Posted by Nature Reserve RP Sign Ups

Bistro [albino 4x
leonid] (#59303)

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Posted on
2016-01-25 04:20:40

Welcome to the Nature Reserve....

You have been taken to the nature reserves. Unwanted by your family, rejected from your pride, you were taken by your king on a long walk over a dirt and stone path that scraped your paw pads, leaving them bleeding and sore. The reserve itself didn't look too bad - a meadow filled with all sorts of lions in all shapes and sizes. But you look closer and notice that something's off. The lions don't look happy here. Their muzzles are raised in snarls, not smiles, and there doesn't seem to be enough food to go around. What's going on here? Shouldn't there be lions that make sure is place is a good place to live?

You look around. Other kings are dropping off their lions here, too. Some look scared. Some are confident. And some... are different.

What will you do? Will you form alliances with those arriving? Will you be a pacifist, or fight for dwindling prey? And will you get to the bottom of what is happening in the former utopia?


1. No god modding, etc.
2. Follow Lioden rules.
3. Please, make it literate.
4. Use proper grammar and spelling.
5. You must ask permission before killing a character.
6. Gore is fine. Make your attacks an attempt, not an insta-kill.
7. Wait for 2 people minimum to post after you make a post. We don't want this to turn into a 1x1.
8. Put the character you're RP'ing as at the top of each RP post.
9. Only as many characters as you can handle.

Chat thread is here
RP is here

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Edited on 26/01/16 @ 13:51:51 by Khellandros 🍷Double Rosette (#59303)

Bistro [albino 4x
leonid] (#59303)

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Posted on
2016-01-25 05:00:56


Name of Character:
Appearance (clicky link to wardrobe or an actual lion)

Keep in mind that a lot of young cubs are abandoned at the reserve - this could be a maze-runner like RP, but with lions ;)


Played by Howl:
Dispersus Nix [Nix]
Expulsam [Pulse]

Played by Potato Lord:

Played by me (Khellandros):

Played by Jaykat:

Played by Sheba:

Played by Tabbs:



Dead lions:


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Edited on 26/01/16 @ 17:13:45 by Khellandros 🍷Double Rosette (#59303)

howl ☕ (#78565)

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Posted on
2016-01-25 05:39:16
Name of Character: Dispersus Nix [Nix]
Age: 3 mos
Appearance: clicky link
Personality: Nix is a very happy soul, who is pure of heart. She is indeed very curious, which often gets her into trouble with predators, or even other lions. It is hard for Nix to see the bad in anyone, even the most evil of lions. Being abandoned so early on, she doesn't know how to decipher good from bad, and often blurts out offensive things that she doesn't really realize are offensive.
History: Nix was born under the reign of her father, a terrifying ebony king with crimson eyes. He often threatened Nix and her mother, though never did anything. Not long after Nix's birth, her father was killed and a soft brown king took over, though he was not pleased by Nix's appearance, and so dropped her off at the nearest nature reserve. She has been at the nature reserve for about two weeks, but she is plagued with hunger and is doing horribly on her own.
Other: n/a

Name of Character: Expulsam [Pulse]
Age: 1 yr
Appearance: clicky link
Personality: Pulse is very headstrong and stubborn. He does what he wants when he wants, and this is seemingly his fatal flaw. Not exactly seeing past his own nose, he often stumbles into situations that aren't exactly easy to get out of.
History: Pulse was taken to the nature reserve just before he reached adolescence. As a cub, his personality traits showed up very much so, and because of this his king felt threatened, and therefore took him to the nature reserve.
Other: n/a

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Edited on 25/01/16 @ 13:16:47 by ☣høwl☣ (#78565)

Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2016-01-25 05:40:01

Name of Character:
Swahili for savage, uncouth or poor quality.

1 year old.

Click here.

Shenzi is a frivolous and mean-spirited young male who seems to take a great amount of pleasure in mocking others. His father was a cruel king and though he has never met him it seems many of the brutal lion's less desirable traits have carried over to his son. Rude, presumptuous and fickle, Shenzi isn't exactly the sort you would want to make friends with. For the sake of his own survival he may attempt teaming up with other lions. Whether they will accept him or not is debatable.

Unable to handle his attitude and perhaps a bit fearful of what he might become in adulthood his birth pride dumped him at the reserve much to his mother's distress.


Name of Character:
Swahili for Heal.

1 year old.


This is one of my own lions, just sex changed.

Sweet and kind. Kupona is a patient adolescent and perhaps a bit more mature than some might be at her age. She is very goal driven, but this could be her undoing as when she focuses in on a task she doesn't notice much else. Kupona is what many would call a 'bleeding heart' and often goes out of her way to try and help others.

Kupona was in training to become a healer and might have excelled in it if given the chance. Unfortunately her pride was quite large and needed to downsize. Not considered worth keeping around by her king, she was sent here.


