another lioness if I need to. Keep in mind that players like myself will always be willing to provide broodmothers at reasonable prices, not everyone will take advantage and bump prices up loads :) EDT- Joker's first hunt, she's in with level 1-7 lionesses. As you can see from just one trip out in a full hunting party, she's gained enough experience to get to level 3, if she was nurturing you could already use her to protect 3 cubs using my model Screenshot one Joker's second hunt put her up to level 4, same lionesses on the same tiles. I cropped the image down a bit but it still shows all of the important stuff for the lionesses Screenshot two |
Axel (#6627)
Pervert View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2015-11-03 22:26:16 |
I think we should continue discussing it here now. Now, the idea isnt bad. It could work. And I would support it if it wasnt for that low lvl requirement for 5 cubs. 5 cubs protected should be more of a potential max, a goal to reach, especially when you cant have all too many due to financial changes. With making it a lvl10 point, you are basically handing it to them. Try it, hunt your girls 10 times a day and you will see how soon and how easily they reach it in a matter of 1 if not less Lioden years. Especially if you decide to hunt them with higher lvl lionesses. Then they reach it much faster. Think about Biomes. Lvl 31 is the last. A potential max of what is useful. Thus, people work for it. Not everyone will reach it and that is natural and okay. Only the most persistent can enter the last Biome. Now, this should be the same for the brood mother cub slot lvl requirements. 5 cubs protected is the potential max. It will be okay if not everyone reaches it and only those who work for it can get it. Plus, it makes more sense that older lionesses can look after the most cubs. Plus, think about it.... It would boost high lvl lioness sales, helping the market somewhat by opening more demand. A new kind of market opens. I think we should learn from the past easy features, that everything that is too easy will not have any effect on the market. (see: fertility update). That people need to work a bit for the desired goal should have a much better effect. And that is quite clear now. ![]() Edited on 04/11/15 @ 05:27:35 by Axel (#6627) |
🐶 FlipicusPup main [S2D] (#22800) Punisher View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2015-11-03 22:49:40 |
I've put it up so that lionesses have to reach level 13 to protect the maximum number of cubs, and level 15 to ensure that without paying for the feed all/play all tool the cubs will definitely survive. If some more people agree with you I could make it so that level 10- 3 cubs 8% lost level 12- 4 cubs 8% lost level 14- 5 cubs 8% lost and then for every 2 levels gained after that the percentage of survival lost goes down by 1% until its at the minimum of 5% lost daily, again, practically ensuring survival for any cub you interact with daily, that would mean that level 20 is the best you can get, like you suggested. Like i said on your thread, I hunt my custom girl 10 times daily and it took a while to get her level up, longer than you suggest even with adding 5 extra hunts every so often (especially in the first lioden year of having her), so I think that for casual players its better as is, but I might be wrong. It'll have to have a lot more input before the level suggestions are solidified anyway. I agree with what you put though, and I'd love to be able to use my retired breeders as broodmothers instead of retiring them to my dynasty early, so I'll add that to the main thead as a positive :) ![]() |
Axel (#6627)
Pervert View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2015-11-03 23:31:13 |
You said it takes you a month to get your huntresses to lvl 18. Let us see... Can start hunting at 2 years old. Month has 30 days. This means 30 Lioden months. This means about 2,5 Lioden years. So your lionesses reach lvl 18 at about age 4,5 years. This isnt much at all. If you think about it, the lioness will live until 15 years minimum, so plenty of time to get that girl to lvl20. So, I dont see the issue. I think the additional bonuses of % protection should apply above lvl20. And lvl 20 should be the max cub protected. Do you know why I am saying this? Because this way there is a potential that the market will show even greater improvement, due to many wanting the lvl 20+ lions for max and improved protection, but due to not many being able to achieve it, people will eventually want to buy these lions. This opens a whole new market and new possibilities. More ways of income, plus it is hard to flood the market with lvl20+ lions, making a new livable gameplay style. ![]() |
Fieora (#26148)
Phoenix View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2015-11-04 00:00:28 |
