Posted by Prehistoric Patrol (Dinosaur RP) (Sign-ups) (OPEN)

FoolsgoldFenrir (#27778)

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Posted on
2016-01-18 11:30:39
The three dinosaur eras and the Ice Age have clashed together - the Ice Age on one half of the area and the other half the three dinosaur eras. However, a world is not without evil, and so a team has been established to defend. It has the fiercest, bravest, strongest, fastest, and keenest of sight. The Prehistoric Patrol is made of youngsters, but that doesn't make any difference, now does it?

Fiercest: T-Rex (Fangor) (Simba)
Bravest: Dire Wolf (Tyrael)
Fastest: Smilodon/Saber-toothed tiger (Ser-bane) (Calla)
Strongest: Triceratops
Keenest of Sight: Pterodactyl

-You can have as many characters as you want as long as you can control them.
-Fade to black when there is extreme violence, mating, ect. Remember; Lioden is 16+, not 18+.
-Be respectful OOC.
-No godmodding, powerplaying, forced hits, or forced breeding.
-You can challenge the leader for their rank if you wish to.
-Also, please try not to use too much wolfspeak. A little here and there (Like "She lifted her cranium and opened her orbs", but if there's wolfspeak for EVERY piece of anatomy, that's too much. You can use auds for ears, but not every time.)
-If you break these rules, it will be a warning if minor, or if major, a strike. 3 warnings = 1 strike, 3 strikes = Get out. I will be keeping track of your warnings and strikes here so the both of us know. It's not to name and shame, it's just so we can both keep track. Believe me, I don't like to point fingers, but will do so if needed, and in this case, it's needed.
-Yes, you ARE allowed to have two of your characters as mates, however it has to be under one of more of these circumstances:
-No other characters belonging to other people are interested in having their character as a mate for your wolf.
-You ask me about it first and I approve.
-It will eventually go downhill somehow, making either your wolf or wolves open to others again or being mateless again.
Not all have to fit with the characters in question, but at least one must.


Role (Leader, Prehistoric Patrol (And no, I'm not abbreviating it to PP. You know why.), leader, regular, hatchling/pup/cub):
Protagonist or Antagonist:


Leader (0/1):
Regular (Unlimited): Rae
Hatchlings (Unlimited): (1 reserved)

Leader (1/1): Kai
Regular (Unlimited): Makeera, (2 reserved)
Cubs (Unlimited):

Leader (0/1):
Regular (Unlimited):
Hatchlings (Unlimited):

Dire Wolves:
Leader (1/1): Ren
Regular (Unlimited): Malin
Pups (Unlimited):

Leader (0/1):
Regular (Unlimited):
Hatchlings (Unlimited):


Leader (1/1): Svang
Regular (Unlimited):
Hatchlings (Unlimited): Serkahri

Leader (1/1): (Reserved)
Regular (Unlimited):
Hatchlings (Unlimited):

Cave Lion:
Leader (1/1): Rairai
Regular (Unlimited):
Cubs (Unlimited): Dogo

Giant Cheetah:
Leader (1/1): Ravnilo
Regular (Unlimited): Resha
Cubs (Unlimited):

Leader (0/1):
Regular (Unlimted):
Hatchlings (Unlimited):

Current Events:

Fangor is currently recruiting his friends to join the Prehistoric Patrol.

Strikes List:
-None. I'd like to keep it that way if possible, thanks.

RP Thread:

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Edited on 14/02/16 @ 09:52:24 by ~Simba the Fluffy Lion~ (Rats) (#27778)

FoolsgoldFenrir (#27778)

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Posted on
2016-01-18 11:30:46
Name: Fangor
Age: 5 months
Gender: Male
Species: T-Rex
Role (Leader, Prehistoric Patrol (And no, I'm not abbreviating it to PP. You know why.), leader, regular, hatchling/pup/cub): Prehistoric Patrol
Protagonist or Antagonist: Protagonist
Personality: Fangor is a fun-loving dinosaur who is also hot-headed and highly debated. He can sometimes get into trouble though he usually knows how to get out of it. (More might be revealed in the roleplay.)
Looks/Description: (The T-Rex one) Mod removed image due to lack of source.

