Posted by ◄Head Shot► ~ Zombie Apocalypse Sign-Ups

Hellebore~ (#43822)

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Posted on
2016-01-05 02:24:38
No one ever though this could happen. We don't even know why it did, from where it came. A virus? That is what we believe but...who are we to know? We couldn't stop it and now all we can do is survive. However we can, whatever the means.


Welcome to ◄Head Shot►! A zombie-apocalypse role-play. The roleplay starts in the beginning of the outbreak, whatever is causing people to attack each other and sprawl back to life as growling, limping and forever-hungry geeks is spreading quickly and the authorities have completely failed at keeping it in control. You can stay or move, try to help others or take advantage of them, remain on your own or group up with other uninfected but whatever you choose to do the question is: will you survive?

~Player Rules~
All I have to say is that I trust each of you to have good manners and be respectful towards each other. If anyone is looking to bully, bother or simply be part of a senseless fight I beg you refrain from joining this role-play.

~Roleplay Rules~
◆ Semi-literate to literate writing.
◆ Try to be as active as you can.
◆ Have as many characters as you want as long as you keep all of them active.
◆ Be prepared to have your characters hurt, it's all part of the fun :)

OOC Thread
RP Thread

I'd like to give some suggestions about what I would like this role-play to be like:

~This is a surviving roleplay, meaning that living should be really a hard thing to do. That's the fun part!
~This is the type of roleplay which needs dynamic, its mostly a sandbox rp: feel free and encouraged to drive the story wherever you please!
~ Get your characters hurt! Surprise us with their sudden death! Keep whatever future you plan for them a secret and let the others be destroyed by the sudden, surprising death of a character they loved! Let us be EVIL!
~ Don't be afraid to play the bad guys. Robbing, assaulting and kidnapping can be lots of fun too and guess what: in the apocalypse its legal :D (please don't do that at home kids, in RL it is punished by most societies c:)

~ Our zombies are dumb, slow and relentless. Feel free to try to out-walk them.
~ Bit = Game Over, Scratched = Game Over, Accidentally got some blood into your mouth = Nah, you are good. Infection only occurs if its by biting or scratching.
~ Though not everyone is infected, the virus (or whatever it is) easily infects dead bodies so, although dying without being bit or scratched doesn't mean you will turn there is a possibility you might; à la The Walking Dead but with a "surprise respawn" twist.
~ You read the roleplay's title? Yep? Aim for the brains. But you know, spine or knees and they'll only be biting the dirt. Or any poor soul who falls near them.
~ In this roleplay there will be what I call the "Danger Events". This can mean: a zombie herd, a human gang attacking you, a freaking hurricane, anything that puts characters in a VERY serious life-threatening situation and where they risk dying or serious/fatal injury. DE will be announced with slight anticipation just in case you want your characters out of the danger zone.

Danger Events

As it has been briefly explained before, a Danger Event or DE means something will happen that puts the characters under great risks. These can vary:
~ Injury
~ Loss of supplies
~ Get them separated from their groups
~ Ending locked up somewhere
~ Dying

And many more. But,

When can a DE occur?

Danger Events can be involuntarily triggered by the characters actions, plotted out by players (and this plot informed to me so that I give proper warning to other players), purposely provoked by other characters (for example, if a group attacks another) or simply dropped by me for unexplained reasons.

There are many types of DEs

We have:
~ Danger Events: These DEs are the ones you will be seeing most often. It means that something bad is bound to happen in a certain area, meaning it WILL happen. You will be warned when a DE is about to take place.

~ Potential Danger Events: These differ from common Danger Events in the fact that PDEs MIGHT happen. No character can be sure if they are going to happen or not. Areas under PDE threat will be marked, meaning you will be warned when a Potential Danger Event might happen.

~ Z Danger Event: Or how I like to call them, the "run for your life" Danger Event. ZDE are the most dangerous ones as well as the most rare ones. Characters will not know what triggered them nor when they are coming. Players WILL NOT be warned.

