Posted by Lakewood City (Sign-Ups OPEN)

Moonblinked (#68250)

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Posted on
2015-11-27 10:44:34

Since my last RP, Hartwood City, died, U'm bringing up a similar one again. Hopefully it'll last. xD

I see you've sparked interest in this RP. Or you clicked on the link I sent out. Or I told you to join. Whatever the reason, welcome to Lakewood City.

This is an human RP, so humans ONLY. We don't allow anything else. No mythical being or anything like that.

This RP is set in modern times, so you can have iPhones and stuff like that. Want your character to be apart of an Italian Mafia? Sure! Want your character to be a secret agent for the Government? Sure! Want your character to be a big cat lady? Sure! You can be WHATEVER YOU WANT. Just don't go to the extreme. Your character just can't be anything HUGE like the President or anything like that. You can WORK for the Government, but you can't be like a big part of it.

Your character can be any age, size, shape, gender, etc. Anything at all. I greatly encourage all types of characters. So now, on to the Rules!

1. No god-modding, power-playing, or auto-hitting.
2. No killing another person's character without their permission.
3. You can have as many characters as you can handle. Just try to get yourself balanced between males and females.
4. PLEASE be at least semi-literate. If you can't pull off 1-2 paragraphs per post, then I can't accept you. I understand the whole writer's block situation, but come on, not every time.
5. Seriously, you can have ANY JOB YOU WANT. Just ask before creating a gang or mafia or something.
6. Fade to black if necessary. If you want to get your character pregnant, then... that's fine? Although I don't see a point in caring for a baby in a roleplay like this. o3o
7. Put 'Anime Otaku' in Other so I know you read the rules.
8. Your character can be rich as ever, or they can be poor as ever. Doesn't matter to me.
9. Wow my fingers hurt.
10. No extreme cursing.
11. This RP isn't all super serious like some are. OOC talk is fun! There'll even be a board for it.
12. I know I give you a lot of freedom in this RP, but please don't take advantage of that.
13. YOU shape YOUR character's destiny!

Here are some basic jobs your character can have:
1. CEO of some company
2. Police Officer
3. Farmer
5. Realtor
6. Tech-Guru
7. Store/Shop Owner/Employee
8. Lion Tamer? Idk
9. Singer
10. Actress
11. Bartender
12. May or may not add more

Roleplay Thread
OOC Thread
These are empty links. Do not click them. x3

Dante Harnez
Grey Lachlan Reid

Cameron Rodell
Cassia Marie Reyes
Sierra Leigh Jackson
Norisa O'Brien
Melissa O'Brien
Ariana Lindsay
Andy Marie River

Now then, on to the form! :D
Take out anything in the brackets.

Age:(60 is the limit)
Relationship Status:(Single, taken, married, divorced, etc. You can also put by whom.)
Family:(If any)
Pet(s):(If any)
Brief History:
Appearance:(Can be image, description, or image and description)
Usual Clothing:(Yes, I do encourage putting images and/or descriptions of clothing.)
Wealth Status:(Average, rich, poor, somewhere in between, etc)
House:(Image or description)
Roleplay Sample:(It doesn't have to be long, but it can't be too short either)

Thanks for reading! I hope you join!

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Edited on 30/11/15 @ 23:31:42 by CapeSoul (#68250)

Moonblinked (#68250)

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Posted on
2015-11-27 12:28:51

Cameron Rodell


Genderfluid(Prefers the 'she/her' pronoun)

Homosexual - Biromantic

Relationship Status:

Lives alone

Doberman named Maxmillion

Brief History:
Cameron got into modeling at the age of 18. She never liked showing off her body, so she preferred types of photo shoots where she showed off fashion and stuff. She's grown quite popular because of the fact that she's a genderfluid model. She's not self conscious about it at all and doesn't care what other people think. When she was younger, she was often bullied for being homosexual at the young age of 11. One time, in eight grade, she severely injured a boy who made fun of her. After that, she's grown stronger and doesn't care what other people think about her homosexuality. She's very much willing to punch them in the face.

Cameron is usually very quiet and just gets her work done. She's not mean or anything, she's just not very talkative. If she really want to talk to her, hang around for a bit and she'll end up engaging in small talk. It might be a bit hard though, given the fact that she's a celebrity. You may or may not find her out shopping on her own. She's 'very good' at hiding her identity. And by that I mean she just puts a pair of sunglasses on and hope no one will recognize her.


