Posted by | Warrior Cats RP: Island of Linzafi (Open) |
🔲Shitlord Mauaji🔳 (Knees (#33232) Deathlord of the Jungle View Forum Posts Posted on 2015-11-22 08:21:44 |
Far, far away from the territories that belong to Shadowclan, Thunderclan, Riverclan and Windclan, and even far away from the Tribe of rushing water, lives a new generation of Wariror cats, they aren't "--Clan", nor "Tribe of--", they are called Linzafiests, but each one of them follow the traditions from the Island of Linzafi, Linzafi is the ancient sphynx cat goddess that emerged the island from the sea and kept it hidden from human view. Legends tell that Linzafi welcomes any cats that die inside her island, believers or not. Linzafi hates war, and so on, when she created the five clans, she expanded the island and made limits for eachother, with time they have been modifiying, but never as those times, were prey runs scarce due to overhunting that probably Sandclan was reponsible of accidentally. Clans have began to fight since moons now, fighting over food, most of the steals are for Fireclan, who in these times is hardly recovering, but still has its precious members as strong as always. RP THREADS! ● Sandclan ● Fireclan ● Seaclan ● Swampclan ● Forestclan R U L E S ● No Mary/Gary sues ● No Powerplaying (or perfect characters) ● No fighting in OOC ● Do not kill or permanently hurt someone whitout permission ● Fade to black when giving birth or mating ● No attention-begger characters (Dead parents and brothers who abused your character, who has a strange sickness that makes him/her go insane and hurt those that she/he loves, only those that she/he loves, ahem.) F O R M ● Name: ● Gender: ● Age: ● Rank: ● Clan: ● Appearence: ● Personality: ● Other: F A Q ● How many characters can we do? as a max, 6. :3 tough you may only have only one cat with an important rank, this doesn't includes Med apprentices.. ● Can we make our cats other sexualities? Yes, you can, you can be the basic, lesbian, gay, bisexual... but please, don't do 500 gay cats because we will get extinct, heh. ● Is this RP First come first serve? No, it isn't, high ranks such as MC, Leader and Deputy aren't first come first serve, but every time someone posts willing to be one of these, 10 questions will be sent via PM, if they get 8 or more correct they will be accepted, if there are 2 or 3 persons for the same rank that are in a tie, the best form will be the winner then. ● Can we do our own small clans? Nope, you can't, five clans is five. ● Can we do badgers, foxes, dogs...? No, they all will be NPCs, and the island wasn't created with dogs, just foxes, dogs, and the usual prey, maybe we will add some sea-predators. W A R R I O R S ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ●S A N D C L A N● Sandclan cats are fierce and very protective over their territory, because 1/4 of their territory is covered in sand and stone, they oftenly fight Seaclan for the ownership of the Lifeless island, Sandclan cats claim that they are the right owners of the island, due to their lack of territory, Sandclan cats usually go into very bright colors, even brighter than Forestclan's, they can come in white, orange, silver, and more bright colors, they usually are the last clan to face winter due to their heat-covered territory, Sandclan cats are the biggest cats in the island and they have less members than any other clan. Leader(1/1): ▶Duststar: Male, 93 moons, Duststar is a large tom with pale, mossy, yellow-green eyes. He has massive paws that are spiked with sharp claws, long thick fur and a fluffy tail. Large, sliced ears, a scarred muzzle and a scar across his shoulder. Deputy(1/1): ▶Mothflight: Female, 40 moons, Ginger tabby and white she-cat with bright amber eyes, large paws, and a long fluffy tail. Medicine Cat (1/1): ▶Feathernose: Female, 34 moons, Completely white cat with thin ginger markings in her tail and face, light blue pale eyes and medium-soft fur, average warrior size. Medicine Cat Appreantice(1/1): ▶ Yarrowcloud: Male, 15 moons, A small, slim pale ginger tom with orange eyes. Warriors(5/7): ▶Featherfall: Female, 27 moons, A siamese-looking she cat with a darker brown tabby pattern, long white whiskers and short, soft fur, beautiful blue eyes. ▶Acornfall: Female, 20 moons, a beautiful, average sized she-cat with yellow