Posted by Winterclan (Sign ups + Discussion)

Kiwi (#55996)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-01-17 03:27:41
Winterclan's past-
A cat named Winter met a clan ancestor,Cedarfur.The two cats fell in love and had kits,Cedarfur suggested that Winter should start a clan,at first Winter didn't think it was a great idea but after the death of her two kits and one remaining,she decided to.She found lone cats and a kittypet to form Winterclan,Winter being leader.These cats are mainly Maine coons,Siberian cats,Norwegian forest cats,or other thicked furred cats. Their fur are mainly white,silver,blue,or brown.Ginger and black pelts are seen once in a while.Winterclan cats now have built bodies and light feet so their very swift in the harsh snow.

Winterclan now-
Everything is going swell,but prey grows very abundant but predators,and other cats cross the territory to get prey.Winterclan has chased some predators and rogues off successfully.
Leader- Rainstar
Medicine cat- Shadowpelt
Medicine cat app- Autumnpaw


Apprentices- Ravenpaw

Kits- Speckledkit,Yellowkit


Elders- Spiritleap








Nᴀᴍᴇ﹣ Rainstar
Gᴇɴᴅᴇʀ﹣ Male
Aɢᴇ﹣ 39 moons
Bʀᴇᴇᴅ﹣ Siberian cat
Rᴀɴᴋ﹣ Leader
Pᴇʀsᴏɴᴀʟɪᴛʏ﹣ Rainstar is a tom that is very compassionate and affectionate for his clan,he will do whatever he can to protect his allies or his relatives.But if you saw his bad side,he is nasty and violent (but its really rare).He can also be a little demanding for small reasons.
Hɪsᴛᴏʀʏ﹣ As he was born,his mother died due to the delivery,but his father was angered that she died and pushed Rainkit away and neglected him. Rainkit was then raised by the deputy,Iceclaw. She taught Rainkit many lessons and was amazed as he became an apprentice quickly and then a warrior. Rainstorm and Iceclaw were on patrol but they came across a family of artic foxes,a fight broke out and Iceclaw was fatally wounded.
Rainstorm tried his hardest to bring her to camp quickly but when she was in camp,she passed away.
Rainstorm mourned over the loss and grew solitary after that,until he came across Rosefrost.Him and her became mates shortly after and had two kits.But one died of greencough and the other died at birth,as well as Rosefrost. Rainstorm felt his heart shatter and tear as it crashed down on him,but he didn't give up. Rainstorm got back up and stood tall,he would know that Iceclaw and Rosefrost wouldn't want him to be degraded by their deaths.Due to his undying spirit and his skills of leadership,he became the leader He is to this day.
Mᴀᴛᴇ﹣ Rosefrost (Deceased)
Cʀᴜsʜ﹣ None (Open)
Kɪᴛ﹙s﹚﹣ Icekit (Deceased of greencough), Finchkit (Deceased at birth)
Oᴛʜᴇʀ﹣ He has 7 lives uwu

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Edited on 30/01/16 @ 12:13:06 by ƘƳ♌Ƴƛ (Decor Lord) (#55996)

Treveon (#81932)

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Posted on
2016-01-18 03:07:46

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Bailysis (#71958)

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Posted on
2016-01-18 03:46:10
Aɢᴇ﹣7 Moons (7 months)
Bʀᴇᴇᴅ﹣Maine Coon- Ravenpaw
Pᴇʀsᴏɴᴀʟɪᴛʏ﹣Ravenpaw is a shy but kind shecat. She tends to stay away from crowds. Ravenpaw likes organization, and she willingly cleans the dens and keeping them neat. She doesn't get annoyed often, but it will mostly be caused by something being off or disorganized in her eyes. She
Hɪsᴛᴏʀʏ﹣Ravenkit was born into the Clan. Two moons after her birth, her father died in a tragic accident, but she does not remember it. Spiritleap, her mother, raised her. Ravenkit liked playing alone; amusing herself with leaves, twigs, and snow. When Ravenkit grew older, she developed a passion for helping others, and cleaning. She busied herself with straightening nests, removing debris, and keeping the Nursery open and clean. She was very proud of her work, and joyfully helped the apprentices in cleaning the rest of the nests. When it was her turn to become an apprentice, she kept up the happy attitude. Ravenpaw willingly cleans the nests, helping out whenever she can. With that, Ravenpaw trains hard with Maplewish, sometimes practicing moves she's having trouble with in her free time. Most of her free time is spent chatting with the elders, one of them being her mother.
Oᴛʜᴇʀ﹣Mother: Spiritleap. Father: Bluetalon (Deceased) No siblings. Mentor: Maplewish (This can be changed if you want) Ravenpaw has a very soft voice.

