Posted by | S I L E N T | C I T Y |

ɴᴏʀᴛʜᴇʀɴ (#74490)

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Posted on
2015-12-29 05:52:28

Welcome to
S I L E N T ♚ C I T Y

I. No powerplaying, godmodding, or mary sues.
II. Fade to black during mating and birthing scenes.
III. Swearing and violence is permitted, however, don't be excessive or distasteful with it.
IV. All posts must be mostly grammatically correct and at least 5 sentences.
V. Wait until at least two other people post after you to continue. This will help avoid one on one.

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Edited on 29/12/15 @ 20:00:56 by | LORDBLUE | (#74490)

ɴᴏʀᴛʜᴇʀɴ (#74490)

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Posted on
2015-12-29 05:52:35



Amusement Park

Softcall Forest

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Edited on 29/12/15 @ 13:14:23 by | LORDBLUE | (#74490)

ɴᴏʀᴛʜᴇʀɴ (#74490)

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Posted on
2015-12-29 05:52:40


R O M A N (74490 - LordBlue)
Male | Tamaskan Dog

N O R T H (74490 - LordBlue)
Male | Beauceron

V A N I C (74490 - LordBlue)
Female | Turkish Boz Shepherd

L O O N (15997 - Zesha)
Male | Great Dane

E A S T (15997 - Zesha)
Female | Beauceron

M I J U (34167 - XIO)
Female | Saluki

J A X (66551 - Dangerwithapen)
Male | Doberman - German Shepherd Cross

A L A S K A (66390 - Rabs)
Female | Siberian Husky

S O T U R I (66390 - Rabs)
Female | Greenland Dog

R O S S (33076 - Potato Lord)
Male | Czechoslovakian Wolfdog

V E R A (33076 - Potato Lord)
Female | Yakutian Laika

D E M E T R I (33076 - Potato Lord)
Male | Black Russian Terrier

M A N I T O B A (33076 - Potato Lord)
Male | Husky - Beauceron Cross

D E C E M B E R (74490 - LordBlue)
Male | Husky - Beauceron Cross

C A E S A R (51715 - Slugzilla)
Male | Komondor Dog

B L A C K J A C K (38409 - Cerebus)
Male | Harlequin Beauceron

V U L C A N (68231 - Adamymous)
Male | Corgi - Mini Aussie Cross

A L A W I (36246 - Lia-Lin)
Female | Pyrenean Shepherd Dog

S C L E R A (39277 - Headless)
Male | Azawahk

K R A S H (39277 - Headless)
Male | Ovcharka - Tibetan Mastiff Cross

N A M B I A (39277 - Headless)
Female | Dalmation

K A D E (11487 - Nyanunix)
Female | Doberman Pinscher

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Edited on 29/12/15 @ 20:05:09 by | LORDBLUE | (#74490)

ɴᴏʀᴛʜᴇʀɴ (#74490)

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Posted on
2015-12-29 14:16:26

Location: Darkblood Headquarters
Mentions: Darkblood Pack

A low growl was barely audible between howling, chaotic winds. The atmosphere around them, ordinarily tainted with the scent of decay and musk, was now even more rancid with it's thick downpour of rain. The way the wet substance sank into his short black coat made the Beauceron's lips draw back irritably. A hunt would prove to be far from plentiful in this weather, with meant they'd go without a proper meal yet another night. Though his greedy nature seethed at the thought, he'd shrug it off and he'd expect his pack to do the same. Hungry or not, they had work to do. They must make rounds and continue to establish boundaries, marked by their own scent which was enough to make the majority of the wanderers in this city bow their heads and tuck their tails. He was notorious now, a force to be reckoned with, and he wasn't going to stop until every dog in this god forsaken land bowed to him. He was the only hope they had- the only strong, resourceful dog who knew how to survive. They would either submit to him, or parish.

The mud was slippery beneath his feet as he pivoted around and stalked back towards the shelter of the abandoned medical unit, the dilapidated building he and his dogs now called home. He took a moment to free himself of droplets of rain before crossing the doorway. Inside, it was a rather quiet scene. While North had taken the initiative to observe the weather and determine if a hunting party could be organized or not, he allowed his inferiors some down time, free of assigned duty. He wasn't sure if he was satisfied with their obedience, or infuriated with their laziness. "Get up." He commanded in a deep, husky tone, his dagger-like voice suggesting he was in no mood to be ignored. "Gather yourselves and prepare to be busy. I need some of you to accompany me to the warehouse." By warehouse, he meant the building most commonly known as Headquarters, the place many canines considered a safe haven. North was determined to claim it as his own, and recruit more who knew about the less-traveled pathways within the walls of that strange, broken down place.

