Posted by Black and White [open] [sled dog/wolf rp]

Soy (#6036)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2015-12-06 08:59:01
sign up thread [you're here]
role play thread
discussion thread

B L A C K and W H I T E

::sled team::

There's no better feeling than the crunch of fresh snow, never touched until now, signaling that you are far ahead of any other team. The only sound that pierces the chilly air is the panting of your team mates, who you would trust with your life. This race is a moment in time that you will tell stories about the rest of your life, if you live long enough that is. As you were nearing your first checkpoint you had to carefully maneuver the sled along a narrow ledge over one hundred feet up. You got cocky, thinking you could speed up just a little, you were doing so well after all. But then it happened. The sled slipped, the back up going off the edge a little, at first it wasn't a big deal, surely you could just pull it back, right? But the ledge was too narrow for you to do anything and soon it was going further and further back, pulling against your harness, you tried. You really did. But as soon as that sled started tilting back it was all over. Everyone got pulled and suddenly yanked back, you tried gripping onto the ice, but it was too slick and soon you fell with everyone else off the edge. The last thing you remember is landing with a thud on the white snow before everything went black.

::wolf pack::

Times have been tough on you and your pack, the amount of snowfall has reached new heights and storms that force you inside have become a regular thing nowadays. You've lost most, if not all of your elders, and there has been no new pups in the pack for at least a year and a half. Not to mention you haven't been able to keep up with the migrating elk herd and have been reduced to hunting rabbits, birds, and other animals you'd find a lowly coyote going after. Then there's the humans and their dogs, awful creatures, causing a bunch of noise and scaring off what little prey you had. So what will you do when you find a group of injured sled dogs in need of help. There are two choices. The decision is black and white.

::team characters::

Lead Dogs (1)
Renegade [Shy**BSS**] - X
Swing Dogs (0)
/ - Alister [| LORDBLUE |]
Team Dogs (1)
Anastasia [Lieutenant Stabby] - /
Gin-Go [Prince] - X
Wheel Dogs (0)
Inferno [Potato Lord] - Luna [~Dreamer~]

::pack characters::

Alpha (0)
Nadi [Prince]
Betas (0)
North [| LORDBLUE |] - /
Deltas (2)
Raina [Potato Lord] - X - X
Gammas (2)
Liam [Zesha] - X
Omega (0)
Last [~Dreamer~]

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Edited on 14/12/15 @ 18:55:11 by Prince [KYO] (#6036)

Soy (#6036)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2015-12-06 09:26:40



::team ranks::

Lead Dogs
lead dogs, as their name suggests, are the leaders of the team in that they are the first to act on the musher's commands and make sure they are headed in the right direction. they must be intelligent or strong so that they can find the easiest path in the snow or break it down so that the others are not slowed. they are the ones to set the pace that the rest must travel at.
Swing Dogs
the swing dogs are an important asset to the team as they make sure that the entire team, sled included, are able to make the turn that the lead dogs initiate. they are also help keep the pace of the team and must be strategic and fast in order to do their job.
Team Dogs
the team dogs make up the bulk of the team, this does not mean they are indispensable though. they are the main pulling force and without them the sled wouldn't go anywhere. not only that, they maintain the speed set by the leads and swings. they must be strong and have a good amount of stamina to succeed in their job.
Wheel Dogs
two more vital members, wheel dogs are closest to the sled and are responsible for quick acceleration as well as the bulk of the steering for the sled. they must be strong and even tempered so that they are not bothered by the sled at the heels and can pull it well.

::pack ranks::

the supreme leader for the pack, they are responsible for deciding when to hunt, where to sleep, who can challenge and so on. the wolf that holds this place must not only be one of the most skilled, in either fighting or hunting, but they must also be intelligent and make good decisions. they are the only ones aloud to have pups, to ensure they are most likely to survive, but their mate does not become alpha or beta upon becoming mates with them. if an alpha does very poorly, the pack can decide to chase them out or move them down to delta.
the right and left paw of the alpha, the betas act much like advisers whenever the alpha is doubting themself. they hold equal respect to each other and are just below the alpha, their word is something to be reckoned with. the reason for two is that there is the stronger one, who had to fight for the rank, and the smarter one, that had to outwit for the rank. the betas maintain their rank if the alpha is moved down, however they both may be challenged.
the bulk of the pack, they are responsible for patrolling, hunting, guarding, and so on. without them it is likely a pack would perish. they are made up of all of the adult members of the pack, two years and up, and have their own inner hierarchy where the a combination of age and skill determine one's status.
the youth of the pack, they are any wolf that is under two years and are free from responsibility. for the most part. those above one year must start formally learning how to become part of the pack and gain knowledge of the skill set needed to survive in the wild.
the lowest of the low, no matter an omega's age they are still considered less respectable than gammas. these wolves are placed here for either being new, weak, or traitorous. they are the last to eat and must become submissive around their superiors, however gammas are a bit of an exception to the rule.

