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Posted by | Cub Sell Age - 1 Year |
![]() Axel (#6627) Pervert View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2015-12-18 22:31:23 |
This idea came to us in another suggestion thread, where we agreed that there is something very wrong on this site. The fact that we have a cub market issue and the developers even helped in creating it by lowering the cub selling age from 1 year to 5 months. This is a bad idea for many reasons: 1. It makes it all too easy for mass-sellers. 2. With the cub mortality feature, the sellers dont even need to look at the cubs once until they can be sold. In majority, they survive until 5 months without interaction. 3. Sellers can push 70% of the cub raising difficulties to the buyers. With the new cub mortality feature, it is a huge mistake. 4. To fix the market, it is the mass-sellers who need to be showered with more work and difficulties than the buyers. There is no problem with the demand. The supply is the one that is too much. 5. With this in place, it will be extremely hard to implement anything that would fix the market, since sellers (those we have problems with) can boot off the cubs very young and would feel very little of the features. The solution is simple: Bump trade age back to 1 year!Why, you ask? 1. Since the problem is with the supply being numerous times the amount of demand, it is the supply that needs to be limited. 2. To limit the amount of cubs that gets to the market, sellers must be the ones to raise the cubs, to place the difficulties of cub mortality onto their shoulders. 3. Only the cubs that survive until 1 year could be sold. Less supply or for the same supply it means more work for the sellers. 4. It might bump up demand, since the buyers wont be the ones with the responsibility and work to raise the cubs. ------------------------ Additional ideas: 1. Block nursing lioness trade This would be one way to bypass this new suggested feature. Since lionesses can be sold with their cubs, cub trade can happen in this manner too. Since traditional studding is not an official feature, It can be ignored, so this additional idea does not stand in the way of anything. Transfers would still work, since people might want to transfer their nursing girl between their accounts. 2. Hunger/Mood Limit - Suggested by Fortuna (#8567) There should be a minimum amount of hunger/ mood the lions need to have in order to be sold. It may also discourage mass sellers as they will need to take care of their lions in order to sell them. If the mood/hunger falls below the limit while they are in a trade, the trade would be automatically canceled. ------------------------ This idea only works in connection to others that dont enable 100% protection with broodmothers, since this bypasses any kind of cub mortality features and any attempts to fix what is broken. Like this idea. |
Siliandra (#1137)
Pervert View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2015-12-19 20:33:12 |
I simply would rather see dead-end trades stay at the back end of the TC, if they keep being canceled then they will keep propping up front. However easy it seems now to hunt, the admins admitted injuries was a future feature and it would most likely hinder hunting. I also agree that mood with the personality system will be very hard to keep up with. Having a non-neutral lion either way could mean a very quick drop in mood, although yes everyone could possibly buy feed all/play all Lioden is still a free to play game. I don't agree with features that you either work hard on or fork out money for - that's almost forcing a subscription. ![]() |
Axel (#6627)
Pervert View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2015-12-19 20:40:22 |
Dead end trades need to be canceled one way or another. It isnt a solution that we let them rot away. If the lion doesnt sell and it isnt taken care of, its hunger drops below a certain percent, then that trade needs to be deleted to not clog the TC. It is for the betterment of the market. Taking care of your lions on a SIM game is not much to ask for at all. Nobody said that you must buy the play all and feed all feature. It is if you want to bypass the whole meaning of the game. You can have a large enough pride if you take care of them properly. Most dont want to or have no time for it. They either need to thin the herd or buy the premium feature. Making the game too easy because of these people will trash the market. It is a very weak argument. And I see none against the nursing lioness one. ![]() |
Siliandra (#1137)
Pervert View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2015-12-19 20:47:33 |
I never said I was against the nursing lioness one. I see once again it's the whole 'your argument is weak so not valid' thing. I wish you'd at least respect people's opinions in your own threads, I thought you wanted them. I do not like this hunger/mood idea and your arguments won't change my mind because I play the game my way, I will always play it my way. Just because your way is best for you and sees space for such ideas doesn't mean mine or others way of playing should be changed to suit yours. Saying that you need to thin the herd off certain kind of players is very discriminating and you want to 'cull' them according to your standards of playing? I take care of my pride and took care of it when it was twice the size it is now. I haven't got a problem with my lions running away from hunger but I do have a problem with a feature like this. ![]() |
ClockKey (#74714)
Heavenly View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2015-12-19 20:52:08 |
If you don't want to tend to the cub's every need, Don't buy it. Simple. Besides, Not everyone is gonna just let the Cubs health dwindle whilst in trade. What they do with their lions is their choice and business, So unless they trade over a half dead lion, Theirs pretty much nothing to gripe about. You could always nurse it back to health. Besides, Since you're buying the cub, Someone's gonna expect you to take care of them regardless, Now that you're buying the cub. Remember, it was and always is 'your' choice, And you should always take care of your things. Second of all, If you're not looking for Cubs, Then don't click on a cub selling thread then. Some people have more lions than they do food/toys to care for them with, And sometimes they need to sell them to make profit and care for their pride, But their not 'forcing you' to buy their Cubs, So not in any way is this affecting you. And so what if the buyers are 'forced' to care for their lions? Isn't that the basic point of the game? You're going to have to care for your lions and lionesses, Regardless. Though I do agree with the hunger limit, This is just silly. I also think the nursing thing is stupid too. Well, I wouldn't be as harsh as 'stupid', But... Anyway, What if someone wanted to trade a whole litter and a lioness to someone who wants it. They have found a price they very much like, 'and' they actually take care of their lions every day. This can go either way. If this is implemented, They would either be discouraged, and so would the eager buyer, And/Or either one of them would set up a transfer and could get scammed. If this isn't implemented, Buyer gets their lions, Seller gets their currency/items and they lived happily ever after. Personally, I like the current system the way it is. No support-That is-Coming from a NON-mass breeder. P.S|I agree with Siliandra! ![]() Edited on 20/12/15 @ 04:10:47 by ClockKey (#74714) |