Name of Character:

2 years old.

Click here.

Bitter and spiteful. Rory is uncertain how she ended up here when clearly she is a lioness of the highest quality. She is a rather vain thing and quite snarky, it is doubtful she will gain herself many friends with her attitude, but she is determined to make the best of her situation. She will find a suitable mate. She will become a queen, and someday when her new pride is ready she will leave the reserve to track down her traitorous king and slay him for the wrong he has done her.

She grew up in a pride that put a lot of stock on battle skills and is thus a fairly efficient fighter. She certainly knows how to take care of herself and will likely do better in this horrid place than some of the younger lionesses. While well-fed and in peek condition Rory still has a somewhat rough and ragged look to her that suggests she is not one to be mindlessly trifled with.

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Edited on 26/01/16 @ 13:04:03 by Potato Lord (#33076)

Hex (#41384)

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Posted on
2016-01-25 06:01:42
Name of Character: Core

Gender: Female

Age: 9 Months

Appearance: Link Without décor and mutation As an adol without décor and mutation As an adult without décor and mutation As an adult with décor without mutation

Personality: Core is a very sarcastic, spunky young cub who always puts herself out there. She buts heads with most lions, but can get along with a select few who understand that her comments should not be taken to offense. She always speaks her mind, and is usually quite blunt. She doesn't generally think before she speaks, which leads to some hostility.

History: Core was the apple of her mother's eye. Feather paid every little mind to her young daughter, always giving her the best. But the king resented her. Feather had gone behind the king's back to be with another male... And the king couldn't stand to have the cubs in his pride. It wasn't long before the king made the trip to take them to the Nature Preserve. Core's two siblings didn't survive the trip, but the little two-tailed lioness did. She's been at the Nature Preserve for a few days now and has yet to warm up to anyone.


Name of Character: Muuaji (Meaning "Murderer" in Swahili)

Gender: Male

Age: 1 year 5 months

Appearance: Link Adult

Personality: Muuaji is a very calm, level-headed lion in most situations, but shows no mercy to those who pick on cubs. He isn't "evil", but doesn't mind fighting or killing. He enjoys playing with cubs but stays well away from adult male lions. He is quite the flirt, though is often brushed off for his attempts. He doesn't talk about anything that happened to him before he came to the Reserve, leaving any lions who would otherwise question him to wonder about his scars and cold exterior.

History: The young cub never meant for it to happen. It just... He couldn't control it. He and his brother were playing by the river, doing what cubs do. It was Muuaji's fault they were there in the first place; he'd convinced his brother that it'd be fun. A large male lion whom they'd always assumed was their uncle padded out from behind a bush to ask them what they were up to. They replied with the usual "Playing!". Then Destiel asked them if they wanted to play a new game. Being cubs, they full-heartedly agreed. Destiel smirked, and told them that if they could balance on that log in the river he'd give them more food than they'd ever eat (being cubs, they were always looking for a meal). They pushed and shoved each other trying to be the first on the log, but Muuaji's brother was bigger and made it first. He jumped on right after, but by that time Destiel was no where in sight. They sat patiently for a few moments... But then the "log" moved. They let out a couple of high-pitched screams as the crocodile shook them from it's back and into the swift waters. It had killed his brother before Muuaji had even hit the water. Muuaji was terrified as well as devastated over the loss of his brother; they'd been closer than any siblings, the lionesses had said so themselves. The crocodile had begun to swim towards him when a figure rushed over the bank of the river; Daemon! His pride's prince! Before he'd managed to get him out, the crocodile had done some damage... But nothing too serious. He'd live, anyway. His mother blamed him for his brother's death and changed his name from Mawingu - meaning sky - to Muuaji. Muuaji, however, swore revenge on Destiel. He decided there was only one thing for him to do; dethrone him. That changed when Muuaji's mother convinced the pride's king to send the cub off to the Nature Preserve. Muuaji protested, of course. He just *had* to get back at the killer of his brother. Not that he could admit that to the king. The cub was taken anyway, and he grew much colder and distant than when his brother had been killed.

Other: While Destiel wasn't the direct killer of Muuaji's brother, he still blames him and wants nothing more than to kill the lion. He will likely want to be a savior to any cub in distress due to that fact that he couldn't save his brother.

I hope that these two are okay ^^; The second lion is actually likely to become the heir on my side account so the appearance I linked is what I plan for him to look like c:

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Bistro [albino 4x
leonid] (#59303)

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Posted on
2016-01-25 06:19:19
Thanks, adding you guys.

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Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2016-01-25 06:32:21
Thank you! I finished my bios. :)

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Bistro [albino 4x
leonid] (#59303)

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Posted on
2016-01-25 06:39:42
I've made the RP thread. Here it is. You may begin the RP *curls up to watch* I'll be making my own character soon.