Name: Serkahri
Age: 5 months
Gender: Male
Species: Velociraptor
Role (Leader, Prehistoric Patrol (And no, I'm not abbreviating it to PP. You know why.), leader, regular, hatchling/pup/cub): Hatchling
Protagonist or Antagonist: Half and half; antagonist because of his species, protagonist because he is not like most of his kind.
Personality: To be revealed in the roleplay.
Looks/Description: (Source:

Name: Ravnilo
Age: 4 years
Gender: Male
Species: Giant Cheetah
Role (Leader, Prehistoric Patrol (And no, I'm not abbreviating it to PP. You know why.), leader, regular, hatchling/pup/cub): Leader
Protagonist or Antagonist: Antagonist
Personality: To be revealed in the roleplay.
Looks/Description: (Source:

Name: Makeera
Age: 3 years, 1 month
Gender: Female
Species: Smilodon
Role (Leader, Prehistoric Patrol (And no, I'm not abbreviating it to PP. You know why.), leader, regular, hatchling/pup/cub): Regular
Protagonist or Antagonist: Protagonist
Personality: To be revealed in the roleplay.
Looks/Description: (Source:

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Edited on 22/02/16 @ 22:46:09 by Katze (#20064)

Lady Calla N. Of
Winterfell (#76766)

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Posted on
2016-01-18 11:38:01
Can I reserve lead smilodon and a Velociraptor leader (if not, I can do a regular on this one. I just like lead positions XD)?

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FoolsgoldFenrir (#27778)

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Posted on
2016-01-18 11:38:29
Sure, you can choose both!

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Lady Calla N. Of
Winterfell (#76766)

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Posted on
2016-01-18 11:39:40
Oh okay. Thank ya! :3

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Zanzear (#79048)

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Posted on
2016-01-18 11:43:03
Is it bad I'm already slightly confused?

Currently it's in between dire Wolf and giant cheetah

To be evil or not to be, that this the question (seriously it's tough :P)

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FoolsgoldFenrir (#27778)

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Posted on
2016-01-18 11:46:27
Zan: You can be both if you like, there's no character limit X3

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Zanzear (#79048)

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Posted on
2016-01-18 11:51:54
I know but in RP having more then one can make me confused and I can mess up RPs with just one character XD I'll make up mind now....ish

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FoolsgoldFenrir (#27778)

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Posted on
2016-01-18 12:01:51
Oh okay. Hmm, well which do you prefer?

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Lady Calla N. Of
Winterfell (#76766)

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Posted on
2016-01-18 12:03:13
Name: Ser-bane
Age: 1 year & 2 months
Gender: Female
Species: Smilodon
Role: Prehistoric Patrol
Protagonist or Antagonist: Protagonist
Personality: Ser-bane is a rather sweet cat. She loves to help others - not to mention running as well - and is very sweet towards younger creatures, although they are rarely seen, given her age. However, she hates most dinosaurs, with the exclusion of T-rexes, as she is Fangor's friend. She is very supportive towards her friends and loves to help sort out problems within groups. She could very well be a therapist if she wanted to, but she dedicates her life to protecting those around her. She isn't very strong, but she is fast, and loves to run.

Name: Svang
Age: 5 years
Gender: Male
Species: Velociraptor
Role: Leader
Protagonist or Antagonist: Antagonist
Personality: To be revealed

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Edited on 16/02/16 @ 15:11:00 by Kahlan (#3638)

Zanzear (#79048)

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Posted on
2016-01-18 12:05:30
Name: Malin
Age: 2 years 4months

Gender: female

Species: Dire wolf

Role (Leader, Prehistoric Patrol (And no, I'm not abbreviating it to PP. You know why.), leader, regular, hatchling/pup/cub): regular

Protagonist or Antagonist: protagonist (although can be strong-willed)

Personality: independent and non-reliant yet very outgoing

Looks/Description: Mod removed image due to lack of source.

Other: She is very respectful but it's hard to see as come off as her 'evaluating' you

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Edited on 22/02/16 @ 22:48:35 by Katze (#20064)

FoolsgoldFenrir (#27778)

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Posted on
2016-01-18 12:10:29
All accepted!

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Bailysis (#71958)

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Posted on
2016-01-18 12:20:31
Reserved spot for OCs (Im busy rn ill type them in a bit)

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FoolsgoldFenrir (#27778)

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Posted on
2016-01-18 12:21:52
Okay, should I reserve them for you? If so, which ones?

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Bailysis (#71958)

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Posted on
2016-01-18 12:48:17
2 Smilodon 1 T-rex, and 1 Mosasaurus.
Can/Do I add pictures too?

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FoolsgoldFenrir (#27778)

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Posted on
2016-01-18 12:52:45
Sure, which roles though?

And sure.

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