::sled dog breeds::

-alaskan husky [alusky]
-alaskan malmute
-canadian eskimo dog [qimmiq]
-greenland dog
-kugsha dog
-mackenzie river husky
-seppala siberian sleddog
-siberian husky

::pack law::

-the alpha's word is law
-address your superiors and elders with respect
-killing is forbidden unless absolutely necessary
-elderly and gammas eat before anyone else, then it goes in rank order
-challenges to rank must be approved by the alpha, the alpha must accept all challenges to their title
-to betray the pack is punishable by death
-no wolf may mix their blood with that of lesser canines (dogs, coyotes, etc.), any pups resulting from such crosses will be killed and the wolf parent banished

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Edited on 06/12/15 @ 21:02:46 by Prince [KYO] (#6036)

Soy (#6036)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2015-12-06 13:49:28


-follow all lioden rules
-no mary-sues or anti-sues a.k.a. attention whores
-do not describe your character as, "the most", "beautiful", "handsome", or anything else. that is for the other characters to decide
-no unrealistic coloration
-no wolf mixes allowed at the beginning of the role play, keep in mind any mixes will likely be killed unless one of the parents is a high rank
-no omnipotence, only i'm allowed to be omnipotent!
-no auto hits, all attacks must be listed as attempts and you can only dodge twice in a row without injury
-you may not fatally injure or kill someone else's character without their permission and you must contact me first
-try to post every other day or contact me if you can't
-post at least four sentences per post, per character
-use your best grammar, spelling, and punctuation at all times
-do not use purple prose, text talk, or wolf speak. phalanges refers to fingers, not the entire paw
-in other make up a dog/wolf curse, that i didn't list below, so that i know you read the rules
-dog/wolf curses only, get creative man! ex. mangy mutt [both] coyote carcass [wolf] cat [dog]
-you may only have two characters at the beginning, but you can earn more through role playing or pups
-no such thing as first come first serve here, unless it's a low rank or one with more spaces


remove anything in parenthesis!

age:: [dog two-six wolf one and a half-six]
rank desired:: [make sure it fits]
breed/sub species:: [the wolves are all timber wolves and dogs can only be sled dog breeds or mixes]
appearance:: [if using an image, put it at the top or bottom of the form]
strengths:: [maximum of three]
weaknesses:: [minimum of two]
relationships:: [family, friends, crushes, etc. state the name and type of relationship] [the two gammas are the alpha's pups]
other:: B3

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Edited on 06/12/15 @ 21:08:33 by Prince [KYO] (#6036)

Soy (#6036)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2015-12-06 14:11:50


name:: Gin-go
age:: Five Years Nine Months
gender/identity:: Male
sexuality:: Heteroflexible
team/pack:: Team
rank desired:: Team Dog
breed/sub species:: Chinook [2/3] - Siberian Husky [1/3]
personality:: Gingo is a very calm dog, few things can actually set him off or unsettle him, however the sled is one of them. He's alert and likes to watch over his team, considering himself a sort of guardian despite not being much use in protecting. He's very dignified and strongly dislikes going outside of his comfort zone, breaking his usual quietness to complain and whine like a puppy forced to eat raw meat instead of milk. He's a bit rough around the edges, but in general he's pretty friendly, if not a bit forgetful. Due to his tendencies to act like more like an elderly dog, he's often mistaken for being older.
appearance:: A sort of medium large dog with a total height of twenty five inches and weighing in at seventy two pounds. He's a bit stocky in build, less streamlined than a purebred, and has a a broader muzzle and chest. His pelt is a light fawn, double coated of course, with a darker back and black muzzle and ears. His eyes, nails, and nose are a lighter shade of black than his pelt [if that makes sense].
strengths:: Even Tempered - Lots of Stamina - Observant
weaknesses:: Gets Edgy When his Space Bubble is Invaded - Poor Defense - Not Very Fast
relationships:: Team [acquaintances and friends] Black Jack [father] Poker [mother] King's Corners [brother]
other:: Maccer, as in a dog who is so lazy that it's like they got paralyzed from eating a macadamia nut