One last thing: Go easy on your starting supplies and please consider (though if you want to I may allow it depending on how your character sheet was developed) that very little people know how to wield a freaking katana and that almost no one has a wolverine-claw-like blade thingy around. But again, if I think its explained with enough decency I might allow it :)

For those of you who haven't read: No need to write anything in Other, if you were just going to look for that you can feel free to go on. But, if you haven't read: trust me, I'll know :)

Posting images: (remove asterisks)
<*img src=*link*>
Posting link: (remove asterisks)
<*a href=*link*>*whatever you want to write*<*/a>


Dean Ederwin | Male | 27
Piper Jude Ederwin | Female | 23
Alastair "Celestial" Vance | Male | 24
Cassandra de Barros | Female | 23
Theodore Weaver | Male | 24
Minly Finn | Female | 24
Paige Valentine | Female | 24
William Grey | Male | 24
Bandit Blaze Pheonix Grayson | Male | 26
Micaela Kanze | Female | 18
Samantha Jynx Wolfson | Female | 23
Vasile Cojocaru | Male | 25
Chloe Butler | Female | 11
Charlie Fuentes | Female | 25
Jacob Blake | Male | 12 years, 11 months
Adrian Marcus Reagan | Male | 23
Meahgan Louise Schäfer | Female | 19
Zena Xao | Female | 22
Tabitha Grace Archer | Female | 16
Faustino Kanze | Male | 30
Zakharia Jeylls | Male | 25

And without further ado, character sheet:

◉Full Name:
▹Nickname: (if any)
◉Physical Description: (if you have an image you can just fill the sub-categories. If you don't have an image of your character please describe it and fill the sub-categories)
▹Relevant Features: (tattoos, scars, piercings, anything)
▹Consumables: (food and water)
▹Medical Aid:
▹Significant other:
◉Previous occupation: (what did your character do before the apocalypse?)

Optional fields you can add to your character sheet if you so wish(please place them anywhere you want between Physical Description and Other categories):
◉Pets: (know that pets have a very low chance of surviving. And please avoid wolf-dog hybrids.)
◉Likes & Dislikes:

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Edited on 09/01/16 @ 06:27:58 by Rocheneux (#43822)

Hellebore~ (#43822)

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Posted on
2016-01-05 22:23:43
Good! :) I'll wait for you to finish but everything is looking awesome up to now :D

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BuckyBooty (#6293)

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Posted on
2016-01-06 10:21:16
So I actually have a character ready! Might I join as a guy?

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Hellebore~ (#43822)

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Posted on
2016-01-06 10:44:01
Sure CrystalSacrifice :)

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BuckyBooty (#6293)

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Posted on
2016-01-06 10:46:37
Name: William (Will) Gray
Age: 24
Birthday: October 5th
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Flaming Homosexual
Personality: Will is the King of Sarcasm. He can sometimes be the stereotypical asshole, thinking he's the one who knows everything. Well he used to be. The whole apocalypse kind of humbled him.(*Scoffs* Yea right) He is still quite smart and has a short temper. If his anger is rallied he can go days without speaking to anyone but himself, just to fill the silence. Despite that he can be a rather sweet guy. He does have a tendency of being a bit protective and possessive. William is known to be a big flirt, even with guys that he knows are heterosexual. He's just hopeful. Though if they make it known to him that they are uncomfortable he'll stop immediately
Physical Apperance:
Height: 5'11
Health: William is in good health as of now but he is known for being a bit clumsy.
Relevant Features: There's not much to put here. William has a few bumps, bruises, and scratches, but no major scaring. Unless you count where he accidentally cut his side on barbed wire and had to get stitches. That left a small mark.
2 and 1/2 Bottles of water
1 Apple
1 Pack of beef jerky
1/2 Loaf of Stale Bread
Medical Aid:
2 Small Containers of Pain Killers (Tylenol & Asprin. Found in the glove compartment of his fathers pick up)
A Pocket Knife. (His personally)
A Hunting Knife. (His father's)
A Backpack
A Sleeping Bag (Grabbed from his younger brothers room)
Mother- Julia Gray - Deceased
Father- Ruben Gray- Deceased
Sister- Cornelia Gray- Deceased
Brother- Lawrence Gray- Deceased
Friends: William had his college friends but he has no idea what state they might be in now.
Significant Other: None Existent
Previous Occupation: William was a student at Washington University studying to become an archeological professor.
Other: (Comment from CS here. So I'm totally going to throw in here that he will attempt to flirt a bit with Dean. That's solely because I ship Destiel with all my heart and soul. I don't expect anything to come out of it)
History/Before the Apocalypse: William grew up in a family that was quite well off. He had a mother and a father and a sister and a brother. He was the middle of the three. He was born October 8th, in a town in Pennsylvania. He lived in a rather big house by the west branch of the Susquehanna river. He was coming home from to see his family when the whole apocalypse problem became prominent. When he arrived he was met with the sight of his family all dead in his mom's car, couple stray thingsaround it. Instead of fighting them, he made a mad dash to his family's and closed the door, barricading it with a dresser. Though little did he know he had locked himself in with one. Upon finding it in the living room, blocking his way to the stairs he ended up having to bash its head in with a lamp to protect himself. He honestly had thought he was infected for a good week and never left the house. Though soon be moved his barricade and decided he had to leave. He left soon after that, traveling all across the country in his dad's black pick-up, just hoping to maybe find a safe town. No luck yet.

