Posted by Cub Sell Age - 1 Year

Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2015-12-18 22:31:23
This idea came to us in another suggestion thread, where we agreed that there is something very wrong on this site. The fact that we have a cub market issue and the developers even helped in creating it by lowering the cub selling age from 1 year to 5 months.

This is a bad idea for many reasons:

1. It makes it all too easy for mass-sellers.
2. With the cub mortality feature, the sellers dont even need to look at the cubs once until they can be sold. In majority, they survive until 5 months without interaction.
3. Sellers can push 70% of the cub raising difficulties to the buyers. With the new cub mortality feature, it is a huge mistake.
4. To fix the market, it is the mass-sellers who need to be showered with more work and difficulties than the buyers. There is no problem with the demand. The supply is the one that is too much.
5. With this in place, it will be extremely hard to implement anything that would fix the market, since sellers (those we have problems with) can boot off the cubs very young and would feel very little of the features.

The solution is simple:

Bump trade age back to 1 year!

Why, you ask?

1. Since the problem is with the supply being numerous times the amount of demand, it is the supply that needs to be limited.
2. To limit the amount of cubs that gets to the market, sellers must be the ones to raise the cubs, to place the difficulties of cub mortality onto their shoulders.
3. Only the cubs that survive until 1 year could be sold. Less supply or for the same supply it means more work for the sellers.
4. It might bump up demand, since the buyers wont be the ones with the responsibility and work to raise the cubs.


Additional ideas:

1. Block nursing lioness trade
This would be one way to bypass this new suggested feature. Since lionesses can be sold with their cubs, cub trade can happen in this manner too.
Since traditional studding is not an official feature, It can be ignored, so this additional idea does not stand in the way of anything.
Transfers would still work, since people might want to transfer their nursing girl between their accounts.

2. Hunger/Mood Limit - Suggested by Fortuna (#8567)
There should be a minimum amount of hunger/ mood the lions need to have in order to be sold. It may also discourage mass sellers as they will need to take care of their lions in order to sell them.
If the mood/hunger falls below the limit while they are in a trade, the trade would be automatically canceled.


This idea only works in connection to others that dont enable 100% protection with broodmothers, since this bypasses any kind of cub mortality features and any attempts to fix what is broken.

Like this idea.

This suggestion has 38 supports and 73 NO supports.

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Edited on 19/12/15 @ 09:59:12 by Axel (#6627)

Thalassa (#8567)

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Posted on
2015-12-18 22:55:40
Support! May I also suggest having a minimum amound of hunger/ mood the lions need to have in order to be sold? It may also discourage mass sellers as they will need to take care of their lions in order to sell them.

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Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2015-12-18 22:56:19
That is a good idea as well. I will add this and credit you.

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Blue Pigeon 🐦 (#68580)

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Posted on
2015-12-18 22:58:52
Support from me.
I may disagree with the thread this suggestion came from but I can certainly get behind this.

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Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2015-12-18 23:00:32
But I guess we can agree that the brood mothers cannot stay the way they are. They bypass the whole cub mortality feature.

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Blue Pigeon 🐦 (#68580)

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Posted on
2015-12-18 23:02:54
Hmm... I do disagree with you on that part (or at least your suggestions on how to implement it in the previous thread) but this a completely different suggestion, so lets not discuss it here. I will respond with any further ideas for this suggestion if I think of any.

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NegCol (#71390)

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Posted on
2015-12-18 23:06:39

(Coming from a mass breeder)

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Vessy (#44229)

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Posted on
2015-12-19 01:02:41
Supporting this one, I agree with the general idea of raising it to 1 year ^-^

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Starblazer (#51170)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-12-19 09:58:51
I don't really mind the idea of making the selling age a year, but I know for sure that I don't like the mood/hunger suggestion. Some of my cubs will have a different personality than my king and that means their mood drops by 20 every day. And keeping the hunger level down every day means I'd be using a lot more food than usual. I'd end up running out. I take care of all my lions, whether I'm selling them or not. But I do it on my terms.

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Thalath {Offline} (#41669)

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Posted on
2015-12-19 10:03:10
"There should be a minimum amount of hunger/ mood the lions need to have in order to be sold."

I actually really really like this idea. It has always bothered me that people sell starving/unhappy cubs and lionesses. I know it's not a huge deal, but for some reason it just... bugs me all the same. :x

I assume it would cancel when it hits the notification point? As in, when it tells you the lion is about to leave because it's starving/unhappy.

"1. Block nursing lioness trade"

I like this as well. It also bugs me when people try to do trades like this, mostly because of how damn unsafe it potentially is! I doubt there are that many scammers on Lioden (though maybe I'd be surprised) but I just don't think it's a good idea to do this. It's sort of a "promise transaction" kind of thing. Blegh.

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Edited on 19/12/15 @ 17:09:47 by Thalath (#41669)

Vessy (#44229)

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Posted on
2015-12-19 10:31:47

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Edited on 19/12/15 @ 17:57:16 by Skitty (#44229)

Shozurei (#49512)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2015-12-19 10:55:37
The age idea is ok, and the mood thing isn't too bad, but I don't agree with the hunger level idea. Some people don't have time to send their lions out for all ten hunts, and can't afford to feed their pride every day. They shouldn't be punished for that by having their trades canceled every 3 days. After all, toys can stay in your hoard forever, but food expires.

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Siliandra (#1137)

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Posted on
2015-12-19 13:23:19
I would support the raise to 1yr and not being able to put a nursing lioness up for a trade but not the mood/hunger idea.

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Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2015-12-19 19:33:02
May I ask why?

Actually, I am thinking about removing the mood, since lions lose a lot more, especially when they are in opposite personalities. Hunger -however- is very easy to combat. You dont need 10 hunts to feed your pride.
Only keep as many lions you are SURE you can take care of. This is the golden rule. Or use feed all and play all feature.

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Kraft (#1105)

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Posted on
2015-12-19 19:45:07
Agreed. 0mo-1yo is a critical survival point and by putting the stress on those who have many cubs and potentially strained resources, we will hopefully see these mass breeders failing to keep a large collection of cubs alive.

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Isabella Lena (#49545)

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Posted on
2015-12-19 19:46:27

I feel like; selling is hard. SO if this improves selling then I am willing to support. In the wild lions leave there pride when tey are around 2/3 years old.

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