name:: Nadi
age:: Five Years
gender/identity:: Female
sexuality:: Homosexual
team/pack:: Pack
rank desired:: Alpha
breed/sub species:: Timber Wolf
personality:: Nadi has a certain air of confidence wherever she goes -aka she got swag B3- and a tendency to talk down to others, usually outsiders, and treat them as if they were peasants and she were a queen. She has great pride in her and her pack's abilities and it is not unknown for her to boast about them in their own meetings. She takes pleasure in getting a rise out of others. However she does still have some manners and acts polite upon first meeting someone though she has general respect for elders, often times she will consult them before her own betas, although she can't exactly do that now. She can be a bit dominating and overly aggressive, don't even try to touch her food, and she has very little tolerance for back talk.
appearance:: Nadi is a good sized wolf, three feet at the shoulder and weighing in at a mighty one hundred forty two pounds. It shouldn't be surprising that her build is more stocky with a broad chest and thick neck, although her shoulders are surprisingly narrow. Her legs are a bit short in comparison to her body, but strong with medium paws that help distribute her weight on snow or ice. Her coat is very thick and fluffy with the usual two layers, the bottom is a dusty black, while the top is of varying shades of brown. The majority being a nice chocolate color while her forehead, back, and neck and lighter like caramel. In winter her coat grows out some and the ends become black along her back, as if to try and attract the warmth of the sun. She has a small patch of white in the center of her chest and her eyes are bright mustard yellow.
strengths:: Commanding - Confident - Strong Offense
weaknesses:: Speed - Aggressive - Conceded
relationships:: Pack [acquaintance, family, and friends] Elch [mother] Herzschlag [father] Gluklich [younger brother] ??? [pup] ??? [pup]
other:: Tail Tucker

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Edited on 13/12/15 @ 21:33:40 by Prince [KYO] (#6036)

ɴᴏʀᴛʜᴇʀɴ (#74490)

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Posted on
2015-12-06 14:18:56


name:: North

age:: 4 Years

gender/identity:: Male

sexuality:: Bisexual / Biromantic

team/pack:: Pack

rank desired:: Beta

breed/sub species:: Timber Wolf

appearance:: Large and imposing, this wolf possesses numerous qualities that most consider intimidating. His sharp gaze and lack of emotional expression leave his true intentions a mystery at times, not to mention his dark and brooding behaviour. His eyes are smoldering orbs of gamboge-amber, a deep set of scars slicing through the top of his muzzle. The majority of his coat is ink-black, though a few flashes of silver fur are dotted along his back. He's built in an athletically muscular manner, which serves as an advantage in a battle, but can make him slow when speed and agility are needed.

personality:: Intelligent and strict, North is extremely committed and serious about the traditions and rules his pack have established.

strengths:: Fearless, Excellent combat skills, Patient.

weaknesses:: Clumsy, Easily-irritated, Sharp-tongued, Can occasionally be lazy.

relationships:: Currently None

other:: "filthy flea brain"

Name: Alister

Gender: Male

Age: 4 Years

Sexuality: Bisexual / Biromantic

Breed: Alaskan Husky

Rank: Swing Dog

Appearance: He has a coat consisting of many shades of silver, grey, brown, black and white, the ticked ends of his fur giving him almost a wolfish appearance. He has black lining his eyes, which are heterochromatic ice-blue and light brown, making them very striking against the neutral coloration of his pelt. His fur is thick and his skin durable against the harsh cold. He's athletically built, with lean muscle but a slender structure.

Strengths: Full of stamina, durable, brave

Weaknesses: Quick to snap, Sensitive, Doesn't trust easily.

Personality: There does not appear to be a single fearful bone in this dog's body. Incredibly brave, he does not shy away from any sort of challenge, which could eventually prove to be his downfall. He's charming and bold, a social individual who is very passionate about his duties and enjoys having a strong bond with his teammates. He has a tendency to be a bit snappy and aggressive towards strangers, particularly other dogs, but he's intelligent enough to assess the situation before he acts out in a rash manner.

Other: See above

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Edited on 06/12/15 @ 21:48:06 by | LORDBLUE | (#74490)

🌻roseistance🌻 (#58710)

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Posted on
2015-12-06 14:42:49
Can I reserve wheel sled dog and an omega?