eyes and a torn ear.She has a light ginger fur with barely visible stripes that she keeps groomed. She has small paws but her claws are as sharp as thorns. She has a scar around her left hindleg and over her right eye, a bushy tail and a pink nose. ▶Tigerfur: Female, 80 moons, Ginger she-cat with tiger-like stripes outlining her pale fur. She has foggy blue eyes and a completely black nose. She has a few scars on her right hip. ▶Sunspot: Male, 28 moons, A tall and slender tom, sloped face, large ears, and ability to look underfed even after consuming an entire rabbit. His fur is short and sleek, colored a very light ginger with darker spotting, he has large almond shaped eyes with dark amber irises. Apprentices(1/7): ▶Flamepaw: Male, 11 moons, A messy furred soft ginger tom with white irish markings. very pale mackerel tabby stripes going through his fur, that sometimes fade into his regular fur color. Queens(1/3): ▶Rabbittail: Female, 35 moons, A medium, long haired she-cat with cream colored fur that is covered in large patches of softer brown fur. There are barely there tabby markings in these patches of brown, and she has a somewhat darker face mask that is broken up by a white blaze marking. Her eyes are a soft blue color that are speckled with darker hues of blue and she is missing most of her tail. Kits(0/12): Elders(0/5): ●F I R E C L A N● Fireclan cats are those with athletic souls, energetic and competitive, Fireclan cats will often be rude and sarcastic to Seaclan cats, usually, Fireclan cats are very proud and call Seaclan cats "Seafishes" because of their natural rivalry, Fireclan's territory is really fertile due to the ash left ages ago by the now inactive volcano, and so on, the Fireclan cats are the best fed cats, sadly, they are some of the smallest sized cats, they usually are the biggest clan. Leader(1/1): ▶Palestar: Male, 36 moons, A smaller tom with cream colored fur and ‘flame’ point markings on his face and alert greenish-blue eyes, he has faint brown tabby markings across his coat. Deputy(0/1): Medicine Cat (0/1): Medicine Cat Appreantice(0/1): Warriors(3/14): ▶Smokefur: Male, 20 moons, Gray tom with darker gray tips of fur. black socks and black tail tip. ▶Cranefoot: Female, 20 moons, Gray-black and white ticked tabby she-cat with golden brown eyes. ▶Shadowheart: Female, 24 moons, Pretty tortoiseshell she-cat with piercing golden eyes and a large patch of black on her chest. She is quite small. She has sleek, long, silky fur, and a long, smooth-furred tail. ▶Jackalstep: Male, 30 moons, A very large ink-black tomcat with broad shoulders and a thinly athletic build. He has dark, very pigmented amber-gamboge eyes. Apprentices(1/7): ▶Firepaw: Male, 8 moons, thick fluffy pelt. This tom has bright green eyes and a light shade of red pelt, and dark orange classic tabby print. he has short legs, a cut tail, and round short ears. Queens(0/3): Kits(0/12): Elders(0/5): ●S E A C L A N● Seaclan cats are like Riverclan cats, Elegant, shiny and wet-pawed furry animals, but what differs Riverclan from Seaclan, is that Seaclan is a totally not peaceful clan, Seaclan cats are very protective and dominant over their territory, some cats on this clan are capable of killing intruders, but those cats are just small exceptions, Seaclan cats usually are sharp-tongued and very energetic, they usually are white, light gray, black or even a blue gray, white because Seaclan is usually the first of the five to taste winter, Seaclan is rivalred with Fireclan and oftenly fights with Sandclan for the Lifeless island, they aret he best swimmers and average-sized cats. Leader(1/1): ▶Otterstar: Female, 42 moons, broad chest and shoulders, round head, blunt muzzle, she has medium length fur that's very thick and sleek, and is an inky black with broken white paws, chest, bib, and a little arrow on her forehead. Her eyes are light olive and grow more vibrant and yellow near the pupils. Deputy(1/1): ▶Onyxtail: Female, 19 moons, A pale cream colored blue eyed cat with a skinny figure and fading to brown tail tip and ears, pink nose and graceful moves. Medicine Cat (1/1): ▶Silverwing: Female, 25 moons, A fluffy she-cat with a silver base coat, she is a dark striped tabby cat, with a thick long coat. She is an averaged sized cat, with long strong legs, and dull claws