Posted by Wingclan : Take to the Sky [RP]

Paladin (#70497)

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Posted on
2016-02-13 13:35:46

Wingclan : Take to the Sky
Tucked away in a thick forest, hidden from peering eyes, lives a world all our own. A quiet place laced with legend and united by lore, Wingclan stands as a monument that was once a totem for the original four clans before they left our forests. Now it's home to a new breed of species of cat "Cattus penniger", or the Feathered Cat, a winged race that could soar above clouds, and could touch even the highest treetops and the lowest canyons. Together we must push and survive those who hope to destroy us, from twolegs, to badgers and foxes, we'll survive since this is our home and we're not going Anywhere!

Our Camp
Leader's Den
Warrior's Den
Medicine Cat's Den
Apprentice's Den
Training Grounds
High Rock

The Clan
Leader :
[Five Seasons played by Me!]

Deputy :
[Three Seasons & Four Moons played by ~Kiannia~]

Medicine Cat :
[Four Seasons played by Miro]

Medicine Cat Apprentice :
[Seven Moons played by Serelin]

Warriors :
[Four Seasons played by Tatsu]
(Apprentice : Eaglepaw)

[Four Seasons and Three Moons played by Sunfire]
(Apprentice : Aspenpaw)

[Four Seasons played by Tatsu]
(Apprentice : Rainpaw)

[Two Seasons & Three Moons played by LunarSkies]

[Two Seasons & Three Moons played by BubbaBitz]
(Apprentice : Fawnpaw)

[Three Seasons & Four Moons played by Bailey]

[Six Seasons & Three Moons played by Serelin]

[Two Seasons & Three Moons played by BubbaBitz]

[One Season & Six Moons played by LunarSkies]

[Two Seasons & Three Moons played by Rogue]

[Two Seasons & One Moon played by Maiara]

[Two Seasons & Six Moons played by KittyDraws]

[Two Seasons and Five Moons played by BanannaTheLion]

[One Seasons and Two Moons played by Castiel]
(Apprentice : Sunpaw)

[Four Seasons and Eight Moons played by Serelin]
(Apprentice : Hailpaw)

Apprentices :
[Eight Moons played by Floptart]
(Mentor : TwilightMist)

[Eight Moons played by Sunfire]
(Mentor : Falconfeather)

[Nine Moons played by KateKat]
(Mentor : Bluebell)

[One Season played by LunarSkies]
(Mentor : Skypool)

[Seven Moons played by Serelin]
(Mentor : Ravendawn)

[Seven Moons played by Treveon]
(Mentor : Fallensky)

[Nine Moons played by Wafflefur ]
(Mentor : Jaggedtooth)

[Six Moons played by Bailey ]
(Mentor : Vixenthroat)

Queens :
[Three Seasons played by Tatsu]

Kits :
[Five Moons played by Zelda]

[One Moons played by Floptart the

[One Moons played by Wafflefur]

[One Moons played by Bailey]

[One Moons played by Me!]

Elders :


:Daily Statistics:
85° Fahrenheit (29° Celsius)
Sunny (Cloudless)
Newleaf (Spring)


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Edited on 02/03/16 @ 09:29:00 by Paladin (#70497)

🌗Pidge🌓 (#49134)

Special Snowflake
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Posted on
2016-02-15 03:02:43
Fallensky | F | Mentions: Eaglepaw and Rainpaw
Fallensky leap gracefully into the air feeling her wings push up she hovered above the apprentices and waited for them to join her. She loved being in the air she felt as if she could do anything. " Are you coming or not?". she called down to the both of them.

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Edited on 15/02/16 @ 10:06:02 by Tatsu (#49134)

castiel ✨ (#19502)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2016-02-15 03:05:56

Jaggedtooth saw Cheetahstrike get worried as the apprentice fought back.."Good job Sunpaw! Now try to get on her back! That's a docs weakness! It's where you dig your claws in its back! Makes them very angry.."He teaes his tail on Cheetahstrike comforting her. don't worry Cheetahstrike it's all right..

