Posted by wild horse RP [sign ups]

For never, forever (#61889)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2016-01-29 11:57:10
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Welcome, To the herd lands!

so Ive had a huge obsession over horses for like...Ever. So I thought this would be really fun! C:

RP Rules:
~no being mean/rude/insulting OOC
~no mating/birthing roles please, at least on the thread, you must use pm if you wish to do this.
~No forced mating unless the other person has agreed to it, you must also use pm for this.
~ No magic please, try to keep most parts of it realistic.
~All breeds of horses excepted
~Please do not discriminate other people or their characters OOC
~ update you can have as many characters as you believe you can handle C:

The Herds:
~The royals: respected by all herds, one of the most powerful herds in the herd lands, Friendly with everyone whom accepts them.
~The Scouts: liked by most other herds, horses are fast and lean always on their feet, most of the fastest horses are born to that herd.
~The warriors: Strong and well built horses mostly, never run from a fight and are always the ones to leap into a battle that isn't their's, liked by some herds and untrusted by the others, but not out-right hated.
~The Bachelors: Nothing special about the horses, they can come and go as they please and are liked by all other herds, they have few rules and are very laid-back most of the time.
~Loners: I think you get the gist. XD

~lead stallions and lead mares do not have to be mates, unless both people are okay with it, I personally like to create relationships throughout the RP, but then again i don't really care and I prefer to go with what the other player is wanting XD. you can also request to reserve a role for your mate to be found in the RP (like if you are taking lead stallion you can reserve the lead mare to be found out in the RP if you would like)

Herd rules/traditions:
~ every two months all the horses come to an area of peace and exchange news, talk to distant friends, stuff like that. During this time all of the leaders meet to discuss, well, anything they need to discuss XD and news can be shared by them if they call the attention of all the horses in the meeting place.
~Lead stallion's and Lead mare's word is law
~Horses are forbidden to fall in love with a horse from another herd, but you can break this rule, as long as you are ok with the punishment that follows if you get caught, being removed from the herd.
~You can switch herds, though it is not very usual for horses to do that.
~Lead mares and stallions can change the rules, usually with the okay from the other leaders.
~If you break any rules, you must answer to your lead stallion.

If you have any questions feel free to ask CX


Breed (if needed/wanted):
family (if any):
Theme song (if wanted):
romantic interest:

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Edited on 30/01/16 @ 22:01:02 by For never, forever (#61889)

For never, forever (#61889)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2016-01-29 11:57:34
The royals
Lead stallion:
~Zeus (for never, forever (#61889)
Lead Mare:
~ Falyn (Calla N.<< Legolas's Girl (#76766)
Second stallion in command:
Second mare in command:
~Renegade (Shy**BSS** (#51494)
~ Lloyed (Kitsune (#65262)
~ Amaryllis (BlazeRed <3Loki's Gal<3 (#27478)
~Eerie (Allie (#54173)
~Kaida (Nishinoya (#40834)
~Kail (JadeFeather (#27167)

The Scouts:
Lead stallion:
~Quillon (BlazeRed <3Loki's Gal<3 (#27478)
Lead Mare:
~ will be discovered in RP)Reserved for Quillon's future mate :D
Second stallion in command:
~Flagler (Kingpin (#10912)
Second mare in command:
~Delilah (for never, forever (#61889)
~Lucinda (maiara (#30780)
~Maja (LettuceKing)
~Vega (Noka the Horse Mama! (#10060)
~Cyrus (BlazeRed <3Loki's Gal<3 (#27478)

The warriors:
Lead stallion:
~ Alexander (Dvojka (#3704)
Lead Mare:
~Nyx (JadeFeather (#27167)
Second stallion in command:
~Azorth (LionTamer 😇 [A.A.R.] (#66075)
Second mare in command:
~Morire Amore (Iris (#78773)
~Octavia (🐘Joy🐘 (#65142)
~Jasper, (Noka the Horse Mama! (#10060)
~Janie (Jadefeather (#27167)

The bachelors:
Lead stallion:
~ will be discovered in RP)Reserved for Anahi's future mate :D
Lead Mare:
~Anahi (Noka the Horse Mama! (#10060)
Second stallion in command:
~Andeo (Libette (#44335)
Second mare in command:
~Echo (Sav (#79584)
~Jade (for never, forever (#61889)

The Loners:
~Evota (Midthedragoness (#48000)
~Glory (Libette (#44335)
~Ace (for never, forever(#61889)
~Nami (Sav (#79584)

