Posted by Burning Oasis (Lion RP)

Kamaria (#73186)

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Posted on
2015-11-05 14:07:11
320px-Table_Mountain_%28South_Africa_-_2......................In a vast, chaotic land where the grass is brown, the dunes are like tidal waves, and the shrubs and brush cling to your fur like clawing hands rising from the sand, an oasis sits. This territory, with greenery and water, is a haven for animals, predator and prey, and in the cave at its border lives a massive Pride of lions. These lions are unusual, much like the Pridelanders you've heard about. But unlike them, violence still rests at the heart of their territory. The King, son of the previous, can still be overthrown, and must face each challenger that enters his lands, but he isn't alone.
Instead of banishing all males when their grow their manes, they are given a choice. Leave willlingly, or join the Royal Guard, a group of males who swear loyalty to their King and fight to defend their kingdom, in return for remaining in these lush lands and being granted permission to mate.
For you see, the King doesn't mate with every lioness, but takes a Queen instead. She is his mate, and she heads the Hunting Patrols and is in charge of keeping the lionesses in line. Not an easy task...

The King also has his healer, or Shaman, and his advisor, or Majordomo. These positions can be held by lions, but are most often given to other species.

Do you have what it takes to survive in these lands? Are you a hunter, a fighter, or do you aim a bit higher? Do you wish to try your paw at taking the throne? Come, join us in the Savannah. Your destiny awaits...


King- Thakur (played by Avra)
Queen- Motsumi (played by Mots)

Royal Cubs
Kamaria (played by Kamaria XD)
Gemini (played by Ravenstar)

Majordomo- OPEN
Majordomo Apprentice- OPEN
Shaman- Kiarkiu, Female AWD (played by Ravenstar)
Shaman Apprentice- Fonso, Male Lion (played by Kan)

Second Huntress- Pantheir (played by Ravenstar)

Sierra (played by Ravenstar)
Auawa (played by Ravenstar)
Silvest (played by Ravenstar)
Makusudi (played by Christicat15)
Kara (played by Paws)

Royal Guard
Guard Captain- Kermiger (played by Rusty)
Sefu (played by Nuru)
Njau (played by Kamaria)

Drevia, Female (played by Avra)
Simora, Female (played by Sunny)
Nia, Female (played by Nuru)
Izzikumba, Male (played by obviously-not-a-Mangle-fan)

Zuberi, Male (played by Nuru)

Because every RP has to have 'em.

1 - No killing/mating without permission.
2 - Light cussing is permitted, but show restraint. They're lions, not sailors.
3 - Some odd colors and markings are permitted for creativity's sake, but be reasonable.
4 - If you are using one of your own lions, but as a different age, please have the wardrobe link ready. Thank you.
5 - Try not to fight OOC people. Let's be civil here.
6 - If you're talking OOC, use Brackets or Parentheses. [[These]] or ((these)).
7 - No GodModding, your lion NEEDS to lose sometimes, and they NEED flaws. I will have no Mary Sues in my RP!
8 - A MINIMUM of three sentences to a post. You get three strikes, people. If you can't think of three sentences worth of stuff, fluff. Describe something a bug is doing, or some other background info.
9 - Have fun! That's what we're here for, right?

Character Sheets

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Edited on 06/11/15 @ 19:28:18 by Kamaria (#73186)

Christicat15 (#54511)

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Posted on
2015-11-09 13:09:54
Thakur, are you there? I posted to you...)

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Avra (#75614)

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Posted on
2015-11-09 13:10:42
Thakur nodded. "Get some lions to come with me." He said.

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Christicat15 (#54511)

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Posted on
2015-11-09 13:40:28
Danso nodded and, as quickly as he could, flew to the pride home, squaking loudly at the guards and royal guards. "H-Hyenas!!!" He screeched like an eagle, flying down and landing on the ground with a 'clck', his eyes clouded with worry. "King needs you to help!!!" he screeched, making sure the lionesess heard as well.

Makusudi shot up to her paws at the screech and ran towards where the king was as fast as she could, ready to fight. She stopped in front of him, "I'm here, sir!" she said, looking around warily.

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Avra (#75614)

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Posted on
2015-11-09 13:53:01
Thakur waited for a few minutes, although he was still worried about the border. "Damn hyenas..."

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Christicat15 (#54511)

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Posted on
2015-11-09 13:55:31
guards and lionesess need to post, Thakur, so I cant xD))

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Kamaria (#73186)

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Posted on
2015-11-10 00:02:21
((Okay, I'm bored. Sorry onaMf.))

As he waited to here the younger male's reasons for following behind him, Njau heard a horrid cackling, and the hideous muzzle of a hyena appeared in the distance behind a large patch of rocks. Then another. And another. The massive male let out a roar of warning and positioned himself between the beasts and the youths, hackles up and scarred muzzle wrinkled in a threatening snarl. "Izzikhumba, get Princess Kamaria home!" He sank his claws into the earth and let his enemy come to him. As the first hyena made its move and tried to sink its teeth into the warriors hide, he swung one heavy paw at its head, crushing it against the ground.

