Posted by Shipping Hills (The Shipping RP)

Hyena Hubby (#48707)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-01-27 11:20:13
The title says it. Choose a shippin, out of ANY game, TV show, Cartoon, Anime, Book, Fanfic or even your own shipping!


-You can have as many characters or shippings as you can handle!

-Your bachelors cant be couples with eachother)

-Dont be rude or attack other people's shippings. Everyone has their own likes.

-Be nice

-All Lioden Standart rules

-If you dont have a a Bachelor and go find someone, you little-lovebird!

-Have fun!

(in case you have a shipping)

Shipping: -can be either a mixed name or a - X - name- (Ex: Ashcourge or AshfurXScourge)


Personalities: (individual)

Where does your couple live?: (a house, a department, the street, etc.)

Been together for:

(In case youre a Bachelor)






Come alonng and enjoy the shippings!!!

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Edited on 04/02/16 @ 16:31:53 by obviously not a Mangle fan (#48707)

Honey, Lord of the
Lesbians (#55910)

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Posted on
2016-02-04 10:22:32
Oh yes. Spreading the homo vibes <33333

(Gonna make dis bishhh a bachelor. I shipped her with with all sorts of man and ladies. She is a favorite Disney character of mine despite a lot people hating her movie xD )

Name: Elsa

Appearance: Queen Elsa


Though she can be introverted at times, she is very friendly. She has her mischievous moments as well.

She is fun loving, often going ice skating when she can.
Elsa remains quite mellow and calm and enjoys conversation with others when she feels lonely.

Crush: None at the moment(Open)

Home: Two bedroom house, lives alone for now. Uses spare room as a guest room.

If anyone else is making a bachelor, I'd be totally down for a FxF pairing. Mainly comfortable with those.

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Edited on 04/02/16 @ 17:33:34 by Honey, Lord of the Lesbians (#55910)

Hyena Hubby (#48707)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-02-04 10:28:43
Shipping: Fredtrap (Freddy X Springtrap )

Image: PFFFT (There's literally NOT one single pic of Fredtrap in the internet...Im raging)

Personalities: RP

Where does your couple live?: a Department in New York (close to Stash, i guess)

Been together for: 2 years

Freddy- Seme
Springtrap- Uke

(cuz the uke is always bipolar :v)

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Hyena Hubby (#48707)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-02-04 10:30:13
Awesome, hunny! youre in too :3 Just waiting for you, Alpha!

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Hyena Hubby (#48707)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-02-04 10:32:43
Image and video hosting by TinyPic

I've been doing this for like...half an hour ago :v

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~Kiannia~ (#27008)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-02-04 10:37:41
Shipping: Remy Hadley x Robert Chase


Remy Hadley (Thirteen)

Thirteen is level headed, bright, enthusiastic and generally not afraid to speak up when she thinks she is right. Her intelligence tends to mean that she's generally right, hence how she got to be such a high level doctor. She has good relationships with patients and it is shown she isn't as judgemental as her colleagues when it comes to drug-using patients. This could be attributed to her own history of drug use. She has deliberately kept the details of her life guarded, preferring to go by her assigned applicant number, 13, even after she was hired. Her good relationships with her patients is due to her close relationship with her father, sadly her mother died when she was young due to a degenerative disease. She likes to use her applicant number as her name as it gives her a façade, meaning others won't probe into her difficult past with her mother or about the fact she's bisexual.