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Edited on 06/01/16 @ 18:10:09 by CrystalSacrifice (#6293)

Hellebore~ (#43822)

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Posted on
2016-01-06 10:55:43

William is dearly accepted :D

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Edited on 06/01/16 @ 18:16:34 by Rocheneux (#43822)

Ryver Bloodfang (#79641)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2016-01-06 11:08:10
“whats your name“~"My name? What's it to you bud?" Bandit Blaze Pheonix Grayson.
“Where do you get your name“~"what's it matter?! Lay off!" He gets his name from his mother, his first name at least. Her father named her bandit, and loving the name she decided to name him the same. Blaze? His father. His father decided that his son must be badass in hopes his son would be awesome. His father was pretty childish and stupid like that. Pheonix after his grandfather (on his mums side) who taught him that the key to life is rebirthing yourself to make you better. And lastly, Grayson. A name from his great grandfather (dads side) who has passed the name down for generations.

“how old are you?“~"im 26. Not that it matters." Like he said, twenty-six.

“whats your sex?“~"excuse me?" Hes a male..

“how would you describe yourself“~"pretty fucking awesome. I am a bad ass." No, he is not a bad ass. He is the opposite of everything his father wanted him to be. Instead of being a badass and a great guy, Bandit turned out to be a rebel(if that) and a juvenile delinquent. He is a smoker(not saying smokers are bad.) He enjoys a good hit. He had a passion for animals and has actually abandoned humans for the company of animals. Even now he prefers animals over humans. He isnt a "bad boy" but plays the look well. He has anger management issues. He does not forgive easily qnd is more then willing to kill anyone who comes by.
“what was your past like eh?“~"fucking terrible. Thats all you need to know." Well it was pretty shitty. Let's start with when he was born. He was born in a shack in canada. However, he didnt stay. Not a year later he was given up to an orphanage in the U.S. While there, he was bullied viciously and yelled at constantly. Emotional and physical abuse was always a punishment for the young boy. When he was seven, he had enough. He began acting out, fighting running away, etc. But, every time he ran away he always returned ir was forced to come back. Except, the last time. At nine years old the male ran away for good. He found however, that this was a big mistake. He was left on the streets to starve. His only friends were dogs and cats like him, who ran away or had no home. It was one encounter that sparked his interest with the more dangerous animals. When he was nine, he had been taken off the streets by two (seemingly) nice people. These two have him his name(s). Before this Bandit had no name. Now, what sparked his interest, the couple had a small legal zoo. In this zoo were rescued lions, tiger, bears (oh my!) From people who kept them illegally. Bandit was allowed to help with the animals when he finally reached age ten. But even before this, his foster parents could see that there was something about him that called the animals to him. He would always help with feeding the big cats, going into the pens and petting the animals. However, things turned bad once he got into middle school. He was once again bullied, and once again abused. His foster father began drinking and smoking weed along with various other (worse) drugs. Because of the drugs and the alcohol his father began yelling and hitting bandit, while his mother just stood by idly. It was that time he learned he could trust no one except himself and the animals who he bonded with. He fprced himself to go on in life, learning that whenever life beats you down it is only making you stronger. He got through high school, taking the verbal and physical bestings from everyone, never getting close enough to anyone to have anything close to a friendship. Once out of highschool as a gift, his mother gave him a lioness cub, trying to rekindle their lost relationship. He took the cub, however he did not accept her attempt to apologize. He took his new friend and left them, finding himself an abandoned farm in oregon. Since then, he has been living off the land and even trained his cub to hunt. He ended up making her Mwetzi. He soon forgot about his past, deciding to move forward with his beloved companion. But since the apocalypse began, he lost his favored pet to the walkers.
“what do you look like?“~"you have eyes. Look for yourself doofus." Okay, he is pale-ish and has jet black hair that is mostly straight. He has it styled to where most of it is ahaven except for the middle which flips over to the side. He has baby blue eyes with a freckle right under his right eye. He has thin pink lips he used for threatening and yelling. He wears a black body suit (not big like a polices) it is full buffalo leather that gives him a bit of protection. He wears large combat boots he got from a walker.
Family: he had no idea what happened to them and would rather not know.
Sexual Orientation: he is bisexual
GirlFriend/BoyFriend: he had no attractions towards anyone at the moment.
Friends:none. His only friend was killed.
Weapons he made himself»
Axe» eda90b891b198c0a0d9d8bdd48ad5f1b.jpg
Dual weapon (stole gun from survivor)» bee1b5ec374f5fd1120e996a5fae3ffb.jpg
Knife (was a club but switched the spiked club out with the blade he stole)» c641fa66347f6ff3b30670b56bd2df56.jpg
Also he had a small bag for water and stuff like that»
In this bag~
▹Consumables: (food and water) only a few packages snacks. He attempts to hunt more then scavenge.
▹Medical Aid: some bandages he came across while in town.
▹Height: 6'1 (barely)
▹Weight:170 (under weight)
▹Health:pretty good. (Has some mental health issues of that amounts to anything. Nothing big, multi personality disorder, depression, bipolar depression) *thinks I should add how he got multi personality disorder*
How he got his various mental health issues: okay so multi personality disorder is usually caused from traumatic events. Well, for him having an abusive father and always being bullied and neglected gave him one other personality. This personality is the nurturing side he never got as a child. The personalities name is Sawyer. So, when this "person" pops up in the world like takes his body (not sure how to word how it happens) the once brutish male will become more feminine and his voice will go higher, indicating that he has switched.
Bipolar depression~ T"he cause of bipolar disorder is not entirely known. Genetic, neurochemical and environmental factors probably interact at many levels to play a role in the onset and progression of bipolar disorder. The current thinking is that this is a predominantly biological disorder that occurs in a specific part of the brain and is due to a malfunction of the neurotransmitters (chemical messengers in the brain). As a biological disorder, it may lie dormant and be activated spontaneously or it may be triggered by stressors in life."
Not my words. I suck at explaining things so thats how one gets it. For him it was the enviroment he was in. And for him it is triggered by things like, yelling, bullying, stuff that will bring him back to his childhood.
Birthday~ he was born 10/30/1987 (I was too lazy to do math so I guessed)