Location: Headquarters
Mentions: Kade

There was an ear-splitting roar overhead and the male felt his legs buckle beneath him in fear, angling his head around to stare up at the ceiling. This wasn't an unusual occurrence, but nonetheless, it was one that still made the Tamaskan's fur stand on end. He had a difficult time establishing reality from a warped delirium, often hearing voices in his head or detecting the faintest glimpses of creatures scurrying away from the corner of his eyes, but he could safely say this time the source of the strange sound was nothing more than thunder. That would be the most logical explanation, anyways, with such a storm outside. He'd imagine if Kade were with him at this very moment she'd likely roll her eyes a bit at his dramatic reaction to such an explainable sound.

Nomadic and independent, Roman spent quite a long time wandering on his own after he was separated from his parents and siblings. Only recently had he had a rather sudden run-in with a female named Kade, who though he had difficulty interacting with at times, he still found he enjoyed her company much more than travelling alone. They had ventured back into the shelter of the disheveled warehouse to scout out small game, which had proved to be somewhat successful for Roman. Pushing his large frame through broken blocks of dirty, chemical-stained cement, his jaws snapped towards the plump form of a grey-pelted rodent. Satisfaction gripped him once he managed to snag one of it's bony limbs in his abnormally long fangs, but it was short-lived once he got a good look at it. The rat's jaws curled back to expose curved, uneven rows of teeth glistening with an odd green liquid. The scent of it was sharp and offensive and Roman immediately recognized it as something man-made and dangerous. He was quick to release the poisoned animal and allow it to scamper off into the shadows once more. Though this place was teeming with live prey, not all of it was edible.

Location: Softcall Forest
Mentions: None, Open For Interaction

Ungraceful as always, Vanic trotted through the edge of the dimly-lit forest, her tongue lolling out of her mouth as she took in her surroundings. The lack of sensitivity in her body made her unaware of her torn, scraped up paw pads, leaving small streaks of scarlet along her path. It was a strange thing really, being in such an isolated part of the city during such a heavy storm. Most dogs opted for the safety of a closed in shelter, but the rainfall gave the shepherd a sort of energy she hadn't felt in a long time. As she sped up through the forest, her long legs pumping as vigorously as she could manage, the rain seemingly fell harder around her. Though it likely would've been more wise for the young female to remain alert and aware of her surroundings, she didn't appear to be making that much of a priority right now.

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Saeginko (#34696)

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Posted on
2015-12-29 14:28:01

|Checkers|Male|Tamaskan Dog|4 Years old|Darkblood|
Location: Darkblood Headquarters | Mentions: North

Checkers leaned his head up at North's demanding tone. "Hello sweetheart," he purred, grinning like a shark. He stood up, stretching out his front legs. As he leaned to his full height, he inspected the Beauceron's expression. "Now, aren't you moody this morning?" he chuckled, walking past North and whipping his long tail against the dog's face.
He stepped out into the rain, sniffing curiously. This weather would be bad for hunting. "Of course, there's never gonna be a good break for us, is there?" he muttered to himself, followed by a colorful variety of curse words. The curse words ended up turning into a wild array of random words strung together. Checkers's mind had run away from him again, and he dragged it back with some difficulty. His muttering broke off, and he chuckled as he pictured Billy's face. That dog had been terrified of his 'insanity.' So Checkers had killed him. Whoop-dee-do, who cares that he killed that mutt?
He looked over to North. "So am I going with you, sweetheart?" He was well aware that North didn't like being called such names, but Checkers loved to see the Beauceron get riled up.

