Posted by Albino lioness in explore?

3xSia Ice) (#72318)

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Posted on
2015-12-03 05:36:33
Happy December everyone! :D

So there I was, cruisin' through explore, thrashing the Albino hyenas, playing with the Albino crows, and I stumbled over a lioness.

(Well, actually I stumbled over about a dozen of them, because my maneshake brings all the lionesses to the yard, but that's beside the point.)

And I was a little bummed out, every time, as I saw cute savannah girls, and little sunflower ladies, and so forth... and did not see a single Albino Lioness.

Or even an attached albino lioness.

There should TOTALLY be an explore event for an Albino Lioness. Lion knows I get zillions of 'em when I breed!

I see two options!

1) NCLs have a chance of being an Albino! Nothing very exciting or different. (except the lionesses with 'crumbling' look very dirty, haha) - Generally speaking, this is pretty subtle, and hard to notice. I think something for an event should be much more noticable. As it stands now, if I claimed an NCL who was albino, i'd probably think that someone chased her. So, better to be more visible!

2) There's a full out explore encounter for an Albino Lioness. What sort of responses are there? I dunno!

Here are some ideas :D

[Play!] You frolic with the weird colored lioness. She's very easy to spot with her light colored fur, but you let her think she won anyway. Somewhere, you hear a meerkat singing. [Claim her?]

[Trick!] You hunker down and engage her in a game of 'pounce!' Zig! Zag! Zig! And with a smooth movement, you jump over her, and kick her face-first into a pile of elephant dung! You have entered Combat with Muddy Lioness! (or maybe a chance for items/stinkbugs/whatever)

[Swat!] The fur on your back rises as you stare at the weird lioness. You can't help it: She's an abomination! Your claws rip into her fur! [Combat? IDK]

[Stare!] You stare at her. She stares at you. You take a step back. She takes a step back. Hours later, you can't shake the weird feeling that somewhere, she's still copying your every movement, like some weird anti-shadow lion!

I could keep going! But yeah, Albino lionesses!

Edit: Scratched out option one. :)

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Edited on 04/12/15 @ 11:17:25 by Jenetikitty (#72318)

whos.falon (#422020)

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Posted on
2023-05-01 14:19:01
Late but this should be allowed cause in the home page of lioden theres a ablino lioness in a netural pose and it looks like they were claiming her! and i was sorrow that we cant claim lioness who have a mut/ablino thing

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