Posted by Cursed Like The Wolf- Sign-Ups

Lady Calla N. Of
Winterfell (#76766)

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Posted on
2016-01-18 13:42:29
Closed! Only those who have reserved, posted on this thread, or spoken to me can make forms at this time!


Welcome to London, England. Not really. This is just a simple little town outside of London, a poor little town filled with farmers and old, ruined, burned buildings. Our town may not be much, but it has some history. The werewolf attacks as of late have made us famous, and despite putting us back in the map, we want no part in this. The werewolves are killing and eating those around us, and because of this, we are suffering. We must fight them and destroy them; if we do not, everything we have will be lost.

-My limit on characters at the moment is four.
-No becoming your own mate.
-This RP is set in the 1600's, so please no modern stuff involved.
-Werewolves cannot reveal their identity outright unless you PM me first and ask permission.
-Werewolves cannot change unless it is the full moon.
-Aim to hit. Don't force hit.
-No Mary or Gary Sues.
-Fade to black when mating.
-No becoming your own mate.
-You must post at least five sentences in each post. Unless you use a shit ton of commas.
-Put your favorite werewolf movie in Other.

The Werewolves
(7/10, 1 Reserved)
Artair Croft-PotatoLord
Dawn Petrova-FerociousFlamingo
Kole Goffe-Oliveflower
Chenoa (Dove) Acorn-ChristiCat15
Amity Clark-Rogue
James Morcott-Robert(side)
The werewolves in this town are like the ones you see in true werewolf movies, not Twilight. They cannot turn into true wolves. They can only shift on full moons, and are much more powerful during this time. They can form packs, but you must ask me permission first. For now, all werewolves are loners. They can be killed by things other than silver bullets, but they must be powerful weapons.

Werewolf forms:

Human appearance:
Werewolf appearance:
History (how they were changed):

The Hunters
(5/10, 5 reserved)
Tobias Weston-Rogue
Maris Royce-Moonfeather
The hunters are men and women who dedicate themselves to finding and eradicating werewolves. Most of the time nobody will know who is a hunter, as they normally keep their existence a secret. They are very skilled in combat, and aren't afraid to show it.

Hunter forms:

Family (optional):

The Villagers
Mackenzie Catalana-TheChesireDame
Winona Fergusson-Oliveflower
Ellen Morcott-Robert(side)
The villagers can be any age. They are often witnesses of victims - whether it be to death or a bite. They are often rather innocent people with barely any money, preferring to stay on the sidelines rather than take part with the hunt.

Villager Forms:


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Edited on 23/01/16 @ 19:34:02 by Calla N.<<Legolas's Girl (#76766)

Rabs (#66390)

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Posted on
2016-01-18 14:30:37
May I reserve a Werewolf and Hunter? :)

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Edited on 18/01/16 @ 21:35:00 by Rabs (#66390)

FerociousFlamingo (#82061)

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Posted on
2016-01-18 14:33:41
-Peeks into forum-

Oo, I would like to reserve a werewolf as well, if possible :3

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Oliveflower (#59469)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-01-18 17:04:39
Name: Kole Goffe
Gender: Male
Age: 28
Human appearance: Kole is a large and husky man, standing tall enough to hit is head on most door jambs and broad shoulders nearly wide enough to prop in one as well. He is your heavily built blacksmith, with jet black hair kept in a tie and a dark beard that obscures much of his face. He has chestnut-brown eyes and his cheeks and nose are reddened by the heat of his forge. Kole generally wears a black tunic shirt and pants, accompanied by a baggy coat in the cold months. When working he has a heavy smithing apron and brown gloves.
Werewolf appearance: When the curse takes hold, Kole becomes a great, hulking beast, coated with inky black fur. In the place of his beard is a ruff of thick hair around his neck and chest, and somehow the tie in his hair barely manages to still hold on to the new growth of fur at the back of his head.
Personality: Kole is a bit of an awkward guy to try and interact with socially, he's not much of a talker and prefers to keep things short and simple. Though his passion does get lit when he's at work or if the conversation turns towards his trade, his smile is true when talking of swords and hammers. Kole has a slightly more independent personality, preferring to work alone or with one other person if they need to use his forge. Large numbers of people seem to overwhelm him, and tend to make him more sweaty than if he were hovering over a brazen piece of steel.
History (how they were changed): There's not much to say about him; Kole's father was a smithy like himself, and his mother was the daughter of a lumberjack who made use of a woodlot nearby. He was brought up in the small town and though not the most social, is fond of his neighbours and friends, who were there for him when his parents died of sickness a few years back. It was during this time of sickness when Kole was in the woodlot collecting logs when a strange beast attacked- biting him on the shoulder. He still has the scar, but likely gave the creature one of its own, as he managed to hit it with the blunt side of an axe before it ran off.
Since then, things seem to get fuzzy -literally- at certain times of the month.
Sexuality: Homosexual
Strengths: Physically strong, attentive, patient, good at his craft, independent.
Weaknesses: Slow- easily outrun, unsocial- can be seen as gruff or simple, uneasy around groups of people, uneducated, not a good cook.
Other: I don't own many movies with werewolves, can I say Remus Lupin is just my favourite werewolf? X'D