Usual Clothing:
Outfit 1
Outfit 2
Outfit 3
Outfit 4


Wealth Status:
Pretty rich


Anime Otaku


Dante Harnez



Bisexual - Panromantic

Relationship Status:

Shantelle - Mother
Marco - Father
Manny - Baby brother


Brief History:
Not really much of a history. He's just a normal boy who's grown up a normal life. Never gotten into a fight, isn't failing in school, but isn't acing in it either, but enough to get him into a decent college. He's had a few girlfriends here and here but nothing too major. Other than that, his history is well, history.

Dante loves basketball. It's his passion and he plans to get into a NBA. He's also super talkative and likes to hang out with his friends. He's a bit awkward in certain situations, but other than that he's fairly neutral. He's gets super competitive when it comes to sports. If someone angers him, someone ANGERS him, however, he doesn't tend to resort to violence. He'll just throw a few cuss words at them and hope/make sure they never mess with him or his friends again.


Usual Clothing:
Outfit 1
Outfit 2
Outfit 3
Outfit 4

High School Student

Wealth Status:


Anime Otaku

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Piggeh!~Looking for
1x1s! (#27419)

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Posted on
2015-11-27 17:29:04
Name: Cassia Marie Reyes
Age:(60 is the limit) 17
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Single
Relationship Status: Single
Family:(If any) Mother-Cameron Reyes
Father-Andrew Reyes
Brother-Bram Reyes
Pet(s):(If any) Orange tabby cat named Helix
Brief History: Cassia grew up wealthy. She was born into a wealthy family. Her grandfather had a very well paying job in the government, and that was very good for her parents after he passed away. They moved a lot though. Every year or so. They didn't settle down until Cassia turned 16. They chose to settle in Lakewood city. They had lived there for a year when Cassia was about 5 years old, and loved it.
Personality: Cassia is a fairly normal girl. Despite her wealth, she didn't brag. She wasn't popular, and she fit in pretty well. She didn't like sticking out. She wanted to blend in sand be like everyone else, which she did pretty well. She is a kind girl, nice to everyone she meets. She loves helping others. She is a very loyal friend, and enemy alike. If you cross her friends or family, she will remember it forever.
Usual Clothing:
Outfit 1
Outfit 2
Outfit 3
Outfit 4 i
Job/Occupation: High School Student
Wealth Status: Wealthy
House: Exterior
Other: Anime Otaku
Roleplay Sample: Cassia woke up one Monday morning and yawned, stretching as she did so. She got out of bed and made the bed. After that, going to the bathroom. She got her hair and makeup done quickly before dragging her tired body to her walk in closet. She got her favorite green dress and put it on before going downstairs to get herself something to eat. Food, yes. She grabbed a frozen waffle from the freezer and put it in the toaster while she slipped on some black flat shoes. After a few moments, her waffle popped up. She grabbed it and got a plate, putting syrup on her waffle before quickly eating, grabbing her floral backpack, and walking out the door, trying in her blue car and driving to get high school.

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Moonblinked (#68250)

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Posted on
2015-11-27 17:33:17
@Piggeh! Accepted. ^_^

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Samantha (#64297)

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Posted on
2015-11-28 04:40:06
Name: Sierra Leigh Jackson

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bi

Relationship Status: Single

Family: Doesn't Know, she grew up an orphan

Pet(s): Labrador & Pitbull mix (Jessie)

Husky ( Drake)

Brief History: Sierra's family burned in a fire when she was 7. She was born rich, and when her family died the fortune was given to her when she came of age. She had grown up in a pretty nice orphanage, and made lots of friends in the public schools, that she would of never made during her parent's private homeschooling. She recently moved to Lakewood, in order to go to school there. She was planning on going to their college when she graduated High school, so she could earn her degree in art.

Personality: Stubborn, Kind, Tomboyish, Athletic, Artistic, and optimistic.

Appearance: Sierra

Usual Clothing:
Outfit 1

Outfit 2

Outfit 3

Job/Occupation: Librarian

Wealth Status: Very Rich


Bedroom Part 1

Bedroom Part 2

Other: Anime Otaku

Roleplay Sample:
Sierra groaned as the summer sun beat down on her skin. She hated sunny weather.

"Why can't it just rain all the time?" She sighed, mumbling to herself.

She flicked her silvery-blue eyes around the busy street, and immediately envied the woman wearing sunglasses across the street. 'Why can't I be more prepared? I knew it was going to be warmer here, and yet I procrastinated, and almost missed my plane here! Ugh, 'tis life I guess...'

She raised a hand to her eyes, and squinted, trying to read the bright sign above the coffee shop.