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Edited on 29/12/15 @ 21:28:56 by Saeginko (#34696)

(Sunset|4xCimm|G2) (#36246)

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Posted on
2015-12-29 14:40:03

Alawi | 3 Yrs. 7 M. | Female | Pyrenean Shepherd
Location | Softcall Forest
Mentions | Vanic

Alawi blinked the pounding rain from her eyes. Her vision blurred and she fought to keep the ground steady beneath her paws. The shepherd dashed from tree to tree, burying her nose in the ground, hoping to find something to eat. Nothing, except for sodden dirt and drenched stone. This storm certainly wasn't going to let up any time soon, but the independent young dog was determined to find food, even if it meant getting a bit cold and wet.
As Alawi passed yet another tree, a whiff of blood caught her nose. Perhaps an injured animal had stumbled across her path. How lucky! She pushed her muzzle onto the stark forest floor and inhaled deeply. It wouldn't be long before the torrential rain would wash away the scent trail and bloody tracks. Ignoring the twinge of doubt that prickled in her stomach, Alawi pushed on.

She was just beginning to give up hope when the sound of rain was interrupted by the faintest of noises. The sound of an animal crashing unknowingly through the undergrowth. This was her chance! Alawi put on a burst of speed and launched herself blindly at the moving shadow. The shepherd had misjudged the distance though, and came crashing down in front of her target. Only now could she clearly see what she had been chasing after, and it was disappointing. A dog.

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Edited on 30/12/15 @ 15:16:40 by Lia-Lin - {I.R.I.S} (#36246)

Dez (#66551)

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Posted on
2015-12-29 15:56:55
Jax // Male // 3 years // GSDXDoberman // Darkblood member
Mentions: North, Checkers

Jax scoffed quietly at Checkers's actions, before turning his gaze to his Alpha. "Ah, such fun. I look forward to whatever it is you have planned..." He stretched out nonchalantly, having enjoying his rest time. "Of course I'll come with you, such a dog as myself would always prove useful in a fight." Despite his large size and obvious power, he'd submitted to the beauceron, if not just because of pure curiosity. Besides, the male had proved himself a capable enough leader, and Jax was never truly one to run a pack. His heart would stay that of a loner for most likely his entire life. Such was the life of a semi-emotionless dog like himself. He straightened back up, his claws leaving long marks in the mud as he did so, he'd have to go file them back down again later... "So North, when do we head out?" He grinned, anticipation already prickling at his fur with the thought of claiming more of the godforsaken land as their own.

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Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2015-12-29 17:59:33

Ross | Male | 3 Years Old | Czechoslovakian Wolfdog
Location: Amusement Park | Mentions: None, open for interaction

Ross slipped around broken machinery on silent paws, the fur along his spine bristling. The park gave him the creeps, but it was the only place he could go to escape Mace's angry teeth. The amusement park always sent the Doberman into fits at just the mention of it. She would never venture here. Not even in search of him. She was yet another canine he had enlisted to serve as his personal guard dog, whispering all sorts of promises he could never hope to actually keep in her cropped ears. The relationship hadn't ended well. As soon as Mace realized Ross couldn't keep to his end of the bargain she'd turned on him. His friendship apparently wasn't enough in the end. It never was. "Well, this is perfect. Now I need to find a new protector. Especially to keep her away from me," he grunted irritably.


Vera | Female | 2 Years Old | Yakutian Laika
Location: Softcall Forest | Mentions: North indirectly, open for interaction

Vera stared around the empty forest surrounding her in utter boredom before shifting her gaze to her left hind leg in annoyance. Only a few days prior she had been involved in an accident that had left a long, bloody gash across the limb, effectively confining her to her small den hidden among the trees. She had been chasing some poor unfortunate soul through the abandoned theme park. After catching the little mutt he had put up more of a fight than she'd expected and knocked her into some broken equipment, skin and flesh torn on the rusty metal. The stranger had escaped with only a few scraps and scratches. leaving her to limp back home. Vera had been terrified. She would be useless like this. Barely able to walk with such a heavy limp and blood pouring out of the wound. How would she fight? How would she hunt? Would North ever notice her like this!? Would he kill her? She had slunk back to her solitary home as quietly as she could and stayed where she was ever since in the hopes she would heal. "Stupid leg! This is all your fault," she huffed, head flopping back down between her front paws.