Name: Winona Fergusson (Winnie to neighbours/friends)
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Uncertain
Appearance: A stout young woman with frizzy ginger hair kept up in a loose bun. She has once-fair skin that's now pocked by sunburn and hazel-green eyes that she has a bad habit of squinting when examining things closely. Winnie wears an orange chemise shirt with brown embroidery, earthy brown ankle-length skirt and a white half-apron that tends to be smeared with honey and dust. On cold days she brings out a black wool shawl.
Personality: Winona is a quiet person but not unsociable, she is open and friendly with nearly everyone, though if you try to touch her apiaries be prepared for a smacked hand. She is hospitable and has a small room adjacent to her kitchen where a traveler may stay for a small fee (a few coins, or any cloth scraps) and loving to cook, has a habit of overfeeding her guests. Some may think her love of bees, and how protective she is over her own, may be strange but she is proud of her hives and profession.
Job: Beekeeper
- Daisy Fergusson, mother, stays with Winona's elderly grandparents.
- Walter Fergusson, father, deceased.
Relationships/Crush: none
History: Winona's family is little known in the area except for her Grandmother, who's lived nearby for years. When she was younger they traveled each spring in a small caravan to new farms that needed pollinating, to keep the bees from getting agitated, they would call the new town home until the next year when they would move off again. It wasn't until Winona and her mother bought a small house in London that she settled down and stopped moving around.
Other: ---

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Edited on 19/01/16 @ 20:04:43 by Oliveflower (#59469)

Lady Calla N. Of
Winterfell (#76766)

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Posted on
2016-01-18 19:16:22
@Rabs- Yep!

@Ferocious- Yas

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Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2016-01-18 20:26:50
This is definitely going to be a bit different from the sort of werewolf roleplay I'm used to, but I'd like to give it a shot. Reserve a werewolf and a human for me please!

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Lady Calla N. Of
Winterfell (#76766)

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Posted on
2016-01-18 20:41:37
Okay, sure thing. A hunter or a villager, in terms of the human?

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Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2016-01-18 20:43:38
Hunter, sorry. xD

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Lady Calla N. Of
Winterfell (#76766)

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Posted on
2016-01-18 20:44:34
No worries! I'll reserve for you.

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Moonfeather (#6369)

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Posted on
2016-01-18 23:46:08
:3 Please reserve a werewolf and a hunter for me! I'll get to work on the forms soon.

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Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2016-01-19 03:23:28

Artair Croft.


28 years old.

Human Appearance:
Image | Source.

Artair is a tall man standing around 6'2" and weighing 190 pounds. He has short dirty blond, nearly brown hair and piercing amber eyes containing flecks of blue around the pupil. His forearms appear to be covered in scars (not self-inflicted just to be clear) that look as if they were caused by teeth despite not appearing to be a typical bite mark. He is neither poor nor rich, but seems to get by just fine and is probably considered wealthy by his village's standards. Normal attire consists of doublets with rounded waists and slashed sleeves and breeches as was standard for the time period. His appearance comes across as rather disheveled however as the doublet is often left unbuttoned with an open collar. I'm sorry I'm really not any good at describing humanoids.

Werewolf Appearance:
In werewolf form Artair's body is covered in fur the same color as his hair and his eyes lose the flecks of blue becoming pure amber. Remaining bipedal leaves him hunched slightly and his arms become much longer, allowing him to run on all fours at times which is usually somewhat easier than trying to chase someone on two. His face narrows out into a tapered snout with a black nose, grows a bushy tail and his ears become erect and move to the top of his head giving him a more wolfish appearance. This guy is about as wolfy as this version of a werewolf can get basically.

An adaptive and optimistic individual who comes across as rather care-free in demeanor. Artair has a fondness for the fine arts and encourages creativity in even the most unlikely of people. Artists can come from all sorts of places and backgrounds after all. His own talents lie in painting, but he appreciates art in all forms. Despite the air of seemingly unending confidence he might give off to strangers Artair is the type of person who needs communication and feedback (whether it be positive or negative) in order to feel secure in his own endeavors, whatever they may be. He often looks to others for confirmation out of habit and is not much of a leader figure. His calm and friendly attitude makes him an excellent peacekeeper, but underneath all the charm he is a somewhat bitter man who is quick to dislike and judge others. Sometimes prone to insensitivity he's also quite sentimental, though this isn't a trait he likes himself. Sentimentalism and attachment to those he finds himself in the company of for long stretches of time is often his downfall.