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Edited on 19/04/16 @ 15:38:15 by For never, forever (#61889)

For never, forever (#61889)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2016-01-29 12:29:44
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The royals
Lead stallion
9.6 years
Breed (if needed/wanted):
Gypsy vanner
Zeus was born into The Royals and has lived there ever since, His Dam was a beautiful mare named Silika, she was the lead mare at the time Zeus was born, And Zeus's Sire, Grouce, was lead stallion. As Zeus aged he became strong-hearted and a natural born leader, He slowly progressed in his herd to become the second stallion in command. Soon after he gained this position, his father died of age. This was a very sad time for Zeus and it made it harder to accept that he was now the lead stallion, His leading techniques slowly became better, and more intelligent choices followed. He is now one of the most respected leaders in the herd lands and has become more self-confident over his years of leading.
Zeus is a strong stallion with a sarcastic personality and a happy smile always glued on his mouth. He is always happy to have company, but he can be strict at the times when it is needed, he is a natural leader at heart and will never be afraid to take charge of any situation. He is not the proper leader that you would expect, strict and unhappy, no, that's not him, he is more like the big push-over who always wants to be around others. He always enjoys a good laugh, but he isn't to afraid show some opposing stallions his position, even if that means he has to throw them to the ground and prove to them that he doesn't mess around. All and All he is a bug Sweet guy who doesn't abuse his power, and he has strong faith in his herd. He would die for his herd.
family (if any):
Dam: Silica (deceased) Sire: Grouce (deceased)
Theme song (if wanted):
Apologize, by Onerepublic X3
romantic interest:
none at the moment (pm me if you want to have your character be in his interest)
He owns a large scar across his withers, due to a cougar that was threatening one of his herd's youngest foals, and he wouldn't have that, nope.


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The Bachelors
6 years
Breed (if needed/wanted):
She was born to a lone mare and as she grew she separated from her dam and joined the bachelors.
Sprightly Mare that always enjoys a fun kick of her heels and a gallop across the closest field. Very active and frisky, loves company, but often she needs time to herself or someone to talk to alone. Fairly self-confident. Quite skilled, young, mare. Enjoys all seasons and loves to race her closest friends. doesnt like to see anyone get hurt, has a huge heart. Very sweet and fun to be around, sometimes she gets herself into trouble while she is out exploring.
family (if any):
Theme song (if wanted):
E pro, by Becks
romantic interest:
none at the moment (pm me if you want to have your character be in her interest)
she WILL want to race you........ >:|


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The Scouts
8 years
Breed (if needed/wanted):
Fox Friesian
She was born to The Scouts and has grown to become a beautiful scout that dreams of a foal.
Very calm and sometimes quiet mare, enjoys nature and everything about it, kinda a nerd. not very self-confident at all, is stressed quite often, is considering becoming a medic so she can study plants and such, while not looking so weird as she thinks she does. She is always grateful if you say something positive to/about her, that's how she gains her closest friends, is not the most confiedent and brave mare of the herd either, though she is very strong and skilled.
family (if any):
Dam: Allia (deceased) Sire: unknown
Theme song (if wanted):
Mad world by Alex parks X3 this song is so perfect for her! XD
romantic interest:
none at the moment (pm me if you want to have your character be in her interest)
you can really gain her trust by believing in her and being kind to her.

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Edited on 30/01/16 @ 09:28:16 by For never, forever (#61889)

。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)

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Posted on
2016-01-29 15:02:40

[Picture Source]
:Name Pronunciation:
Lead Stallion
9 Years, 4 Months
Quarter Horse [Blue Roan]
"The American Quarter Horse is an American breed of horse that excels at sprinting short distances. Its name came from its ability to outdistance other horse breeds in races of a quarter mile or less; some have been clocked at speeds up to 55 mph (88.5 km/h)"
-Taken from Wikipedia
Quillon was born as a lone horse, and his mother told him that his father had abandoned them when he found out she was having a foal. He was quite happy as a lone horse, but eventually, his mother became very sick and passed away. Without his mother, Quillon was lonely, so he went off in search of a herd. Eventually, he stumbled upon the Scouts herd, and he fit right in. He eventually gained the trust of the Lead Stallion, who made him second in command. The Lead Stallion was old at that time, and he soon died, leaving Quillon in charge of the herd.
His mother is deceased, and he never knew his father. He has no siblings
Quillon is a brave horse that is very loyal to his herd, he'd do anything for them. He is a very charismatic leader, and knows how to keep a large group under control. He tries to stay calm and is confident in his leading. He's a bit stubborn, though, and doesn't like it when others question his leading. He isn't very focused on finding a mate at the moment, but he likes strong mares that know how to take care of themselves, since he believes that mares that always count on stallions to save them are pathetic, and are a burden on the herd. He likes to keep his herd hidden, and he stays well away from the other herds: they don't bother him, and he doesn't bother them. That's the way he likes it. He is friendly at first, but if you threaten his herd, he'll become cold and mean to you in a split-second.
:Theme song:
Sure Fire Winners - Adam Lambert
:Romantic interest:
Maja [Eventually]