Manitoba | Male | 2 Years Old | Beauceron x Siberian Husky | Darkblood Subordinate
Location: Darkblood Headquarters | Mentions: North, Checkers, Jax, December

Honestly Manitoba was rather thrilled as his gruesome father came into view. The insane Checkers and sociopathic Jax were hardly what the young male considered good company. Speaking to either, especially Checkers, often left him feeling frustrated so he had chosen to keep to himself until either North or his brother made an appearance. As soon as North's booming voice filled the room he immediately abandoned his aimless grooming and sprinted over to his slightly larger father. "Reporting for duty dad," he barked cheerily, seemingly unphased by North's irritated demeanor. Checkers' addressing North as sweetheart however instantly had the happy grin dropping and his lip curling slightly in clear distaste and disapproval. How dare this mongrel continue to mock their leader? If he didn't consider undue violence barbaric he might have snapped at the foolish Tamaskan himself.

((Totally did not recycle some of my intros from the old thread because I'm a lazy shit. Nope.))

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Edited on 30/12/15 @ 01:08:43 by Potato Lord (#33076)

GalacticRing (#68231)

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Posted on
2015-12-30 00:14:50
Vulcan || 1 year || Corgi - Mini Aussie Cross
Location: Amusement park || Mentions: N/A

Amid the old and unused machines in the park, a small dog limped around, sniffing hopefully in some corners, only to come up empty-pawed. At one point, the dog gave up trying, and simply limped on, head lowered.

Vulcan wasn't one of the normal dogs around. He didn't belong to any pack, sadly. Heck, he would if he thought he could, but he couldn't run nor could he even take care of himself. He was aware that some dogs around gave him the nickname "The Scavenger", and he was alright with that. After all, he did follow some larger dogs around to eat what they didn't.

Today, however, the soft patter of rain and the puddles on the ground were the only new things in the park. Vulcan limped on, His large ears perked for any sign of any other animals to scavenge off of.

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Nyanunix (#11487)

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Posted on
2015-12-30 00:45:13
Kade || 3 years || Female || Doberman Pinscher
Location: Headquarters
Mentions: Roman

Kade, though many of the animals in the 'headquarters' were poisonous, had gotten lucky. A pair of rabbits swung from her jaws, and she was looking for Roman. He had to be around somewhere. She had no idea why they seemed to be travelling together, but the arrangement worked for her; Roman was good for hunting, fighting, and keeping night terrors at bay. And he wasn't bad company, if his mind did tend to come up with insane explanations for simple things like thunder. It did echo strangely in the warehouse, so she understood why it scared him. There it was, again. The best thing to do was find Roman as quickly as possible and get out. Darkbloods would probably get there soon; when it was raining too hard to hunt outside, they often did so in the headquarters.

In a few moments, she did find a scent trail, so Kade followed it quickly and soon found Roman. What he had to force his frame through, she stepped through with ease; she was much more slender than he. The Doberman was just in time to see him let the rat go, and could guess the cause. "Poisonous?" she said, mumbling around the rabbits. Before he could ask why she'd returned so soon, she added, "Saw a Terror. Decided it was time to come back." Her night terrors, or Terrors, as she called them, did not limit themselves to nighttime. It was really anywhere where it was too dark. She also had no idea what they looked like and had failed to describe them on multiple occasions. Her only statement had been, "A big monster that had a beak but wasn't a bird." And not all Terrors looked the same, either.

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slugzillla (#51715)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2015-12-30 02:47:06

Caesar | Male | 5 y/o | Komondor Dog
Location: Amusement Park
Mentions: Ross,

"Gotta get it, Gotta get it, Gotta get it!" Caesar practically howled as he bolted in circles around one of the many pillars that held up he massive, rotting roller coaster. For whatever reason he some how got it in his head that this pillar was not close enough to the many others, so he was stuck in this loop, attempting to herd it. His thick, tangled cords made him look like a rotating mop as he ran, his tongue flopping out of his mouth as he tired himself out.

He spun and spun, that is until he smelled another canine and came screeching to a halt. "Dog?" he piped up, throwing his head side to side in jerky movements to try and locate the other dog through his entirely too long bangs. He lifted his charcoal nose to the air and took a big whiff, following the others wafting scent with ease. The Komondor certainly had too much energy considering he hadn't eaten in two days nor had he slept, but this exhaustion bender he was on kept him frosty. After a short while of searching he spotted the dog, some sort of wolf-dog he guessed, and he could barely contain himself. Even if he may brain power, he knew better then to just gallop over, so he stayed where he was; tail wagging furiously.

The other dog didn't look all too threatening, he was smallish, thin, and generally not intimidating. Caesar took this as an invitation to approach, using his nose to try and get a better picture of who this dog was. In his mind, he asked what the dogs name was, but he never actually said it so his quiet, nose wielding approach might be taken as something weird. Not that anything else he did was any less weird.

