Posted by Warriors: The Black Star [Sign-Ups]

Worrynot (#59510)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-01-07 11:13:44

★The Black Star★

The Warriors of StoneClan, PineClan and OakClan get a big surprise, when a black star falls from the sky! StarClan above is a buzz with action, shooting stars lighting up the night and both Medicine Cats and Leaders getting dreams of ghosts congratulating them. The Fallen Star seems to be a harbinger of good fortune, and gives the cats a closer bond with their ancestors, but what will happen if Twolegs take an interest in the black stone?

The roleplay will start the day before the star falls.


PineClan: Much like the old territory of ShadowClan, but with no marshes and a more abundant amount of pines and cedars. Cats here seem quiet, but Loyal and Strong.
Camp is a sheltered clearing in the forest edged by ferns. The Medicine Den and Nursery are detached from the main camp, giving them more privacy.
StoneClan: A strange Clan, having both vast grassy meadows as well as a shallow lake in which swims small fish. Cats here are Fast and Proud.
Camp is made inside a henge of stone. Cats sleep on the stones in Greenleaf, but in dug-out dens made by rabbits underneath them in Leaf-Bare.
OakClan: A large deciduous forest that glimmers in fiery oranges and reds in Leaf-Fall, however their camp is made in a hollowed Oak, the Nursery in the sheltered base, and the Leader's Den in a hole in the top made by a woodpecker. All other dens are made into the large brambles that surround camp.

General Rules

- No power-playing or god-modding, which in general is 'forcing another character to do something, or forcing an action/injury on another' and 'making a character unrealistically skillful or impervious to attacks'.
- I go by the traditional naming style of Ailuronymy, using their prefixes and suffixes. This makes it easy to know a character's appearance and strength, just by their name. Lyrical names aren't going to be accepted, sorry.
- Players of High-Ranks must be fairly active, at least enough to reply to characters who might speak to them. Let us know if you're going to be away.
- Realistic cat appearances are important, so please try to use real coat types and colours. Though kittypet-oriented colours like chocolate, lilac, fawn, etc. are accepted!

Ranks and Application in the next post!

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Edited on 12/01/16 @ 16:06:17 by Worrynot (#59510)

Worrynot (#59510)

Deathlord of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2016-01-11 02:39:02
Added yours, Usa, and sure, Silver. :)

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☠ Silver ☠ (#80360)

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Posted on
2016-01-11 02:44:50
Cool, I'll add them to my form soon. :3

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Zesha (#15997)

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Posted on
2016-01-12 06:44:32
If no one would mind, I could create a few cats. Is there any rank you really want filled?

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Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2016-01-12 08:24:44

Zeshie. Yes. Create ALL the cats. Join us.

I'm so happy I didn't know this was the roleplay you meant. ;v;

We still need a leader for StoneClan I believe and a few deputies/med cats.

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Worrynot (#59510)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-01-12 08:50:56
StoneClan needs a Leader/Deputy owo But anything would be awesome.

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Zesha (#15997)

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Posted on
2016-01-12 08:53:28
Alright, I can make StoneClan's leader. I'm unsure if you want someone to have more than one high position, but if you'd like I can make a medicine cat for PineClan. (I dunno, I feel medicine cats are the most important rank.)

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Worrynot (#59510)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-01-12 08:55:51
I'll put the max at two HP's per person, and they cannot be the same rank. c:

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Zesha (#15997)

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Posted on
2016-01-12 08:56:55
Oh, and to fix the links in the main post: use and and it will link them properly.

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Worrynot (#59510)

Deathlord of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2016-01-12 09:05:10
Ohh okay. Does it add lioden's address when the http isn't there?

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Zesha (#15997)

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Posted on
2016-01-12 09:29:22
From what I've seen, yes. Tumblr just had to make it difficult. :P


48 moons



Medicine Cat

A long haired white she-cat with patches of orange. She has a blue eye and an orange eye, and is deaf on the side of her blue eye. She has what is called a “harlequin” pattern.

Snowcloud is a gentle cat, her voice never raising in a shout and her paws bringing as little pain as possible to her patients. She particularly loves kits and their curious nature, though outside of that, she is usually quiet, saying little more than a few words to anyone but their leader.
Her patience is, as some of her clanmates put it, “unnatural.” To date, no one has ever seen her lose her temper, but that doesn't mean she hasn't when no one else was around to see her.

Snowcloud was found wandering near PineClan territory as a kit. She didn’t have the scent of any of the other clans, so PineClan took her in and tried to find her mother. They never did find her, and Snowberry seemed content with being part of PineClan and helping out the former medicine cat, eventually becoming PineClan’s medicine cat when her mentor died.

None worth mentioning




60 moons




A fluffy, black and white tom with green eyes. He has very long whiskers.

A caring cat that has the best interests of all his clanmates in mind when he makes decisions. While he did not always hold much belief in himself or in right or wrong, a significant incident in his life lead him to realize the importance of those around him, making him determined to do whatever was right from then on. (Bah, lame personality, I know.)

Blackkit was a rough fighter, and would get into trouble for playing too rough with the other kits. Even when he became an apprentice, Blackpaw was viewed as “too rough” with the others, though he was admired for his strength in battle. The clan basically wrote him off as a brute until the day of his hunting test, when a StoneClan kit went missing.
    The kit had decided to explore when the rain started coming down hard, and had fallen into the lake. Blackpaw was doing his hunting test nearby when he heard the kit's cries, and found it clinging desperately to a branch flowing downstream. Blackpaw waded into the lake, where the tiny kit had floated all the way to the center. He caught up with the kit and grabbed it by the scruff, held his head back to keep the tiny muzzle above water (as the water came up to his chin there), and found his mentor waiting for him on the shore. He and his mentor began licking the kit to dry it, and after the initial shock, he carried the kit back to its mother.
    That day he became Blackheart, and since then he was seen as a hero. He became more conscious of his clan's problems, and eventually, through hard work and a caring heart, he became deputy and, after that, leader.

None worth mentioning




6 moons




A slim, long-legged, ginger and white tabby with orange eyes.

You'd think Gingerpaw was a kit with as much pent up energy as he has, but he is indeed seven moons old, an apprentice. While it came definitely be a good thing that he is able to spare his whole day to do whatever his mentor wants, he has a bit more energy than anyone can really deal with. This causes him to talk fast, and probably too much, at that. His inquisitive nature does not help this in the least. Thankfully, he is a friendly, playful cat, otherwise his clanmates would have to worry about being tackled to the ground and attacked instead of him just fooling around with them.

Gingerpaw is a quick, sure-footed tom. He normally gets in trouble from having more energy than he knows what to do with, and thus, is usually the one picking ticks off the elders and cleaning the bedding. Once, he was made to clean out the bedding for an entire moon, giving the other apprentices a break from that duty.
None worth mentioning

These are literally all cats that I've played before but didn't really get a chance to RP much. Their original names were Snowberry, Blackwater, and Fleetfoot. The last two are based off my own cats.

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