@FlipicusPup |K. (Galaxy) I actually like the idea you suggest here. It brings meaning to the broodmothers and is still reasonable and fully achievable by casual players whilst not rendering gameplay utterly tedious and unrewarding. It also brings a point to keeping those retired huntress/stat lionesses that can no longer breed but are nicely leveled. I would keep it at lv 13 to keep 5 cubs on the lioness, it starts taking a long time to level past that and I still think that 15+ is too excessive for something that should be reachable by all players that put in the effort. @Axel The issue is that there are a lot of casual players that do not have the time to come in and train lionesses for the full 10 hunts a day. Your suggestion that they just buy these lionesses is reasonable, but then factor in the massive inflation that will occur on the pricing of these high level lionesses. Combine this with the lack of income which would come from not having lionesses high enough leveled to ensure the survival of cubs assigned to their lower leveled broodmothers , meaning they have few to zero cubs to sell to make the money required to buy afforementioned high leveled broodmothers. Taking that into account, they aren't going to be able to afford these high leveled lionesses. Both here and in your other thread, you seem to be quite aggressively pushing for punishing gameplay/mechanics for people that simply do not have the time to invest in such consuming gameplay. I appreciate that a lot of people think that the economy is messed up, and that a lot of people place blame on "mass breeders" but making gameplay ridiculously complicated/time consuming and actively working against those who just cannot live our lives on this game to keep up with the small chance of making some money. It can't be so bad at the moment anyway, when quality cubs are still selling well at decent prices. People will take the time to look for quality and the cubs that are worthless will not sell and will be chased/killed as a result. People will still continue to sell cubs at a loss. They will still undercut the market to make fast money from marks/bases. Making gameplay difficult and unrewarding for a large amount of the userbase is not the way to go to fix this. Removing a chunk of cubs from the market is not going to magically push up prices. We will still have "ugly" cubs that won't sell that people who HAVE the time will still be mass breeding and selling for low prices or karma fodder. This is a game. It's supposed to be fun. It is not supposed to be a time sucking obligation =) People who work full time, people who have kids and other obligations should really not be punished for the lack of having time to play a game with such high conditions of being able to keep the offspring of the pride alive. ![]() |
PeachMilk 🍑 lil Low Rider (#8330) ![]() View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2015-11-04 00:04:09 |
no support... this isnt like hunting.. there for it takes a lot longer to raise their levels.. plus some higher level lionesses sale for 200-500sb at level 12... it would defeat the entire purpose if someone was able to get an already higher level lion (if your wanting people to start at level 1) I personally like how it is already and think it should be kept as is XD ![]() Edited on 04/11/15 @ 07:04:42 by Apollo*Floofy Butt* Lights off (#8330) |
Axel (#6627)
Pervert View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2015-11-04 00:52:38 |
@Fieora Please consider the fact, that selling cubs isnt the only way to get SB/GB. There are plenty other means, like selling food, the items you find, event stuff, and the cubs you managed to take care of. Plus think about the fact that cubs can be sold at 5 months old, so basically it isnt a hindrance. But no, I do not want gameplay to be impossible for casual players. In my suggestions, they can progress just fine, but not as much as active and persistent players or those who pay money for the game. And that will be what you will find in any game you play that is competitive in any way. "Removing a chunk of cubs from the market is not going to magically push up prices. We will still have "ugly" cubs that won't sell that people who HAVE the time will still be mass breeding and selling for low prices or karma fodder." Little to no work+some income= people will keep doing what they were doing. More work + basically no income = people will think about what they are doing. The greatest details isnt that we take out a chunk of cubs, as that is but a side-effect. The most important part of any suggestion is to make the production more difficult. If people have to work for something, they rather make sure they get profit or they will stop doing that work. See it this way: Currently, cub selling is like you clap your hand once and you get 20SB. Of course you will keep clapping your hands for it as much as you can, it doesnt cost anything and is easy as cake. With the changes I am proposing, instead of clapping once, you will be doing 10 push-ups. You will find, that 20SB wont be enough for your push-ups, since it makes you more tired than clapping, so you wont be doing the 10 push-ups for 20SB but for 100-200. Not only because it is more work but because you wont be able to do as many 10 push-ups as 1 claps. More so, others might not bother doing their 10 push-ups, so they will ask you to do theirs too, giving you extra 100-200SB. See? Making something a bit harder does help. Even if people dont like to give up their easy gameplay. ![]() |