Blue Pigeon 🐦 (#68580)
Warrior View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2015-12-19 21:00:53 |
Honestly, Siliandra makes some excellent points, and so I think I am now against this suggestion. ![]() |
Axel (#6627)
Pervert View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2015-12-19 21:38:40 |
@Siliandra Good points? How is 'do not implement hunger/mood limits in TC because old trades should remain old and at the back of TC' a good argument? It has nothing to do with the problem, if anything, it is a quite weak one. If anything, when people's lion trades get canceled all the time due to this limit, they might actually realize that the lion wont sell and they will get rid of it and give up much sooner than letting it flood the TC for 30 days, then get put back a month later. I am more of a person of logic. Dont have much time to play? Cannot send girls enough times to feed the pride of 40 lions? Dont have the money to buy the play all/feed all feature? Then what is the logical solution? Make the game easier? No. The logical solution is to get rid of lions you wont need. To have as many lions you can indeed take care of. There is nothing discriminating about this. This is a logical, healthy, sane and very much fair solution. ------------------------ @ClockKey The problem is that these additional lions that arent bought are still part of the supply in TC and Stockpile. So even if people wont buy them, they still are part of the flooding and present a threat to the market. It reduces the value of cubs. The view of 'what you cant see wont hurt you' is a very outdated one, especially when everything affects everything in an economy. Even though I dont go to TC or Stockpile, I still feel the effects of the bad market. And despite me not trading, doesnt mean I cannot try to find a solution to an existing problem. Supply must be limited. ![]() |
Torquil (#53504)
Hateful View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2015-12-19 21:55:13 |
Prior to posting a few concerns, I'd like to highlight that I am a mass breeder and I do utilize the ability to sell nursing lionesses. My concerns have not arisen due to that fact. Original Idea - I feel like this would be a hindrance for any future hunters/sub males that are not immediately aged up to their adolescence. I know a few players prefer to go the long way through those additional seven months either for food gain or amusement gain. This becomes even more so a factor when the months of heavy stat gain items come out. [February/April] - I also feel like bringing back a limitation might cause people to resort to non-supported transactions. I'm not so sure it'd fix the problem as a whole instead of causing a heavier amount of transfer trades. Thus comes into the factor the increased chance of scamming and all that jazz. Most people won't provide an aging stone, and I can see myself tempted by the idea of resorting to transfer to have the cub up to a maximum of seven days early. Additional Idea - Block Nursing Lioness Trade - As a mass breeder and someone who constantly trades nursing lionesses... I have no objection to this suggestion. Hunger/Mood Limit - I feel like I'd be more comfortable with a set hunger/mood limit requirement as opposed to auto-cancelling. Considering lions under 2Y won't run due to low hunger or mood, I don't see the need to put that much emphasis on keeping mood and hunger up. - I can understand the cancelling for adult lions, but even then, it doesn't take much to raise mood and hunger. This should be left up to the buyer's discretion on whether or not they wish to purchase a lion with required feeding. ![]() |
Axel (#6627)
Pervert View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2015-12-19 23:39:26 |
Since such transactions are not supported by Lioden officially, it is the seller's and buyer's responsibility from there on. When stud slots were implemented, people were also very sure that this will increase traditional studding and scams. This did not stop the developers. because in the end, if someone gets scammed, it will be their own fault. Nobody forced them to transfer their lions. They could have waited until the stud slots reset. If the scams rise, then this will be a lesson to everyone else to not transfer but wait instead. Sometimes one got to learn from their own mistake or learn from others' mistakes. Or the past. About the event items, like at the february and april events, they also work while the lion is already over a year old. You can feed honeycombs and you can have them play with love bird plumages even if the lion is 1 year old or 5 months. Neither can be hunted or patrolled as cubs or teens, so the time spent on training is irrelevant, especially if the difference is as short as 7 days. It brings no advantage to buy a 1000stat 5 month old cub or a 1000stat 1 year old teen. Not only are the event items limited but some have expiration, so the age of the lion is irrelevant. You can buy only as many event items, so it doesnt matter. The difference will be on the date of finishing. You either train a 5 months old cub with 20 kudu horns daily until it is 2 years 1 month old. Or you train a 1 year old teen with 20 kudu horns daily until it is 2 years 8 months old. ![]() Edited on 20/12/15 @ 09:42:43 by Axel (#6627) |
garlandrose (#5691)
Impeccable View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2015-12-19 23:57:52 |
I am kind of mixed about this suggestion. I use that 5 month to one year time to sell my cubs or chase them. Once they turn 1 and 1 day old I chase them if they don't sell. I don't keep my cubs past this time unless I am keeping them for myself. I would have to adjust this time period. I try to keep a certain number of lionesses in my pride because all of them hunt and breed. I am actually what you call a mass buyer. I am always buying or looking for that next unique cub to replace a lioness that is retiring. As far as the mood/hunger thing I feed my lions in groups and each group is every other day. So I don't think the mood/hunger idea would be a problem for me. All of my lionesses hunt and bring back a decent amount of food for the whole pride. ![]() |
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