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Innalynx (#84158)

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Posted on
2016-02-15 03:27:06
Cheetahstrike | F | Warrior


Cheetahstrike whimpered at Jaggedtooth-- until he mentioned the claws "c-c--c-claw!? no no- n-n-n-o!" she whimpered and backed up; her ears now perked up in alarm and fear. He never said anything about claws until now "I-I-I-I'm not a f-f-f-ff-ox!" she meowed at them, now on all fours, her tail puffed up and lashing from side to side

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kaslinky (#59840)

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Posted on
2016-02-15 03:31:03
Sunpaw | F | mentions Jaggedtooth and Cheetahstrike

Sunpaw nodded at her mentor as she darted back again. With the help of her wings, she sprang onto the spotted warrior's back. Gently gripping onto Cheetahstrike's back, the small apprentice scrambled to get a firm position. "Don't worrry Cheetahstrike! If there was a fox or dog, we could fly and get FAR FAR away from it!" She purred "Although... If you were to roll over now, i'd be doomed." Sunpaw mused to herself.

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🌗Pidge🌓 (#49134)

Special Snowflake
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Posted on
2016-02-15 03:44:59
Sweetheart | F | Mentions: Ravendawn and Blizzardkit.

Sweetheart took what ever Ravendawn gave her and swallowed them. "Ravendawn why are they coming so soon they aren't due till the next full moo-". She was cut of as sudden ripple of pain went through her and a small kit came out.

Falconfeather | F | Mentions: Blizzardkit, Icefeather(dead), Starlingkit, Leafkit and Moonkit

Falconfeather couldn't stop himself from picking up the kit and liking it dry. It was a silver and white tom. ' He looks a lot like my mother, Icefeather I wonder if she'll let me call him Icekit after her'. he thought to him self.
By the end of the birth they had two she-kits and two toms. A little she-kit (the runt of the litter) who's pelt was tortoiseshell who we had named Leafkit, a bit bigger she-kit who was brown/ginger tabby who was named Starlingkit, The silver and white tom who they had named Blizzardkit and finally the largest of the litter a blue-grey tom named Moonkit.

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Treveon (#81932)

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Posted on
2016-02-15 04:09:12
Eaglepaw l M l apprentice l mentions Fallensky // Rainpaw

Eaglepaw watched as Fallensky took to the air. Leaping into the sky, he struggle a bit to get a into the air. But after a few seconds, he was with his mentor. "I'm right here," he said with confidence, looking down at Rainpaw, he added, "Come on Rainpaw! The air is fine."

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Treveon (#81932)

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Posted on
2016-02-15 04:09:12

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Edited on 15/02/16 @ 11:09:32 by Treveon (#81932)

castiel ✨ (#19502)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2016-02-15 04:14:43

Jaggedtooth purred ," Don't worry!" He looked at Sunpaw. "Now imagine it trying to snap at you!" He tensed Cheetahstrike. "I would bite it's ear and claws its eyes as soon as I can! Try by swiping the ears with your paws and her eyes. Claws sheathed"

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KateKat (#77783)

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Posted on
2016-02-15 05:03:00
Female-FawnPaw-(In the camp )

FawnPaw Stretched as she got up from her spot in the clearing. She had woken up hours before then but was to curious to leave camp she wanted to meet the new kits as soon as possible! She gave an excited jump as she neared the nursery she was told to stay away from it for a while since Sweetheart had began kitting, RavenDawn had been busy she expected Owlpaw to be busy to . She gave a bored yawn and wondered where her mentor could be she felt a sudden urge to go exploring outside of camp she stood up and perked up her ears. Where was Bluebell? She thought as her eyes scanned the camp for her mentor.