Megan (#68826)
Dreamboat of Ladies View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2015-11-04 01:47:37 |
@Apollo, you can first hunt your lady to level 15 and then use her as a broodmother, or buy them from the market, so I see no point in making a discussion out of how hard broodmothers are to level up. It would be good for the high level lionesses market, since people who don't have the time will want to buy some high leveled lionesses. Btw, let's not make this into a discussion about what boundaries will be set if this idea gets through, since that's all up to the gamemakers. But I personally like the lvl 13-15 one, higher than that would cost too much afford. @Fieora, why would buying a lioness that's a high level and assigning a cub to her be an awful lot of more effort than you do now? I am one of the players who will be more than happy to get players with less time at their hands some high leveled lionesses. ![]() Edited on 04/11/15 @ 10:09:56 by Megan (#68826) |
🐶 FlipicusPup main [S2D] (#22800) Punisher View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2015-11-04 04:22:23 |
@Apollo, same as what Megan said, that's why on the thread I suggested you use your retired huntresses or breeding lionesses, who will already be over level 5 if you've hunted them once or twice a day. It lets you keep around your lionesses who currently only really take up space and food if you don't put them in your dynasty. AND, if you already have a level 13 lioness as a broodmother, she'll keep gaining experience to level up some more whilst she's looking after cubs, to help her reach the maximum protectiion levels :) It's not like you have to keep your broodmothers in their role forever, the existing system to remove and add would be there, but if you didn't have a slot free, you couldn't add another broodmother. It's pretty simple. If for instance you have a level 1 nurturing lioness as your first broodmother, and only one slot, you could level up another lioness through hunting, swap their roles, and then hunt the nurturing one whilst you save sb to get another slot. It takes a tiny bit more thought than how it is now, and it makes broodmothers less redundant. @Fieora, thank you very much for your input, I think I'll keep it as it is then. You're right, I feel like it has to be achievable but not so completely easy that the effort put in to higher levelles lionesses stays essentially worthless. I also agree that Axel seems to have a different view of what constitutes 'casual' gameplay, lol. @Axel, they already have to pay gb for broodmother slots, I think its fair to say that some people only hunt once or twice a day, and have enough lionesses for 2-3 hunting parties. So far hunting is mainly for food and stat gain, so people who just want to feed their pride and don't care about stats won't want to set timers every half hour whilst at work etc. just to get some highly levelled lionesses. For people who's schedules don't allow them to get lionesses over level 10 without extra effort, setting the bar too high is going to make the game tedious and demanding. To get sb by selling food and toys, you need to first have an excess of them, which a lot of very casual players don't have, and so rely on cub sales to save up some sb. Not everyone can do 10 pushups, with this model, if you manage to do one or two you can still get a small reward. @Megan, thank you for responding for me, your thoughts seem to be on the same track as mine I think :) Okay, lets just take the time to remember that what we're supporting/non-supporting is the thread at the top guys, don't let the comments put you off. I'm sure there will be newbie give-aways for higher levelled lionesses (I tried to do that once for hunting parties, but like I said, the effort you put in is prety much worthless right now), and I'm more than happy to get rid of my older lionesses who are level 12-15. I'm sure many other people are too, and it really makes the broodmother and cub survival feature more interactive and realistic, if you neglect your prides cubs and breed too many to handle, well, your pride wouldn't thrive would it? It's supposed to be a semi-realistic sim, so adding a touch more realism (in that experienced lioness are more useful to the pride) wouldn't be a bad thing at all. ![]() |
