Posted by Urban Compass | [CLOSED]

KenjiSnow (#57926)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-12-05 06:25:10
(( Storyline, Map editing, Clans, and etc all (c) to me. The idea of Warriors (c) Erin Hunter + Printing Company. ))
In the center of New York city, a clan of wild cats converged into Central Park. They were strays, kittypets, shelterpets, and those that traveled from neighboring areas.
Over time, the clans soon found they couldn't all live as a single large clan, it caused too much unneeded conflict an hardship. So they divided themselves based upon the areas that fit them the best.
As they divided themselves, generations passed where they received a visitor who spoke of clans that lived in the forest, and a tribe in the mountains. This was a surprise to the local clans, but they took it in stride.
The stranger had been a previous clan cat, but had wound up captured and treated as a kittypet; their twolegs then traveled to the city, and the feline finally found her escape.

Deciding to learn from this clan cat, she helped the city clans form a bond with Starclan; even in their city, where they could barely find the stars on the darkest of nights.
Starclan in return taught them the Warrior Code, and what it meant to be of the clans.
The first leaders, the original 4 stars, were given named relating to their clans and now reside with Starclan. It is said that even on the darkest of nights, those with a special destiny or tie to Starclan can spot the 4 brightest stars in their sky; the 4 original leaders Northstar, Eaststar, Southstar, and Weststar watching over the clans they bore and nurtured.
The clan cat arranged their clans, naming them for the directions the twolegs in that area used to navigate; and as they had named the stars themselves.
And so, when they finally decided upon a Gathering Place and their territories, their beloved clan cat from the far lands disappeared.
She is a ghost in their beloved park, a legend. She lived for many decades while with the clans, and none knew how old she truly was.
But it's said on the foggiest of nights, she appears. Stories tell she is beautiful, a foggy night personified into a feline of utmost grace. They also say she appears in times of great need, or danger, be it to give a warning, a prophecy, or advice to those in most need of it.

- Do no create your own prophecies, omens, or warnings for the clans; they must be discussed with me and allow the storyline to move forward. Disobeying this rule is an immediate kick, as it has caused me too much trouble in the past.
- All high ranks (Leaders, Deputies, and Medicine Cats) will receive questions befitting their ranks in PM. The roles are NOT first-come-first-serve
- This is a literate Rp, and your characters must be fleshed out as such; while beginners are more than welcome, there is a minimum of 3 sentences per post.
- No god-modding, mary/gary-sues, or taking over someone's character and their actions.
- No insta-kills; or allowing all fighting moves to hit/dodge them all
- I shall control the seasons, and the prey at the time.
- Until we are more active and have a set few who Rp on schedule, there are only 2 characters allowed per person. They can be of different clans. (Side accounts are banned, use of them will cause an automatic kick.)
- Obey Lioden rules, and put Pathwalking Prophecies in the other section if you've read this; failure to do so on the first try will result in only 1 character allowed.
- If you have a problem with another member/rper, consult me. Don't let something fester than explode for no apparent reason.
- Don't take violence/snarky comments personally; they're meant for your cat, not you.
- I apologize, but for the sake of realism (as cats) only male/female characters allowed; however, all sexual orientations are allowed!
- Do not incorporate racial slurs or cussing of any kind; Warrior Terms are permitted.
- If anything pops up, I might add more as the Rp continues.
Clans & Information below this post!
Form: (Delete what's in parenthesis to reduce clutter; it's also preferred to bold the "Name:" etc )
Name: (May not be the same as an existing member's, and cannot be Star, North, East, South, or West)
Gender: (Male/Female?)
Age: (Preferably in Moons)
Clan: (North/East/South/Westclan?)
Rank: (Kits from the get-go are not allowed! You may have rogues and kittypets in the local area)
Sexual Orientation: (Straight/Bi/Pan/Asexual/Etc)
Appearance: (Pictures must be hyperlinks to reduce clutter; specifications of breed are allowed)
Personality: (Be as descriptive as possible; traits alone and "Rp it out/other variants" are not allowed)
Kin: (Mother, Father, Siblings, Kits, and Mate go here.)
History: (What's their story up until now?)
Other (Anything else you may need to add.)
Sign Ups [You are here]
OOC/Chat Thread

