Posted by Unusual Pack

Artic Shock (#59349)

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Posted on
2016-01-20 15:04:40
Hunters have been moving in on the land, killing all animals. Construction workers are right behind them, destroying everything else in their wake as they work to expand their city. Now the animals of the forest must escape or pay for their lives for staying behind.
However, they'll never survive alone. Prey is scarce since the humans cause so much noise and their water is becoming polluted to the point the fish are dying and it stinks too badly to even attempt drinking. This will cause different species to either group together and travel as one of the most unusual packs ever, or face their death by going at it alone. Which will you choose?

- be polite OOC to eachother
- be semi lit - literate
- must respond often. If you don't respond within 4 - 7 days, I'll give you a warning. If it happens a second time, you will be out. If you are going to be gone for a while, let me know.
- stick with lioden rules. If you want to go into more detail with certain things (i.e. breeding, gory fights, ext.) go to pm's
- No godmodding
- you can play up two or three characters each but must be able to keep up with that amount. Also, your own characters cannot be in love with each other
- try to stick to more realistic colors for your animal
- different species can fall in love with each other and produce half breed pups/kits/cubs whatever you wanna call 'em
Replies must be at least a paragraph.

Wait for two other people to reply before you do to avoid 1x1 happening.

Character Sheets

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Edited on 20/01/16 @ 22:07:44 by Seeker (#59349)

Joceletris [SHOVELS] (#62735)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-01-29 15:27:05
Sundance | Female | 3 yrs | Ferruginous Hawk | Mentions: Ivy

"I'll follow you, don't worry!" Sundance called back, following Ivy through the trees, making sure to keep her in sight. There were predators out here who would jump at the chance at any prey, especially smaller animals. She was twice the size of the falcon, but the fish eagle was twice her size. She liked Ivy– she was friendly, and sweet. So she would protect her.

(I'd add Bridget, but I want to make sure she's approved first.)

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For never, forever (#61889)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2016-01-29 15:52:34
Trija | Bengal Tiger | female | mentions: Palpetta, Aroura

Trija looked towards the log where Palpetta had landed, She noticed a very familiar scent, it smelled like herself, A Tiger she thought. Trotting over she heard Palpetta speak to it, Trija knelt down and peered into the log, seeing a small, striped, bundle of fur. The cub reminded her of herself when she was younger.

She reached her paw slowly into the log, not wanting to scare the cub any more than she already was. Holding open her paw Trija showed her pads to the cub, "look" she said soothingly with a slight purr "I'm just like you, a tiger, like you are we are the same....we feel the same... im not gonna hurt you." She spoke softly and calmly. she watched the terrified cub as Trija continued to stretch her pads to the cub, hoping the cub would take i as a sign of relief and not a fearsome threat. Though Trija had not expected to see this small bundle of fur here, she tried to keep her calm and not be too stunned in front of the cub.

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Saeginko (#34696)

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Posted on
2016-01-31 12:29:05

(Srry I haven't responded, mostly been waiting for a response from Luna. I like replying all at once XD:)
Skylar | Male | 3 years | Peregrine Falcon
Mentions: Storm

Ugh, I hate tigers, Skylar thought, staring at the tiger with distaste. Tomas was the only cat out there that Skylar didn't loathe. Well, he loathed most animals, but that was completely besides the point. He was sure that this tiger was still thinking about eating him. Who knows, she might even try to attack him after she caught herself a deer. He didn't think it was beyond her, after all.

"Fine. But the two rules are this: Don't attack me in any way, and don't talk to me unless you absolutely have to. I'm already sick of your face." Sure, Skylar was being nasty, but he had a right to it. He wasn't just going to buddy up to this tiger after she almost killed him. Tomas would gawk at his rudeness, but Skylar didn't care much. He leapt into the air, stretching out his wings. "Come on then, tiger," he said to her, heading towards the last sight of the deer.
Trinity | Female | 4 years | Red Fox
Mentions: Valka

Most of us? Trinity thought, lifting an eyebrow. Since when were wolves not territorial? She couldn't think of any wolves she knew that didn't have the bite first chat later mentality. Valka's stare didn't make Trinity feel any better, but she supposed Valka was allowed to it. After all, Trinity had waltzed into her territory, as if there wouldn't be any consequences. Usually that's what Trinity did - she was reckless.