Before (#25066)
Cursed View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2015-11-04 06:04:42 |
If broodmothers gained experience as they looked after cubs, I'd be more neutral. However, as it is, I cannot support. Maybe it's the way I play the game. I already set restrictions on myself to make the game more realistic and manageable, which includes having a small core hunting pride, plus a couple of pretty lionesses that don't do anything useful. I like the fact that currently, the pretty-but-not-useful ones can be broodmothers, and look after the maximum of 5 cubs (or 6, since I haven't set personalities for either of them yet). If this were implemented, I'd either have to: a) Employ my retired huntresses, who story-wise really deserve a break, not babysitting duty, or b) Sacrifice some of my main group's hunting time for the broodmothers to level up to a decent level, leaving the cubs unprotected as this happens. Nevermind the fact that if I'm breeding an extra lioness, I don't want her gaining stats since I want the huntresses cubs to be more powerful for story induced combat reasons. I realize that this is entirely personal playstyle, and probably only applies to me. However, I believe many players would also prefer to keep their huntresses and broodmothers separate, if only to maximize stat gain over lifetime. This suggestion would limit that, and for only market-based reasons that I do not agree with, as I've posted about in Axel's thread already. To summarize my points from the other thread: 1. I do not believe a buyer's market is a bad thing. 2. I do not believe the current market is as bad as some are saying, nor heading towards being as bad as some are saying. Celestial-based lions, for example, still do not go for an SB price despite being over a year old and available through active studs. ![]() |
Fieora (#26148)
Phoenix View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2015-11-04 06:22:19 |
@Megan I was just saying that the prices for the leveled lionesses would very likely increase drastically, which is good for those who can level and sell then on, however for example beginners with limited money and no ability to produce "valuable" cubs would struggle, especially if they're limited on amount of gameplay time ^^ ![]() |
Megan (#68826)
Dreamboat of Ladies View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2015-11-04 06:27:04 |
@Before, what do you think about buying high statted lionesses for the broodmother role? You didn't include that in your post ;) I totally understand your different kind of view, and since I don't roleplay, I don't come across that problem. I also just breed plain natural based lions, mostly goldens, so mine in fact will always be worthless for everybody else. Broodmothers do gain exp while looking after cubs. But not enough. I believe I had one looking after 5 cubs and it got around 10.000 exp, I think, but I have to check that. ![]() |
Before (#25066)
Cursed View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2015-11-04 06:37:52 |
@Megan I try to keep out of the market as much as I can - never selling my own cubs and only buying when I'm replacing a huntress who didn't manage to have a surviving heiress (I have a very high cub mortality rate) or had one of her line become king. If they were cheap enough, I might buy them, but in general I'd like to keep my broodmothers as how I have it now: cubs from my huntresses that I want to keep, but rolled a death while they were cubs. And I didn't notice they gained exp! *embarrassed* Just looked at my active broodmother, and she does have exp despite never hunting. Still, that's a really low amount if the levels are as stated in the main post. ![]() |
🐶 FlipicusPup main [S2D] (#22800) Punisher View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2015-11-04 06:38:54 |
@before, EDIT- saw that you realised your mistake. i do agree that exp gained should be random but in a higher range than it is now. I also think that the more cubs your broodmother is protecting (which would mean she had to be a higher level) the more experience she should gain. This makes it more achievable to get those high levels needed. This thread isn't really about making the buyers market different, it would just be a small bonus if it did. What this thread about is making the experience that broodmothers gain and the levels they achieve actually useful, and making the whole broodmother feature more interactive for players. Cub duty wouldn't be hard on a lioness, take a look at real prides, but yes, its up to you how you play the game. I don't think for the majority of players this would be an issue, my fav lionesses all get