Rp threads:
Gathering Cavern/Foglands/Music Falls
Border Clashes/Rps (( Not up Yet ))

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Edited on 14/06/16 @ 16:31:16 by Serelin (#57926)

KenjiSnow (#57926)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-12-10 12:15:01
- Redhawk is now the Northclan Deputy
- Spottedfern is now the Eastclan Deputy
@Sunny - You still have yet to edit/alter your form or add anything to it, so your character is still rejected.
@Everyone - Feel free to invite your friends to join! I want to get this Rp started x3

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Breeding Pride (#71678)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-12-10 12:19:18
Name: Smokestrike
Gender: She-cat
Age: 47 Moons(Am I Too Old XD?)
Clan: SouthClan
Rank: Deputy? :D
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Appearance: A massive, broad shouldered she-cat. She's a silver tabby(Silver pelt with a lighter underfur. White paws, chin, chest, and tail tip. Thick black and light to dark gray stripes spread across her body.) She has thick, fluffy fur that gets thicker twords the end of her tail. She has long, hooked claws. When she moves she can look like a cloudy sky with waves of smoke floating around. She has large paws and can seem completely silent and likes to scare Clanmates with this skill. Because of her paws she can trekk around like a lynx a bit.
Personality: She is smart and likes to have fun but cold twords other Clans. Especially apprentices. She is skilled in battle and sneak attacks. Silent and likes to scare people. She is protective of her Clan and never tries to shame it by going against Warrior Code. She will do what she thinks is right but likes to do 'votes'(If became leader). She is optimistic and is pretty shielded when it comes to emotions. She believes respect is earned, and earned by life work, so she can be skeptical at times. She believes to only speak when it is right to and keeps many of her thoughts to herself. She is very collected.
Kin: Parents: M- Silentstream(Loner[Left Clan after had her. Died of unknown sickness{Diabetes}). F- Unknown.
Siblings: B- Snag(Rogue. Dissapeared.) S- None/Unknown.
Mate- None. Kits- None.
History: She was born into the Clan and as soon as she was able to eat prey her mother left. Brother left with her, and mother died shortly later while brother's whereabouts are unknown. She stayed in the Clan preferring to stick to loyalties. She has been wanting to prove she made the correct choice to herself ever since. She grew up to be a brave, skilled warrior(Possibly best at hunting?). She later became deputy and holds her head high claiming she was right(Still has doubts). She has loved none and bore no kis. She also seems to disregard other Clan cats. She has been known to hate most cats who cross borders on purpose. Tries to prove friendships outside of Clan doesn't make one special enough to cross borders or break the Warrior Code. VERY loyal.
Other- Pathwalking Prophecies. Doesn't want mate so she can stay in her rank.


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Edited on 11/12/15 @ 21:53:25 by Breeding Pride (#71678)

Breeding Pride (#71678)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-12-10 13:22:21
Done :D

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Amber (#76852)

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Posted on
2015-12-12 13:53:29
Name: Foxfire
Gender: Male
Age: 28
Clan: South
Rank: Warrior
Sexual Orientation: Pan
Appearance: Foxfire has a thick red coat with brown markings all around his body that camouflages perfectly in fall, the most obvious on his face. He is what is usually considered tall and buff. His eyes are a piercing shade of ghostly blue. He has rather sharp teeth and claws, great for a warrior. He looks terrifying, especially, to enemies and strangers. His bulky frame helps when he's fighting and hunting, though his dodging is not the best. Though he is big, he normally carries himself to look smaller, almost as if he's trying not to scare anybody away. He almost always looks stoic and cold, though he is anything but on the inside.
Personality: though he looks terrifying, everyone who knows him knows that he's a big sweetheart. However, he is quite shy and barely speaks when he doesn't have something to say. He has his softer qualities reserved for people he cares about, like his clan. If you're anyone else, he'll act like what he looks like, the scary brute. In battle, he loves the adrenaline rush, the feeling of fighting, the taste of blood, the joy of helping, and being a great warrior. He has a habit of mumbling out his words when nervous, especially with new friends or crushes. He is socially helpless, even without the mumbling, most of the time, he's too shy to go up to others, but even if he does, they'll most likely be uncomfortable with his stoic face. Foxfire is an hopeless romantic at heart, one of his biggest dreams is to settle down with a mate, have cute little kits, and just be domestic. Though he is shy, foxfire is quite fun to be around when he has warmed up to you. He has a very dry, deadpan sense of humour, though he can act very silly. Foxfire isn't a klutz, per say, but when not alert, he trips over his own feet sometimes.
Other Pathwalking Prophecies

