Posted by the packs of the west, [sign ups]

For never, forever (#61889)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2016-01-31 05:24:57
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Welcome.....These are the pack of the forest, enemies and alliances all around.

RP Rules:
~no being mean/rude/insulting OOC
~no mating/birthing roles please, at least on the thread, you must use pm if you wish to do this.
~No forced mating unless the other person has agreed to it, you must also use pm for this.
~ No magic please, try to keep most parts of the RP realistic.
~All breeds of dogs excepted
~Please do not discriminate other people or their characters OOC
~ you can have as many characters as you believe you can handle C:

The packs:
The thundering paws pack:
This pack is highly respected and considered to be one of the most organized packs.

The Blazing Spirits pack:
This is a rebellious pack of adventurous and strong dogs.

The Shining Moon pack:
This is a pack of well skilled dogs that are lean and swift, not as much strong and forceful.

The High mountain pack:
This pack is built for tough terrain and almost never meets its match when it comes to problems, they are always one their toes and ready for anything.

Loners: you get it XD (dogs with no pack)

Pets: owned by humans

~Alpha males and Alpha females do not have to be mates, unless both people are okay with it, I personally like to create relationships throughout the RP, but then again i don't really care and I prefer to go with what the other player is wanting XD. you can also request to reserve a role for your mate to be found in the RP (like if you are taking lead stallion you can reserve the lead mare to be found out in the RP if you would like) this also goes for Omegas and Betas.

Pack rules/traditions:
~ every two months all the Dogs come to an area of peace and exchange news, talk to distant friends, stuff like that. During this time all of the Alphas meet to discuss, well, anything they need to discuss XD and news can be shared by them if they call the attention of all the dogs in the meeting place.
~Alpha male's and Alpha female's word is law
~dogs are forbidden to fall in love with a dog from another herd, but you can break this rule, as long as you are ok with the punishment that follows if you get caught, being removed from the pack, maybe.
~You can switch packs, though it is not very usual for horses to do that.
~Alpha males and Alpha female can change the rules, usually with the okay from the other Alphas from different packs.
~If you break any rules, you must answer to your Alphas.

If you have any questions feel free to ask CX


Breed (if needed/wanted):
family (if any):
Theme song (if wanted):
romantic interest:

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Edited on 31/01/16 @ 15:39:28 by For never, forever (#61889)

[] Folly (#80040)

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Posted on
2016-02-01 03:39:04
Okay, thanks! My computer is being a butt when it comes to Lioden so I probably won't get to it until later this evening.

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For never, forever (#61889)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2016-02-01 03:43:34
OK XD that's fine

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[] Folly (#80040)

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Posted on
2016-02-01 15:41:48

Name: Fallon
Pack: The Blazing Spirits
Rank: Scout
Age: 2.5 years
Gender: Female
Breed: Finnish Spitz/American Eskimo Dog
Bio: There's not too much to put here. Fallon is a feral dog who has had little interaction with humans. She has been a street dog her entire life, roaming on her own the moment her mother could be rid of her. Watching others in her situation she learned how to steal, lure, bribe and sweet talk her way into the things that she wants - whether it be food or a warm, safe place to spend the night.
Personality: Fallon is a spunky, smart female who is quick to voice her opinion - even when its not necessary or needed. She's a young female who was born and raised on the streets so she is brazen, occasionally reckless, and can be foul-mouthed at times. Her opinion of herself is rather high and she is known to over-estimate her abilities and exaggerate her accomplishments for the sake of a good story. Fallon is wary of other females, preferring the company of males yet at the same time she won't put up with continuous, over-zealous romantic approaches. If pushed too far, Fallon may react aggressively and has found herself in her fair share of scraps. Recently she found her way into Kajjen's pack but only time will tell whether he allows her to stay or not.
Family: None
Theme Song: "Bad Reputation" - Joan Jett and The Blackhearts
Romantic Interest: None
Other/Extra: n/a (that I can think of atm, at least!)

(What is the acceptable level of foul language? She's not horrid, she just curses occasionally.)

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Edited on 01/02/16 @ 22:43:34 by Folly (#80040)

。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)

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Posted on
2016-02-01 20:53:42
Hey there!

I know I've been taking lots of Alpha positions on your roleplays recently, but could I reserve Alpha Female for The Shining Moon Pack? I'm working on the form right now.