bios and I think that after they retire from hunting and breeding, having the far less stressful duty of keeping an eye on cubs is a lovely way for me to justify keeping themm in my pride until they die of old age. Cubs wouldn't be unprotected whilst you level up your broodmothers (if put in with higher level lionesses they can reach level 3 in one hunt, I know because I've done it before) because the add/remove broodmother feature means that you can swap over your cubs to a couple of ncls, or hunt them for one day and re-assign them after rollover, because assigning a broodmother would still boost their survival by, say 30%? That would make it easier on everyone. I also sort-of think that their survival rate shouldn't go down unless you send their mother out to hunt when they're still under 5 months (say 1% drop per hunt if they aren't protected by a broodmother?), I'll add that to the main thread. @Fieora, Newbie give-aways. I think you under-estimate the amount of generous players there are on this site. I would happily level up ncls to level 5-10 for new players to get broodmothers, for FREE. I'd do it for other more experienced players for a small fee, definitely under 100sb per levelled ncl. There would be a poll and a long time of information gathering if something like this were to be implemented by staff, so you'd have plenty of time to get/train your new broodmothers. Possibly existing accounts should start with 2 broodmother slots to ease the transition? ![]() Edited on 04/11/15 @ 13:56:08 by FlipicusPup |K. (Galaxy) (#22800) |
Before (#25066)
Cursed View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2015-11-04 07:08:57 |
@FlipicusPup I was under the impression this suggestion was from the same line of thinking as Axel's, which is why I put the reasoning from that thread at the bottom. The reason I thought that is because this suggestion changes to way the Broodmother system works to limit the amount of protected cubs, just like Axel's suggestion does. Plus, unlike now, you'd have to place cubs under a broodmother right away, as opposed to when necessary, since all it does is slow down the draining of the bar rather than bring it back up to full. This suggestion makes the game harder for no benefit I can see. The reason cub mortality was suggested in the first place was because of how awful the market was (and it really was awful back then, since you couldn't search, and there was only ever one visible page. NCL flooding was a real issue back then, since you couldn't find anything else). Anything that makes the game harder should have a purpose, otherwise it is just frustrating. ![]() |
🐶 FlipicusPup main [S2D] (#22800) Punisher View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2015-11-04 07:29:41 |
Hmm, okay, I think it barely makes the game harder, but your opinion is your own. What I hate is the fact that broodmothers gaining experience and levelling up is pretty much wasted, its a completely useless feature to have this happen and I wish it affected the game in some way. What I think it does is add an aspect of realism. Think about it, a neglected cub wouldn't immediately be right as rain if a lioness took notice of it and protected it. And it really does stop people from whining about all their cubs leaving when they breed up to and over 100 at a time, it isn't a breeding sim really, and in the future stats and levels will have more of an impact anyway. I just don't understand why there's a survival AND this type of broodmother feature, all it does is make interacting with your cubs null and void, it sort-of caters to lazier players who are trying to make a quick buck in this respect, so yeah its partially for cub market, but mainly to just add something to the game to make levelled lionesses more useful, seeing as going up a level doesn't influence stats at all. I don't like seeing my effort wasted, and there's no point for me to even click the level up button on broodmothers. You also wouldn't have to put cubs under protection until they reach 5-6 months, because like I said, the only way cubs under 5 months can lose survival is by sending its mother out to hunt (and therefore leaving it vunerable). Even if you hunted your mother lioness 10 times a day, they'd still be put back up to 80% by asigning them a broodmother once they are weaned. The purpose is realism. Realism, along with a use for older lionesses, levelled lionesses, the experience that broodmothers gain, levelling up broodmothers and just because having a lioness sitting around doing basically nothing whilst gaining levels seems really stupid to me. It takes up territory space, which having broodmother slots wouldn't, you'd just need to save one territory if you were going to swap broodmothers every few rollovers. ![]() |
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