Posted by More Information for Lions!

Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2015-11-11 08:18:44
I realized that our lions and lionesses don't have much more information other than personality, age, gender, stats, and appearance. What if our lions/lionesses had other information such as height, weight, date of birth, etc? These could be added as a roleplay factor similar to personality. I often see people roleplay their lion as huge, (at least in lion standards,) which honestly isn't very realistic, since not every single lion can be gargatuan.

Weight could be factored by using a number generator when a cub is born and increase as they grow. For example, one cub could be born at 3 pounds (1.5 kilograms) then steadily increase. As an adult, they'd reach anywhere from 280 lbs (126.9 kg) to 418 lbs (189.6 kg) for males and 263 lbs (119.5 kg) to 395 lbs (179.2 kg) for females.

Height could be similarly generated and behave the same; males and females ranging from 3.5 - 4 feet tall (At the shoulder.) Both weight and height could be catagorized as Very Small, Small, Medium, Large, and Very Large, each size having their own range.

I can see how this wouldn't work out, but I personally think that this'd be a great idea for roleplaying!

Maulise suggested:

If the height/weight corresponded to how stats passed on or were gained in a minor way, at the very least (breeding stocky lions for greater strength, or lithe ones for speed). This would at least have the effect of being advantageous to stat breeders (since there are items that can boost speed or strength inheritance), and be a minor mechanic, rather than just flavour text....

This suggestion has 49 supports and 13 NO supports.

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Edited on 13/11/15 @ 10:43:54 by InsertCleverNameHere (#36227)

Cora (#38247)

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Posted on
2015-11-11 08:21:48
The only thing I have to say is that it would probably be a lot of work for Xy and the others

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Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2015-11-11 08:25:46
I know it would be a lot of work, especially with the current task of lion poses, but I just thought it would be interesting.

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Edited on 11/11/15 @ 15:26:02 by InsertCleverNameHere (#36227)

Cora (#38247)

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Posted on
2015-11-11 08:29:01
I Agree it is very interesting and I would like to see it implemented. That was really my own thing wrong with it, not trying to downgrade it or anything

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Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2015-11-11 09:12:06
I know you weren't trying to shoot it down. c:

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FCV (#15132)

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Posted on
2015-11-11 11:13:36
no support, at least for now.

Currently with the information we have now on our lions, yes some of it has a meaning/importance to game play but most of it doesnt.

I rather them work on giving the information we already have on our lions more meaning or more importance in gameplay before they add on anything else.

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Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2015-11-11 11:55:47
True, though I was also thinking that height and weight could have more importance in the game as well. For example, a heavier lion would have less speed or agility than a smaller, lighter lion and a small, lanky lion might have less strength. (?)

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Fen'harel (#20784)

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Posted on
2015-11-11 21:41:23
I like the idea, if it could be implemented and everything, it would just add the little extra information that would make it even more realistic and fun. Also i like your idea with the stats etc.

I really like it, and of course it would be a lot of work, but if it could become a feature it'd be awesome

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Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2015-11-11 23:55:33
Thank you, Fen!

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mau | g1 6k frontal
3ros cel (#32469)

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Posted on
2015-11-13 00:03:03
To be honest, I see no reason for this to be implemented, in its current form. If the height/weight corresponded to how stats passed on or were gained in a minor way, at the very least (breeding stocky lions for greater strength, or lithe ones for speed). This would at least have the effect of being advantageous to stat breeders (since there are items that can boost speed or strength inheritance), and be a minor mechanic, rather than just flavour text that I'd never glace at again.

As it is, I find personalities frustrating and mostly pointless at the moment ono Not implying that you need to change your suggestion in the least, thought I'd just explain my thoughts a bit better c:

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Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2015-11-13 01:01:55
Thank you for your suggestion, Mau! I really like your idea with the stats and if it's alright with you, I might add it to the original post.

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mau | g1 6k frontal
3ros cel (#32469)

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Posted on
2015-11-13 01:12:16
Sure thing ^^

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Isabella Lena (#49545)

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Posted on
2015-11-16 01:56:58
The last time I asekd Xylax.. He answerd no for weight and height...

But date of birth could be....,..

But if it his mucth work... Than It is not nessecary

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Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2015-11-16 03:35:47
Ah. Maybe he'll change his mind, so I'll keep this suggestion up.

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SuburbanHyena (#85211)

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Posted on
2016-09-13 03:36:35
like pokemon!

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Isabella Lena (#49545)

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Posted on
2016-09-13 03:41:19
birthdate is a good one. high and weight has been rejected multible times. But maybe it will now!

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