Posted by Tireless-No loss of energy when Nature Reserving

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Sidereal [BLM] (#69126)

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Posted on
2015-11-27 08:38:33
Okay, so there is an evil personality that means you do not lose any energy when killing lions. This allows people to mass buy NCLs/karma fodder and kill them immediately to gain a huge karma hit. I personally don't think it's fair that only the evil karma side gets this boost, so I'm proposing a new good karma personality.

Tireless- No energy loss when taking lions to the Nature reserve.

Sorry if there's already something like this that's been suggested, I checked and didn't see anything.

This suggestion has 219 supports and 9 NO supports.

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X I O [divine
trip.rosette] (#34167)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-11-28 12:12:39
No support, I personally vote that personality boosts should differ instead of mirror each other :/ that'd make the personality thing too easy, I mean, if you want a good lion and the evil personality has what you want, then you gotta choose between the two, not like karma affects game play much aside from what you bump into, but that's pretty much it.

Plus, for the 'kind' personality, there's a energy regain from a common meet in explore.

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Edited on 28/11/15 @ 19:13:31 by :||W H I T E O U T|: (#34167)

MajestyCoal, Wenet
hoarder (#23607)

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Posted on
2015-11-28 12:53:18
There's only an energy regain if you actually claim the lioness Whiteout, not if you just see them and they slap you or something, and it's not like territory is infinite if you don't pay out gb for it, so if you had no lionesses at all and just claimed over and over, the most you could do is 40 in an hour, and then you can only chase 8 per hour after you have them because it takes 5 energy away and you regain a maximum of 40. It would make more sense as a personality bonus if you could chase lionesses instantly, but you can't because that would probably mess with the game a little too much.
Besides, there are opposites personality effect? Like there's one that has a boost in battles for daytime, and one for night, and I'm pretty sure they're in different categories too.
I think you're ignoring the fact that it shouldn't be harder to be good karma unless there's a reason. It's like that on a lot of games, especially console ones, and honestly it gets REAL old after a while :/

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X I O [divine
trip.rosette] (#34167)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-11-28 13:31:57
It's pretty much a gurantee energy gain if you're a dreamboat lion.

But I don't think personalities should mirror if we can help it, the battle boost at night goes to the neutral lions.

Hey, I don't care about that aspect of the game, I don't like the personality in general. I don't care if this'll end up like the other games, because those games are those games.

You don't need reason aside from "lets just do this and see what happens" to do something as minor as karma, you need to have a custom game designed if people get finicky midget details like that, it just affects what you see in explore, that's it.

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Zambz (#2687)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2015-11-28 14:04:23
Don't positive karma lions have a lot of better bonuses than negative ones anyway? I dunno about this since to me it seems rather unfair to give good lions even more bonuses than they already have. .__. just a thought. imma go see about karma before i decide tho.

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MajestyCoal, Wenet
hoarder (#23607)

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Posted on
2015-11-28 15:03:43
Whiteout, no offense, but why the no support if you don't really care about karma at all? It doesn't have to be a good personality, it could easily be a neutral or kind one.
I just stat replaced and it's nigh on impossible to claim with my king now, not to mention for new players. If anything, what I really want is an explanation for WHY it has to be harder to be good on this game from one of the staff I suppose. And I think karma is quite a big deal for a lot of players, they wouldn't have added the feature if nobody cared about it.

Lunacy, I've found that it's pretty much even in terms of carcass/sb/impression, but it's harder to level up exp when you're doing the good options. On my other account I can slap lionesses I come across for a karma hit and exp and impression AND sb, on this one I can only claim them for impression, or ignore them for no reward whatsoever, and lioness encounters make up like 70% of my NPC encounters it seems. Maybe if other encounters were more frequent and lionesses less often it would even it out a bit though.

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Blue Pigeon 🐦 (#68580)

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Posted on
2016-01-02 03:45:59
I don't really see any good reason as to why this shouldn't be implemented, karma is meant to be balanced. Thats whats karma is, a balance of good and evil. Both sides should benefit equally in some way.

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