Posted by Lakewood City (Sign-Ups OPEN)

Moonblinked (#68250)

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Posted on
2015-11-27 10:44:34

Since my last RP, Hartwood City, died, U'm bringing up a similar one again. Hopefully it'll last. xD

I see you've sparked interest in this RP. Or you clicked on the link I sent out. Or I told you to join. Whatever the reason, welcome to Lakewood City.

This is an human RP, so humans ONLY. We don't allow anything else. No mythical being or anything like that.

This RP is set in modern times, so you can have iPhones and stuff like that. Want your character to be apart of an Italian Mafia? Sure! Want your character to be a secret agent for the Government? Sure! Want your character to be a big cat lady? Sure! You can be WHATEVER YOU WANT. Just don't go to the extreme. Your character just can't be anything HUGE like the President or anything like that. You can WORK for the Government, but you can't be like a big part of it.

Your character can be any age, size, shape, gender, etc. Anything at all. I greatly encourage all types of characters. So now, on to the Rules!

1. No god-modding, power-playing, or auto-hitting.
2. No killing another person's character without their permission.
3. You can have as many characters as you can handle. Just try to get yourself balanced between males and females.
4. PLEASE be at least semi-literate. If you can't pull off 1-2 paragraphs per post, then I can't accept you. I understand the whole writer's block situation, but come on, not every time.
5. Seriously, you can have ANY JOB YOU WANT. Just ask before creating a gang or mafia or something.
6. Fade to black if necessary. If you want to get your character pregnant, then... that's fine? Although I don't see a point in caring for a baby in a roleplay like this. o3o
7. Put 'Anime Otaku' in Other so I know you read the rules.
8. Your character can be rich as ever, or they can be poor as ever. Doesn't matter to me.
9. Wow my fingers hurt.
10. No extreme cursing.
11. This RP isn't all super serious like some are. OOC talk is fun! There'll even be a board for it.
12. I know I give you a lot of freedom in this RP, but please don't take advantage of that.
13. YOU shape YOUR character's destiny!

Here are some basic jobs your character can have:
1. CEO of some company
2. Police Officer
3. Farmer
5. Realtor
6. Tech-Guru
7. Store/Shop Owner/Employee
8. Lion Tamer? Idk
9. Singer
10. Actress
11. Bartender
12. May or may not add more

Roleplay Thread
OOC Thread
These are empty links. Do not click them. x3

Dante Harnez
Grey Lachlan Reid

Cameron Rodell
Cassia Marie Reyes
Sierra Leigh Jackson
Norisa O'Brien
Melissa O'Brien
Ariana Lindsay
Andy Marie River

Now then, on to the form! :D
Take out anything in the brackets.

Age:(60 is the limit)
Relationship Status:(Single, taken, married, divorced, etc. You can also put by whom.)
Family:(If any)
Pet(s):(If any)
Brief History:
Appearance:(Can be image, description, or image and description)
Usual Clothing:(Yes, I do encourage putting images and/or descriptions of clothing.)
Wealth Status:(Average, rich, poor, somewhere in between, etc)
House:(Image or description)
Roleplay Sample:(It doesn't have to be long, but it can't be too short either)

Thanks for reading! I hope you join!

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Edited on 30/11/15 @ 23:31:42 by CapeSoul (#68250)

Piggeh!~Looking for
1x1s! (#27419)

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Posted on
2015-12-01 00:32:42

Name: James Andrew McCullen
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Strait
Relationship Status: Single
Family: None
Bora (Female)
A.J. (Male)
CeCe (Female)
Lennie, Skylar, Cole, Fatso (left to right, all male)
Brief History:
Appearance:(Can be image, description, or image and description)
Usual Clothing:(Yes, I do encourage putting images and/or descriptions of clothing.)
Wealth Status:(Average, rich, poor, somewhere in between, etc)
House:(Image or description)
Roleplay Sample:(It doesn't have to be long, but it can't be too short either)

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Edited on 01/12/15 @ 07:56:18 by Piggeh!~Looking for 1x1s! (#27419)

Samantha (#64297)

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Posted on
2015-12-01 12:08:47
Name: Scott Daniels
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Relationship: Single
Family: Mom, dad and younger sister
Pet(s): ( Alex)
Brief History: Scott grew up in a richer family, but they barely acknowledged him. He made several attempts to run away, but his parents sent just about everyone after him each time. They couldn't let the only heir to their multi-billionaire company run off on them. The company wouldn't allow his sister to own it, despite her many classes in business and economics.
Personality: Meet him ;) (don't have time to write too much right this second)
Usual Clothing:
Outfit 1
Outfit 2
Outfit 3
Job/Occupation: Businessman (As a side job he is a waiter at a cafe)
Wealth Status: Very Very Rich
House: A small country house by a lake surrounded by a forest
Other:Anime Otaku
Roleplay Sample: You already have one from before on Sierra :)

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Moonblinked (#68250)

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Posted on
2015-12-02 10:25:38
Alrighty. I'll make the Roleplay thread once I get on my computer. Should be no more than five minutes from now. Hooray!!

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Forest [G3 Grullo
Ferus] (#41430)

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Posted on
2015-12-02 10:29:20
Woohoo! I've been waiting for this to start! c:

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Moonblinked (#68250)

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Posted on
2015-12-02 10:53:33
Roleplay Thread

Up and running. Click on the link and get to roleplaying! :D

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Mara (#64371)

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Posted on
2015-12-02 10:58:14
Oh I changed norisa to straight sexuality just letting you know.

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Samantha (#64297)

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Posted on
2015-12-02 11:06:10
Is Scott okay? Can I roleplay him?

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Moonblinked (#68250)

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Posted on
2015-12-02 11:09:48
Scott's fine. Just don't feel like adding new people to the list. :P Lazy me.

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Samantha (#64297)

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Posted on
2015-12-02 11:10:32
Okay, just making sure XD

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Samantha (#64297)

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Posted on
2015-12-08 08:15:20
So when are we starting? :)

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Moonblinked (#68250)

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Posted on
2015-12-08 09:39:46
I posted the roleplay thread, and quite a few people posted, but like, it kind of ended after that for some reason. :(

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Mara (#64371)

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Posted on
2015-12-08 10:49:45
No!!! D:

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Shy (#51494)

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Posted on
2015-12-08 13:55:42
We could bring it back.

I would like to sign up

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Edited on 08/12/15 @ 20:57:41 by Shy**BSS** (#51494)

Moonblinked (#68250)

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Posted on
2015-12-08 14:12:45
That would be nice!

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🌻roseistance🌻 (#58710)

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Posted on
2015-12-09 08:41:58
Is this still alive? o.o

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