"Nothing much," she replied, looking around and stalling for time. How did one answer a question like that? Her answer was plain: She went here because she could. To see if she could. Well, and for food, but mostly because she wanted to see what would happen. "Just searching for some food," she finally admitted. "Honestly, I was planning on stealing some from you. But... Seems like you don't have any. I suppose we're both in the same boat." One ear tilted down as she stared at the wolf. She thought what she was about to propose was crazy, but she was sure the wolf was just as hungry as she was. After all, this area didn't seem to have any animals - the prey had been chased off by the humans. The only animals Trinity had found were few and far between, and most of them had been like deer, much too big for a fox to hunt alone. "This is going to sound crazy, but perhaps we could hunt together? I saw some deer thataway, and we could probably catch one of the younger ones together." If the wolf said no, Trinity was going to immediately ditch, because she certainly didn't want to be here longer than she had to.

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Pie [Nun Project
King] (#81565)

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Posted on
2016-02-01 02:31:16

Palpetta | Pallas's Fish Eagle | Mentions: Trija, Aurora

As Trija moved in to make her own advances Palpetta jerked her head back and shook it, her feathers momentarily fluffing up. Once she smoothed them out again she turned her attention to the larger of the two felines. Now was as good a time as any to try testing the waters...

"Your efforts are kindly, my friend, but perhaps giving her some space would be better? The poor dear looks terrified and cornered." Using one wing, she gently patted the limb Trija had extended into the log to encourage her to draw back. "A little breathing room, " She peered inside at the little one to indicate she was speaking directly to her, "and a bit of fish would be favorable, yes?"

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Christicat15 (#54511)

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Posted on
2016-02-01 10:53:26

Aurora | Female | 1 month | Bengal Tiger
Mentions: Trija, Palpetta, Open for interaction

Aurora, sniffing slightly from her shadows, thought she smelled the scent of the adult tiger getting closer; and she soon knew she was right, for the female was soon in front of the opening of the log. With wary, and slightly fearful, eyes, the small cub watched as the pads of the tigress were shown to her. Her ears still remained pinned to her head, fur remaining fluffed up in a scared sort of way, as she crouched to the bottom of the hollow log, tiny body shivering only slightly, yet still noticeably, a bit.

The young tiger cocked her head only slightly as she listened to the older feline, yet her ears stayed pinned to her head- well, she still remained in the same position as before, just with a slightly cocked head. The calm voice and the purrs of the female tiger calmed her down, but only barely- as she was still terrified and wary. The already wide greenish/brownish eyes of Rora darted over to the bird when the bird-like voice was heard, and when the wing of the eagle extended and patted the leg of the tigress. She lowered her head slightly more against the ground, small, lean, and slender body already pressed against it. Aurora was tiny, that was for sure. At the mention of fish, the cub's eyes immediately darted to her stomach, where she could feeling the gnawing pain of hunger. Even though she was still wary, she knew she was starving, so she nodded. A brief and obviously terrified one, but it was still a noticeable nod.

Ooc: Oh my, I just realized that 6 month old cubs are not that tiny... Argh, why must I get it wrong? Though, I haven't done as much research on tigers as much as other animals, so it makes sense... Whatever! Because of this, I decided to change her age to one month old. If ya'll think that if a tiger cub is to be very small and young (as she is meant to be), please tell me, as I can't decide between one month old and ten weeks old. Thanks!

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Artic Shock (#59349)

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Posted on
2016-02-06 01:48:02
Storm - tigress - mentions: Skylar

She huffed a little at his rules but figured she could put with this annoying bird for now since he was helping her. When he took off, she ran after him, though this time was to follow him to the food instead of him being the food. She sniffed the air at times to see if she could catch the scent of deer and after a bit, she could! Slowing her pace, she started to proceed more carefully until she finally spotted the deer. Her white pelt did stand out so she stuck to the shadows to help herself blend in more.

Once she got decently close, the deer started to bolt since they'd spotted her fur. She wasn't about to loose her one chance at a good meal and launched herself forward, determined to catch one of them. Noticing a young one that was just older than a fawn, she pounced on it, her weight making it fall over and in a mater of seconds, had her teeth in it's neck to kill it.