Name: Samantha Jynx Wolfson
Nicknames: Sammi, Jynx, Saber, Wolf
Age: 23 years
Personality: she is a hard headed young rebel. She often acts like a teenage girl. But don't get her mixed up with some brat, she knows her way around. She is very dangerous and is more then willing to kill anyone who threatens her life. She is more of the survival of the fittest type person. She usually doesnt like to depend on a group of people. She is mostly solitary.
Sexual: bi
No relations ro anyone
Weapons on hand: (meaning.with her at all times)
A hand made bow and 20 (hand made) arrows
(These arrows are special. They are altered to where when shot they will release for barbs to hook inside of the prey.)
A simple dagger she got off some dude she killed.
Weapons/ supplies in bag:
Enough food to last a week.
Some history on Sammi:
Well her parents were apocalypse preppers. When they died of old age about a year before the apocalypse arose they left everything to her. And I mean everything. The weapons she has on hand are just what she got from their house. According to the will they left behind an underground bunker up north. Which is where she is heading now. The will said that they left enough food to last at least 7 years. That's where she is heading now.
History:history;; Samantha Jynx Wolfson was born into a family of thieves and poverty in Amsterdam to a Scottish father and a Dutch mother. Her mother was named Helena Ans Dahl and her father was named Ainsley Chattan Wolfson. Her mother had to do prostitution in order to try and at least provide a little and her father was a con man, as well as a thief. He had a fruit stand in the busiest part where all of the others who owned stands sold their goods.

Her father would always steal from their customers and her mother would do the same thing in order to support them. When she was seven, her father fell with consumption. Her mother couldn't afford a doctor and she still had to work in order to support what was her family. It was up to Larisa to take care of her father. She had to kill him.

Samantha ended up suffocating her father in his sleep while her mother only supervised. It was horrible, but they didn't have any choice. Her mother and her didn't want to risk getting ill. After the murder, Larisa felt horrid, but never said anything about it. They burned the sheets and soon left, moving into another place, but they were still poor.

When Samantha was ten, her mother met a very rich man who was her customer. Her mother was twenty-five at the time. The customer ended up falling in love with Helena and they were wedded. Larisa was no longer in poverty and her mother no longer had to do prostitution. They were healthy and well, clean and beautiful.