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Kamaria (#73186)

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Posted on
2015-11-10 00:15:01
Kamaria wondered for a moment how the older male knew she was there, but her shining fur quickly made it obvious. She gave an impatient growl and ran forward, her lithe form moving swiftly across the dried earth. "No way you're sending me back while you face three enemies!" She leaped onto the back of the second hyena, sinking her claws in and holding on for dear life before biting down onto the thick muscle of its neck, aiming for spine. From the corner of her eye she could see Njau fighting to keep the third beast at bay while still holding down the first, who was snapping at the inside of his foreleg.

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Hyena Hubby (#48707)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-11-10 02:01:42
Izzikhumba reacted in a matter of seconds, noticing how the hyenas attacked his companions. He roared and aimed for the hyenas biting Njau's side, pinning it to the ground and claws sinking into it's flesh. A pair of claws raked through his belly. He growled and led his fangs to the hyena's neck. A fresh scent and taste of blood filled his mouth as he heard a cry coming from his opponent. Khumba didnt let go until it stopped shaking and turned back to see how the others were handling the situation.

((onaMf...i like that name :D sorry too, school's been keeping me busy))

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Kamaria (#73186)

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Posted on
2015-11-10 02:21:22
Njau had his opponent's head in his jaws, the body twitching in the throws of death. After Khumba had gotten rid of the second attacker, he could focus on just one target and had crushed the beast's windpipe, then picking it up by the head and shook, breaking its neck. He dropped it and turned to protect Kamaria, but apparently that wasn't necessary...

Kamaria had the last hyena's throat trapped between her teeth, front paws wrapped around its chest and pinning its front legs to its sides. It was gasping for air that would never come and kicking its back legs about in an attempt to free itself. Kamaria used her own back legs to rake the beast's belly with her claws. She choked it out as though it were an impala or a zebra, putting her hunting lessons and time sparring with Izzi to good use. It was a slow and painful death, and her eyes were locked forward, lost in the bloodlust for a moment as she waited to feel the last bit of life leave the hyena's body.

((It's cool. :3 And I had to call you something, your name is hella long))

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Hyena Hubby (#48707)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-11-10 02:28:32
Khumba looked at Kam's expression in surprise (and maybe a bit of horror) She looked like a psychopath. Anyway, he tried to walk beside Njau and Kamaria, yet the low pain in his lower sides made it difficult. He tried to disimulate. -Everyone's ok?- He asked. Then turned to face the three moveless bodies in the floor, almost terrified of how the three of them could beat them all.

((It's sarcasm...i luv sarcasm :D I meaan....I am a Mangle fan :3 and my name is sarcastic :D

ok enough happiness, my name is cool but long as hell, Khumba is a little uke and wants to get Njau out of the closet o3o))

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Kamaria (#73186)

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Posted on
2015-11-10 02:45:26
Kamaria released the dead creature and shook out her pelt. "A few scratches, but all in one piece." She looked down at what she had done and smiled, a rare and genuine smile. "I... I did it..." In all of her hunting lessons and attempts, she had never gotten her teeth into a single zebra or impala, her shimmering pelt always giving her away, but in a face to face fight with an enemy she had triumphed. She wasn't a helpless little Princess. She was a fighter.

Njau shook out his mane, then looked over at the bites that would no doubt scar, joining the many others on his pelt. "I'm fine." He kept his answer short and sweet, and turned to walk along the border. "I told you two to leave, but if you aren't going to follow orders you may as well try and stay close. If there's three of them there are bound to be more." He planned on walking the border to intercept anymore intruders.

((XD I might just call you Mangle then. And that is all up to them what happens. X3))

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Hyena Hubby (#48707)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-11-10 02:54:03
Khumba rejoiced. -Im in! You comin' Kam?- He turned to face Kamaria, who just stood there, moveless.

((KK :3 Khumba's gonna break his neck for turning to face every single thing in the world XD))

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Kamaria (#73186)

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Posted on
2015-11-10 03:04:26
Kamaria's smile turned back into her usual smirk, and she butted her head into Izzi's shoulder. "You bet your backside I am!" She hoped they ran into more enemies. She had found something she was really good at, and she wasn't ready to give that up just yet.

Njau rolled his eyes at the youths' excitement in the face of danger. But, he had been like them once, back in his adolescent days. Back in his birth Pride... before the King had banished him... He sighed, snarling to himself. "Just keep your guard up. There could easily be more hiding around the next tree or rock." He glanced back at the young Izzi, then jerked his head forward again, lashing his tail once.

((Gonna get whiplash yo))

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Hyena Hubby (#48707)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-11-10 03:12:11
He noticed him...HE NOTICED HIM! Izzikhumba was almost jumping of joy, but then focused back on following Kamaria to adventure. He reached her side. -Race ya to the mountain!- He smirked and ran faster to reach for the rocky ledges.

((you bet))

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Kamaria (#73186)

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Posted on
2015-11-10 03:19:46
Kamaria grinned and ran after her friend, her tail streaming behind her like a silver comet. She knocked her shoulder into Izzi's, passing him up. Females were built for speed, while males were built for strength, so in a race she had the upper paw.

Njau shook his head at the two young lions. "What did I just say?" He picked up his own pace to keep them in his line of sight, his heavy mane bouncing with each movement. His large paws left dents in the earth, crimson eyes focused on the tails of the two adolescents as they ran...

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