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Crownteeth (#39277)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2015-12-30 08:08:08
|Sclera|Male|3 years|Azawahk|Darkblood Healer|Location: Darkbloods Headquarters|Mentions: North, Checkers, Jax|

The thin male bristled hearing the demanding voice that belonged to the leader of the Darkbloods’ pack, his dark eyes flickering over to glance at the assembling group as he strolled calmly out of one of the decaying back rooms he had claimed for his own. The click and drag of extra claws following him as he entered the main area, ears twitching calmly as he listened to the exchange of words between Checkers, North, and Jax. ”One of these days he’s going to chew your ears off Checkers...” He grumbled underneath his breath before stretching and shaking out his fur, the very thin doing nothing to protect him from the cold but he huffed as he hopped up onto the crumbling ledge of a counter to look out a dirty window curiously. /Rain, rain, more rain. Today’s hunting will be bad, which means tempers will run high unless we can find a weak smaller dog to eat./ Sclera was snapped out of his thoughts by Jax having stepped forward to volunteer himself for the expedition to the warehouse. He hated the self-assured dog with a passion, something about him made his fur stand on end but that happened with nearly every dog in this pack.

|Krash|Male|3 years|Tibetian Mastiff X Ovcharka|Location: Streets|Open for Interaction|

Rain splattered across a thick white coat, the cold not even biting through the massive dog’s fur. His claws scraping over the ground as the brute looked for food within this barren city, hoping to catch some stupid bird downed by the water or even a cat if he could. Krash stopped short and let out a loud huffing snarl as he reached the boarder set down by some rag tag pack of mutts that patrolled around here. His fur stood on end but he turned and moved back down the street, fighting one or two of those dogs would be fine, but facing the pack’s ire wasn’t needed right now. They’d probably swarm like wasps anyways and fight together. The sight of something scurrying away in the rain caught his attention, but he didn’t bother chasing it. Thoughts about fighting and killing haven taken away his appetite for food and replaced it with one for a good battle, his teeth itching to be dug into flesh. ”Not worth it anyways, might as well head back to the shelter anyways.” Krash growled out in a rough thundering voice as he disappeared into one of the broken store fronts.

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GalacticRing (#68231)

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Posted on
2015-12-30 08:14:45
Vulcan || 1 year || Corgi - Mini Aussie Cross
Location: Amusement park > Streets || Mentions: Ross, Caesar, Krash

The short-legged dog heard another barking happily, most likely chasing something. That might mean... Food? He limped quickly over to the source, hiding when he saw a large white dog running around in circles before going to great a larger dog. Instantly, Vulcan's hopes crashed as he lowered his head and started limping away.

He had finally made it to the streets when he heard a thundering growl, and it made him stop dead in his tracks. What was that?! The small dog instantly shrank back, shaking as he processed it before spinning around and trying to bolt.

He managed to make it a good distance before he hit slick ground, which wasn't very far away at all, and he fell into a puddle, yelping. He caught his disfigured paw on something, likely a rope or something, but he pulled it out, looking behind him with wide eyes to see if the larger dog followed. Oh my gosh please tell me he didn't...!!!

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Rabs (#66390)

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Posted on
2015-12-30 10:36:55
Cherokee || Female || 3 Years || Greenland Dog || Mentions: Open for Interaction || Location: Outskirts of the Amusment Park

The black and white canine had settled upon one of the discarded clown carts just beyond the Amusement park fences. Vines and vegetations seemed to have been a part of the mechanical machines as long as she could remember, which hadn't been that much, but to her it felt like decades. Even if about a few years ago, the radiation had hit and all of the humans left the now abandoned city, Cherokee couldn't help but feel a bit lonely inside. Her violent attitude usually scared away wandering strays, or got her into fights. Cherokee even had the scars to prove it.

Flaming orange eyes narrowing, she got to her dainty paws and slunk out from inside the cart into the bright outside. Instantly, she squinted, waiting for her eyes to adjust before continuing to go around the metal fences until she got to the entrance. From there, she entered the area of broken down rides, it was certainly pitiful and made her cringe when she spotted the very few bodies of familiar dogs, decaying away into the brush. Shaking her head, Cherokee started to spazz out, shaking her head turned to full on writhing. Her scarred muzzle wrinkled up as she started to snarl. The very distinct illusions of demon dogs were surrounding her, she tried to ignore it no matter how fast her heart was thumping. The sound of blood made everything sound disoriented.