and teeth. Silverwing is a beautiful she-cat with peircing blue eyes and tuffed ears, she has a white under body paws and muzzle. Silverwing has many scars marking her body, on imperticular running horizontaly, under her left eye. Medicine Cat Appreantice(1/1): ▶Softpaw: Female, 8 moons, A Siamese cat with a small, more frail build. She's on the fluffier side with a short nubby tail. She also has soft grey eyes. Warriors(3/10): ▶Blizzardtail: Female, 24 moons, CA lithe silver tabby she-cat with thick black stripes and a longer than usual tail, legs and muzzle. Her eyes are bright yellow and she has large ears. Oriental Shorthair inspired. ▶Stoneheart: Male, 25 moons, a fluffy formal gray tom with bright amber eyes and a lighter gray underfur. ▶Crystalshine: Female, 36 moons, Crystalshine is silver with cream markings all over her legs and face, she has very sharp teeth and claws to damage the enemy. Her fur is a bit longer and softer than what is usual. Her eyes are wide and bright. They are ice blue with flecks of green. Her legs are long and her knees are sharp. Her tail is mostly silver with some white. She also has webbed feet. Apprentices(2/7): ▶Canarypaw: Female, 7 moons. A pale ginger tabby with a tall and slender physique, her long legs are packed with lean muscle built for speed. ▶Coldpaw: Female, 10 moons, Narrow-faced, and with large ears. A lean, long-legged white she-cat. Her tail is long, and her fur is coarse and short. She always appears to be shaking from the cold breeze that sweeps in from the ocean. Queens(0/3): Kits(0/12): Elders(0/5): ●F O R E S T C L A N● Forestclan cats are natural survivors, they can resist horrible changes in their territory, floods, to droughts, to even tornados, Forestclan cats have small dens hidden all around their territory, even tough they are not named in the map, where they can hide, usually, Forestclan cats are bright colors, so that they can hide with the alive nature in their territory, Forestclan cats are oftenly friends with Swampclan cats due to their same peaceful way of acting, average sized cats, a bit bigger than Swampclan cats, but they are less cats. Leader(1/1): ▶Batstar: Male, 32 moons, Black tom with white hind legs, a white front right paw, and a white tail tip. Clear blue eyes peer from his narrow face. Deputy(1/1): ▶Dawnfall: Female, 21 moons, Bright orange with a lithe, agile body and muscular hind legs. She has misty, light blue optics. Her tail is long and her fur is short so as to allow her better purchase and stability when climbing trees. Medicine Cat (0/1): Medicine Cat Apprentice(1/1): ▶Specklepaw: Male, 7 moons, blue eyed cream with siamese paws & tail tom with white underfur. Warriors(3/9): ▶Birchnose: Male, 36 moons, An average-sized pale blue-gray and black mackerel tabby tom with light yellow eyes. ▶Blackarrow: Male, 24 moons, is a sleek back tom, with a thin coat with a shiny luster, he has wide and bright amber eyes with a strong and lean body shape. Blackarrow as scar all around his body, one on his shoulder blade, that wraps around his body ending at the his belly, and a deep one in his neck. ▶Foxfire: Male, 24 moons, thick red coat with brown markings all around his body that camouflages perfectly in fall. He is considered tall and buff. His eyes are a shade of ghostly blue and His tail is rather long. Apprentices(1/7): ▶Gingerpaw: Female, 7 moons, bright tabby ginger she-cat with white chest and belly. Queens(0/3): Kits(0/12): Elders(0/5): ●S W A M P C L A N● Stinky but polite, Swampclan cats are usually covered in gray - brown colours due to their style of biome, the swamps is their perfect place to hunt; they don't care about their smell nor look, but they are very polite and friendly, they don't like to fight but will do if they need to, Swampclan cats are usually friends with Forestclan cats due to the same peaceful acts, both Forestclan and Swampclan ignore Sandcland, Fireclans and Seaclan's fights, and prefer to keep their activities is peace, average sized cats. Leader(1/1): ▶Robinstar: Female, 30 moons, Thick furred brown classic tabby she cat with a white chest, jaw, and belly. Bright yellow eyes. Deputy(0/1): Medicine Cat (1/1): ▶Ravenfeather: Male, 89 moons, a black tom with some small white speckles around his muzzle, tail and back, he has silky and soft