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For never, forever (#61889)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2016-02-06 10:38:41
Trija | Bengal Tiger | female | mentions: Palpetta, aurora

Trija pulled her extended paw back and smiled at Palpetta's suggestion, "We will catch her a whole meal" Trija said, loud enough for the small cub to hear. She gave the bundle of fur a quick welcoming glance before trudging off into the river to grab a meal for the small tiger. She stood at the waters eadge for a moment, watching the fish zip past, She was waiting for the perfect one large, but not to large for the cub. Spotting a well-sized salmon, Trija slammed down hard with her front paws, pinning the salmon to the river bottom. The fish struggled under her powerful paws helplessly. Trija unsheathed her claws and bore down on the salmon, killing it quickly. Shoving her head into the river she grasped the salmon in her maw and lifted it to the air. Her mouth watered at the taste, but Tija knew that this was not her meal.

Valka | wolf | female | mentions: Trinity|

Valka considered the Fox's offer for a heart-beat, she was hungry and she would be sure to have a meal if there was help. She let out a huff of amusement, not believing that she had made this decision, "Lets give it a go" She said in a more friendly matter than before. This fox could do her well if both of them kept their word.

OOC: sorry this is sooo short DX i have terrible writers block right now D:

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Edited on 06/02/16 @ 17:39:08 by For never, forever (#61889)

Saeginko (#34696)

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Posted on
2016-02-06 16:07:10

Tomas | Male | 4 years | Amur Tiger
Mentions: Luna, Skylar, Jade

Tomas was getting a bit worried. Skylar hadn't come back for a while, and while he wanted to stay to train Luna, he wanted to check on his brother. "Listen, Luna," he said to the bear cub, "I'm going to go look for Skylar. Stay here, and be careful, alright? If anyone shows up other than the two of us, hide in the den until they leave." He playfully flicked his tail at the cub before twisting away to leave.

He headed through the forest, his long lope eating up the distance between him and the last area he had seen Skylar at. On his way, he scented a strange smell; it was a tiger. Tomas paused, his eyes narrowed. He didn't know whether it was an adult or a cub, male or female, but it was in his territory. Once again, in an area he neglected to scent-strengthen, making his presence not as distinct, but that was besides the point. He broke off from trailing Skylar and headed towards the other tiger. Little did Tomas know, his nose had been discombobulated from the heavy scent of flowers a bit of a way back, and he wasn't heading in the direction the tiger had gone, but the opposite. He was walking the opposite direction that the tiger had, following a scent trail that was getting fainter. It wasn't the tiger he was going to find, but instead the miniature version of said tiger.
Skylar | Male | 3 years | Peregrine Falcon
Mentions: Storm

The tiger caught the scent of the deer much sooner than Skylar had expected. He twisted about in the air, following Storm as she prowled towards the deer. The animals lifted their heads and saw her stripes, turning to flee as they typically did. Storm started after them, her movements swift and deadly. Skylar had hunted with tigers his entire life, and he knew just what to do to help her out. He had done it dozens, even hundreds of times in the past to help Tomas catch big game, and he used these skills to help Storm. Skylar flew above, carefully watching to see which animal Storm planned on catching.

After a moment, he knew which one was targeted; a young deer, easy enough to catch and even a decent-enough meal for a tiger. Skylar tucked his wings and flew down towards the deer, moving to its head. Storm was very quick, but the little deer was as well, and Skylar didn't plan on having this chase go on forever. He extended his talons and clawed at the deer's face, making it twist about to dislodge him. As it was distracted by the bird, it slowed drastically, and Storm quickly brought it down. Skylar let go of the deer as it tumbled to the dirt, and he landed a few yards away from it as Storm quickly ended its life. "See? Glad you followed me now, huh, cat?" he spat, eyeing the tiger with a shrewd gaze. She better be grateful for his help, because Skylar had better things to do than throwing food away for other animals that he didn't even like.
Trinity | Female | 4 years | Red Fox
Mentions: Valka