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Bailysis (#71958)

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Posted on
2016-02-15 07:03:27

Rockshatter | Male | 40 Moons Old | Location: WingClan Territory, WingClan Camp | Mentions: None, Open for Interaction

Rockshatter padded through the woods, enjoying the warm sun on his fur. Yeah, he was supposed to be hunting, but he'll get to that. Now, he just wanted to enjoy the beauty of the day. When he looked up, there wasn't a cloud in the sky. The large tom yawned, ready for a nap. However, he needed to get his hunting on. Turning back to the woods, Rockshatter perked his ears, alert for any sounds from the world around him. He scented the air, sniffing out a mouse to his right. Rockshatter immediately got to the ground, belly fur barely touching the ground. He moved in a semi-circle, so that he was positioned downwind from the mouse. Once he was sure, the tom stalked toward the prey. Wait for it...Now! Rockshatter pounced, feeling his forepaws land on the brown creature. He brought his head down, swiftly killing the mouse. Rockshatter stood, his prey hanging by its tail from his jaws.
Rockshatter was heading back to camp. Every now and then, he would stop to catch a mouse, or whatever crossed his path. By the time he entered the camp, six mice dangled from his mouth. The successful tom trotted to the fresh-kill-pile, proud of himself. He set the mice down, wondering who would take the prey he caught. He walked away from the pile, heading to the warriors' den. Rockshatter sat next to the entrance, starting to groom his fur.

Hailpaw | Female | 6 Moons Old | Location: WingClan Camp | Mentions: Vixenthroat

Hailpaw yawned, stretching in her nest. The day was warm, and she felt very lazy. So far, all she had done was nap, nap and nap some more. Really, she was waiting for her mentor. The apprentice sighed, closing her eyes again. Where was Vixenthroat? Hailpaw twitched her tail, getting excited. I wonder what we're going to practice today. Maybe we can learn some battle moves! Hailpaw smiled. The shecat stood, prancing out of the den. "Vixenthroat?" Hailpaw ran to the warrior's den, poking her head inside. "Vixenthroat? Are you in here?"

Leafkit | Female | 0 Moons Old | Location: WingClan Nursery | Mentions: Siblings, Sweetheart

The tiny Leafkit was born. She squirmed and mewed, looking for food. Being the smallest, she was the slowest of the group, and the last to be able to nurse. Once she got food, though, Leafkit seemed fine. However, she started to have problems a few seconds in. She pulled away from her mother, starting to tremble and shake much more than normal for a newborn kit.

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Edited on 15/02/16 @ 14:04:40 by Bailey (#71958)

~Kiannia~ (#27008)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-02-15 08:17:36

--Mentions: Ashstar
--Location: Training grounds

"Maybe we should start calling you the bird whisperer then, especially if you carry on with such a responsibility" she chuckled. Smoothing some parts of her pelt down with her tongue she saw him come over at a rather quick speed. As he began to check her she flicked him with her tail, an indication to back off. "I'm fine, nothing more than a few cuts that will heal on their own. We moving these nests now or gathering the other nests first?" she asked, wanting to get on with the task. She was happy to be social but this task seemed important, especially for the future food supply for the clan. Her azure eyes scanned the dying tree, trying to pick out any more nests so she could tell about how many were in there.

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Sunfire (#26490)

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Posted on
2016-02-15 10:01:48
Rainpaw | Apprentice | Flying | Mentions Eaglepaw and Fallensky
"Coming!" Rainpaw meowed with a delighted purr, and bounded forward across the camp. With a few broad sweeps of her wings she rose into the air, and kicked off the ground for extra measure. Within moments she was as high as Eaglepaw and Fallensky, and flew excited circles around them. The cool air currents beneath her wings and streaming through her fur felt so good, she wondered why they couldn't just fly all the time. Why even bother with legs?

Skypool | Warrior | Hunting | Mentions Aspenpaw

"Nice catch!" Skypool called to Aspenpaw, pleased with her observation skills and quiet flying, then began a search for his own prey. A fat gray squirrel was foraging in the grass by the roots of a tree on the opposite side of the clearing. Skypool tensed his muscles and flared his wings, ready for flight. Sure enough the squirrel began scrambling up the trunk, a clear shot for the cat hunting it. Skypool leaped off the branch and streaked down towards the squirrel like a white arrow. His front paws hit it square between the shoulders and the claws dug in. Before it had time to squeal he wrapped his jaws around its skull and twisted, snapping its spine easily. His back paws kicked off the trunk and with a few flaps he was airborne again, with the fluffy corpse dangling between his paws. The white and gray tom flew back to Aspenpaw and hovered in the air in front of her "Well done!" he purred. "Let's get one more each before we head home." Thankfully their attacks had been quick enough not to alert the other squirrels, as the noise levels hadn't increased. Even if the squirrels did run its not like they could hide anywhere, he thought with a smile.