Alaska || Female || 3 Years || Siberian Husky || Mentions: Open for Interaction || Location: Softcall Forest

The husky walked through the woods, her elongated claws digging into the cold ground for more leverage. She looked around, curious of her surroundings, but also scared of them at the same time. Dogs were unpredictable nowadays with the radiation still evident in the air. Her nose twitched, nostrils flaring in content at how the forest seemed peaceful... well for now any ways. Her ears perked up, erect as a twig snapped in the opposite direction in which she was heading. Curious, she tilted her head.

(I put too much energy in Cherokee's post XD)

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Edited on 30/12/15 @ 17:38:11 by Rabs (#66390)

Zesha (#15997)

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Posted on
2015-12-30 11:36:09

Loon | Male | 4 Years | Great Dane | Loner
Location: Softcall Forest
Mentions: Vera

The large black spotted dog was ambling around the forest with no real purpose. The tree limbs groaned under the weight of their soaking leaves, and a cool wind whipped between them savagely every few minutes, as if a horrid beast were snoring and the wind was its exhaled breath. So far, he hadn't seen any other dogs out here, which seemed strange to him. The city was practically taken over by that pack, Redbloods or something along those lines, so many dogs spent time out in the forest where they weren't bothered by the pack as much. Loon himself wasn't one of those dogs, but he liked to come looking for people to manipulate out in the woods.

Another gust of wind rushed past him, and with it the tang of blood. It didn't smell like any prey he'd ever had, but that meant it might be a dog. He hadn't gotten the chance to determine that much. Then he heard a bark, low and irritated, and followed it to a little den in the ground. The scent of blood was here, too. If he could express emotions on his face, it would have twisted into a horrid grin, but alas the nerves in his face wouldn't do that. “Hello?” he called into the hole.

divider by

East | Female | 4 Years, 5 Months | Beauceron | Loner
Location: Warehouse
Mentions: North

Rain pelted her thin fur, chilling her to the bone. East had just returned to Chernobyl from seeing her parents and confirming that they were alive, and now, after two whole months, she was coming back to find her brother North. As it was, though, things weren't turning out well. It seemed that the moment she set foot in her old home, the rain had started, and now she was soaked and freezing.

Wandering around the streets, she looked for shelter. Most of the houses had faint scents of something in them, either other dogs or foxes or other creatures, and she wasn't up for a fight right now. In fact, she preferred to avoid fights all together. They weren't in her nature, and she only knew how to a little bit in order to defend herself from truly vicious dogs. Why she didn't view her brother as a truly vicious dog, no one knew.

Finally an old warehouse came into view, one she vaguely remembered. It had been a good shelter once, and hopefully, it would be again. Racing toward it, she nearly slipped several times, but once she was inside she let out a breath of relief. The raindrops pattered loudly on the metal roof, sending a shiver up her spine and reminding her how wet she was. East stepped off to the side in a little corner and began to wash herself before she caught a cold. If any other dogs were around, she hadn't even noticed them upon entering.

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ɴᴏʀᴛʜᴇʀɴ (#74490)

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Posted on
2015-12-30 13:59:16

Location: Darkblood Camp
Mentions: Checkers, Jax, Manitoba, December, Black Jack, Vera, Sclera

The sarcasm that dripped from the Tamaskan dog's words didn't appear to phase him at first, merely stepping back and angling his head up to avoid a swipe from his tail. Though insubordinance was something that was poorly received by North, for the most part he allowed Checker's and his odd manner of speech a pardon. Irritating as it was, it was harmless, and North had somehow found himself atleast somewhat pleased with the wolfish dog's presence at his side. He was strong and intimidating with his broken mind- outsiders were bound to be terrified by the dog's senseless rambling. That would not be the case today. As still as death, the Beauceron slowly ran his tongue along his elongated fangs and let his eyes linger on his form. It was about time he was put in his place.