Originally born in rural Scotland. He grew up on a farm and lived a fairly normal life up until his 19th year when he was bitten by a werewolf while out searching for some lost sheep. He survived the attack and returned home none the wiser, worrying about little more than the wound becoming infected. On the first full moon after the incident he transformed and unable to control his new found thrust for violence savagely murdered every living thing he could find on the farm, including his parents and younger brother. When he awoke the next morning and realized what he had done he attempted to take his own life only to be stopped by a strange man who claimed he could help him. It turned out this very man was the same werewolf who had bitten him and the attack was intentional. The man, called Rorak, was the leader of a werewolf pack that ruled the wilderness and often recruited new members when their numbers begin to diminish. Apparently he had been stalking Artair for months before deciding to change him.

Artair's initial reaction was to reject Rorak and his pack, but it was quite clear joining them was not optional. The pack taught him to control his wolf side as much as one could and that was a nice plus, but these wolves chose to make a living by ravaging villages and chasing fear into the hearts of humans. Something Artair took no real pleasure in. Eventually the humans had enough and began hunting them. It all led up to a final, bloody battle in which Rorak himself was injured. Artair took the opportunity to finish the cruel Alpha off and free himself of his servitude to him. Vengeance in this way was never something Artair thought he could do, but it seemed he was capable of comitting many things he would never have imagined himself doing now.

He escaped Scotland soon after and traveled across Europe as a trader before finally ending up in London where he has led a more peaceful life for the past few years. That was until a human figured out what he truly is. Now he once again finds himself at the service of another. This time a mortal rather than a fellow wolf. He offers protection, information and anything else his new master may want in exchange for his secret being kept. (Anyone want a pet werewolf?)

Pansexual - Panromantic.

Creative, flexible, patient, physically strong, above average sense of hearing, excellent mediator.

Overly sentimental, passive-aggressive, resentful, self-conscious, not as swift as smaller or slimmer werewolves.

Theme Song:
Unbreakable Heart - Three Days Grace x.

Dog Soldiers. It's one of the first werewolf movies I ever remember seeing. Am American Werewolf In London and Red Riding Hood are also personal favs. Van Helsing too if that counts. I want to throw Bad Moon in here as well, but I've never seen the actual movie all the way through yet. Only clips.

I decided against making a hunter so you can unreserve that. Gonna stick with one character for now. If I feel confident enough to try a human later I will then if there are still any slots open.

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Edited on 23/01/16 @ 23:47:23 by Potato Lord (#33076)

Oliveflower (#59469)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-01-19 03:35:57
*Air high-fives towards Potato* Eeey Scottish chars. :) I made Winona a Fergusson because there's a bee on their crest and she's a beekeeper

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TheCheshireDame (#82170)

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Posted on
2016-01-19 04:39:18
Villager Forms:

Name: Mackenzie Catalana
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Demisexual
Appearance: - Rights to owner
Personality: Mackenzie or 'Mack' is quite a fierce lass, she's very independent and very much 'one of the lads', she doesn't like wearing dresses or feminine clothes, she often wears 'armor' of sorts. Mack has been known to have...Cannibalistic fetishes and a strong desire for blood, meaning she is quite isolated. This lass isn't trusting and often sees hidden motives behind words and actions, thus she tends to hold grudges, however, she is noble and reasonable and though her hatred for someone may burn strong, she would never turn her back on another, though her brief moments of kind nature should never be mistaken for weakness, as she would happily slit your throat any day.
Job: Farmer (if possible)
Family: They are of no concern to her
Relationships/Crush: None at the moment
History: Mack grew up on a farm with a family of 6 including herself, she was the only daughter and, therefore, was seen as the weakling, she had to fight for every scrap of food and was forced to cook and sew while her brothers were taught how to fight and become hunters. Mack envied her brothers greatly and hated her mother and father even more and, once she turned 18, she stole a horse from the farm and fled, she left no note, nothing, she just ran. (I won't give too much away just now ;) )
Other: Ohh....I don't really have a favorite film, sorry.

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Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2016-01-19 04:54:07
@Oliveflower - Oh my gosh that's adorable. :')

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Lady Calla N. Of
Winterfell (#76766)

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Posted on
2016-01-19 08:34:23
@Moonfeather Sure!

@PotatoLord- Accepted! I could have my hunter (whom I am still making the form for) be the mortal friend of Artair's if you like. But its up to you.

@TheChesireDame- Accepted!

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FerociousFlamingo (#82061)

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Posted on
2016-01-19 08:49:55
So sorry, I will make my werewolf soon, what's needed...Males?

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