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LunarSkies (#66248)

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Posted on
2016-02-15 10:48:08
Aspenpaw||Female||Apprentice||12 Moons||Mentions: Skypool

"Alright." She mewed, before looking around once again. A small movement below her caught her attention, and ahe looked down to see a russet squirrel sprinting to a tree. Dropping her first catch, she spread her wings and dove after the rodent. The squirrel seemed to notice her, and began to speed up, but Aspenpaw gave her wings a few beats to send herself just above the prey. The squirrel had almost reached the tree it had been running for, so the apprentice tucked in her wings, and dropped towards the squirrel. She landed onto power of it, but she hadn't had time to stop herself, so she and the rodent went tumbling. When they finally stopped rolling, the squirrel was limo at her side.

Rowanfang||Female||Warrior||27 Moons||Mentions:Rockshatter

After Rowanfang finished her hunt, she had her thrush, and a vole. With a bored sigh, she took her catches and lazily glided through the trees. She made it just in time to see Rockshatter with quite a few mice dangling from his jaw. Giving him an impressed nod, she dropped her haul off at the fresh kill pile, and padded to the tom. She normally wouldn't approach anyone but she was in a good mood. "That was a very impressive catch." She mewed, sitting besides him.

Littlestride||Male||Warrior||18 Moons||Mentions:Open

*Still sleeping*

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KenjiSnow (#57926)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-02-15 11:59:16
Vixenthroat | Female - Warrior | Location: General Clan Territory --> Clan Camp |Mentions: Hailpaw
(( Skipping a few moments. ))

The she-cat came back to camp with a mouse and a vole, happy that she'd managed to get something without wings. It unnerved her to hunt something so similar to herself, even if it was just wings and feathers. It went deeper for her. Padding into camp, Vixenthroat settled her prey onto the pile and turned to pad back towards the entrance. She was needing to clear her head more, but a faint calling of her name signaled her to stop. She spotted Hailpaw poking her head into the Warriors' Den, lowering her ears at the sight of her newly appointed apprentice.
Vixenthroat didn't have anything against Hailpaw herself, but the warrior was afraid she'd taint or ruin the young she-cat before she even got a tiny bit of her training started. What if she was too harsh? A lot of the clan didn't know her past... A few older warriors her age, the leader, and perhaps the medicine cat... Most apprentices and kits just stayed away from her because she kept them at a distance.

Owlpaw | Male - Medicine Cat Apprentice | Location: Queens' Den --> Camp Clearing| Mentioned: Ravendawn + Fallensky & Sweetheart // Oren for interaction
(( I've lost track of what's going on with Sweetheart; and there is an unmarked post thrown into the mix as well. So I'm just gonna post a small little paragraph. ))

The Apprentice was already in the den prepared for the kitting, and didn't miss a beat as he started to help his mentor fluidly. As the procedure was done, Owlpaw quickly dismissed himself to let Ravendawn take care of the kits. Sighing to himself, the apprentice settled down on a sunny rock in the corner of the camp clearing to clear his head and think in actions over.

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Sunfire (#26490)

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Posted on
2016-02-15 12:18:09
Skypool | Tom | Warrior | Mentions Aspenpaw
While Aspenpaw had been hunting her russet squirrel, Skypool had set his sights on a pair of the rodents that were scurrying about a branch on the neighbouring trees, their long tails high in the air and their chattering voices sharp in his ears. He lightly set his fat gray squirrel on the branch they had first landed on, then on silent wings glided in a wide circle around the grove, before pulling his wings in close to his body like a falcon and shooting over to the pair. One of them set about the alarm and disappeared into a hole. His friend tried to follow him but felt large claws sink into his pelt and lift him from the tree. Skypool brought the squirrel up to his mouth and swiftly dealt the killing blow. He'd plucked him from the branch like a wren picks berries from a bush. The tom glided back to the branch and set the second squirrel down. "How you doing, Aspenpaw?" he meowed down to his apprentice, gazing at her with an amused expression.

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