North's dark eyes flickered only briefly to Jax before peering grimly into the afternoon shadows that hung around the doorway. He wasn't entirely pleased with the halfbreed inviting himself along on the patrol, but he had planned on ordering him to join them anyways so he made no fuss. "Very well, Jax. We leave immediately. Along with us I'll be bringing Checkers and Black Jack. The rest of you shall remain here." In a quick, swift movement, the Beauceron steered his massive form towards Checkers, slamming his shoulder into the other dog's side with the intention of knocking him over and to the ground. The jaded look that North's face once held was replaced with something menacing, looming over the other dog with a dominantly raised tail and an exposed row of fangs. "Watch yourself, princess. I expect you to be on your best behaviour on our outing, am I understood?" Of course he was. The mongrel would be plain stupid to argue with him. He took a few moments to compose himself before turning to face the enthusiastic expressions of his children. Privileged, they were, to share his blood. "As to be expected." His words were silky smooth as he gave Manitoba a pleased look, "But you are to remain here on guard with your brother. Demetri and Sclera shall stay here as well. We have an injured.. ah. Damn, what was her name again?" He angled his broad head thoughtfully, squinting his eyes as he struggled to search for the title the female went by. "Ah, right. Vera. She's out for the count and requires medical attention and so if Sclera is in need of more supplies, you fetch them for him immediately. Understood?"

Location: Warehouse
Mentions: Kade

He pushed himself up into a sitting position, disturbing an array of glass shards and as his paws swiped against the rough ground. The appearance of his companion made him jump a little, but he relaxed when he looked up to see the familiar gaze of Kade. "Everything I've caught so far." He confirmed with a wrinkle of his nose, letting his eyes wander a little warily over the limp forms of the rabbits she held in her jaws. They scented of nothing but healthy flesh so Roman relaxed a bit, though the disappointment didn't die from his amber eyes. He was sure Kade would offer to share her catch with him, but he didn't like the idea of taking food from her. He'd have to try to snap something up on their way out.

"Again?" Roman's ears erected at the news, feeling himself inwardly shutter. He didn't share the doberman's lucid nightmares, but he sure as hell received some rather detailed descriptions of what she endured and it made the Tamaskan thankful he only dreamed of.. carnage, mostly. He could handle spilled blood and violence, but strange monsters? As far as he was concerned, in a world as twisted and ruined as this one, they could very well become a reality. Standing to all fours, he strode forward, his pelt brushing against hers as he urged her to follow. "Not real." He reminded her gently, glancing at her. "Regardless, let's move on. I don't like it in here any more than you do." Their treading was cut short as a screech sounded at their feet and a large, six-limbed rodent came scurrying at them with it's mouth ajar. A nip from one of the infected creatures is not something any dog would want to experience. "Damn rats. Watch it." He stepped in front of Kade slightly, letting a snarl leave his jaws as he snapped forward and snagged the rodent by it's scruff, tossing it into the shadows. He had felt a touch of fear when it had approached them, but it alarmed him when he realized his protective nature had initially sought to defend Kade over himself. It was an odd sensation; Roman had grown up not giving a shit about anyone but himself.

Location: Softcall Forest
Mentions: Alawi

Not much could disturb the young shepherd in her tranced state, leaping around and snapping at falling raindrops with parted jaws. It was only when detected the faintest glimpse of a canine shadow from the corner of her eye did she shake herself of her daze and ungracefully flop backwards, startled by the strange sight. In front of her stood a dog, seemingly a bit older from the slightly more mature features, but she was small. So small in fact, her nose only came up to around her knee. Vanic knew she was a large dog, she towered over most that she came into contact with, but nonetheless she was intrigued by the other shepherd's appearance. "Oh." She said, her response rather delayed as she fall back on her haunches and looked at Alawi with bright eyes. "I'm sorry! I didn't see you there. We nearly had quite a run-in. Are you okay?" She tilted her head, her paws excitedly kneading at the forest floor in an almost cat-like fashion. Her neuropathy caused her to be entirely unaware of the rather uncomfortable looking cluster of rocks she sat on. "Were you out here to enjoy the rain, too? It feels so nice! I wonder why everybody hides when it starts to rain. It's not like it's gonna hurt ya. Oh! Where are my manners? What's your name?" Vanic was entirely unaware of how much she was aimlessly rambling on to this stranger. She had been solitary for so long that when she had the opportunity to converse with another dog, she tried to snatch up the opportunity rather enthusiastically. Unfortunately for her, that usually ended badly, and it showed by the faint scars that lingered on her neck.

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