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Lady Calla N. Of
Winterfell (#76766)

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Posted on
2016-01-25 06:41:50
Can I reserve a spot? I have terrible internet here, so it might take me awhile to make my form/forms.

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Bistro [albino 4x
leonid] (#59303)

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Posted on
2016-01-25 06:42:11
No problem.

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Bistro [albino 4x
leonid] (#59303)

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Posted on
2016-01-25 07:10:01
I'm jumping in here with a character of my own.

Name of Character: Stranger

Age: 1 year

Appearance: Clicky

Personality: Stranger's personality is interchangeable and fluid. He can become friendly, terrifying or clumsy at will. Stranger chooses to be what he thinks will work the most to his benefit. One could say that he is a master actor. His true self, however, is clever and calculating, but very irresponsible. He is not bloodthirsty, but quick to kill others, and isn't afraid of eating from ... peculiar sources of meat when the prey is scarce.

History: Stranger was born in Hannibal's pride, a place known for its high standards of lions. Without the markings that the king wanted, and male to boot, Stranger was slated to be killed as soon as he was weaned. Hannibal didn't bother giving him a name - after all, there was no point in wasting your breath on a mere cub that was soon to be killed. However, his mother Tsuna didn't want Stranger to be sentenced to the same fate that all her other cubs had faced. She believed in the potential of her son's lavender eyes and speckled coat, no matter what the king said. She snuck him off to the nature reserve the week before he was to be killed, not knowing what a state the reserve was in. There, Stranger acquired his name.

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Hiamovi (Dragon
Decor Master) (#73407)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2016-01-25 20:44:38
Name of Character: Shapa
Age: 3 years
Appearance (clicky link to wardrobe or an actual lion): Shapa
Personality: Shapa is an evil and bloodthirsty lion, many times bullying the weak and often killing for joy. He hates cubs of others, and often tries to fatally wound or even murder them brutally. He enjoys the cries of the poor lions as they fall before him, and is ruthless in his ways, killing them in terrible, torturous ways.
History: You can't blame him for being evil, as it is in his blood. You see, he is the son of the infamous Dr. Lecter, well known for being the most evil lion in the world. One fateful day, his evil took over his body, and he murdered the precious son of his brother, Shuman, who fortunately was not as bad as his sibling. Angered, Shuman banished him from the pride, but due to the blood ties they had, he sent Shapa to the nature reserve instead of killing him, and there is where he lives the rest of his life now.
Other: He isn't really sent to the nature reserve out of my den, just thought maybe he could have a story like this?

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Edited on 26/01/16 @ 07:37:18 by Hiamovi (Dragon Decor Master) (#73407)

Sáracen (#52208)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-01-26 03:21:07
Name of Character: Selcar
Age: 1 year
Appearance Clicky
Personality: Arrogant (Snarky)
History: As a youngling, Selcar had often been laughed at, and glanced upon, and whispered at. He had his weird looks to thank for that; in Azaren's politics of getting rid of the liosn that did not match his standards, he stuck out in the crowd, not in uniqueness, but unappalling markings. As a kid, he pleaded the king to change his looks, but he was met with stubborn urges to accept himself. Needless to say, he was never truly happy there, but it was a home, if nothing else.
Selcar stayed in king Azaren's pride until he was old enough to start a pride himself, or to be taken into another pride. however, nobody seemed to want Sarcar, not even with a magical drink his father would feed to some of his brothers. He remembered watching Azaren take the lion into a secluded space in the center of the dens. When the pridemate came back the next day, they would look flustered, embarassed and wary, and their just growing manes had been gone. He had promised himself never to touch that liquid, and thus, none seemed to want him. Of course, he had always been angry at the so-called good king for wanting him gone, and never missed an opportunity to call him out on it. Of course, the king was patient, and would tell him that if he could just watch his temper, he would make a fine king one day. It only served to make Selcar angrier. And earlier that day, he had crossed the line by challenging the king to a round of rough sparring; he was still limping, blood trickling from minor wounds not yet healed. However, it pleased him to see the scar that ran the length of Azaren's annoyingly kind face.
"We're here." Selcar looked up from the ground grudgingy, and his heart thumped at what he saw.
"I- you can't just-"
"Good bye, Selcar. this is where i leave you." Selcar felt a weak pressure to his forehead, and when he opened his eyes, the king's brown back was leaving him quickly, tail swinging behind him.
"And you call yourself kind!" He shrieked after him, but it was no use- The king was gone.

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Bistro [albino 4x
leonid] (#59303)

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Posted on
2016-01-26 03:22:50
Thank you, adding; go ahead and post in the RP.

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Sáracen (#52208)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-01-26 03:26:10
yay! :D

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Mots - RP Loved (#5378)

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Posted on
2016-01-26 03:37:02
I might do this one... Just a little hesitant since I tend to be ignored in multi player RPs. And I see two people that I used to RP with, or didn't want to RP with me for some reason. So it would be awkward.

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