Posted by Elemental Fantasy Lion Signups/InterestCheck

Khoshekh [Main] (#68944)

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Posted on
2016-02-06 04:14:35
Alright so. I kind of wanted to make a fantasy Lion Roleplay. Kinda similar to Warrior Cats. Not exactly the same, but much similar.

But first, some things I'd like to point out:

-I am looking for active, dedicated Roleplayers.
-No Godmodding or Powerplaying. Of you're seen doing either your post will be ignored and you will be asked to change it.
-First come first served.
-That you become a leader does not mean you're Almighty. (As in, Out of character. In character, you could convert your pride into a hell if you'd please.)
-You can have characters that are in relations with eachother. But ASK someone before pairing up with another character.
-Have fun, and keep it friendly for everyone.

Plot ideas: (Open for recommendations. Don't be shy!)

There are four prides. Each are born with a certain element's power. For example, Ice summoning. Fire bending. Ect. Pride rivalries are dictated by the diffrent elements. For example, we can say a water pride and a fire pride. The reason why? Well, element vulnerabilities. Each pride has a unique territory, in whicn only they could survive unless it was not somehow modded into being a place perfect for the diffrent lions. (Ex. Fire pride lives in a charred land. Ice, in a oddly forever-snowing land.)

I still need to think up a plot to put the whole thing in. Perhaps somethinh including a lot of drama? Y'know, bloodshed and all xD

I just want the Rp to be interesting but I want you guys to incorporate into it by putting up plot ideas.

About the Pride kings, we will settle that later.

The prides:

-Ice (Bevrore Pride)

Hail (King)
Frost (?)

-Fire (Vuur Pride)


Shapa (King)
Ember (???)
Lilliana (Huntress)

-Wind (Briesie Pride)


Mwako (Queen/Absolute in Power)

-Earth (Aarde Pride) *Taken but in progress


And yeah. That's pretty much it. As you guys can see, this is one hell of a WIP but it is a Roleplay after all. I will wait for your idea contributions for this.

Thank you!









Story/Any important details:

Sexual orientation:



(Picture of your lion, made in the Lion wardrobe.)


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Edited on 14/02/16 @ 17:59:04 by 💛💀HeartOfGold💀💛 (#68944)

Shy (#51494)

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Posted on
2016-02-09 03:00:11
Name: Mwako

Age: 4 years old

Gender: Female

Rank: Queen

Pride: Wind

Personality: Mwako is a gentle lioness, but does not take disrespect kindly. Her pride means everythingto her and she will do anything to protect it and the members of her pride. Mwako rules with a gentle thumb, giving respect to each individual, the only thing she ask is that you are loyal, and respectful in return.

(Open for anyone wanting to play siblings)

Story/Any important details: Queen of the Wind Pride. She was born into the pride. Her parents the former rulers. She took over command at the age of 3 years old and has been running the pride without out the aid of a king

Sexual orientation: Bisexual (Leans towards males)

Pronoums: She, her, hers

Other: Click for image

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Edited on 09/02/16 @ 10:09:44 by Shy**BSS** (#51494)

|Plushy|Side| (#77112)

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Posted on
2016-02-10 07:44:37
Edit later after school!




Vuur pride

Lilliana is a very smart lioness with a heart of pure gold and fortune. Though Lilliana can be a bit snappy sometimes, she fully understands where her place is. Lilliana is also very shy around others, but she can easily change from that to a true born leader, though she doesn't like to be seen like that. Finally, you can also be friends with Lilliana, for she is open, welcoming, and very friendly.

& angelique

Story/Any important details:
Lilliana wasn't born in her current pride, and before she even came here she was a very happy cub with 3 very friendly sisters. Lilliana always was accepte as a equal in her family, but on a very warm day, Lilliana was with her sisters when 2 grown male lions came over and took them away. The Cubs where treated well, but, they never saw their mother again. Now, the here females live here in the vuur pride, wondering about their pasts.

Sexual orientation:
Lilliana is heterosexual, meaning she is only attracted towards males.

She, her.


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Edited on 13/02/16 @ 13:41:40 by Blizzardy storm (#77112)

Khoshekh [Main] (#68944)

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Posted on
2016-02-10 07:51:54
Okay so.

I was wondering if you guys wanted to start the Roleplay.

Even if we don't have the number of people I waited to have, I don't want you guys to loose interest in the Roleplay.

But that's up to you all.

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I am Sherlocked (#59362)

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Posted on
2016-02-10 07:55:46

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Edited on 10/02/16 @ 15:03:32 by Kira.:StarGazer:. (#59362)

Khoshekh [Main] (#68944)

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Posted on
2016-02-10 08:01:37
*Not here. ^^'

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ZABA (#53989)

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Posted on
2016-02-10 08:07:47
I'm in the process of making a earth pride king and a Vuur lioness. I'll probably finish later tonight.

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Shy (#51494)

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Posted on
2016-02-10 10:02:10
Have I been accepted?

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Khoshekh [Main] (#68944)

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Posted on
2016-02-10 10:02:37

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️☄ (#41910)

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Posted on
2016-02-10 23:58:15
Perhaps wait till the weekend? I think you might be able to get one more user to join then.

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Khoshekh [Main] (#68944)

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Posted on
2016-02-13 02:04:06
Guys, everyone is who Roleplaying as a pride king, I need you to note me down the Pride's territory description (with a Picture that has it's source linked) and the Pride's traditions such.

For example, Fire/Vuur lions wearing armour made of bones for battles and stuff like this. ^^

Thank you~

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Anna (#82289)

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Posted on
2016-02-13 02:09:54






Personality: He is kind towards his pride members. He will be fierce and attack any unwelcome male. He loves cubs and will protect them with everything he has.


Story/Any important details:
None really, he was born and raised in a pride and left because he didn't like how the lionesses were treated.
Sexual orientation:

Pronoums:He, him


(Not sure how to do this part, ima noob.)

Sorry if I did this wrong, if so... Just tell me please.

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Edited on 13/02/16 @ 09:21:11 by Anna (#82289)

Anna (#82289)

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Posted on
2016-02-13 02:12:01
And, I'm not sure how to do the pride territory disc.

Can someone help me?

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Anna (#82289)

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Posted on
2016-02-13 02:14:36
xD, I keep reading through and realizing how badly I screwed up.

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Khoshekh [Main] (#68944)

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Posted on
2016-02-13 02:24:50
Lemme help you c:

First, Family/Kin: refers to any familiars he has. Outside or inside the pride. And such.

For the picture, go to 'Explore' in the game, and click on the scrying stone. There should be something called 'Lion Wardrobe' in there, click that and create your lion.

When you're done, you can post the link on your reference post or screenshot the lion, postthe screenshot to Imgur and post it here.

And about the pride, you can just write down a description for the pride's territory and get a picture that resembles said description to give us all a visual example of it.

Also, you should take on notice the pride was kind of choosen to be the evil one of the four.

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Anna (#82289)

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Posted on
2016-02-13 02:27:05
May I be the king of the Earth pride?

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