[Picture Source]
:Name Pronunciation:
6 Years, 6 Months
Akhal Teke [Silver]
"The Akhal-Teke is a horse breed from Turkmenistan, where they are a national emblem. They have a reputation for speed and endurance, intelligence, and a distinctive metallic sheen. The shiny coat of palominos and buckskins led to their nickname "Golden Horses"."
-Taken from Wikipedia
Amaryllis was born into the Royals Herd, everyone thought she was a normal mare, but as she grew up she became a bit crazy, and one day she pushed her own mother into a river and watched her drown. Her father saw this, but Amaryllis threatened him, saying that if he told anyone he'd suffer the same fate as her mother. So he kept quiet, and the herd just assumed that her mother had accidentally fallen in the water. She constantly threatened her father everyday, slowly driving him insane. One night, he couldn't take it anymore, and he ran away from the herd. The herd was curious as to why he left, but Amaryllis just told everyone that he went insane with grief for her lost mother, and it seemed like most of the horses were convinced by her story.
Her mother is deceased and she has no idea where her father went [Anyone can feel free to RP her father, but keep in mind that he'd have to be a purebred Akhal Teke and that he's a loner.]
"So what if I'm crazy? The best people are."
Amaryllis always seems happy and friendly, a convincing facade that rarely ever slips. On the inside, however, she has quite twisted thoughts, and is crazy. She doesn't get close to others very easily, but once she does, she'll be extremely protective over them. She's good at lying and making up stories, and had managed to get away with several things; including the murder of her own mother. When she's alone, she often talks to herself, and she can say quite horrible things, but around others she seems normal. She tries to be very careful about what she says to other horses, but sometimes she might accidentally let something slip out of her mouth. Even though she seems insane, she is capable of feeling emotions, and has even fallen in love before. He was a loner, though, and he abandoned her, making her too afraid to ever have feelings for anyone again.
:Theme song:
Mad Hatter - Melanie Martinez
:Romantic interest:
None [PM me if interested]



[Picture Source]
Scout Herd
8 Years, 5 Months
Dutch Warmblood [Bay]
"A Dutch Warmblood is a warmblood type of horse which governs the breeding of competitive dressage and show jumping horses, as well as the show harness horse and Gelderlander, and a hunter studbook in North America. Developed through a breeding program that began in the 1960s, the Dutch Warmbloods are some of the most successful horses developed in postwar Europe."
-Taken from Wikipedia
Cyrus was born in a herd full of aggressive and strong horses. All of the horses there were good at fighting, except for Cyrus. It was clear when he was a foal that he wasn't the best fighter, since when he was playing with the other male foals it seemed like he was the weakest. His parents noticed this, but they just hoped he'd get better as he grew up. When he reached maturity, his father decided to give him some training. He tried very hard, but fighting just wasn't his thing. The other horses in the herd would tease him, so he spent most of his time away from others, studying herbs and how to help injured horses. One day he was kicked out of the herd, the other horses claiming he was useless. So, he ran off, finally coming upon the Scouts Herd one day. The horses there found use of his knowledge of herbs, and he was allowed to stay in the herd as a Medic.
Cyrus isn't the most social of horses, thanks to all the teasing from his last herd. He's quiet, and spends a lot of time away from the other horses. Even though it may seem like he doesn't like the herd that much, he's actually very loyal to it, and is thankful that the horses there appreciate his skill with healing. He may not be the best fighter, but if someone is being picked on, he'll stand up for them. He has a hard time trusting others, and it takes a long time to befriend him. You need to be careful when talking to him, because if you ask him something too personal he'll snap at you and walk away. He may not seem like a very friendly horse, but if someone's hurt, he'll do everything in his power to make them feel better.
He has no siblings, and he'd rather not speak of his parents
:Theme song:
Still trying to find one
:Romantic interest:
None, he's more interested in his role as a Medic at the moment

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Edited on 05/02/16 @ 20:20:07 by BlazeRed <3Loki's Gal<3 (#27478)

For never, forever (#61889)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2016-01-29 15:05:19
oki! X3 thanks!

