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Posted by | Junk filter to GT+Alt way? |
![]() X I O [divine trip.rosette] (#34167) King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2016-01-07 09:20:13 |
I'm aware there is another thread, but it was quite blank and not exactly the most flexible with solutions and situations. Please tell me (Mods/Admins/Helpers) if this counts as duplicating. Anyways, as simple as the idea goes, filter for the Giving Tree. I'm not talking filtering everything thing out like bugs and whatnot, just the absolutly mass of event items such as Muddy stuff and *shudders* dreaded Water items. Those things, are the WORST to find clogging up the GT, especially since a player can dump tens, if not, hundreds of those things in the GT and grabbing those things usually isn't worth the 1 hour wait for most. BASICS -Insert filter for JUNK event items; such as muddy bone/water items -Bugs and common Random Event gains Will not be a filtered item seeing as A) they can be crafted into smaller/compacted decors B) You cannot gain more than a few dozen a day, everyday Why? A)The thrown out items STILL RETAINS THEIR ID #. Meaning, they are still taking up some of the server's space. Meaning they contribute to lag!(From what I've heard) B)In the span of 15minutes, some users have thrown out about 200-300 "Junk" C)Some users like to troll by tossing out things that are worth a lot, which results in the additional sub accounts/players that join and stay which is why we are getting lag spikes more and more often as some of you have noticed. (Having a limit/Filter would quickly end these events once these items are stripped off the tree as now there are less competition/shorter wait times for an item to appear) Downsides and questions -The GT will be more empty (Thats what we want to achieve, to make the GT something -the more 'active' users will get the things (in honesty, if you can't contribute 1-2 minutes, why bother?) -The tree will clear out quickly (Not if events like August droughts and December's wallowing hole is around, many often discard them rather than bury them due to the item's rarity) USER SUGGESTIONS N/a ALT WAYS Have a item cap per item Meaning there can be only a certain amount of items (e.g. 50.)in the tree The tree's 'storage' is unaffected But there will be a limit set on each item, such as only 50 of each item can be held onto, any number given after that will be destroyed Destroy all leftover items after rotation Chances are the left overs are junk. If we are to do this, we have to make sure the tree clears most of it's inventory (15-30 items per rotation?) or have a clear out time for when items appear (basically a time bomb) So lets say Item1 has been taken and a item2 takes it's space immediately. Item2 now has a 'lifespan' of x minutes before it will be deleted and the next item take it's place" |
Thalath {Offline} (#41669)
Wanderer View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2016-01-07 09:21:55 |
Here, I posted this on the other thread (I really think you should have just posted on that one but ah well): "Regarding Sassy's post down below (figured I might as well just edit instead), perhaps having the tree "clear" every couple hours or so would also help, if people feel that a filter really isn't needed?" ![]() |
X I O [divine trip.rosette] (#34167) King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2016-01-07 09:23:21 |
Yeah, it was really getting to me since there wasn't a... Descriptive thing going on .3. Not really about the clearing thing, it can clear out some pretty good things, like GMOs(people have been tossing for the fun of it) and with our current member count, tossing and clearing won't do :/ ![]() Edited on 07/01/16 @ 16:58:44 by X I O *Frozen Shit lard* (#34167) |
🦋 Trotter the Otter 🦋 (#27811) ![]() King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2016-01-07 10:14:03 |
I don't use the GT so I'm curious as to how throwing out things like GMO cows is considered trolling? How does it affect the GT? ![]() |
X I O [divine trip.rosette] (#34167) King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2016-01-07 10:23:17 |
Admin edit - due to content not allowed on Lioden: please don't discuss other web-browsing sim games! ![]() |
Majestyk (Kali) (#7004)
Sinister View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2016-01-08 00:51:45 |
FYI Muddy bones and Muddy skulls can be used for the current event for donating bone uses. I'm one of those that tossed out huge stacks just to see how much would show up on the giving tree at the beginning. Though at least it was food. I disagree with the filter but I do think that there should be a limit of how long something should be on the tree. Maybe 30 mins of it being actively available before being removed and the tree being refreshed. That way if it's undesirable by those who are on they aren't waiting for someone who is kind enough to give up their pick to change it up a bit. ![]() |
🦋 Trotter the Otter 🦋 (#27811) ![]() King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2016-01-08 00:57:28 |
Ohhh so u mean that people hang around JUST to refresh the giving tree page? Only because there's a chance that something valuable has been dumped in? ![]() |
X I O [divine trip.rosette] (#34167) King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2016-01-08 15:58:38 |
@Kali items do get deleted after a while, however, because if there tends to be 1 item, there tends to be 50 more in follow @Trotter yes. ![]() |
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