fur, bright, pale amber eyes, he's small and skinny, he has very large ears, a black nose and small, definitely not sharp enough claws. Medicine Cat Apprentice(0/1): Warriors(2/11): ▶Rowanstorm: Male, 25 Moons, An elegant, thickfurred reddish brown tom with a black-tipped tail a light blue-gray eyes. His pelt lacks any tabby stripes and he has paler underfur. ▶Owlfeather: Female, 28 moons, Very small, slender, long-legged, brown tabby and white cat with large ears, small paws, a long fluffy tail and large expressive orange eyes. She has a large scar on her right shoulder and walks with a slight limp. Apprentices(0/7): Queens(0/3): Kits(0/12): Elders(0/5): ● R O G U E S & O U T S I D E R S● ▶Robin: Female, 9 moons, a brown female with a red chest, giving her this peculiar name, she has bright aquamarine eyes and a long and soft fur, she is skinny and tall. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ●M A P● ● WHITE LINED AREAS ARE HUNTING GROUNDS ● Lifeless Island is owned by no one! ● All clans own part of the surrounding sea! 0 players like this post! Like? Edited on 05/12/15 @ 08:44:05 by Lord Bhangi The Great (FIGHT!) (#33232) |
Soy (#6036)
Total Chad View Forum Posts Posted on 2015-11-27 09:42:23 |
Edited my form with a FireClan apprentice, I'm adding the source later, I was in a hurry X3 0 players like this post! Like? |
Vex (#57493)
Divine View Forum Posts Posted on 2015-11-27 10:19:12 |
Name Blackarrow Gender Tom Age 24 moons of age Rank Warrior Clan Forest Clan Appearance Blackarrow is a sleek back tom, with a thin coat with a shiny luster, he has wide and bright amber eyes with a strong and lean body shape. Blackarrow as scar all around his body, showing he gets into a lot of fights, but to the stand out the most, one on his shoulder blade his longest one, that wraps around his body ending at the his belly, and one his deepest one on his neck, and if it were to go any deeper it would have killed him. Personality Blackarrow is a gentle heart-ed kind tom, that knows what he is doing most the time, he can get very stubborn sometimes wondering of, and not listing to his deputy nor leaders words. Blackarrow gets into many fights and he has the scars to show that, blackarrow can be very aggressive sometimes, wanting to fight and just take his anger out on a near by kitty-pet that wondered to far from home. He can be a very intimidating cat, by is size and his random out bursts of anger over the smallest things, but overall once you get to meet this tom he's nothing more then a miss lead cat, that loves the company of others and to make friends. Other *Two deep scars, the deepest one on his neck, and the longest one wrapping around him starting from shoulder-blade ending at belly ---------- *he was born in seaclan ---------- *Mother - Hollyleaf -Dead Father - Stoneclaw - wereabouts unknown ---------- *Themesong - I Hold On It speaks for its self, he holds on to what makes his past, never wanting to let go and forget were he comes from ----------- *His Quote - Never be ashamed of a scar It simply means Your stronger then Whatever tried to harm you 0 players like this post! Like? Edited on 27/11/15 @ 17:20:50 by Zirkon Pride (#57493) |
Vex (#57493)
Divine View Forum Posts Posted on 2015-11-27 10:30:59 |
Name Firepaw ---> Firehide Gender Tom Age 8 moons of age Rank Apprentice Clan Fireclan Appearance Firepaw is a small well fed cat, with a thick fluffy pelt. This tom has bright green eyes and a light shade of red pelt, and dark orange classic tabby print. he has short legs, a cut tail, and round short ears, firepaw hates how he looks but he has to learn to get over it. Personality Firepaw is a cocky cat, thinking he's the best and never letting anyone get say, he is like this to everyone except the people he respects this includes, his leader, his deputy, and the kitty of his dreams. Firepaw is a speedy little cat, with is rather shocking do to his round belly and short legs, he is a rather athletic cat, always jumping around and running in place as he sleeps, he never took a break this cat is constantly on the move. Other *Mother - Open Father - Open Sister - Open Brother - Open Brother - Open (Shoot me a message if you want to be apart of his family) 0 players like this post! Like? Edited on 27/11/15 @ 17:46:55 by Zirkon Pride (#57493) |