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{Side} (#48000)

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Posted on
2016-01-29 15:17:31
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Name: Evota

Herd: none

Rank: loner

Age: 5 years, 8 months

Gender: mare

Breed: Appaloosa

Bio: Evota was originally born in a herd from a distant place, and was the only child of the lead stallion and mare, her mother dying giving birth to her. Her father wasn't the best leader, though, and had actually gotten rid of the previous lead stallion and forced the herd to stay, or the punishments would be severe. Breeding with Evota's mother was the only way to produce and heir, and was actually glad she had died during the birthing process, as he thought it would make it easier for him to corrupt Evota to be like him. However, Evota saw the faults of her father, and was often rebellious, eventually running away during an attack by wolves. She has been wandering by herself ever since, not really wanting to join a herd, even though it was safer.

Personality: As Evota had grown up without her mother, and in a herd that was strict and had no other foals, along with her father constantly 'training' her, Evota never gained any social skills. In doing so, Evota is seen as quite cold, rude, and sometimes bossy and overbearing. Gaining quite a lot of traits from her father, she is easy to anger and quick to judge. She has a protective and motherly side, which she gained from her mother. She is intelligent and quite strong, having more strength than the average mare but still not enough to overpower a stallion. She can be extremely stubborn and curious, which often leads to her getting into trouble.

family (if any):
Father: dead
Mother: dead
Siblings: none

Theme song (if wanted): Just Like You - Three Days Grace

romantic interest: None [feel free to PM me]

Other/Extra: None

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Edited on 05/02/16 @ 16:56:26 by Midthedragoness (#48000)

。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)

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Posted on
2016-01-29 16:42:55
Finished my forms! ^_^

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For never, forever (#61889)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2016-01-29 16:52:28
All horses accepted so far! :D really pretty pictures!

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{Side} (#48000)

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Posted on
2016-01-29 17:08:20
Finished my form.

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For never, forever (#61889)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2016-01-29 17:11:27
I love her C: accepted!

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{Side} (#48000)

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Posted on
2016-01-29 17:18:34
Thank you c:

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For never, forever (#61889)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2016-01-30 02:24:00
No problem CX

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Teddy Broosevelt (#3704)

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Posted on
2016-01-30 04:47:01
I'd like to reserve the lead stallion slot in the Warriors herd, if I may?

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For never, forever (#61889)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2016-01-30 04:55:24
Go for it!, thanks for joining! CX

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Teddy Broosevelt (#3704)

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Posted on
2016-01-30 05:12:34
Thanks! And You're welcome. :3

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Teddy Broosevelt (#3704)

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Posted on
2016-01-30 05:30:09
Appearance: Click
Name: Alexander (Do not call him Alex, he will get mad.)
Herd: The Warriors
Rank: Lead Stallion
Age: 8 Years
Gender: Stallion
Breed: Poitevin (16 HH)
Bio: His history is eventful but pretty much not surprising, given his nature and his herd and rank in that herd. However, he was not the first lead in the herd, and thus, has not created it. He usurped the herd's creator, in a ceremonial fight, and won the title of lead stallion. The herd's first lead was his father, which makes things a bit strange with the older mare's in the herd. However, no ill-will is held by them, or so he is lead to believe. Alexander now leads the herd true to his father's design. Nothing much has changed, Alexander is his father's son, right down to the letter.
Personality: Alexander is a good guy, but he is excitable, reckless, and has a rather short fuse. His reputation for fighting and womanizing proceeds him, but it is well known that he is a fault. If he wants it, he goes after it. He is boisterous and seemingly always happy. (More of his personality, will be discovered through RP.)
Family (if any): Many, if not all foals born into the Warriors Herd are his offspring.
Theme song (if wanted): N/A?
Romantic Interest: Hasn't picked a single mare to favor, for now all mare's in his herd are his interests, EXCEPT female offspring (but he chases all offspring that reach 2 years from his herd).
Other/Extra: Nothing Yet! (I'll change this bit, as I see fit.)

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Edited on 30/01/16 @ 13:17:55 by Dvojka (#3704)

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