Robert Chase (Chase)

Chase believes in taking advantage of every situation. His job is the most important thing in his life, and he will do whatever he thinks he needs to keep it. On the outside, Chase appears as a somewhat vain person, who puts a lot of stock into how he looks and presents himself. Although he does care about materialistic things like nice clothes and a neat appearance, his inner values run much deeper. Chase enjoys being around children and will often unintentionally forge a connection with his younger patients. Chase has a wicked sense of humour. His laid-back Aussie background means he can find humour in things others don’t always see. Chase enjoys a carefree social life. When he feels like it, he likes going out for a few drinks, or frequenting nightclubs to let his hair down after his tough and long hours at work. Though at other times, he’s just as satisfied to stay home and watch television and eat pizza. Chase likes to have a good laugh, and is not opposed to teasing people for his own amusement. He just doesn't like being on the other end of it. Chase just wants to be recognised as a good doctor and to help his patients the best way he knows how, even if his tactics can sometimes be an underlying mechanism to protect himself.

Where does your couple live?:

Been together for: Together for 3 years, married for 1 year and 6 months.

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Hyena Hubby (#48707)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-02-04 10:42:42
Cool! In ya go, Kiannia <3

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~Kiannia~ (#27008)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-02-04 10:46:54
Thank ya, I feel like I'm not in the same fandoms as many people xD

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Hyena Hubby (#48707)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-02-04 10:47:36

Now lets get this party STARTED!! *flees to RP thread*

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crabs (#66622)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-02-04 10:57:26
I'm so slow.... Help

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Hyena Hubby (#48707)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-02-04 11:09:25
C'mon alpha! dont worry, it doesnt have to be perfect, just CUTE AS HELL

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G4 Ferus (#66355)

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Posted on
2016-02-04 11:39:33
Did my forms, all on my other post on page 1.

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crabs (#66622)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-02-04 11:48:04
I DID IT?! Are you proud of me? ;7;

NOTE:; Art belongs to me. Please don't claim as your own or use without my permission.



Shipping: Romerica { America x Romano/South Italy }

Personalities: America is a cheerful, energetic and somewhat conceited male who is obsessed with heroes, justice, and pride. He has the habit of sticking his nose into everyone's business, which causes him to have difficulty making friends. He loves food, to the point of obsession, and can even eat strange and inedible things. America is also known for not being aware of how "the atmosphere" is when he's around others, but it has been noted that it is not that he lacks the ability to "assess the situation", he simply chooses not to. On multiple occasions when calm or serious, America can become very logical, reading further into things than he usually would, and actually reading the atmosphere. He possesses an above average amount of strength. Aside from being afraid of ghosts, he also fears of losing ones close to him. As America is obsessed with heroes and happy endings, he hopes that his future will be that way.

Romano is friendly and kind to females, but is strict and less social to men. Despite appearing to be tougher than the rest, he is just as cowardly and ineffectual, if not more so. He's stubborn and has actually been described as being quite timid. Though he is not very skilled with his paws, it is said that he is a good pickpocket. He is also somewhat vulgar, often calling others "idiot"s or ending his sentences with a word translatable as "damn it". As a kitten, he often slacked off and slept when it came to playtime; he was rather clumsy when he actually tried to play games. It is revealed that Romano is actually a hard worker in modern times, according to others, Romano is "a male who can do what he puts his mind into".

Now these two are complete polar opposites. This makes others wonder how they even became a couple. Well, it's simple. The two cats both understand the other and their troubles in their past. They can easily comfort the other and even support the other when in need. America is the spiritual and upbeat half while Romano is the more mature and snappy. They are like yin and yang, they balance each other out.

Where does your couple live?: in a house their owners live in together

Been together for: a pretty long time. Since they were pretty young. England and Spain decided to let them meet each other and it was young love.

Fandom: Hetalia {Neko AU}

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Edited on 04/02/16 @ 18:49:24 by Alpha Ice (#66622)

G4 Ferus (#66355)

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Posted on
2016-02-04 11:50:09
Omg Hetalia!!!!!! I hugely ship him with Spain though! ^*^

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crabs (#66622)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-02-04 11:51:39
I ship everyone with Romano that's a gay ship except Spamano. Just like USUK, I just can't ship it no matter how hard I try.

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G4 Ferus (#66355)

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Posted on
2016-02-04 11:52:35
It makes sense friend! I know what you mean.

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