Aɢᴇ﹣110 Moons (9 years, 2 months)
Bʀᴇᴇᴅ﹣Maine Coon- Spiritleap (Green eyes)
Pᴇʀsᴏɴᴀʟɪᴛʏ﹣Spiritleap is a calm, gentle female. She enjoys the silence, and watching the sunrise. Spritleap is often seen talking with her daughter, other Clanmates, or playing with the kits. Spiritleap is very patient, and always ready to help out.
Hɪsᴛᴏʀʏ﹣Spiritleap was born into the Clan. As Spiritleap grew, her life was well. She trained hard, and became a wonderful warrior. But, sadly, her mother and father, Dapplesun and Stormstrike, joined the stars when she was young. During this time, she met Bluetalon- a handsome Russian blue with blue-green eyes. He helped her out of the grief, and they fell in love. Spiritleap had one kit, Ravenkit, which she was- and still is- protective of. Soon after her daughter's birth, Bluetalon died from battle. He met up with a rogue, who injured him badly. He managed to get back to camp, but passed away of blood loss in the Medicine Cat den. Now, Spiritleap is mostly over his death. However, she still mourns over him from time to time.
Mᴀᴛᴇ﹣Bluetalon (Deceased)
Oᴛʜᴇʀ﹣Mother- Dapplesun. Father- Stormstrike. (Both deceased)

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Edited on 18/01/16 @ 11:06:19 by Bailey (#71958)

Kiwi (#55996)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-01-18 03:52:17

Nᴀᴍᴇ﹣ Bearclaw
Gᴇɴᴅᴇʀ﹣ Female
Aɢᴇ﹣ 30 moons old
Bʀᴇᴇᴅ﹣ Russian forest cat
Rᴀɴᴋ﹣ Warrior
Pᴇʀsᴏɴᴀʟɪᴛʏ﹣ Bearclaw is a cat that doesn't fool around,she takes things like patrolling and hunting seriously since she is afraid that the clan will collapse.Either than that she is very nice and trustworthy.Brief summary,nice cat but is serious in a potential crisis.
Hɪsᴛᴏʀʏ﹣ Her father was leader (Way before Rainstar),Russetstar was on his fifth life at the time.Her mentor,Cloverpool taught her what she needs to know about the life of a clan cat.Bearpaw trained vigorously with Cloverpool,Iceclaw,and Rainpaw.She accidentally took one of Cloverpool's eyes out while claws were unsheathed.Bearpaw felt terrible about that but she was easily forgiven.As Bearpaw became Bearclaw,she was with Rainstorm and Iceclaw on patrol and the fox incident happened. Bearclaw rushed to camp and alarmed the clan that Iceclaw was hurt and they needed back up.Shortly after Iceclaw passed,Bearclaw sat beside Rainstorm and stayed in vigil with him.As Bearclaw aged,she slowly had feelings for Rainstorm until he decided to be mates with Rosefrost,she was little upset about it but she brushed it off her shoulders and continued life by herself,being independent.She spends most of time on branches,watching over the clan for any suspicious activity.
Mᴀᴛᴇ﹣ None
Cʀᴜsʜ﹣ Open
Kɪᴛ﹙s﹚﹣ None
Oᴛʜᴇʀ﹣ None

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Edited on 18/01/16 @ 10:54:16 by ♌ (#55996)

Kiwi (#55996)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-01-18 04:19:05
We can now start Rping now uwu

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Bailysis (#71958)

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Posted on
2016-01-18 04:21:11
Do you want the roleplay to be really detailed or do you not care how detailed/how long our responses are?

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Kiwi (#55996)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-01-18 04:29:27
@Bailey-Two or three complete sentences are good,and some detail is fine ^w^

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Bailysis (#71958)

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Posted on
2016-01-18 04:35:03
Alright. What season should It be?
And, since they live in a snowy environment, I wouldn't think they have much of a "summer" or "fall" So, should they be given different names? Like, maybe Snowmelt could be spring or summer?

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Treveon (#81932)

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Posted on
2016-01-18 04:46:56
That sounds like a great idea.

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Kiwi (#55996)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-01-18 05:04:26
Winter and Autumn-They don't have a season name yet
Spring and Summer- "Snowless" seasons
@Bailey-That does sound like a clever idea ^^

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Edited on 18/01/16 @ 12:05:13 by ♌ (#55996)

Bailysis (#71958)

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Posted on
2016-01-18 05:14:48
Spring could be Snowmelt
Summer could be Snowless (Very short or none at all- There can just be three, or even two seasons)
Fall could be Snowfall
And Winter could be like idk Thicksnow or Heavysnow. Snowthick. Snow...Snowsomething.

Three seasons:
Spring, Fall and winter. Snowmelt, Snowfall, and whatever Winter is.

Or, two seasons, Snowmelt- Spring/summer and Snowfall- fall/winter. Of course, Snowfall is much longer than Snowmelt.
Or, since they know "winter" is longer than "Summer", they divide Snowfall into two seasons- early Snowfall and late Snowfall- Fall and winter.

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Edited on 18/01/16 @ 12:18:56 by Bailey (#71958)

Takoyaki☆ (#48057)

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Posted on
2016-01-18 10:33:01
Finished my form ^^!

