Posted by High School Life {Sign ups}

~|Petcookie|MB|~ (#51467)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2016-01-12 09:08:55
You go to Capitol Wood High School, home of the Bulls. Their colors are black and orange. There are many different type of people here in Capitol Wood. The school is pretty big so of course it would have a lot of students. The principal is Mr. Ralph. He is fun but can be strict at times. There are many different hang outs and places to go in the school. Capitol Wood is like every other high school except with a little twist. Capitol Wood is a lot more advanced in technology than other schools. Many thing can and will happen here in Capitol Wood. Do you want to be a part of it?

-Do not bully other players
-All LioDen rules
-Keep cussing to a minimum
-Fade if ever needed
-No Godmodding
-Have fun
-Put JB in other
-Follow all rules

School: The School

Mr. Popular(one slot open)(most popular dude): 1st Julian, 2nd open
Ms. Popular(last spot reserved): 1st Serena, 2nd Jessica
Jocks: Julian
Populars: Lilliana
Quiets/Shys: Zavier
Geeks: Tyler, Lyanna, Remus
Crazy(super hyper and funny): Tyler, Zavier, Remus

Rp Thread


Name: Julian
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Grade: 12th
Role: Mr. Popular/Jock
Crush: Jessica
Family/Pets: Older brother(Cory),Little Sister(Madison), Tyler(Twin), Dad(Joseph), Mom, Phillip(Cat)
Personality: He can be sweet but also can get angry easily because he's sensitive. He is stubborn and hangs out with the popular kids. He can be overconfident especially when playing football. He can be a jerk and a bad boy at times. He doesn't like being told what to do. He and Tyler are super close but don't act like it at school. He doesn't blike having a younger sibling but he deals with it. He is very strong and not very smart. He doesn't get very good grades and is older than Tyler by 4 minutes. He also looks up to his older brother Cory.
Backstory: His father left when him, his mom, Cory and tyler were 5 years old and Cory was 9. Their life was pretty rough for awhile. Soon things started to go up in about 7 years. That's was also around the time their dad came back. Madison had also been born a few months after their dad left. Julian won't want to forgive his dad for what he did.
Other: JB

Name: Tyler
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Grade: 12th
Role: Crazy/Geek/Popular
Crush: Lilliana
Family/Pets: Cory, Madison, Joseph(Dad), Mom, Julian, Phillip(cat), Koda(Puppy-only his dog-in pic above)
Personality: He is kind and really smart. He is a really big Geek and loves to play video games but no one really knows except his family and really close friends. He is also slightly popular but not as popular as his brother. He is also very sensitive. He can get angered easily just like Julian. He has a slightly big group of friends and only considers two of them his best friends. He hates school and has big dreams. He is super funny and have fun like going to parties.
Backstory: Their dad left when he was 5. Cory was 9. Then their dad came back 7 years later and Cory wouldn't forgive him. So neither would Julian because he looked up to him. Tyler let it go awhile ago but he still doesn't trust him. As soon as Cory turned 17 he dropped out of school and said he never wanted to see any of them again especially their dad. Julian was upset and would only really talk to Tyler. Their family is happy now and everyone except for Cory and Julian have forgiven him.
Other: JB Phillip Joseph(Dad) Madison Cory Heather(Mom)

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Edited on 13/01/16 @ 20:53:53 by ~|Petcookie|MB|~ (#51467)

Christicat15 (#54511)

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Posted on
2016-01-12 12:13:36

Jessica Storm
NIckname - Jessie, J, J-Baby
17 years
12th Grade
Jock -- Popular ~ Ms. Popular
Rather beautiful tanned skin. She has stunning, crystal-like blue eyes, brown/ish hair, and a skinny, yet muscular figure.
~ Special Features that isn't noticed in the picture;
- Height: 5'10''
- Weight: 112 pounds
- Body: Lean, muscular, 'sexy' in a way
- Tattoos: Behind her left ear: Here
- Piercings: Left ear: Here+Here ~~ Right ear: Here ~~ Stomach: Here
~ Samantha Storm - Mother - Deceased
~ Jason Storm - Father
~ Bliss - Dog
~ Max
~ Heart - Daughter of Max x Bliss
Jessie is a very nice and caring person, not your 'average' snobby, popular rich girl, for she is rich and popular. With her mother dead and her father gone on a business trip, leaving her with her maid Maria, she has parties all the time at her house, a beautiful mansion with a backyard pool. Despite the death of her mother, she is a very happy person and makes friends rather quickly. Although she is a popular girl, she is a jock as well, and plays softball and basketball, sometimes football, even though there isn't a team, Jess being a rather strong and fast teenager, considering how much sports and workouts she does.
Life for Jessie was pretty much average, well for a rich girl, until the age of four, which was when her mother died. Even though she was rather too young to understand, she knew her mother wasn't coming back and that greatly saddened her though, over the years, she soon pushed it to the back of her memories and became a happy girl, a popular one, putting her mind to do things both she and her mother wanted her to do.

(( Sorry, crappy, didn't know what to put ))
~ JB
~ Theme/Favorite Song:
Grenade by Bruno Mars - She loves him.

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Edited on 14/01/16 @ 16:21:09 by Christicat15 (#54511)

Christicat15 (#54511)

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Posted on
2016-01-12 12:18:53
Hope it's alright! Took me forever to find the 'perfect' picture, and still not sure if it's the right fit for her... xD
Whatever... Got to go now, bedtime, I got track practice early tomorrow morning... so... yeah... xD

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~|Petcookie|MB|~ (#51467)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2016-01-12 12:37:34

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Edited on 12/01/16 @ 19:38:26 by ~|Petcookie|MB|~ (#51467)

SerenaStark (#54971)

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Posted on
2016-01-12 14:02:23
Hey cookie when do you think the rp will start? :)

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ℬat-ℭat 😼 (#67654)

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Posted on
2016-01-12 14:46:02
My app is completed! :D ))

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~|Petcookie|MB|~ (#51467)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2016-01-12 23:52:44
@Deed accepted

@SerenaStark once we get a few more characters so try to get at least 2 morw people then I'll make the other thread and start it.

