Posted by Suggestion: Clain options

Lady Zafira (#10834)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2016-01-23 04:45:01
My Idea is for Clans and their member only, to make it easier on the clan and it's owner.
Ideas I shall cover is
Clan breeding only option
(For clan admin use/potentiall member use) A requirement shower
Clan Fourm
Clan Lion/ess list
Recently born Cubs

I shall use my clan as an example.
I'm Currently in Whirlpool, a new group dedicated to breeding F7's. As the name says we look for F7's to breed. Not everyone in the clan has F7 in their lion/esses name and/or footnote. Many may not see it as an issue or a hassel, but if they have a F7 female/male that you are looking to breed/breed to. I currently have a mixture of different marked lions and if other clan members have a mix of different marked Lions (they do) I would find it really tedious to go through each of their girls to see who had the f7 mark.

Clan lion list
The breeding only option inspired this
Incase the Clan only breeding option would in some way break the game, there can be a Lion list in the clan. What I'm proposing is a "Current Clan breeders or Lions/ess" This feature allows members to add lions/ess to this list. A way to add your lion to this list is either on their page or the groups page will be a drop down box with an option to add that lions/ess name to said list. To stop people from adding in Lions that have nothing to do with the breeding group, there should be a filter that stops a non-required lions/ess name from showing up (in my groups case) without the F7 mark

Another Idea for a Clan only option is breeding prices!
Some players offer breeding to their Stud at a reduced price which either; (A) causes them to pay the difference back to their member or (B) lower the price for the clan member then change it back to regular price for non-members.
Like setting the price for your stud, there will be two check boxes
Check box A; Public studding price
Check box B; Clan member studding price
Stud price for Clan members will not show up on the males profile when viewed by non-members

My next Idea is possibly a Clan forum?
make it private

To make it easier on the Clans Admins; A Requiremt showers
It would appears like this in the pending member list:
Imforexample has requested to join (or what ever the pending list says after the name) Requirements met 2/5.
Admins should be able to set requirements that show next to the clans banner in the Clans option of explore
Whirlpool (in a tiny note but big enough to be seen, kinda like the font on lion footnotes) Requirements met 1/1
That way players wishing to join don't have to sit and go through their lions to see if they meet the requirements.

Edited suggestions by other users:
Xencorx suggested: The option of Making the Forum Private

This suggestion has 35 supports and 3 NO supports.

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Edited on 01/02/16 @ 21:40:17 by Alphonse Brandt-Ignalis (#10834)

xencorex (#37405)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2016-01-23 04:48:35

Just for more clarification, are you looking for more that 1 official clan forum?
I only ask because I know a number of clans have their 1 official, then link the other forms onto that one.

No support for the Clan Lion List.

Support for the Clan Breeding overall, Support

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Lady Zafira (#10834)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2016-01-23 04:57:08
@Xencorex, just one clan fourm with those options in it. This one will be Private (or public), the clan admin has the choice.

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xencorex (#37405)

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Posted on
2016-01-23 04:58:40

Ah, well if that's the case, then I would support the option of making the clan forum public or private , since there already is a spot for an official one ^-^

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Lady Zafira (#10834)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2016-01-23 04:59:21
Added suggestion!

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Moon Shadow (#77000)

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Posted on
2016-01-23 14:10:22
Thanks for using Whirlpool! I love the idea by the way! :Spams Support Button:

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Lady Zafira (#10834)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2016-01-23 14:11:43
Thanks! ^^

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