Because of her mothers mairrage, she became rich. Little had she known that this man had a fettish with weapons. Yes, a fettish, not a little collection. But a whole room devoted to just weapons. When things were finally going good for 16 year old Samantha, things went terrible. A plague swept over the world. Everyone said it would get better, but it didnt.

One day, her mother went out to go get something, lets just say thats the last time Samantha ever saw her mother.. Healthy. Samantha didnt want to say her mother was dead. Instead, just sick. But no, she was dead, somehow still walking, but still dead. Samantha refused to admit it until the day her "sick" mother but her siblings and step father. Samantha knew from then it wasnt safe. She escaped, breaking into the room pf weapons and grabbing only a few weapons them to the kichen to grab a bit of food and left. With one final look to her dead family, she left. She didnt have the heart to kill them.

And now, here she is, surviving the apocalypse.

This is her dogs ~ Beowulf (pronounced Bay-oh-wolf)
Hania~ Mastim-tibetano-vermelho_550x398.jpg

Samantha talking~It's a Mastiff used in Tibet. Second, they're often used as guard dogs, and are known to be tenacious in dealing with wolves. You would be a piece of cake. Or dinner.
Let me put it this way. They run faster than you. They weigh as much as you. I've seen some that were three feet high on all fours. And they're used to dealing with prey that can effectively fight back or run decently. You lose unless you are well armed.
If you see one of these things running at you like this, pray to whatever god you believe in, because very little else can save you.

▹Consumables: (food and water) she has a bit of food in the bags her dogs carry on their backs (like the horses have) but like I said onky enough to last a week
▹Medical Aid: she has none.
▹Family: died.
▹Friends: has no idea what happened to them after she moved
▹Significant other: nope she has none but is open boys ;)
◉Previous occupation: she did nothing seeing as her step dad was rich as hell
◉Other: none :3
Health: pretty good. She hasnt struggled too much with the apocalypse thing
Birthday: april 1st 1993 (once again guessing)

If you think she has too many weapons tell me :)

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Edited on 06/01/16 @ 18:41:29 by Ryver Bloodfang (#79641)

Ryver Bloodfang (#79641)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2016-01-06 11:11:12
My forms are a work in progress. I will add the requirements now.

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Hellebore~ (#43822)

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Posted on
2016-01-06 11:14:37
Only thing I am not liking that much is Samantha's weapons. You see, I try to avoid prepper character's seeing as how they would be running with a lot of advantage. Plus, zombies were not an already considered thing in this role-play universe. Everything else is fine and I can accept previous prepping regarding consumables or other supplies but I am not all that eager about the sword and the claw-like blades. The bow and arrows are perfectly fine. Sorry for the inconvenience! ):

Bandit is accepted :)

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Edited on 06/01/16 @ 18:22:17 by Rocheneux (#43822)

Ryver Bloodfang (#79641)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2016-01-06 11:16:51
Yeah she was killed. Thats what I meant by lost her to the walkers or zombies.. I dont think she would have survived so now he suffers from horrible depression cause she was the only thing in his life that showed any goodness/happiness.

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Scowle (#75418)

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Posted on
2016-01-06 11:24:53
Prowle and I are gonna have to take ourselves out of this RP. We're truly sorry, but we hope it turns out fun for you guys. c: <3

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Hellebore~ (#43822)

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Posted on
2016-01-06 11:28:12
Oh, I am really sad to hear that guys ): Well, anyways thank for letting us know and good luck and lots of fun to you too!

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Ryver Bloodfang (#79641)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2016-01-06 11:33:01
Umm.. I finnished *feels slightly awkward*

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Hellebore~ (#43822)

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Posted on
2016-01-06 11:36:59
I edited my previous post commenting on the status of both your forms @Ryver Bloodfang :)

(And no need to feel awkward, if you or anybody else in this role-play thinks/knows I have missed a post, did something wrong, committed grammatical suicide or anything else, I encourage you to let me now and scowl me for it xD hahaha)

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Ryver Bloodfang (#79641)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2016-01-06 11:39:15
Its okay, I didnt see It as prepping since he colected them. However, I will change it if you would like.

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BeastieBeanz (#78562)

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Posted on
2016-01-06 11:39:26
OMG now I remember what I forgot to put on Alastair's profile!
*rushes off only to glomp Alastair's forum in the distance.*

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Edited on 06/01/16 @ 18:41:24 by Fantastic Dorito (#78562)

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