Trinity gave a firm nod. If she was honest with herself, she had expected the wolf to leap at her, teeth ready to snap. But this response was much better, and it was the response Trinity hadn't planned on. "Alright then," she said, turning away from the wolf. "I know you know this territory, I mean, it's yours after all, why wouldn't you know what's in it?" She rolled her eyes, flipping her fluffy tail behind her as she continued, "But how about we go a bit out of the boundaries to find some food? There's a burrow of rabbits I know of, and with a wolf to help me dig, we could actually get quite a bit of food out of it. Follow me, and I'll show you where it is." Trinity felt like she was using this wolf, and she kind of was. But it was a symbiotic relationship; fox helps wolf, wolf helps fox. Simple enough. They dig together, they break open a jackpot of jackrabbits. Good enough for Trinity.

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Artic Shock (#59349)

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Posted on
2016-02-06 16:26:13
Storm - tigress - mentions: Skylar

Once the deer had been brought down, Storm had to admit to herself that it was impressive what the bird had done as she'd never seen one help bring down large prey before. When she knew the deer was dead and looked over at the bird, she'd been about to happily thank him only for him to open his beak and speak. "You know, I was about to actually thank you and be nice but you just seemed determined to be an annoying little feather pin cushion," she said as her eyes narrowed at him. "I do appreciate your help, both with finding them and taking down." She didn't get why this bird had to be so annoying.

Jade - female tiger cub - mentions: Tomas

She'd been having lots of fun playing around by chasing frags and butterflies. One frog she was following was moving closer and closer to the water and she watched as it jumped right in. Reaching out a paw, she dabbed at the surface and smiled when she saw the water ripple. Repeating the process, she was unaware of anything else around her like a cub tended to be. However, she soon lost interest and that was when she heard the rustle in the bushes and could smell another tiger. It didn't smell like her mother... getting scared, she tried to hide amongst some reeds, but like her mother, her white pelt stood out easily against the green of the reeds.

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Pie [Nun Project
King] (#81565)

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Posted on
2016-02-07 08:26:52

Palpetta | Pallas's Fish Eagle | Mentions: Trija, Aurora

The moment Trija drew back and turned back to the waters Palpetta knew she had at least one tiger taking her bait. Of course, it would take some time to reel her in and have her thoroughly snared; patience was the name of the game. With a quiet hum the eagle hopped back from the hollowed out trunk to give the cub some space.

"Poor dear," She cooed to the little one, "It must be awful frightening to be lost and all alone out here. You need not worry, though. I... we can take care of you. I for one am more than happy to take you under my wing." Perhaps a little pun related humor would entice the cub to emerge, and to emphasize the joke she lifted one wing as if to invite her over.

"Can you speak little one? Do you have a name? Mine is Palpetta."

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Christicat15 (#54511)

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Posted on
2016-02-08 13:38:49

Aurora | Female | 1 month | Bengal Tiger
Mentions: Trija, Palpetta, Open for interaction

Regardless of being scared, the cub couldn't help but smile only slightly when the older tiger spoke about the food she was going to catch her. A whole meal? she thought with anticipation, excitement, and growing hunger. Well, that did seem yummy! As the bird moved away from the trunk, the young feline could barely make out the scene as she watched the tiger hunt the fish- a rather tasty looking one too. Continuing to watch, she saw the tiger grab the fish she had killed and, as her light eyes saw the fish, immediately Aurora's stomach growled slightly, nose twitching as the tasty smell met her nose.

Soon she was snapped out of it as she heard the coo from the bird. Ironically, the words of the eagle caused a wave of sadness to wash over her. Once again, thought, it was soon gone as the creature put in a little pun, which caused her to smile only slightly- thought it was so slight and small, it was nearly impossible to see. As her hunger continued growing and the eagle continued making her feel slightly safer, the small feline slowly began crawling out- slowly. When she came out, she responded to the question; "Y-Yes... M-My n-name is A... Aurora...". That was what she managed to get out. Aurora's voice was a rather high one, a cub-like one, though it did have the little bit of cuteness (and adorableness) added to it.

Ooc: Aww! <33 I think my Aurora is soooo cuute sometimes <33 :D xD

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πŸ’™πŸ©΅ Rainstorm
(any pros) πŸ©΅πŸ’™ (#293518)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2023-09-04 17:52:54
(how do I join?)

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