"This looks as good a place as any"

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Edited on 28/11/15 @ 19:25:25 by Samantha (#64297)

Samantha (#64297)

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Posted on
2015-11-28 04:40:59
Coding fail XD

Just a sec... Done...

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Edited on 28/11/15 @ 11:45:11 by Samantha (#64297)

Mara (#64371)

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Posted on
2015-11-28 06:27:13
Name: Norisa O'Brien
Age: 21
Gender: female
Sexuality: straight
Relationship Status: Single
Mom- Matilda O'Brien
Dad- Andrew O'Brien
Older sister- Melissa O'Brien
Younger sister- Valerie O'Brien
Dog: Devin
Brief History: after Norisa graduated college early she moved in with her sister Melissa who is currently in a penthouse apartment down town of Lakewood. Norisa always had it easy growing up especially school living off of her families wealth, she couldn't be more thrilled to live with her older sister.
Personality: Norisa is very smart but she can be very stubborn. Her short temper doesn't help the fact she needs to be patient with herself, she can be very weird in a good way and is very loyal to her family and friends but she is to trusting if others many say. She is kind and generous overall but bad tempered
Usual Clothing:
Outfit 1
Outfit 2
Outfit 3
Outfit 4
Job/Occupation: Graphics designer
Wealth Status: wealthy
living room
Other: Anime Otaku
Roleplay Sample:
Norisa got ready putting on some makeup she put on a red dress that touched the floor. Norisa was ready to go out with her sisters when all the sudden her phone rang, she picked up the iPhone 6 and saw it was her boss she bit her lip slightly. She had to answer or she would get a long and boring lecture on the importance of phones. She answered "Hello?" Her boss was screaming on the other line about her not finishing a glitch in one of the games she was designing, Norris sighed "fine i'll work it out tonight" she said before hanging up.

Name: Melissa O'Brien
Age: 25
Gender: female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Relationship Status: Single
Mom- Matilda O'Brien
Dad- Andrew O'Brien
Younger sister- Norisa O'Brien
Youngest sister- Valerie O'Brien
Devin border collie
Brief History: Melissa was always annoyed by arrogant men who tried to 'flirt' but it just turned into a black eye if they did try. She was disowned by her parents when she was 17 because she was gay and moved into an apartment she started to work at a bar and then hit a regular night gig there, but that couldn't support her forever so her sister moved in with her as to why she doesn't know why but Melissa was really happy to have some family.
Personality: Melissa was always the type of girl who if she was someone and anyone even if they picked on her getting picked on she would give them a quick smack to the face and pretend to be smacked, Melissa is very kind to nice people but cold and hard as ice on others that includes her parents
Appearance: Melissa
Usual Clothing:
Outfit 1
Outfit 2
Outfit 3
Outfit 4
Job/Occupation: Bar tender/singer at bar
Wealth Status: in between rich and average
Other:Anime Otaku
Roleplay Sample:
Melissa flipped some bud light and poured it into a glass football pool and foosball in the background, when a group of women walked in she eminently spotted her friend Emily she waved the girls over and poured them a drink "on me" she said and looked at the girl on the far left she gave a small smirk and then continued to serve. She sighed quietly when a normal man she saw on everyone of her shifts walked in she scuffs and poured him a drink before washing some glasses.

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Edited on 02/12/15 @ 17:57:34 by Mara (#64371)

Moonblinked (#68250)

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Posted on
2015-11-28 09:05:15
@Mara @Samantha Both accepted! Let me just hop on my computer real quick to add them to the list.

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Bumblebeee {frozen} (#66753)

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Posted on
2015-11-28 11:15:00
will make a form later :)

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Mara (#64371)

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Posted on
2015-11-28 11:16:47
When will the RP start?

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Beannu (#66879)

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Posted on
2015-11-28 12:07:45
(Hhhhhhnnnnnng. I wanna join this rp so bad but I don't typically write long posts for a roleplay. ;-; I just don't really see the need, as it takes forever to read long posts and also why make it super long when you can communicate what you're trying to say in just one or two sentences? Cri.)

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Moonblinked (#68250)

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Posted on
2015-11-28 13:10:03
@Mara When we get more members.
@MagicGhostFox Your post doesn't have to be super long. By 1-2 paragraphs I mean like, well, we would get what you're talking about, but not to vague. Just so we get the idea. I feel you too, writing long posts is such a pain.

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Beannu (#66879)

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Posted on
2015-11-28 13:21:45
(Ah, alright. I understand.)

