Posted by Sub Male Creator

JP4Addict | #1
Makarov Simp (#24336)

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Posted on
2015-11-19 23:58:57
Most people like to stat build their subs before making them king, or at least training them. When making an Oasis king you cannot do that and stat building can be hard to some players or just frustrating in general.
Some people also want their sub to look a certain way but can't breed them/find
So why not have a sub-male creator? It will cost the same as a king maker (10 GB) and have all the same rules (One Marking free, and special eyes are +2 GB)

This can make people that breed for stats only and want a certain looking king easier to make their king the exact way they want them. This can also give others a chance to finish their current kings breeding projects or reaching any goal.

This suggestion has 12 supports and 3 NO supports.

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Edited on 20/11/15 @ 07:45:23 by TheFox (11/15gb)Xylax's min (#24336)

Courier Six (#6164)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2015-11-20 00:38:24
Are you suggesting that we have an item where we choose our stats for submales? Cuz that's what I'm getting from this.
Or are you suggesting we be allowed to customize our sub males' appearance like we can do with main males?

I'm against the first idea because then everyone will just give their lions maximum stats, because they can. Though I am game for customizing the appearance of our sub-males..

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JP4Addict | #1
Makarov Simp (#24336)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2015-11-20 00:45:40
Suggesting the 2nd idea. ^^

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