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SerenaStark (#54971)

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Posted on
2016-01-12 23:53:42
Sounds good to me!

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BeastieBeanz (#78562)

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Posted on
2016-01-13 12:07:02



Remus Holmes


Sherlock and anything else people can think of calling him.


16 Years Old







Remus has some how weaseled his way between being a geek and a crazy.


Remus has one large tattooed wing on his right shoulder blade that crawls up the back of his shoulder and arm, he also has an arrow on the side of his left middle finger. Remus has a long old scar that meets the end of the wing tattoo in-between his shoulder blades, luckily the wound wasn't to deep to affect anything or kill him, but he sometimes has small aches from the scar. Remus is quite the tall guy, he is around 6’2 maybe even 6'3 in feet. He might not seem like it but he is quite the muscular person yet his body is naturally lean but firm. His arms, chest, stomach, and legs are nicely toned and not ridiculous like he has been on steroids, though for some reason you can't really see it unless you really observe the way he moves.


None currently but can develop in RP.



Jenny Holmes-Aunt
Reggie-Australian Shepherd-Male
Chex-Ring-Neck Parakeet-Male


When you first meet Remus he usually becomes rather shy and timid but as time goes on and he becomes more comfortable he will start showing his true colors. Behind that shy and timid shield is a boy who is cheerful over the most simplest things, takes pride in his skills, and loyal to what he thinks is right. Remus can be sweet and a goofball at times though he has a way of mixing the two together to get himself out of trouble from the staff. The boy also has a goofball sense of humor to go along with it. Remus can become a good friend but it takes time for both himself and the one he befriends. The boy is very smart and loves to showoff his intelligence. Depending on the mood Remus is in he can go from geeky goofball to a sarcastic trouble maker in a snap. Yes even though he may be a geek he still loves to cause some type of trouble, whether it be a small mischievous prank to doing random parkour on the campus buildings just to annoy the staff. Remus at times can be a mischievous and reckless, though he does try to dial his reckless behavior down slightly. Even though Remus seems like a huge push over he really isn't, he won't ignore anything and pretend it isn't happening. If he saw a someone getting picked on he would walk over and stand his ground and try to be as threatening as possible, neither will he back down to beings that think they can run the place with an iron fist. He doesn't like a world being ruled by fear or harm he won't tolerate or ignore it. Remus has a bad habit of getting distracted to easily if he isn't exactly interested in the topic or situation and will start to fiddle with random things he finds. He doesn't like to throw himself into a lot of social situations neither will he be able to start them unless you want to watch the poor boy ramble and stutter as he tries to think of what to talk about. Remus has a bad habit of analyzing others, due to not being able to sit still for long periods of time he can't help but spot the most unpredictable things when he looks at people. He also has another bad habit of chewing or biting his lip when nervous, anxious, etc. He will sometimes try to joke around when he lies, his voice will also become high-pitched when he lies as well. Remus will sometimes ramble or stutter on random occasions, especially when he meets somebody new. He has a knack for chemistry and physics it is what gave him the habit of taking a ton of notes, it's a scientist thing. He has a weird habit in collecting random things and taking random photographs, he stores them in his shelves or he will pin them all over his wall. He loves photography as well, he takes both his digital and Polaroid camera's where ever he goes. Remus likes to write random things down, whether it be something from the radio or a song to what somebody said to him or a quote he thought of while sitting in a tree, anything he thinks or hears of that interests him he will write down.



Remus had a pretty normal childhood, a nice mother and father who got paid well and were happily married, though this all came to an end when he was 13. They happy family were on their way visit his aunt Jenny, when a drunk driver sped through a red light, ramming the front of the families car. Luckily nobody else crashed as well besides the two cars, the drunk driver was killed on impact and so was his beloved parents. He survived though the accident gave him a long slash down the middle of his shoulder blades from a large piece of flying glass, thankfully the slash wasn't deep enough to affect his spine. After the deadly accident Remus was taken into custody by his Aunt and from then on he has lived with her ever since.



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Christicat15 (#54511)

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Posted on
2016-01-13 12:08:57
Oh my, It's Andrew Garfield!!! <33 SPIDER MAN DUDE! I LOVE HIM!!!
-breaths in and out- Sorry, little fangirl moment xD

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BeastieBeanz (#78562)

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Posted on
2016-01-13 12:10:58
I know! He is one of out many of my favorite actors/actresses. I was very tempted to use Andrew Garfield as Remus's face claim so here he is in all his adorable glory!

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SerenaStark (#54971)

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Posted on
2016-01-13 12:12:43
Literally I saw that and I'm like *searches his background to see if he's actually Spider-Man*

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BeastieBeanz (#78562)

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Posted on
2016-01-13 12:18:36
lol fun fact I kind of based Remus off of The Amazing Spiderman very own Peter Parker as you can see XD I mean come on how can you make a character look like Andrew Garfield and not give him all the adorable traits and quirks of both Peter Parker and Andrew XD

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Christicat15 (#54511)

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Posted on
2016-01-13 12:19:38
Yeah he is one of my favorite as well!!! And he is so hot, like I fangirled over him all the time during the movie...
Well... in my brain, but STILL! xD I love, love, love him!

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SerenaStark (#54971)

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Posted on
2016-01-13 12:21:42
He's actually perfect lol

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Christicat15 (#54511)

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Posted on
2016-01-13 12:48:47
Pfft, yush!

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