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Edited on 06/12/15 @ 21:45:05 by ~Dreamer~ (#58710)

Shy (#51494)

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Posted on
2015-12-06 14:43:14
Image link (Apologies, I do not know how to embed images)

name:: Renegade or Ren (For short)
age:: 3 years old
gender/identity:: Female
sexuality:: Heterosexual
team/pack:: Sled Dog
rank desired:: Lead Dog (will change to wheel dog if lead dog is not accepted)
breed/sub species:: Alaskan Malamute
personality:: Renegade is very persistent. She will refuse to give up no matter what the situation maybe. Renegade is confident, yet composed, she believes teamwork is a valuable asset for anyone whether it be domestic canines or their wild relatives. Renegade will often times try to be the motivator, the leader if you will, to help others overcome obstacles. She is also a very caring, kind hearted dog. She cares deeply for those she is close with and will protect them.
•Not independent (relies heavily on team)
•Can be naive at times
relationships:: -
other:: "Mangy flea bag"

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Edited on 07/12/15 @ 17:47:54 by Shy**BSS** (#51494)

Lieutenant Stabby |
IO | LdT | (#35974)

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Posted on
2015-12-06 15:06:05

Name:: Anastasia or Ana

Age:: 2 and a half years

Gender/identity:: Female

Sexuality:: Heterosexual / Bicurious

Team/pack:: Sled Team

Rank desired:: Team Dog

Breed/sub species:: Alaskan Husky

Personality:: Anastasia is an easy going Alaskan Husky who enjoys being with her team. She's rather friendly and loves hang out with everyone. She's young and is rather playful like a pup. She enjoys sleeping and loves to be lay around and do nothing. While she would rather lay around and do nothing, she will get up and help her team as much as she can. She's unaggressive and prefers to be friendly to everyone. She usually doesn't stand up for herself and shrinks away when being scolded or snapped at.

Strengths:: Friendly, alert, determined

Weaknesses:: Laziness, pushover

Relationships:: None

Other:: "Damn mutt"

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Soy (#6036)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2015-12-06 17:51:34
@| LORDBLUE | Accepted although you'll have to wait until nine pm [lioden time] tomorrow in case anyone else wants to be swing or the strength[?] beta ;3

@~Dreamer~ Sure thing ;3

@Shy**BSS** Try reading the rules again :3

@Lieutenant Stabby | IO | LdT | Accepted ;3

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Shy (#51494)

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Posted on
2015-12-06 21:51:10
@Prince I have read the rules. I'm not sure what I have missed

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Soy (#6036)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2015-12-07 10:04:24
@Shy**BSS** Crap, I'm sorry, I didn't read it right xc Accepted! You are guaranteed the spot at six pm [lioden time], if two more people sign up with lead dogs the best two forms will get the spots :3

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🌻roseistance🌻 (#58710)

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Posted on
2015-12-07 10:31:38
My forms will be up later. Very busy :)

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🌻roseistance🌻 (#58710)

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Posted on
2015-12-07 10:32:02


"We Are Infinite."




3 Years







Rank desired

Wheel Dog

Breed/sub species

Alaskan Husky


Will Be Added


Luna reaches almost 4 feet, around 3 feet long, and weighs about 40 Lbs.


Strong Empathy Towards Others

She Would Risk her Life for the Safety of Others.
Giant softy towards pups


None, as of Right now.


Pathetic Cat Carcass



"Even if the sky is Falling Down, I Know We'll be Safe and Sound."




3 Years







Rank desired


Breed/sub species

Not sure what Breed of wolf


Last is extremely happy and jittery. He can sometimes be paranoid, but loves to horseplay. He enjoys company, and loves to be in the presence of pups. Though, when he is around other wolves that don't necessarily like him as much, Last is secluded and quiet, never looking at them in fear that he would give the wrong expression. He is pretty out of shape, and lays low all day, other than when he has work to do around the pack. Once you get close to Last, he is very welcoming, friendly, open, very lovable, and willingly loving. He is basically a giant teddy bear.


Last is about 4 feet tall, 4 feet long, and around 100 lbs.




A little paranoid by Dominants
Sometimes obeying orders is hard




See Luna's form l He has no collar on

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Edited on 10/12/15 @ 19:35:16 by ~Dreamer~ (#58710)

🌻roseistance🌻 (#58710)

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Posted on
2015-12-07 12:39:50
So sorry D: Double

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Edited on 07/12/15 @ 19:42:28 by ~Dreamer~ (#58710)

Soy (#6036)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2015-12-08 04:48:32
@~Dreamer~ It's cool, can't wait till you're finished :D

@EVERYONE Everyone's character has been added, if you don't see your character shoot me a message and I'll add them right away ;3

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Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2015-12-08 06:58:25
Can I reserve a wheel dog and a delta please? I will make my bios sometime tomorrow. :)

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