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For never, forever (#61889)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2016-02-01 22:04:56
@Blazered, Go for it! C:

@Folly, Fallon approved! :D

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。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)

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Posted on
2016-02-01 22:18:49

Cammi [Meaning "Noble"]
Shining Moon Pack
Alpha Female
4 Years, 2 Moths
Cammi was a pet when she was a pup. Her owners were cruel and often abusive, so she ran away out of fear. Her owners had lived near a forest, and she went there to avoid any other humans. Since she was only a pup, she had no idea how to hunt or fight, and was hungry and afraid when she finally came upon the Thundering Paws Pack. There was a mother there who had recently given birth, but sadly her pup had passed away; so she decided to take Cammi in as her own. She lived a happy life with her new adoptive parents, and she was trained and raised in the Thundering Paws Pack. Even though the dogs there were all very kind to her, she felt out of place there, and the only reason she stayed was because she didn't want to make her parents sad. When she reached the age of two, her mother passed away, her father falling ill shortly after her death. She stayed by her father's side until he also passed away. Now sad and lonely, Cammi finally decided to leave the Thundering Paws Pack. She knew of the Shining Moon Pack because of the gatherings the pack had every two months, and that's where she headed. She was welcomed into the pack, where she worked her way up the ranks, eventually becoming Alpha.
Cammi is usually a very kind a calm dog. She's very intelligent and gives good advice. She likes to talk with her pack-mates and isn't too stubborn; so she's not opposed to taking suggestions from others dogs. Everything she does is what she thinks is best for her pack, and she'd even give her life to save the dogs of her pack if the need arises. She tries to stay on good terms with the other packs, but if they threaten her, she's not afraid to use violence if she needs to. Even though she's not the strongest dog, she uses her speed and wit to win battles. She's sharp-tongued, and knows how to respond to insults. If she shows interest in a male, she can be quite flirty with them. She's very straightforward, which can make her appear rude sometimes, and can get her into trouble, but she really does try not to offend anyone.
Dyani - Adoptive Mother - Deceased
Ziyadah - Adoptive Father - Deceased
:Theme Song:
One Time - Marian Hill
:Romantic Interest:
[This time I won't be reserving Alpha Male for her mate, since I've been taking the Alpha position in Forever's roleplays a lot, and I feel kinda selfish X3. I do want whoever is applying for Alpha Male to PM me with their character's appearance and personality first, though. Then I will decide if they would be a good mate for Cammi. I'm not that picky, I just want to make sure that the character isn't a jerk.]
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Edited on 02/02/16 @ 05:20:38 by BlazeRed <3Loki's Gal<3 (#27478)

For never, forever (#61889)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2016-02-02 00:02:57
Cammi accepted!I love salukis! :D

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Edited on 02/02/16 @ 08:55:11 by For never, forever (#61889)

For never, forever (#61889)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2016-02-03 08:32:29
oh and also Blazered, i don't mind you taking alpha places XD you do play a great alpha anyway! :D

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Ashley (#76639)

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Posted on
2016-02-04 05:04:08
Appearance: i am a black wolf with white circles over her
pack:the blazing spirits
Rank:expecting mother
Breed (if needed/wanted):?
Bio:i am a curious wolf an i no i am expecting pups id put myself on the line to save them
Personality:caring protective
family (if any):the pack id like to be the alpha daughter if not its ok
Theme song (if wanted):nope
romantic interest:im nice an idc id even go with a omega

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Lady Calla N. Of
Winterfell (#76766)

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Posted on
2016-02-04 06:41:33
I've decided that I want to reserve the alpha female position for the high mountain pack. My form will be up soon.

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Edited on 04/02/16 @ 13:41:49 by Calla N.<<Legolas's Girl (#76766)

For never, forever (#61889)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2016-02-04 06:43:11
Amber accepted! And thanks Calla :DDDD

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Ashley (#76639)

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Posted on
2016-02-04 06:43:37
thread link?

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For never, forever (#61889)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2016-02-04 06:45:10
It's not up yet XD sorry it will be soon!

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Lady Calla N. Of
Winterfell (#76766)

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Posted on
2016-02-04 07:14:42
If you would like, forever, I can be an admin for you to help you accept forms. :)

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For never, forever (#61889)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2016-02-04 07:22:14
Actually that would be great! I guess I know you well enough now xD

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