Posted by Looking for: Kingdom Hearts RPers

Mots - RP Loved (#5378)

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Posted on
2015-11-19 14:00:58
Specifically Organization XIII. But if you really want to play the good guys, I won't stop you. That includes any kids you may create for them.

I will allow OCs since I have three Organization kid OCs, who I would love to use at some point in the RP.

I just have three rules right now And no, I am NOT dropping those I do have. At least the ones here on Lioden I am not dropping, I don't plan on it anytime soon unless I get reason to. I can handle multiple 1x1 RPs, they are easier for me than group right now due to work and people being impatient in groups.

I just ask for patience for one. Hell, I'm busy right now with work and I only have two days off a week. So I do understand real life stuff. No one lives on their computer 24/7.

Also if you are going to leave the RP for any reason, let me know. Whether it be for school, real life stuff, or you want to leave it for good. I'll be sad, but I'll eventually understand. Just please don't leave me hanging for a month or three without letting me know. (People have let me know, I'm not talking about them. Just the ones who do not tell me anything and leave me hanging.)

The last one is literacy. Like, more than three sentences in a post. I tend to write in paragraphs, at least three. And especially proper grammar and spelling. I do understand spelling mistakes, but don't make a habit of it. Also refrain from using text speak, unless a character is texting (Well maybe Kairi or someone in Twilight Town). Don't have them talk like that... no one in the real world goes lol, soz, or some other weird abbreviation I don't understand.

Also, with my OCs there is a small twist. So I would like to have an open minded RPer as well. Like say, Vexia looks like Larxene in a way. She isn't related at all.

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Demyx (#54780)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-11-19 14:04:40
I don't role play, but I am a kingdom hearts fan ^^

This is an interesting idea!

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Mots - RP Loved (#5378)

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Posted on
2015-11-21 09:04:31
I gathered from your username :)

I'm glad that you think the idea is interesting.

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