Posted by Quake of Alikai-Horse RP Sign-Ups (CLOSED)

GalacticRing (#68231)

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Posted on
2016-01-14 03:15:30
RP thread

It started with a rumble.

In the plains of the lands of Alikai, horses are many. For generations they have roamed freely, untouched by humans or predators. However, when the ground first started shaking underhoof, it was apparent something was wrong. Rocks fell from the cliffs above. Trees were toppled by an unseen force. It was almost as if the fates had swept past, flattening almost everything in their path.

You are one of the survivors of this disaster. Whether you band together with other survivors or roam on your own, you must find a place to stay and call home once again. But will it be as safe as Alikai? Will you survive the rumbles?

It all begins here, in this broken plain.

- Please type at least four sentences at the very least for each reply.
- No unrealistic colors and such.
- Photos are preferred.
- If you use something of someone else's creation and you wish to give credit, please do so. However, any photos/pictures not credited to someone will be assumed to be made by someone else.
- If you've read this much, please say something funny in the Other.
- Life in Alikai was good leading up to the earthquake, so dramatic backstories are not valid.
- Hate the character, not the person.
- 2 character max.









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Edited on 24/01/16 @ 19:01:05 by Adamymous ☢ (#68231)

Lady Calla N. Of
Winterfell (#76766)

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Posted on
2016-01-21 10:02:57
Name: Esperanza

Gender: Mare

Age: 7 Years

Appearance: Picture\

Personality: Esperanza is a rather quiet mare, preferring to stay on the side-lines of things when it comes to dealing with other horses. She is very sweet to those who choose to speak to her, but mostly keeps her mouth shut and doesn't say a word. She is very wary of older stallions, and has the scars to prove why. She loves foals and tends to play with them, as she wishes she had some of her own.

History: Esperanza has lived here all her life, although she had always been a loner. Later in life, however, she was convinced by a friend to join a neighboring herd. Once there, she was attacked by the lead stallion, leading her to flee, the scars keeping the memory in her head forever. She eventually ran into other horses, and has been slowly integrating herself into the new herd.

Other: Meme?
This is literally the only thing I could find that was funny XD.
Also, please tell me if you want me to add anything else on my form. It's a bit crappy, I know, because I was in a bit of a hurry, but I hope it's okay.

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mysticalperson (#59800)

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Posted on
2016-01-21 10:25:31
Did dusty get accepted??

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Lady Scarlet of
Shadows (#77352)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-01-21 10:27:15
I dunno, I just put up my admission thing)

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GalacticRing (#68231)

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Posted on
2016-01-21 11:46:13
Yes, Dusty is accepted as well, but Scarlet, could you look over the rules one more time? There was something missing.

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May (#54848)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2016-01-21 16:07:05

black_rmh_stallion_1_by_venomxbaby-d89qcSource, Credit To Them, Love their work

o Gender: "I am a stallion, ya wee colt."

o Age: "I've survived about 20 winters, by now."

o Appearance: "You've seen me, don't act so confused."

o Personality: "I'm as stubborn as a bull and protective of mah mares. All ya wee younguns got to leave 'em alone. They're mah family and I'd do anythin' to protect 'em."

o History: "Bugger off, will yeh? A horse should be allowed his own privacy."

Other: Where did Noah keep his bees? The ARK-HIVES. HAHAHAHA



8539b5dcbc9d93082c2ee8d132cf872f.jpgSource, Credit to Mark J Barrett. I love his work

o Gender: "I am a mare."

o Age: "I am approximately 9 years old."

o Appearance: "I am a dappled grey Lusitano mare."

o Personality: "I am obedient and motherly. Definitely a caretaker of all. I tend to dislike most stallions though. Too loud and aggressive."

o History: "I prefer to keep my history to myself."

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Edited on 24/01/16 @ 19:39:57 by Atlas [Skull Cartel] (#54848)

GalacticRing (#68231)

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Posted on
2016-01-21 17:04:06
I'll accept those. I'll have to add them sometime tomorrow. ouo

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KenjiSnow (#57926)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-01-22 01:52:22
Apologies, got my second character in! Thank you Adamymous~

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Lady Scarlet of
Shadows (#77352)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-01-22 09:31:08
Edited *says dory with a shamed smile*

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Edited on 22/01/16 @ 16:44:49 by Lady Scarlet of Shadows (#77352)

mysticalperson (#59800)

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Posted on
2016-01-22 09:32:06
Also when will the rp start??

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GalacticRing (#68231)

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Posted on
2016-01-22 11:05:27
Okay, everyone is accepted, and the RP will start soon and I will also be closing sign-ups soon. I'm just busy at the moment and I have to finish posts for other RPs from today since I just got on. I'll post the thread shortly.

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Lady Scarlet of
Shadows (#77352)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-01-22 11:13:22
Wee! Just note im at a job corps site, so I apologize ahead of time if someone is waiting for me to reply when the rp starts. Curfewss and other such rules.

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mysticalperson (#59800)

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Posted on
2016-01-22 11:16:07
Okay yay.. I haven't rped a horse rp in a while. So sorry if I have a rough start.

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Lady Scarlet of
Shadows (#77352)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-01-22 11:17:38
Me too. Im used to wolves and anthro's (Human like animals-horses in this case)... I'll do my best though!

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GalacticRing (#68231)

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Posted on
2016-01-24 12:00:40

Sorry for the wait! Going to edit in the new horses whenever I can!!! However, I decided that the wait had gone on long enough, so here is the RP thread!! Alikai

Here's what your first posts should be about:

Have your horse react to the quake itself. Avari's post is an example of that. If other horses post before you and you want to interact with them, go for it, but wait until after your horse reacts to the quake. This is to get everything started. What happened around that time is described in Avari's post.

Have fun, everyone!!

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Lady Scarlet of
Shadows (#77352)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-01-24 12:45:19
I added a new image. Guys. I am limited to what I can get, I cant even use tiny pic or photo bucket or deviant art here... I google search and see what I get. So I cant site a picture properly because I have no idea where the hell the images that do work come from. It will always say google... lioden is the only site that works and I cant see anyones images on their profile either or the clan pages. on my own profile all I see are my words to my bio. Nothing works guys. so don't ask me to find an image to replace the one I found because it has no tags... Because the chances are, its on a site where access is denied. Because they treat grown ass people like five year olds and block everything.

im sorry guys, deal with it. Because I cant even youtube or play cartoon network. Im not trying to yell. but if one more person tells me I cant use an image because I didn't credit it, im gonna flip. Because I cant do anything about what I can look at or search up... And it pissed me the hell off.

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