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Bumblebeee {frozen} (#66753)

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Posted on
2015-11-28 13:29:36

Name:Bethany Hatties
Relationship Status:Single
Family:(If any)None
Pet(s):(If any)None
Brief History:Family had crashed in a car when Bethany was 10. Soon Bethany was took to her parents and stayed there till she became 17. On Bethany's 18 birthday she moved away to Lakewood city and began her new life as a clothes designer.
Personality:Will be revealed little by little throughout the RP.
Appearance:A blonde white girl with a magical smile of no other. Bethany has dark blue eyes and very long lashes that make her look like a model. Her body is slender and has barely any access fat to hang off of making her graceful in her movement as she walks.
Usual Clothing:Well her first set of clothes is in the picture above but she also has 3 other pairs ^^
Job/Occupation:Clothes designer
Wealth Status:(Average, rich, poor, somewhere in between, etc):Pretty rich but not enough for her dream life.
House:(Image or description)3710599253_3710a2d000_b.jpgBellagio-03.jpg
Other:Anime Otaku
Roleplay Sample:(a RP sample from one of my other RP's:) The red wolf stalked up to his pursuer and cocked his head up "you think you can just WALTZ right into my cave and attempt to take my pack? you must be nuts" the old wolf chuckled as he looked at the smaller male "I might be nuts, INFERNO, but i have something you don't" the young black and white mix wolf smirked as his tail twitched and 15 other wolves came out of the crowed and came to their friends side "Either you fight me or become a weakling, or, are you afraid of losing to a teen" the male sneered as he pressed his face up against the older wolfs head, both their eyes locking in exact spot "I knew you dire wolves where trouble when your parents had joined my pack" the male rasped under his breathe as he backed up and looked around "TOMORROW SUN DOWN! A ONE ON ONE BATTLE WILL OCCUR IN THE BATTLE HOLLOW. ALL UNNECESSARY FIGHTS IN THERE WILL BE BROKEN UP BY 2 GUARDS" the red wolf announced with a low tempered voice, witch, seemed to sound like a weak pups voice of crackling, and age in the tone. The younger wolf stared on as he watched the red wolf retreat into his den with his daughter, Glaze, and his wife ,Nefera. What the black wolf couldn't help but do was stare on at the blue eyed beauty who he would be fighting for tomorrow "Glaze....." he thought, his legs wanted to sprint towards her and rub her down with happy licks desperately, but he knew that would half to wait till the fight was over. "Angel? it's time to go, you need your strength for the fight" a red eyed black dire wolf had stepped up and nipped him on the ear "Your right Om-" the dire's words where cut as he watched the one and only Glaze sneak out of her den. Angel watched, his tail started to wag as she smiled at him and tilted her head towards the lake, there was obviously something she had to tell him soon. Angel was interrupted by a growl of anger so he turned to look at his arch enemy, Chance, who was actually watching the Dire VERY closely. Angel stiffened as the grey wolf stalked up to him "So, this is why the princess asked me last week if she could go get a drink WITHOUT the guards" the anger in the beta's voice made a shiver run up Angels fur, if him and Glaze where caught together by Chance, well who knew what Glaze's father would do to her "Come on Chance......just this last time, if i lose tomorrow, well, she's all yours. I just want to say hello to her one last time" he let a little innocence into his voice as he kept trying to keep his ruffled fur down "well, we can agree on something. Alright go on you live-bird. But if you lose she is mine and you will not be able to see her ever again, if you can...." a chuckle of satisfaction came out of the brutes muzzle as he strode away to announce his deal, meanwhile Angel was running across the fields. Adrenaline pumping in his ear. As the male slowed his pace to stand beside Glazed he saw what she was looking at "Glaze i need to tell you something, if tomorrow doesn't go w-" as Angel was about to finish Glaze spoke up "I know father had discussed my marriage to Chance yesterday, but that's not the point......How can i have Chance's pups when i'm having.........YOURS" the female declared with innocence in her eyes as she looked at the male, who now was shocked like a thunder bolt had went through his body " great!" he announced finally and sat beside Glaze. (TO BE CONTINUED)

(is it ok if i keep that for my RP example?)

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Edited on 01/12/15 @ 22:33:14 by llThe prides heartll (#66753)

Bumblebeee {frozen} (#66753)

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Posted on
2015-11-28 13:29:46
will edit tomorrow!

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Takoyaki☆ (#48057)

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Posted on
2015-11-28 14:56:53
Nvm .3.

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Edited on 28/11/15 @ 22:04:45 by GalaxyLionXylion (#48057)

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