🔲Shitlord Mauaji🔳 (Knees (#33232) Deathlord of the Jungle View Forum Posts Posted on 2015-11-27 10:31:31 |
Shiloh Hawke (#76125)
Dreamboat of Ladies View Forum Posts Posted on 2015-11-27 10:32:49 |
wait, how are we gonna start..? if seaclan has a med apprentice but no med cat?? 0 players like this post! Like? |
Vex (#57493)
Divine View Forum Posts Posted on 2015-11-27 10:35:12 |
(not to be mean or anything, but lord bhangi you should probably update the clans because i short of confused XD) 0 players like this post! Like? |
🔲Shitlord Mauaji🔳 (Knees (#33232) Deathlord of the Jungle View Forum Posts Posted on 2015-11-27 10:37:33 |
Usa-san (#2703)
King of the Jungle View Forum Posts Posted on 2015-11-27 10:38:04 |
Vex (#57493)
Divine View Forum Posts Posted on 2015-11-27 10:44:48 |
Name Songbird Gender She-cat Age 30 moons of age Rank Warrior Clan Sandclan Appearance W.I.P Personality W.I.P Other W.I.P (Sorry i have to go) 0 players like this post! Like? |
Vex (#57493)
Divine View Forum Posts Posted on 2015-11-27 10:45:29 |
Crownteeth (#39277)
Bone Collector View Forum Posts Posted on 2015-11-27 14:52:20 |
Name: Rabbittail Gender: Female Age: 35 moons Rank: Queen Clan: SandClan Appearence: A medium, long haired she-cat with cream colored fur that is covered in large patches of softer brown fur. There are barely there tabby markings in these patches of brown, and she has a somewhat darker face mask that is broken up by a white blaze marking. Her eyes are a soft blue color that are speckled with darker hues of blue and she is missing most of her tail, only having a small stub left. Personality: Rabbittail is a sweet heart with a very caring nature, she can’t really think of any one cat as bad or wrong and normally sees the good in those around her. She is fair and has a strong sense of justice, but if apprentices or kits are involved or hurt it can cloud her judgement and make her meaner than a badger. She can be a little sweet heart, but she can also be a fire cracker with a temperament that is not to be trifled with and isn’t after to use her claws and teeth to help protect her clan. Other: Rabbittail is currently expecting. Her mate had passed away during a border skirmish when prey had begun to become scarce. **If you wish to play one of her kits, PM me!** 0 players like this post! Like? |
oblige (#54017)
Good Natured View Forum Posts Posted on 2015-11-27 14:57:12 |
● Name: Feathernose ● Gender: Female ● Age: 34 moons ● Rank: Medicine Cat ● Clan: Sandclan ● Appearence: ● Personality: She looks sweet and kind on the outside, but she has a temper. If you see inside of her roar, however, you will find a pretty cool cat. ● Other: Her tail is bobbed because of an accident on the thunderpath. 0 players like this post! Like? |
Lady Calla N. Of Winterfell (#76766) Pervert View Forum Posts Posted on 2015-11-27 14:58:58 |
Since their are more cats in Sandclan than Fireclan, I can change my character Tigerfur to Fireclan if it wouldn't be too much of a bother to you. 0 players like this post! Like? |
🔲Shitlord Mauaji🔳 (Knees (#33232) Deathlord of the Jungle View Forum Posts Posted on 2015-11-28 03:33:39 |
Accepted yours all! and Calla, no need to, Cast Sinner, accepted! but i need you to send me a PM with what do you know about medicine cat stuff. 0 players like this post! Like? |
🔲Shitlord Mauaji🔳 (Knees (#33232) Deathlord of the Jungle View Forum Posts Posted on 2015-12-03 03:09:13 |
After literally 5 days, i finally opened some threads, the first is SANDCLAN'S: http://www.lioden.com/topic.php?id=304429212445 This is FIRECLAN'S http://www.lioden.com/topic.php?id=304429212447 This is SEACLAN'S http://www.lioden.com/topic.php?id=304429212448 I will open the rest later to prevent massive RP thread spam, i won't open a Loner RP thread 'cause they can only go to the other territories. @Goldenstar: Seaclan's Medicine Cat is taken but you can try the rest, maybe try Fireclan's? or Forestclan's.... GENERAL ANNOUNCEMENT: Fireclan's, Seaclan's and Sandclan's leaders may RP now!, they have total power over their RP threads, they'll name deputies and apprentices and generally discuss things in a special RP thread called "Borders" i'll open soon. alrightie? ANY QUESTIONS VIA PM 0 players like this post! Like? Edited on 03/12/15 @ 10:55:19 by Lord Bhangi The Great (FIGHT!) (#33232) |