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Edited on 13/12/15 @ 10:55:35 by Amber (#76852)

GalacticRing (#68231)

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Posted on
2015-12-12 13:59:43
Name: Thistletail
Gender: Female
Age: 38 moons
Clan: WestClan
Rank: Deputy?
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Appearance: Thistletail
"Ginger and black she-cat with fur sticking up, especially on her tail."
Personality: Determined yet cautious. She doesn't like to chat, and tends to zone out.
Kin: Wolfclaw (Deceased mate), Gorsekit (Deceased kit), Dawnkit (Deceased kit), Emberstripe (brother)
History: Thistlekit was a roughhouser. She became a skilled fighter, and she tried to use the same skills to hunt (which, frankly, didn't turn out too well). She became close to a young tom named Wolfclaw, and she ended up giving birth to his kits, but the two kits died shortly after birth. Wolfclaw also perished not long after. That made her determined to do better, and although she remained a good fighter, she never really excelled in hunting.
Other: Going to try and commit to this since I might have trouble keeping up as of recently (schoolwork and finals) but I'm gOING FOR IT "Pathwalking Prophecies"


Name: Emberstripe
Gender: Male
Age: 38 moons
Clan: WestClan
Rank: Warrior
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Appearance: Emberstripe
"Fuzzy black tom with amber eyes and brown streaks."
Personality: Dreamy, rebellious, always looking for trouble.
Kin: Thistletail (Sister)
History: As a kit, it was clear that he was rebellious. That carried over to when he was Emberpaw, always getting into trouble and not caring for much. He ended up being a great hunter, but his whole head was never into it. He always seemed to be a daydreamer, and always looking at the she-cats.
Other: If it's allowed, could he maybe fall for a cat in another Clan as a side plot? It's chill if it's not allowed.
Pathwalking prophecies

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Edited on 14/12/15 @ 13:56:02 by Adamymous (#68231)

KenjiSnow (#57926)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-12-12 16:06:35
@Breeding Pride - Questions being sent.
@Amber - Accepted! But please correct his application, half of it is in pure Caps
@Adamyous - Questions sent!

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Breeding Pride (#71678)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-12-13 11:50:57
Heheh Amber sure likes his kin! XD

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Amber (#76852)

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Posted on
2015-12-13 11:51:47

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Amber (#76852)

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Posted on
2015-12-13 11:52:05
I do but?????? IDK Man

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Breeding Pride (#71678)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-12-13 12:27:23
Your kin is in all caps XD

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GalacticRing (#68231)

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Posted on
2015-12-13 12:28:49
Wait, so. Are any other cats needed or something? I can make more later if you need them--

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Breeding Pride (#71678)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-12-13 12:33:03
I think they can be NPCs right? So no need to make a form for them.

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KenjiSnow (#57926)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-12-13 12:34:57
I need a few leaders, and all the medicine cats. However, those in a position of power cannot have another cat in power (I might bend the rule of medicine cats, though).

NOTE: Those that have high-ranked characters (Leaders/Deputies/Medicine Cats) may have 3 characters instead of 2, as one is not as flexible w/ it's rank and duties! [This may not be used to gain another character of duty]

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Edited on 13/12/15 @ 19:37:07 by Serelin (#57926)

100percent (#58058)

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Posted on
2015-12-13 12:36:12
When we have filled in all the high ranking characters, will we begin rping?

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GalacticRing (#68231)

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Posted on
2015-12-13 12:41:07
I'll make a couple more warriors, then!! Maybe an apprentice and a warrior I dunno. I'll decide in the morning.

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