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Christicat15 (#54511)

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Posted on
2016-01-18 12:08:59

27 moons
Norwegian Forest Cat
Boulderstrike is a typically secretive male. He is also a very determined, ambitious, and hard-working individual. While he seems to have a coarse exterior, and it might take a while to really know him, he is a very loyal and passionate male. Willing to stand up for what he believes in, he's not normally one to take orders unless he trusts the person giving them, unless its the deputy or leader, of course. To some and at some times (only with trusted friends/mate), Boulder can be a very stubborn, almost child-like at times, but to others, he can be the strong leader he is. He is rarely child-like, as most people know him as a... 'grumpy' person or a 'buzzkill', only meaning that he is very serious and hostile, not one to take kindly to strangers unless they prove themselves worthy. He is overly aggressive and quick to fight and, when he has the upperhand, is vicious, sometimes merciless, and cold, not scared or afraid to kill. Many cats, cats that are new to him, are cautious to say the wrong thing in front of him, as he is very intimidating, and is sometimes fearsome, menacing, rather scary, and terrifying at times. Despite some of his... evil qualities, he is very intelligent and picks whats best for her Clan. Boulder is wary and suspicious of his neighbors, and is always on his toes in case they dare to start pushing their borders or causing trouble. Boulder very much keeps to himself when he's not criticizing or fretting about the other Clans. Though he is known for his sneaky ways, Boulderstrike does not believe in going back on your word. If you make a promise, you must honor that promise, or your integrity as a warrior will crumble. When asked about something he would rather keep to himself, he simply does not respond, rather than lying or deflecting the question. With his 'nature-like' body color, Boulder's is very good at stalking, and fighting of course. He is a tactful hunter with the ability to sneak up on his prey over a noticeable distance. His large yet agile body makes him difficult to pin down in a fight. He has a bit of his 'evil' ways in him, and kills when needed, also using his strength and figure to force fear into others, which helps him quite a lot. This forest cat also desires to become deputy, and soon leader, and hopes he will when its available, as he proves himself very worthy.
Born in a crowded den, he learned to be hesitant around and easily annoyed by others. He was born with a brother and a sister, though unfortunately his sister, who's name was Lilypool, died not too long after birth, as she was a runt. Being very large and strong for his age and breed- which is large considering how much bigger Forest cats are compared to other breeds-, his brother- who's name was Badgerclaw- looked up to him, regardless of the fact that they were of the same age. Therefore, they grew up with Badgerclaw following Boulderstrike around most of the time.

Training as hard as he could- even before he began apprenticeship- he grew up with very experienced fighting and hunting skills, though he specialized in fighting; hence the suffix 'strike'. Soon he became a warrior, earning the suffix 'strike', as mentioned before and he was happy. Though not content. He strove for more, yes, he strove to become deputy, and hoped that he would once the spot was free.
No she-cat - OPEN
No she-cat - OPEN
None - Mate Required
None - OPEN
Theme Song:
Get off my back from Spirit by Bryan Adams
Open for an apprentice

~~~~~ - - ~~~~~

29 moons
Maine Coon
Frostheart is a very determined, ambitious, and hard-working individual. While she seems to have a coarse exterior, and it might take a while to really know her, she is a very loyal and passionate female. Willing to stand up for what she believes in, she's not normally one to take orders unless she trusts the person giving them. To some and at some times (only with trusted friends/mate), Frost can be a very stubborn, almost child-like at times, but to others, she can be the strong leader she is. She is not taken seriously at a lot of times because of her 'innocent', graceful, and rather beautiful appearance, which is why they overlook her, causing her to surprise them. She is overly aggressive and quick to fight and, when she has the upperhand, is vicious, sometimes merciless, and cold, not scared or afraid to kill. Frostheart is wary and suspicious of her neighbors, strangers, and rivals and is always on her toes in case they dare to start causing trouble. Though she is known for her rather sneaky ways, Frostheart does not believe in going back on your word. If you make a promise, you must honor that promise, or your integrity as a warrior will crumble. When asked about something she would rather keep to herself, she simply does not respond, rather than lying or deflecting the question. She is a tactful hunter with the ability to sneak up on his prey over a noticeable distance. His graceful and agile body and experience in fighting makes her difficult to beat in a fight. Sometimes, she still has a bit of his 'evil' ways in her, and kills when needed. Frostheart is very outspoken of his ideas and opinions. She's not shy around strangers, and will often command attention when speaking. Frost's ego is easily damaged. She'll be the first one to jump with claws out to defend her honor, rather than tossing insults back and forth.
None - OPEN
None - OPEN
None - Mate Req.
None - OPEN
Theme Song:
I won't say I'm in Love from Hercules
Open for an apprentice

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Edited on 20/01/16 @ 18:09:15 by Christicat15 (#54511)

Bailysis (#71958)

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Posted on
2016-01-18 14:07:05
omg boulderstrike is so pretty <3

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Christicat15 (#54511)

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Posted on
2016-01-18 14:11:08
I KNOW! xD -clears throat and brushes down- Ahem... I know. I love him so much. Lmao

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Kiwi (#55996)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-01-19 09:18:05
Lol XD-Accepted

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